A comparative study of subgrid scale models in homogeneous isotropic turbulence C. Fureby, G. Tabor, H. G. Weller, and A. D. Gosman Citation: Physics of Fluids (1994-present) 9, 1416 (1997); doi: 10.1063/1.869254 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.869254 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pof2/9/5?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Decay of homogeneous, nearly isotropic turbulence behind active fractal grids Phys. Fluids 26, 025112 (2014); 10.1063/1.4865232 Subgrid-scale eddy viscosity model for helical turbulence Phys. Fluids 25, 095101 (2013); 10.1063/1.4819765 Preferential concentration and rise velocity reduction of bubbles immersed in a homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flow Phys. Fluids 23, 093301 (2011); 10.1063/1.3626404 Viscous tilting and production of vorticity in homogeneous turbulence Phys. Fluids 22, 061701 (2010); 10.1063/1.3442477 Vortex tube models for turbulent dynamo action Phys. Plasmas 6, 72 (1999); 10.1063/1.873260 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 05 May 2014 05:36:01 A comparative study of subgrid scale models in homogeneous isotropic turbulence C. Fureby,a) G. Tabor, H. G. Weller, and A. D. Gosman Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom ~Received 30 September 1996; accepted 27 December 1996! Recently, a number of studies have indicated that Large Eddy Simulation ~LES! models are fairly insensitive to the adopted Subgrid Scale ~SGS! models. In order to study this and to gain further insight into LES, simulations of forced and decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence have been performed for Taylor Re numbers between 35 and 248 using various SGS models, representative of the contemporary state of the art. The predictive capability of the LES concept is analyzed by comparison with DNS data and with results obtained from a theoretical model of the energy spectrum. The resolved flow is examined by visualizing the morphology and by analyzing the distribution of resolved enstrophy, rate of strain, stretching, SGS kinetic energy, and viscosity. Furthermore, the correlation between eigenvalues of the resolved rate of strain tensor and the vorticity is investigated. Although the gross features of the flow appear independent of the SGS model, pronounced differences between the models become apparent when the SGS kinetic energy and the interscale energy transfer are investigated. © 1997 American Institute of Physics. @S1070-6631~97!01705-4# I. INTRODUCTION Direct numerical simulations ~DNS! and Reynoldsaveraged simulations ~RAS! represent two extremes of the possible methods for simulating turbulent flows. DNS represents a brute-force approach: all scales of motion are simulated, which is expensive for any turbulent flow. In RAS, the ensemble-averaged mean flow is solved for, with an appropriate model being used to describe the effect of the fluctuations of the flow around this mean. Large eddy simulations ~LES! lie between these two extremes: the rationale is that only the large-scale motions are noticeably affected by the geometry of the domain, while the small-scale motions are similar or even self-similar in the bulk of the flow. The division into large- and small-scale motion elements, hereafter denoted grid scale ~GS! and subgrid scale ~SGS! components, can be accomplished by convolving the dependent variables with a predefined kernel. The GS motion is explicitly simulated whilst the average effect of the SGS motion on the GS motion is accounted for by a SGS model. In recent years studies have identified some inherent limitations of the SGS models currently used in LES. For example, it has been demonstrated that the coefficient in the algebraic eddy-viscosity model of Smagorinsky1 has to be fine tuned for different flows,2 and that it is strongly dependent on the Reynolds ~Re! number.3 Moreover, this model assumes the existence of an inertial range, which severely limits its usefulness. To overcome the deficiencies of this model, one-equation eddy-viscosity models,4,5 scale similarity models, and linear combination models6 were developed. More recently, Germano et al.7 have suggested a dynamic procedure in which the model coefficient~s! of an arbitrary a! Corresponding author: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, Exhibition Road, SW7 2BX London, United Kingdom. Telephone: 144-171-5947109; Fax: 144-171-8238845; electronic mail: c.fureby@ic.ac.uk functional relationship, selected to represent the SGS stress tensor, can be evaluated as part of the simulation. This procedure, applied to the Smagorinsky eddy-viscosity model, has proven quite versatile, and results indicate that it can overcome most deficiencies of the original model. Several alternative formulations of this model have been described, including the localized dynamic model8 and the Lagrangian dynamic model.9 Although the main features of the GS flow appear independent of the SGS models,10,11 different SGS models predict the mean effect of the SGS motion on the GS motion differently. In LES of flows with very high or low grid Re numbers ~ReG5D2iD̄i / n , where D is the grid spacing, n the viscosity, and iD̄i the rate of strain!, the SGS model must incorporate the effects of the viscous subrange and full inertial range, respectively. Also, the SGS models become important if LES is applied to flows that involve other physical processes affected by the detailed properties of the flow. A relevant test case for examining SGS models is a cubic box of fluid subjected to a random body force f at large scales. This test case exhibits many of the basic features of turbulence and requires only limited computational effort. In addition, at ReT numbers ~ReT5 u vrmsu l T / n , where l T is the Taylor length scale! below ReT'170, DNS data are available for comparison. This paper is divided into two halves, one theoretical and one computational. In the first part, the LES model and