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Napoleon Study Guide: Chapter 9, Lessons 3 & 4

Chapter 9:
Lesson 3 & 4 Study Guide (Pt.2)
Lesson 3
1. Where is Napoleon from?
2. How was Napoleon able to get into military school?
3. When did Napoleon participate in a coup d’ etat of the French Directory?
4. What is a coup d’ etat?
5. What was the consulate?
6. What was Napoleon’s most famous domestic achievement?
7. What were the principles that the Napoleonic Code (Civil Codes) preserve?
8. What was the most practiced religion of the French people under Napoleon?
9. How were public officials and military officers promoted under Napoleon?
10. What happened to the mail under Napoleon (p.199)?
11. List the three parts of the Grand Empire.
12. Who controlled the dependent states?
13. Who controlled the allied states?
14. What are the TWO reasons that the Grand Empire collapses?
15. What was the purpose of the Continental System?
16. What is nationalism?
17. KNOW what personality traits that made Napoleon successful AND why the Continental
System failed.
18. What year did France and Great make peace?
19. How many soldiers did Napoleon lose in Russia?
Lesson 4
1. What armies defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo?
2. What islands were Napoleon exiled to?
3. What was the British commander who led in the Battle of Waterloo against Napoleon?
4. How many men did Napoleon lose at the Battle of Waterloo?
5. KNOW the four main reasons Napoleon fail from power.
6. What was the meeting called by representatives of the victors of Napoleon?
7. What is conservatism?
8. What is liberalism?
9. Which country did not accept the principle of intervention?
10. What was the purpose of the balance of power created during the Congress of Vienna?
11. What monarch replaces Napoleon in France?
12. What does civil liberties refer to (p.205)
13. What do most liberals favor?