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성공의 열쇠: 노력 vs 운

People tend to work hard on things they desire the
most and leave their fates on luck. However, some think
hard work is the only key to success. Even though luck
can be a variable to success, I think success comes from
hard work than luck for two following reasons.
Foremost, without hard work, when a lucky chance
comes all of sudden, a person cannot catch the chance
and achieve one’s goal. For example, let’s suppose that
you got a lucky job offer from a fashion magazine that
you really wanted to join for many years. However, since
if you want to join a major company or any institution,
you would need decent grades and skills, if these
qualifications do not appear in your resume, you would
not be accepted to the proposed position and lose you
chance. Like what John F. Kennedy said, “Things do not
happen. Things are made to happen.”, working hard is
the only key to success and lucky chance can only be
Conclusion 삽입.
Another reason is that hard work can affect many
parts of success. Experience in life is one of the most
important factors and a notion that leads to success.
However, experience does not come from luck but more
from one’s continual effort to accumulate the specific
experience. + For example, personal example (너의 이
야기를 해. 나는 lawyer가 되었다. 그런데 내가 lawyer
가 된 것은 law에 있어서 다양한 경험을 통해서 될 수
있었다는 것이다. 경험의 예씨 ….. 그런데, 이러한 경
험들은 단순히 luck을 통해서 얻은 것이 아니라 내가
노력을 통해서 인맥을 쌓고, apply를 하고 이런식으로
노력을 해서 얻은 경험들이었고 이 경험들이 나의 법
조인의 성공에 큰 토대가 되었다.
In conclusion,
열심히 안했음… 할말 없음….