the SGS models are described, together with the forcing scheme and the numerical methods. The second part contains results from simulations covering ReT'35– 248. In particular, we focus on the cases ReT'94 and 248, which display a wide range of interesting features. The resulting energy spectra are compared with empirical models,12 and, when possible, also with results from DNS data.13 The characteristic properties of the different SGS models are compared and presented in terms of energy spectra and probability density functions 1416 Phys. Fluids 9 (5), May 1997 1070-6631/97/9(5)/1416/14/$10.00 © 1997 American Institute of Physics This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 05 May 2014 05:36:01 ~PDF! for the SGS kinetic energy and viscosity. The spatial structure of the GS flow is visualized and quantified using cumulative distribution functions ~CDF! of the GS enstrophy, rate of strain, and stretching, which are compared with CDFs from DNS data for the low ReT number case. Finally, we examine the intrinsic coupling between the GS rate of strain tensor and the GS vorticity, and the spatial correlations between the GS enstrophy and various quantities related to the SGS models. TABLE I. Overview over the different SGS models investigated in the present study. Model Definition A1 ~3!1~4! A2 B1 B2 II. THE LARGE EDDY SIMULATION MODELS B3 In this study we focus on homogeneous isotropic flows that are described by the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations.14 In LES it is assumed that the dependent variables can be divided into GS and SGS components v5v̄ 1 v8 , where v̄5G * v5 * D G( j ,D) v ( j ,t)d 3 j . Here D is the computational domain having the boundary ] D and the closure Dø ] D. The kernel G5G(x,D) is any function of x and the filter width D that is endowed with the properties * D G( j ,D)d 3 j 51, G5G( u xu ,D), G(x,D)>0, limD→0 G(x,D)5 d (x), and G(x,D)PC n (R 3 ) having compact support. Convolving the Navier–Stokes equation ~NSE! with G and assuming that @ G * , ] t # v50 and @ G * ,“ # v50, gives the filtered NSE, C D div~ v̄! 50, ] t ~ v̄! 1div~ v̄ ^ v̄! 52grad p̄1div~ S̄2B! 1f, Constant coefficient algebraic eddy-viscosity model ~AVM! ~3!1~6,7! Dynamic coefficient algebraic eddy-viscosity model ~AVM! ~3!1~5! Constant coefficient one-equation eddy-viscosity model ~OEEVM!. ~3!1~8,9! Dynamic coefficient one-equation eddy-viscosity model ~DOEEVM! ~3!1~10! Localized dynamic coefficient one-equation eddyviscosity model ~LDOEEVM! ~11! Linear combination model ~LCM! ~12! Monotone integrated large eddy simulation ~MILES! that B is an isotropic function of its arguments. Also, the modeled B should have the same mathematical and physical properties as the exact B;15 this requirement leads to a set of constraints referred to as the realizability constraints, and implies that B should be a positive definite tensor and that G(x,D)>0. Three classes of SGS models will be analyzed; all models selected, see Table I, are frame indifferent, but the realizability constraints are not always fulfilled. This is beyond the scope of this study, but will be addressed in a future paper.15 ~1! where v is the velocity field, p the specific pressure, S52 n D the viscous stress tensor, n the molecular viscosity, D5 21(grad v1grad vT), the rate of strain tensor, while the SGS stress tensor is B5v ^ v2v̄ ^ v̄ 5 ~ v̄ ^ v̄2v̄ ^ v̄! 1 ~ v̄ ^ v8 1v8 ^ v̄! 1 ~ v8 ^ v8 ! 5L1C1R, Features ~2! where L is the Leonard stress tensor, C the cross stress, and R the Reynolds stress. Observe that L can be calculated exactly while C and R, or alternatively B, must be modeled. The domain D is a cubic box of fluid having cyclic boundaries discretized on a uniform computational grid to ensure that @ G * , ] t # v50 and @ G * ,“ # v50; Ref. 15. Also, f is the forcing function that will be discussed in some detail later. Finally, D5 b 3 AP 3i51 Dx i where Dx i is the cell size in direction i and b > 1. The GS components are morphologically dependent on the geometry of the flow via the boundary conditions, while the effects of the SGS components on the GS motion must be separately modeled. The objective of the modeling is to represent B in terms of the GS velocity field in such a manner that the modeled SGS stress tensor portrays, as closely as possible, the exact stress tensor and the effects caused by the kernel that may be nonuniform. The interscale energy transfer e(D)52B–D̄ must also be accurately predicted by the SGS model in order to permit coarse grid solutions of ~1!. Since the NSE are frame indifferent it is natural to require that the filtered NSE have the same property,15 this implies A. Subgrid scale models of eddy-viscosity type SGS models of the eddy-viscosity type are based on the hypothesis that the deviatoric part of the SGS stress tensor is locally aligned with the filtered deviatoric part of the rate of strain tensor, while the normal stresses are assumed to be isotropic and are thus representable through a SGS kinetic energy, B5 32 kI1BD 5 32 kI22 n k D̄D , k[ 12 tr~ B! , D̄D 5D̄2 31 tr~ D̄! I, ~3! where k is the SGS kinetic energy, I the unit tensor, and n k the SGS viscosity. The functional form B 5B(D̄,k, n k ;x,t) implies that B is parametrized only by k and n k , which then must be specified before the model is complete. This particular form of B that is a special case of a more elaborate functional form B5B( v̄ ;x2y,t2s), where yPD and sP @ 0,` # , reflects the assumption that the effect of the SGS motion on the GS motion is of dissipative nature, since e(D)52 n k i D̄i 2 . The best-known model of this class is probably the Smagorinsky model,1 which has been used in LES for many years. It can be derived from a k 25/3 spectra assuming ReG→`, and hence, k5c I D 2 i D̄i 2 , n k 5c D D 2 i D̄i , ~4! where the model coefficients are given the values c I 52/p 2 50.202 and c D 5(&/ p 2 )( 23c K) 23/250.042, where c K'1.50 is the Kolmogorov constant. This model will hereafter be referred to as model A1. Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1997 Fureby et al. 1417 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 05 May 2014 05:36:01 An exact balance equation for k can be derived by contracting the exact balance equation for B that follows from the exact and filtered Navier–Stokes equations. Redistribution effects do not contribute to the k equation in isochoric flows, and it can be assumed that diffusion and dissipation can be reasonably well modeled by terms of the form div(nk grad k) and e 5c e k 3/2/D. Hence, ] t ~ k ! 1div~ kv̄! 52B–D̄1div~ n k grad k ! 2 e , n k 5c k Dk , 1/2 e 5c e k D 3/2 21 , ~5! where the dimensionless model coefficients are given the values c k 50.05 and c e 51.00, Ref. 5. Observe that model A1 can be recovered from ~5! if we assume that production equals dissipation, i.e. if and only if B–D̄1 e 50. This model will henceforth be referred to as model B1. The dynamic model was first suggested by Germano7 to rectify some deficiencies of models A1 and B1. The rationale is to sample information on the GS level to evaluate the model coefficients in model A1. This is achieved by filtering ~1! a second time with another kernel of width D̄ to obtain a relation between the representations of B at the consecutive filter levels, hence L5T2B̄ where L5(v̄ ^ v̄2v% ^ v% ), % ), and B̄5(v ^ v2v̄ ^ v̄). By noticing that L T5(v %2v ^v % ^v can be calculated explicitly and assuming the existence of a scaling law allowing both T and B to be expressed in the same functional form, ~3! and ~4!, we derive the overdetermined system, % iD % !, LD 5L2 31 tr~ L! I52 ~ c D D 2 i D̄i D̄2c D D̄2 i D 1 2 % i 2 2c D 2 i D̄i 2 . tr~ L! 5c I D̄2 i D I ~6! The model coefficients c I and c D cannot be removed from the filtering; instead a variational formulation,8 can be used in which the square of the residual errors of ~6!, F(c I ) and F(c D ), is minimized. In homogeneous turbulence c I and c D can be assumed independent of position, and thus, F ~ c I ! 5 ^ @ 21 tr~ L!# 2 & 22 ^ 21 tr~ L! m & c I 1 ^ m 2 & c 2I , F ~ c D ! 5 ^ LD –LD & 22 ^ LD –M& c D 1 ^ M–M& c 2D , ~7! % iD % , m5D̄2 i D % i 2 2D 2 i D̄i 2 , and where M5D 2 i D̄i D̄2D̄2 i D ^•& is the integral over D. The values of c I and c D that minimize ~7! are c I 5 ^ 1/2 tr(L)m & / ^ mm & and c D 5^ LD –M& / ^ M–M& , as first suggested by Ref. 7, but with the difference that the averaging ~necessary for stability reasons! is not ad hoc, but follows from the variational formulation. This model will be referred to as model A2. Following Ref. 8, the dynamic model can also be extended to model B1. Again using the Germano identity L5T2B̄ and assuming the existence of a scaling law, allowing T and B to be expressed in the same functional form, ~3! and ~5!, an overdetermined system of equations for c k results, % !, LD 5L2 31 tr~ L! I52 ~ c k Dk 1/2D̄2c k D̄K 1/2D 1 2 tr~ L! 5K2k̄, K5 21 tr~ T! . ~8! As a consequence of the functional form used, the dynamic procedure likewise implies the existence of a balance equation for the kinetic energy at the second filter level. Since the balance equations for k and K are required to be consistent with the identity 1/2 tr(L)5K2k̄, the compatibility condition, % 2 ] @ 1 tr~ L!# 2div@ 1 tr~ L! v% # z 5B–D̄2T–D 2 t 2 5c e K 3/2D̄21 2c e k 3/2D 21 , ~9! can be exploited to determine the model coefficient c e . Again the model coefficients c k and c e cannot be removed from the filtering and hence a variational formulation is used to evaluate these. In a homogeneous flow c k and c e can be assumed independent of position, thus c k 5 ^ LD •M& / ^ M–M& and c e 5 ^ z m & / ^ mm & , where M5Dk 1/2i D̄i % i and m5K 3/2/D̄2k 3/2/D. This model will here22 DK 1/2i D after be referred to as model B2. Models A2 and B2 can be generalized to inhomogeneous flows,8 at the additional cost of solving two further integral equations for c I and c D , or c k and c e . With no constraints imposed on the variational formulation leading to models A2 and B2, the coefficients, and hence the SGS viscosity and e(D), can be locally negative. Instead of exponential damping the negative viscosity causes exponential amplification of the local perturbations and the resulting reverse energy transfer is observed to have a very long autocorrelation time. This does not correspond to the real physics of reverse energy transfer observed in turbulent flows and may also lead to numerical instabilities. The constrained variational formulation prevents these instabilities, but precludes a dynamic model from possessing straightforward localization and the incorporation of nonlocal and hereditary effects. Another approach has been proposed by Kim and Menon,16 in which the scale similarity assumption between variables defined at consecutive filter levels is used to derive expressions for the model coefficients. As long as the cutoff is located inside the range in which the scale similarity assumption holds, the model coefficients are the same for the consecutive filter levels. Applying this method to model B1, the following expressions result: %, LD 5L2 31 tr~ L! I522c k D̄@ 21 tr~ L!# 1/2D % –D % ! 5c @ 1 tr~ L!# 3/2D̄21 , n ~ D̄–D̄2D e 2 ~10! of which the first can be solved in a least-square sense by % , while the second contracting with M522D̄@ 1/2 tr(L) # 1/2D can be solved directly. This model will hereafter be referred to as model B3. Observe that the denominators in the equations for the model coefficients resulting from ~10! contain the energy on the resolved scale, which is nonzero, thereby preventing numerical instabilities. B. Subgrid scale models of scale similarity and linear combination type Scale similarity and linear combination models are based on the hypothesis that the interaction between GS and SGS components takes place mainly between the smallest scales 1418 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1997 Fureby et al. