Teaching Economics at the High School Level Matt Gruber ED 333 What Students Should Already Know... Recap of prerequisite information Key principles discussed in the Declaration of Independence Basic structure of the U.S. Government Three branches, separation of powers, and checks & balances Enlightenment period- influence on American ideology & government Kansas geography, symbols, industry, and culture Basic geography skills Standards 1.Choices have consequences. 2.Individuals have rights and responsibilities. 3.Societies are shaped by beliefs, idea, and diversity. 4.Societies experience continuity and change over time. 5.Relationships between people, place, idea, and environments are dynamic. About the units… “…educators have great flexibility in how instructional content is organized. The units listed below are provided as a planning guide.” State performance assessments will measure students’ ability to integrate content as part of their understanding of the Standards and Benchmarks. It is this ability to use content in authentic ways that will be assessed, not simply the content itself. Specific content in the units are not mandated Used as a suggested grade level scope and to help plan the lessons and units” “It should be remembered that during this planning, emphasis must be placed on the “doing” of economics rather than simple acquisition of content knowledge.” Economics in High School Two semester course set up outlined on ksde.org Units: Foundational Economic Concepts Economic Systems Economic Measurement Concepts and Methods Macroeconomics Microeconomics International Economics Personal Economics/Personal Finance Lesson Plan Anticipatory set- Cinderella Man clip Looking for work clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IMbKdSAW7Y Begging for money clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYy_KOwAe-4 Lesson Plan (Cont.) Objectives: Wall Street, stock market crash (market failure), The Great Depression, employment/unemployment, depression & recession Instructional Input: Discuss The Great Depression after having students read text over the section Guided Practice/Check for understanding: Reading guide/check points during movie. Stop & discuss Discuss The Great Depression & Recession of 21st century Independent Practice- After watching movie have students complete a reflection paper outside of class Independent Practice Potential questions to have students answer reflection essay Describe some of the examples that portrayed The Great Depression in Cinderella Man. After examining what a depression looks like and being part of a recession, compare and contrast the two. What part of the movie resonated with you the most in portraying the severity of The Great Depression? Why? In the movie you see people several men who breakdown mentally and/or emotionally. How do you think our country would have turned out if there were not so many people like Braddock that were able to endure the constant struggle and hardships the depression caused them? Other options Roosevelt’s New Deal John Steibeck “The Grapes of Wrath” “Of Mice and Men” Sources http://ksde.org/Portals/0/CSAS/Content%20Area%20(FL)/History,%20Government,%20and%20Social%20Studies/H igh%20School%20Economics.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IMbKdSAW7Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYy_KOwAe-4