Uploaded by fma321

Aircraft Maintenance Log: Gear Collapse Repair

Inspected aircraft after partial left side gear collapse. Found hydraulic line in center section of the
cockpit broken. Found gear pin exsecivly dirty and unable to move freely into lock position. Removed
L&R wing attach angle covers. Removed L&R Leading edge, lights, and Left wheel-well fresh air duct.
Jacked aircraft, inspected Left MLG down lock pin. Opened and inspected linkages inside access panel
located on bottom center section aft the MLG. Removed, cleaned, inspected gear lock pin. Cleaned,
inspected, cleaned gear pin boss. Cleaned, inspected Left Strut lock lug and pivot area. Visually
inspected Left side Retract Cylinder. Reinstalled LFT MLG down lock pin. Lubricated with oil. Removed
side panel, removed hydraulic line, cleaned deck/center section in cockpit. Cut off stretched flare,
replaced cracked collar, flared hydraulic line. Installed repaired hydraulic line. Inspected right MLG down
lock pin. Opened and inspected linkages inside access panel located on bottom center section aft the
MLG. Removed, cleaned, inspected gear lock pin. Cleaned, inspected, cleaned gear pin boss. Cleaned,
inspected Right Strut lock lug and pivot area. Visually inspected Right side Retract Cylinder. Reinstalled
RT MLG down lock pin. Lubricated with oil. Jacked aircraft, serviced hydraulic fluid 1/2 gallon. Conducted
6 gear swings, replaced leading edges, lights, left fresh air duct. Replaced wing attach angle covers and
saftied. Replaced 3 nut-clips, closed left side of aircraft. Returned aircraft to service in regard to work
listed above.