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 05 May 2014 05:36:01 of the GS components and the largest scales of the SGS components. This feature is not included in eddy-viscosity models, which are therefore purely dissipative. The scale similarity model can be derived from ~2! by assuming that the GS and SGS components are uncorrelated,17 resulting in separate expressions for L, C, and R, which is appealing from a physical point of view. A drawback is that the resulting model ~for R! is not dissipative and should therefore be combined with a viscosity model; i.e., R is decomposed into a scale similarity part and a dissipative part. Consequently, B5 ~ v̄ ^ v̄2v% ^ v% ! 1 32 kI22 n k D̄, k5c 1 D 2 i D̄i , n k 5c D D 2 i D̄i , ~11! where the last two terms originate from the eddy-viscosity model. Here the values of the model coefficients are given by c I 5 ^ 21 tr(L)m & / ^ mm & and c D 5 ^ LD –M& / ^ M–M& corresponding to those for the dynamic eddy-viscosity model A2. The values c I 50.0066 and c D 50.012, resulting from comparison with DNS data, are often quoted.18 This model will hereafter be referred to as model C. C. Monotone integrated large eddy simulation models (MILES) Recently, results from three-dimensional, timedependent simulations of turbulent flows obtained without explicit SGS stress models have been presented.19 It can be argued,20 that the discretization errors of monotone convection algorithms provide implicit SGS models that do minimal damage to the GS motion while still qualitatively incorporating most effects of the SGS motion. The implicit SGS flux vector b resulting from the leading-order term in the truncation error can be derived by subtracting the discretized version of ~1! from another discretized version of ~1!, but using a higher-order energy conserving scheme. Using Ref. 21 for the convection terms we find that b5 31 ~ Dt ! 2 ] 3t ~ v̄! 1div$ G@ grad~ grad v̄!# 2G~@ grad~ grad v̄! T! d# 2G~ grad d! T grad v̄% , ~12! where G51/4v̄ ^ d ^ d, G5~1/91Y!v̄ ^ d, YP@0,1# is the flux limiter, and d is the topology vector connecting neighboring control volumes. Only the last term in ~12! is dissipative introducing the tensorial viscosity G(grad d) T so that the effective viscosity becomes n̄ I1G(grad d) T. A scalar-valued measure of the viscosity is i G(grad d) Ti 5&/8u v̄u l, where l5 Atr@ (grad d) T(d ^ d)(grad d) # is a characteristic length scale associated with the grid. A disadvantage of MILES is that monotone convection algorithms, like all other algorithms that use knowledge of the grid relative to variations of the solution, cannot be frame indifferent. Moreover, the filter kernel G is unknown and may vary over the computational domain, and the numerics and physics are closely coupled together. MILES can therefore not be expected to mimic B and e(D) in great detail, but can still produce accurate results for the GS motion. This model will hereafter be referred to as model D. D. Numerical methods and forcing functions The filtered NSE ~1! are discretized using an unstructured finite volume method, while the computational domain ~a cubic box with periodic boundary conditions in all three coordinate directions! is discretized using uniform Cartesian grids with 163 , 323 , and 643 control volumes. Here we will focus on the 323 simulations, although we will refer to the other simulations as appropriate, Fig. 1~a!. The convective terms are evaluated using linear interpolation between neighboring control volumes to derive a second-order accurate approximation. Similarly, the diffusive terms are evaluated with a second-order accurate approximation to the inner gradient operator. The time integration is performed with a linear multistep method and the time step is derived from the requirement that the maximum Courant number is below 0.2. In order to decouple the pressure–velocity system, a Poison equation, derived from the discretized version of the momentum equation, is solved for the quasipressure ( p̄1 32k). Since this step of the algorithm is implicit the time integration is performed using a second-order accurate three-level fully implicit scheme. The resulting algorithm is second-order accurate both in space and time and the truncation error is dominated by a dispersive term. The resulting nonlinear system of algebraic equations is solved by an incomplete Choleski conjugate gradient method. For the MILES model alone the convective terms are discretized using a secondorder accurate monotone algorithm21 that relies on a flux limiter to cater for the additional implicit interscale energy transfer necessary to stabilize the simulations ~12!. Since the interest is in investigating the behavior of SGS models in homogeneous isotropic turbulence the specific body force f can be used to create random forcing of the large-scale motion. The forcing must maintain a steady spectrum, and allow us to collect statistics of higher-order correlations. Numerous forcing schemes have been adopted for this purpose in the literature,22,23 however, since we need to represent particular length scale and velocity distributions corresponding to the DNS data of Ref. 13, a more versatile method is needed. Here the forcing scheme of Eswaran and Pope24 is adopted, in which the constrained random body force f is given by f~ k,t ! 5P~ k! w~ k,t !@ Q ~ k! 2Q ~ k2kF !