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Project-Based Learning Rubric for Elementary/Middle School

Learning Rubric
A great companion to any PBL!
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Project-Based Learning Rubric
Below Standard
Launching the
Analyze Driving
Question and Begin
Approaching Standard
At Standard
• I cannot explain what I would • I can identify a few things I • I can explain what I would need to know to be able to would need to know to be able need to know to be able to answer the Driving Question to answer the Driving answer the Driving Question Question • I still need to learn how • I can explain how different another person might think • I can understand that another people might think about the differently about the Driving person might think differently Driving Question Question about the Driving Question • I can ask lots of questions • I still need to learn how to ask • I can ask a few questions about questions about what our what our audience or product audience or product users users might want or need might want or need about what our audience or product users might want or need • I still need to learn how to use • I can use information from • I can use information from Building
information from different different sources to help different sources to help Knowledge,
sources to help answer the answer the Driving Question, answer the Driving Question Understanding, and Driving Question but I may have trouble putting • I can decide if my information Skills:
it together Gather and
• I still need to learn how to think about whether my information is relevant or if I have enough • I still need to learn how to Developing and
Revising Ideas and identify the reasons and evidence an author or Products:
speaker uses to support a • I can think about whether my information is relevant and if I have enough, but I don’t always decide carefully • I can identify some of the reasons and evidence an author or speaker uses to support a point is relevant and if I have enough • I can explain how an author or speaker uses reasons and evidence to support a point that helps me answer the Driving Question Use Evidence and
• I can tell when an idea for a • I still need to learn how to product or an answer to the • I can explain how to decide if decide if an idea for a product Driving Question is a good one, an idea for a product or an or an answer to the Driving but cannot always say why answer to the Driving Question is a good one Question is a good one • I can sometimes use feedback • I still need to learn how to use from other students and adults • I can use feedback from other feedback from other students to improve my writing or my students and adults to and adults to improve my design for a product improve my writing or my writing or my design for a design for a product product Presenting
Products and
Answers to
Driving Question:
• I still need to learn how to explain my ideas in an order that makes sense Justify Choices
point • I can use some facts and details to support my ideas, but they are not always • I still need to learn how to use appropriate and relevant appropriate facts or relevant • I can explain my ideas, but details to support my ideas some might be in the wrong order © Performing in Educa1on, LLC • I can explain my ideas in an order that makes sense • I can use appropriate facts and relevant details to support my ideas Pre-made PBLs for 3rd-5th grade
or click here for Language Arts PBLs
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