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Internal Environment Analysis & Corporate Culture

- extensive review of all the aspects of a company's
operations, internal guidance, and mission
- aspects reviewed: marketing strategy, production
capacity, vision initiative
- covers the climate culture equipment work and
workplace members and mngt mngt practice
- set of elements that define the atmosphere within the
company's structure
- beliefs and behavior that determines how a company
's employees and mngt interact and the way how they
handle outside business transactions
- CULTURE- an actual pattern of shared values and
assumptions about how things are done within an
- TOP-DOWN- difficult to achieve and only happens with
strong leadership; sensitive topic with big corporations has
different deps and large employee base
from large corporations which encompasses the
intercompany as a whole yet with different cultures based
on each deps
- whole cultural value-built
- traditions and practices deeply engraved deeply in the
operation of the company
- govern sentiments, thoughts and behavior of all
- an important element of the core foundation of every
- influenced by national cultures, economic trends,
traditions, International trade, company size, and products
- a way to coordinate tasks, control relationships, and
motivate team members for them to cooperate in achieving
the organization's goals
- Organizational structure also helps your company to
specify how responsibilities and roles are assigned to each
individual in an organization. It also determines how people
communicate with each other and how information flows
between staff and managers
- the company needs to have effective relationships and
a strong organizational structure to motivate team members
to be effective and productive so it creates a system that
promotes creativity and unity between different deps
- what maintains hierarchy, facilitates communications,
and keeps the company running smoothly
-the type of organizational structure used to help
determine the organizational behavior within the company
and its organizational structure that has a huge impact on
how the company is know for -must be designed for highly effective performance
-takes into consideration all the constraints involved with
the organizational structure
-CENTRALIZED STRUCTURE - commu starts from the
top-down mnggt while in DECENTRALIZED STRUCTUREdecision-making power is distributed among various levels
- it is essential for every business to manage its
resources effectively and efficiently
- real-time visibility into their ppl and business resources
to ensure overall success
- prevent risk reducing overall costs, boosting
productivity, improving efficiency, and allow easy reach to
- proper resource mngt
- single info must reach all the ppl from top to bottom to
do their tasks efficiently
- having to direct what ppl can do effectively to utilize
limited resources
External scanning is not enough to provide with a
competitive advantage
- One of the best ways to assessa corporate is to determine
the present state of the individual or employee, the group
or functional unit, and the entirely company.
The analysis of the internal audit will be supported by
findings from personal interviews and survey
The objective of the analysis is to determine how corporate
culture affects the formulation and adoption of proposed
The range of issues and concerns to be assessed andand
evaluatedry from business to business.
- retain values, it is important to promote teamwork that
requires creating a ...
- analyze current corporate culture for it is helps u to take
steps to shape the direction of the future
- lack of awareness on the alignment with the prospective
customers could be a major roadblock to attaining
outcomes that both parties desire
- fail because vision ideas are not translated to daily
- due to a lack of focus, organizations become overly
involved in training and improvement activities yet
perceived great impact of them
- a mission statement that lay out your core values for
interactin with customers, suppliers and industry
- how approaches operating
- proposed changes in the organization to improve
- FUNCTIONS had a high level of control over what work
employees carried out and how they performed the works
- structures along functional geographic or product lines
have low coordination with employees because managers
focused on their own area of responsibility
BUSINESS MODELS-framework on how a company will
create value. Capture fundamental assumptions and
decisions about the opportunity in one place setting the
direction to succe