# , P~ k! 5I2 u ku 22 ~ k ^ k! , ~13! where w(k,t) is a vector-valued Uhlenbeck–Ornstein stochastic diffusion process, characterized by ^ w(k,t) & 50 and ^ w(k,t) ^ w* (k,t1s) & 52 s 2 exp(2s/t)I in the equilibrium limit. Here an asterisk denotes the complex conjugate, k the wave number vector, and ^•& indicates ensemble averages. In this scheme, four parameters are introduced: the amplitude s, the time scale t, and the wave numbers k L and k F . Spatially, the forcing is close to being white over the interval @ k L ,k F# , i.e. it is uniform with ^ w(k) ^ w(q) & ' d (k2q). Temporally, we have a forcing distribution peaked at the frequency t 21 . It is possible that the statistical properties of the turbulence are influenced by the features of the driving mechanism. Nevertheless, we have taken values for k L and k F so that only the largest scales are being driven, and the Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1997 Fureby et al. 1419 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 05 May 2014 05:36:01 FIG. 1. Large-scale normalized energy spectra from LES compared with energy spectra from DNS, of Jimenés et al.,13 and from the modeled energy spectra,12 at ~b! ReT'36, ~c! ReT'94, and ~d! ReT'248. With the exception of ~a! and Fig. 5, linetypes used throughout the paper are the following: ~gray solid line! model A1, ~gray dashed! model A2, ~black solid! model B1, ~black dashed! model B2, ~black dash–dotted! model B3, ~black dotted! model C, ~gray dash–dotted! model D on a 323 grid, and ~1! in-house DNS on a 643 grid. Moreover, ~s! is used for the DNS data of Ref. 13 and ~3! for the modeled energy spectra. For ~a!, linetypes are identified in the graph. accuracy of these scales is not of critical importance here. The initial velocity is created by superimposing Fourier modes having a prescribed energy spectrum but random phases and projecting these onto the divergence-free space. To ensure similar forcing on all simulations the 643 runs are forced on a 323 grid; this is nontrivial since the flow is sensitive to the rate of energy addition and its distribution. For the 163 simulations the forcing is carried out on the 163 grid, which implies that a comparison between the 163 and the 323 or 643 simulations cannot be entirely rigorous. For the statistical properties, however, this is not believed to be a serious problem. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this section some results from LES of forced and decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence in a cubic box of fluid with periodic boundary conditions are presented and 1420 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1997 Fureby et al. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 05 May 2014 05:36:01 TABLE II. Numerical and nominal flow parameters for the basic cases discussed in this paper. The estimates of k/ ^ k & and e/^e& are based on evaluating the integrals defining k and e using DNS data or the DK spectra, depending on ReT , over the unresolved part of the wave number range. The upper and lower limits for the integral properties are due to the different SGS models. Grid 13 DNS DNS LES 3 64 1283 2563 5123 643 323 323 323 323 323 l I ~m! l T ~m! 35 61 94 168 35 3562 6162 9464 17165 24867 1.97 1.76 1.37 1.65 1.95 1.9460.03 1.7360.02 1.4160.04 1.6560.03 1.7160.06 0.773 0.526 0.312 0.213 0.772 0.77160.002 0.52360.003 0.31460.004 0.24560.005 0.23260.006 discussed. To facilitate the presentation some characteristic parameters will first be introduced. The total kinetic energy is defined by ^ k & 51/2^ v2 & 5 * `0 E(k,t)dk51/2^ v̄2 & 1k, where E(k,t) is the three-dimensional energy spectrum and the total dissipation rate is defined by ^ e & 52 n ^ i Di 2 & 52 n * `0 k2 E(k,t)dk52 n ^ i D̄i 2 & 1 e . The rms-velocity scale is defined by v rms5 u ^ (v2 ^ v& ) 2 & 1/2u , while the integral length scale is defined in terms of E(k,t) as l I 5* `0 k21 E(k,t)dk/ * `0 E(k,t)dk; furthermore, the Taylor length scale is defined by l T5( ^ v2 & / ^ (grad v) 2 & ) 1/2, and the Kolmogorov length scale by l K5( n 3 / e ) 1/4. The large eddy turnover time is defined by t I 5l I / v rms , and the Taylor Re number is defined as ReT5l Tv rms / n . LES have been performed for four target Re numbers: ReT535, 94, 160, and 248, where the three first cases correspond to the DNS of Jiménez et al.12 and in-house DNS at ReT'35. Some characteristic flow parameters are given in Table II. Note that the ReT obtained vary slightly from their target values ~based on the initial flow field! used to characterise the case; these differences are due to the effects of the SGS models on the final flow field and are therefore indicative of the SGS model. The following physical space analysis is performed using a posteriori methods that attempt to make qualitative observations pertaining to possible relations between characteristic features of the SGS models and discernible flow structures that may appear in the resolved flow. A. Macroscopic effects of the SGS modeling—results and discussion The starting point for comparisons between the LES models are the energy spectra, which can be compared with each other, and with spectra obtained from DNS data or from theoretical models of the spectra. For the low ReT number cases, a comparison will be made both with DNS data and the theoretical model of Driscoll and Kennedy12 ~hereafter DK!, while for the higher Re number case a comparison will be made with the DK spectrum only. The DK model is an isotropic spectral model based on an infinite functional series expansion using B u ku 4 (11 u ku 2 ) (2n217)/6 as basis functions, i.e., ` E ~ u ku ,t ! 5 u ku 4 ( n50 u^vrms& u ~m/s! ReT B n ~ 11 u ku 2 ! ~ 2n217! /6, ~14! 0.092 0.236 0.605 1.592 0.093 0.09260.003 0.23660.004 0.56760.002 1.40260.006 1.66560.008 T ~s! k/ ^ k & e/^e& 21.65 7.45 2.26 1.04 20.97 21.0860.4 7.3360.1 2.4960.06 1.0960.07 1.0260.03 ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 0.005 0.02 0.04 0.12 0.18 ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 0.02 0.18 0.50 1.34 3.15 where the constants B n are evaluated by requiring the spectrum to have the correct functional form in the limit of large k. This spectrum is specified by E5E(k, ^ k & , ^ e & , n ), and its behavior toward large k is dictated by n and ^e&. The DK model is intended to model adequately the entire energy spectrum from large scales down to the Kolmogorov scales. In particular, it is intended to provide a good fit even in the absence of a 25/3 region of the spectrum, i.e., for low ReT . Since the structure of the large-scale turbulence is dominated by the method of forcing, we cannot expect a precise fit between