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Horizontal Well Production Logging with MAPS

Horizontal Production Logging – Maximising
production logging in horizontal wells through the use of
Sondex Multiple Array Production Suites.
Aaron Adamczyk, Well Intervention
OTC Houston
May 2015
Introduction to Expro
Global market leader in well flow management
Market leading global provider of highly specialised well flow management services to
the oil and gas industry.
Specific focus on offshore, deep water and other technically challenging environments
with high barriers to entry.
Offer a range of mission critical services designed to measure, improve, control and
process flow from high value oil and gas wells:
Well test and appraisal
Subsea, completion and intervention services
Production services
Capabilities span the full life cycle of oil and gas field from exploration to
Our vision is to be the market leader in well flow management, using the industry’s best
people, to deliver the highest standards of safety, quality and personalised customer
© Copyright Expro 2015
Presentation outline
• Products and services
• Horizontal production logging
• Data analysis centre
• Q&A
©Copyright Expro 2015
Products & services
Well Intervention
Well Testing & commissioning
Kinley calipers
Kinley power tools
Downhole video
Production logging
Memory gauges
Electronic calipers
Metal thickness tools
Tubing Conveyed Perforating (TCP)
Toe sleeves
Packers & service tools
Well testing
Flowback & frac stacks
Chokes systems
©Copyright Expro 2015
Horizontal production logging
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Horizontal production logging
Horizontal sections are never drilled perfectly
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Horizontal production logging
Multiple fluid and hydrocarbon phases in a horizontal well
• Lighter hydrocarbons producing on high side
• Heavier water recirculating on low side
©Copyright Expro 2015
Horizontal production logging
Multiple fluid and hydrocarbon phases in a horizontal well
• Lighter hydrocarbons producing on high side
• Heavier water also producing on low side
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Horizontal production logging
Understanding flow profiles
Producing gas
Producing water
Flowing oil
Stagnant water
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Horizontal production logging
In oil & gas wells numerous flow regimes are possible
Even with small deviations, a light phase may separate to the
high side of the well
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Horizontal production logging
Center mounted production logging tools
Tools positioned in the center of a well may miss oil or gas
flowing on the high side or water on the low side of the pipe
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Horizontal production logging
MAPS – key benefits
Identify oil & gas production and locate water entry points
Operate in all well inclinations from vertical to horizontal
MAPS combines:
• Spinner Array Tool (SAT)
• Capacitance Array Tool (CAT)
• Resistance Array Tool (RAT)
• Multiple center mounted sensors
Primary goal is to measure phase hold-ups and velocities
Multiple sensors provide user configurable 3D visualization of multiphase flow with
MAP view
Memory and real time logging
Multiple conveyance options
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Horizontal production logging
MAPS is suitable for wells where phase separation
occurs, from near vertical all the way to fully horizontal
One, two or three of the MAPS tools may be run with a
standard Sondex Ultrawire Production Logging string
MAPS may be deployed in surface read out or memory
Bow springs open to 7” maximum
©Copyright Expro 2015
Horizontal production logging
MAPS : Capacitance Array Tool (CAT)
12 miniature sensors mounted on bow springs
Specially developed to measure the capacitance of
surrounding fluid to identify phase type
©Copyright Expro 2015
Horizontal production logging
MAPS: Resistance Array Tool (RAT)
12 miniature sensors mounted on bow springs
Specially developed to measure the electrical
resistance of surrounding fluid
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Horizontal production logging
MAPS : Spinner Array Tool (SAT)
6 miniature flowmeters offset mounted on bow springs
Measure the velocity of surrounding fluid
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Horizontal production logging
Measurements recorded in a single plane
across the diameter of the well-bore rather
than along it
Results in an accurate cross-sectional
plot of fluid phases
Combining data from the Spinner Array Tool,
Capacitance Array Tool and the Resistance
Array Tool, enables quantitative estimates
of the volumetric flow rate for each phase
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Horizontal production logging
As seen with SAT and CAT data
Conventional spinner showing missed data
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Horizontal production logging
Increasing liquid holdup
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Horizontal production logging
MAPS tool deployment
Flow regime has chance to recover between one tool and the next so each tools
measurement is unaffected by previous
> 4 ft
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Data analysis center
Log interpretation
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Data analysis center
Log interpretation
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Horizontal production logging
Flow profiles
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Horizontal production logging
MAPS has the ability to see small hold-ups (RAT and CAT)
©Copyright Expro 2015
Thank you:
any questions?
Aaron Adamczyk
North America WIS Supervisor
Well Intervention
Tel: +1 713.983.4900
©Copyright Expro 2015