Saint Gregory School Science Lab All levels - 2022 Lab quiz Instructor: Mr. Araya & Mr. Villaplana Date: Time allotted: 20 mins Total points: 14 Percentage: 2% Points obtained: _______ Percentage obt. _______% Grade: Name: ___________________________________________Class: __________ General Instructions: 1. Read instructions very carefully before you complete each of the tasks. 2. Use black or blue ink only. Answers left in pencil will waive the right to complain once the test is checked by the instructor. 3. Correction pen is not allowed. Ask your instructor how to correct any mistakes. 4. Do not leave questions without answers. If you do not know the answer, write “no answer.” 5. Illegible handwriting will not be checked. 6. Drawings and written things that are not related to the exam are not allowed anywhere on this test. 7. Wait for your instructor patiently to answer your questions. 8. Specific questions about content, vocabulary will not be allowed. 9. The use of technological devices is prohibited during the test, except for a scientific calculator. 10. Sit correctly, work silently and individually. 11. Check your quiz before handing it in. Once you have returned it, you are not allowed to make any corrections or to add any other information. Observations (instructor’s comments): Lab quiz 1: Safety 1. Explain with two reasons the importance of implementing safety procedures in the science laboratory (2 pts, 1 pt for each correct reason). ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Choose a laboratory safety procedure or measure, write it down and describe a situation where the selected measure can prevent a potential accident or injury (2 pts, 1 pt for the correct safety measure and 1 pt for the description of the situation). ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Identify and classify the following safety laboratory measures into personal equipment (PE), emergency equipment (EE), housekeeping (H), unauthorized activity (UA) or waste disposal (WD). Write the initials of each category next to the safety measures (6 pts, 1 pt for each correct identification). a. All jewelry must be removed before getting into the lab. (______________). b. Floors should be free of hazards. (______________). c. Transport only one or two bottles or containers at a time. (______________). d. Never play inside the lab. (______________). e. Never put broken glass or ceramics in a regular waste container. (______________). f. C h e m i c a l s s h o u l d b e s t o r e d i n t h e i r o r i g i n a l c o n t a i n e r s . (______________). 4. Identify if the following are laboratory safety measures by writing yes or no next to each of the sentences (4 pts, 1 pt for each correct identification). a. Gas burners should be lit only with a spark lighter. (______________). b. Only drinks are allowed in the laboratory but not food. (______________). c. Hazardous chemical waste including solvents, acids, and reagents should be disposed of down sewer drains. (______________). d. Never smell or taste chemicals or touch them with bare hands. (______________).