the LES spectra and the DK model. However, this is irrelevant for our purposes since we are mainly concerned with the behavior of the small-scale structures for which the DK model will provide an accurate model, since the small-scale motion is considered independent of the large-scale turbulence. The DK spectrum can be constructed by first using n and ^e& as evaluated from a spectrum of the form E5c K^ e & 2/3u ku 25/3, where c K'1.5, to describe the part that lies within the inertial range. Second, ^ k & can be derived by insisting that the area under the spectrum in logarithmic space is the same for both cases. From the LES, ^ k & , ^e&, and n are readily available and we can therefore construct DK spectra for each of the simulations performed. Using the model DK spectrum or the DNS data we can evaluate the SGS kinetic energy and the dissipation rate to compare with the predictions from the SGS models. Moreover, using the DNS database ~for low ReT numbers! PDFs or CDFs for a number of quantities can be compared with PDFs or CDFs from LES. Figure 1 shows the energy spectra resulting from the different LES models together with the DK spectrum and the DNS spectrum after about ten eddy turnover times. Wave numbers are nondimensionalized with a grid wave number, while nondimensionalization of the energy density involves the mean energy dissipation rate computed in the simulation. The energy spectra are based on averaging over 20 spectra evaluated at instants well separated in time so that they can be considered statistically independent. Moreover, it has been verified that there is no monotonic trend in the total or GS energy, so we may assume that a statistically steady state has been reached. A set of 323 simulations without SGS models was first carried out as a control case in order to confirm that without Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1997 Fureby et al. 1421 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 05 May 2014 05:36:01 SGS models the energy decay is not captured correctly. The energy spectra for the ReT'35 case is identical to those for the DNS data and the 643 LES. In this case, the contribution of the SGS modeling to the GS flow is small, and for this Re we could justifiably do underresolved DNS. The contribution of the SGS model on the GS flow in the other two cases ~ReT'94 and 248! is more significant; the energy spectra for the control case has the wrong slope in the inertial subrange. This implies that the presence of the SGS model is important to ensure the correct distribution of energy on the grid scales. In the case of the ReT'248 case the error is highly significant. It also demonstrates that any numerical diffusion caused by the difference scheme is negligible in comparison to the explicit diffusion produced by the SGS models. For the ReT'35 case, shown in Fig. 1~b! we have access to in-house DNS on 643 as well as the DNS data.13 As expected, no inertial range exists for ReT'35, which thus provides a real challenge for the SGS models and the numerical algorithm used. All LES models studied reproduce the energy spectra of the DNS and the DK model satisfactorily, although models A1 and B1 result in slightly steeper spectra at u ku .10 than the other models. Also, the kink in the DNS spectrum is an artefact of the second-order discretization. When the dissipative scales are not properly resolved the physical dissipation mechanism is suppressed and numerical dispersion becomes increasingly important. More precisely, the aliased higher k contributions cause a buildup of energy in the range u ku P @ 16,20# . However, this increase in E(k,t) is not strong enough to cause severe numerical instabilities since the physical dissipation regains control over dispersion as the rate of strain rises. For the ReT'94 case @Fig. 1~c!#, having only a short inertial range, the situation is different; the resulting energy spectra are found to depend on the SGS models only at the high wave number end of the inertial range and into the viscous subrange. Models A1, B1, and D reproduce the low wave number part and the inertial range satisfactorily, but fail at higher wave numbers, since they overestimate the SGS dissipation. Models A2, B2, B3, and C result in improved spectra, in that they reproduce the entire inertial range and the lower end of the viscous subrange satisfactorily. However, in the remaining part of the viscous subrange these models somewhat underestimate the SGS dissipation, which results in the accumulation of energy close to the cutoff wave number. The ReT'248 case is distinguished by a well-developed inertial range and all LES models investigated reproduced the energy spectrum reasonably well. Still, differences between the models can be identified. Models A1 and B1 tend to overpredict the dissipation, and model A2 tends to underpredict the dissipation i.e., only models B2, B3, and C can reproduce the spectra accurately. From the DNS and DK spectrum, ^ k & , ^e&, l I , v rms , l T , k, and e can be calculated and compared with the integral parameters evaluated from the LES Table II. All integral quantities with the exception of ^e& and e are well reproduced by LES. The reason for the discrepancy in ^e& is that e is linear in E and quadratic in u ku and is therefore very sensitive to the unresolved part of the spectrum. Figure 2 shows the average variation of the model coefficients from the dynamic models A2 @ c I (t),c D (t) # and B2 FIG. 2. The variation of the dynamically evaluated model coefficients c I , c D , c k , ^ c k & , c e , and ^ c e & for models A2, B2, and B3 with Taylor Re number, ReT , on a 323 mesh. @ c k (t),c e (t) # and the localized dynamic model B3 @ ^ c k (x,t) & , ^ c e (x,t) # with ReT . All model coefficients go through changes in the early stages of the simulations; however, as a realistic flow develops the coefficients reach a quasiasymptotic non-negative state around which they fluctuate with an amplitude of about 