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Meeting Notes: PD Document Refinements

Meeting Notes
Notes here:
Jazz Kaur
PD Document
Key Message:
To delegate responsibilities
(summarize the key
message or theme of
the presentation)
1st point:
(summarize the 1st
2nd point:
(summarize the 2nd
3rd point:
(summarize the 3rd
To discuss ideas and test them
To decide refinements
Keralie suggested to add bullet points to make the
information much clearer and easier to read. Everyone
agreed and decided as a first refinement
Todd suggested that add why for each skill will help
the person and the reader to understand why they
chose to improve this skill and give better
understanding. We all agreed, this was chosen as a
second refinement
Christopher shared that we can also add room where
they can put comments or information how they are
going to upskill them, method, resources etc.?
We all agreed, and this is chosen as 3rd refinement