10%–20% of the mean. As observed from Fig. 2, the values of these coefficients are strongly dependent on ReT when ReT is lower than ;190. Above ReT'190 they stabilize around the values c I '0.40, c D '0.04, c k '0.07, and c e '0.95. The asymptotic values of these coefficients are in good agreement with previous results, in particular c D which is close to the value of 0.042 resulting from spectral analysis. However, c k is lower than the corresponding value of 0.094, but is in excellent agreement with the value suggested by Ref. 5 using the direct interaction approximation. Furthermore, c e is found to be sensitive to both the grid resolution and the shape of the filter function, which is a less attractive feature of models B2 and B3. To clarify the relative dependence of the SGS models on the macroscopic flow structures, cumulative distribution functions ~CDF! of the GS vorticity magnitude uvu, stretching s̄ 5 v̄–D̄v̄/ v̄2 , and rate of strain i D̄i , are shown in Fig. 3 for ReT'94 and ReT'248, respectively. For comparison, these diagrams for ReT'94 also show the corresponding unfiltered variables resulting from the DNS of Jiménez et al.13 The CDFs represent the volume fraction occupied by values of these variables above a given threshold level. In order to enhance the relative difference in performance between the SGS models, as well as the deviation from the DNS data, Fig. 3 presents the CDFs in a semilogarithmic format. Note, however, that the variable tails involve only small fractions of the total volume. In fact, if these diagrams were presented in a linear format hardly any difference would be observed between the SGS models or between the DNS and the LES. By inspecting the CDFs of u v̄u , s̄ , and i D̄i , together with the corresponding unfiltered variables, it is obvious that the distribution of these variables are far from Gaussian, although the LES data are more Gaussian than the DNS data, and display few signs of converging to a limit distribution for large ReT . Also, the DNS data have a more pronounced 1422 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1997 Fureby et al. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 05 May 2014 05:36:01 FIG. 3. Cumulative distribution functions of vorticity magnitude ~a!, ~b!, rate of strain ~c!, ~d!, and stretching ~e!, ~f! for the LES models investigated and from the DNS database.13 The left column refers to the ReT'94 case while the right column refers to the ReT'248 case. The lines are as in Fig. 1. tail at high values than the LES data; this is clearly due to the lack of resolution in LES; hence, the mesh resolution in LES does not support the resolution of the small-scale, highintensity, vortical structures embedded in a weaker vorticity of lower intensity. To support this, we note that the 643 LES display a longer tail than the 323 LES, but a shorter tail than the DNS data. Hence, most of the GS values are accommodated in a comparatively weak background that would not affect low-order statistical moments, although it will domi- nate high-order moments. Also apparent from Figs. 3~a!– 3~c! is that the volume fraction of vorticity magnitude in the unresolved structures is larger than in the corresponding volume fractions of s̄ and iD̄i. This suggests that the latter are associated with larger spatial scales than the former. Accordingly, the concept of LES seems to be independent of the SGS model if it can channel kinetic energy out of the wave numbers close to the cutoff wave number to prevent aliasing; hence the SGS model must be activated at the correct loca- Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1997 Fureby et al. 1423 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 05 May 2014 05:36:01 formed on a 323 grid, such vortical structures can only be properly resolved if l K. 41D, which is only the case for the ReT'36 case: examining the flow for this case ~not shown! we do indeed find tubular structures with the correct diameter. Moreover, Vincent and Meneguzzi28 have observed fat worms similar to those predicted by LES using filtered DNS results. Considering these results, it seems reasonable that the observed presence of the coherent elongated vortices is a realistic prediction based on the pre-filtered Navier–Stokes equation. Consequently, v̄ appears in coherent filaments that are stretched and intensified by D̄. From Fig. 4 it is also evident that contours of s̄v̄2 are often correlated with the presence of these filaments. The peaks of s̄v̄2 are located in the neighborhood of the fat worms while less activity is observed in distant regions. More precisely, the peaks are often located near the rim of the fat worms, but not inside them. Frequently the peak values occur between two closely spaced fat worms that are found to be regions experiencing large strain and production of turbulence. However, when compressed ~negative velocity gradient in the direction of the filament! the filaments become buckled rather than weakened. In regions of strong turbulence, the vortex filaments are broken up as a result of the buckling or compression. In order to understand the basic mechanisms responsible for the formation of these elongated vortical structures, the balance equation for the GS enstrophy, z̄ serves as a starting point, FIG. 4. Visualization of high-intensity vorticity regions in LES of isotropic forced turbulence at ReT'94 ~left column! and ReT'248 ~right column! using different SGS models ~a! and ~b! refers to Model B3, ~c! and ~d! to model C, and ~e! and ~f! to model D. Surfaces correspond to points at which z̄ 51.5^ z̄ & / z̄ rms and on the parallel planes, selected to cut some of the most visible vortical structures, isocontours of the GS vortex stretching are shown. tions in configuration space, and there enhance the local dissipation at the correct rate. B. The resulting macroscopic flow field—results and discussion Figure 4 shows isosurfaces of z̄ 5 21v̄2 at a fixed level of z̄ 51.5^ z̄ & / z̄ rms ~where ‘‘rms’’ refers to the root-mean-square value! for models B3, C, and D at ReT'94 and 248, respectively. Weak vorticity is defined as that having z̄ , z̄ rms ; intense vorticity as that above a threshold covering 8% of the computational volume; and background vorticity as that above z̄ rms but still weaker than the threshold. From Fig. 4 it is clear that coherent vortical structures of considerable diameter, sometimes referred to as ‘‘fat worms,’’ are present in the resolved flow. Similar structures have also been observed by Briscolini and Santangelo,25 and Meneveau et al.,9 in LES of isotropic turbulence. The presence of similar structures but of smaller diameter, so-called ‘‘worms,’’ has previously been observed in DNS.13,26,27–29 A collective attribute of these DNS is that they predict tubular vortical structures, with a characteristic diameter of 4l K . Clearly, such small structures cannot be captured in LES of high ReT number flows due to the low spatial resolution. For simulations per- ] t ~ z̄ ! 1div~ z̄ v̄ ! 5div~ n grad z̄ ! 1 v̄–D̄v̄2 n ~ grad v̄! 2 2 v̄–curl~ div B! 1 21 v̄•curl f. ~15! In Fig. 3, instantaneous CDFs of u v̄u , iD̄i, and s̄ 5 v̄–D̄v̄/ v̄2 are presented. The stretching rate is the part of the strain aligned with the local vorticity, which thus stretches the vortex lines, while the strain rate is related to the dissipation but does not appear explicitly in ~15!. Hence, from Fig. 3 we conclude that the distributions of these variables are far from Gaussian and show few signs of converging to a limit distribution for large ReT . Most of u v̄u is accommodated in a comparatively weak background that would hardly affect the low-order statistics, although it will dominate the high-order statistics. Although the different SGS models result in slightly different distributions, they all reproduce the correct behavior, with models B2, B3, and D offering the best comparison with DNS at ReT'94. Hence, most of the volume is occupied by a relatively weak vorticity with strong vortices filling only a limited fraction of the domain; of these strong vortices only a fraction are large enough to be resolved in LES. The structure of the resolved vorticity implies that weak and strong vortices have different structures; while there is no evident structure in the low-intensity regions, the high-intensity regions tend to be organized mostly in tubes. Such structures, which have a Gaussian radial distribution, are found to appear on the edges of regions that are almost uniform in velocity. Also, similar to the situation in DNS,13 collisions between macroscopic flow structures seem to create shear layers that may roll up into vortex tubes. In Table III, statistical moments of v̄ and L̄5grad v̄ are shown. We 1424 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1997 Fureby et al. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 05 May 2014 05:36:01 TABLE III. Higher-order statistical moments for the GS velocity and the velocity gradient distributions obtained from model B3. The nth-order flatness of v 1 is denoted by F vn and the nth-order flatness of L 11 and 12 L 12 is denoted by F 11 n and F n , respectively. Grid and case 5123 DNS, ReT516813 2563 DNS, ReT59413 323 LES, ReT5248 323 LES, ReT594 Gaussian distribution F v4 F v6 F 11 4 F 11 6 F 12 4 F 12 6 2.80 2.80 2.77 2.78 3.0 12.5 12.0 11.8 12.1 15.0 6.1 5.3 3.6 3.62 3.0 125 80 23.7 26.4 15.0 9.4 7.6 4.95 5.01 3.0 370 200 52.1 54.9 15.0 observe an increase in the kurtosis, and also a weaker but concordant increase in the skewness, which is more apparent for higher-order moments. It is clear from ~15! that enstrophy can be produced either by stretching the vortex lines or by the presence of a body force f. In these numerical experiments a forcing function with predefined statistics is used to induce the turbulence. To demonstrate that the features described above are not artefacts of the forcing function f, this was removed and the flow field was allowed to decay. After two eddy turnover times, the fat worms were found to remain, and the statistics associated with them remain largely unchanged. Hence, the forcing is not essential to the development or to the maintenance of these vortical structures, and the fat worms are a natural product of the evolution of turbulent flows, both forced and decaying. Accordingly, only vortex stretching remains as a source for the enstrophy. From Figs. 5~a! and 5~b!, which show two-dimensional joint PDFs for iD̄i and u v̄u , it is evident that the correlation between iD̄i and u v̄u is weak. Intense vorticity is correlated with intense strain, either because strong vortices generate high strain or because they are generated by the strain. Another alternative is addressed in Figs. 5~c! and 5~d!, collating u v̄u and s̄ . Thus, the peak stretching rates are not associated with regions of high vorticity, but with the background vorticity. In addition, the stretching associated with the regions of peak vorticity is low, with little evidence of self-stretching by the strongest vortices. Figures 5~e! and 5~f! show some correlation between high iD̄i and s̄ . High strain does not imply strong vortex stretching, and the orientation of the principal axis of the strain rate tensor seems to be independent of the local vorticity direction. Spatial correlations between the rate of strain and the vorticity have previously been reported by Kerr22 and Vincent and Meneguzzi,28 using DNS of isotropic turbulence. In this paragraph we will briefly describe the corresponding spatial correlations found between D̄ and v̄ in LES of a similar flow field. To this end, let l i and di , i51,...,3, denote the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of D̄ ordered in size so that l 1 ,l 2 ,l 3 , and with the restriction that they sum to zero for isochoric flow. Hence, when the middle eigenvalue ~or strain! l 2 is negative then there are FIG. 5. Joint probability density functions of ~a!, and ~b! rate of strain and ~c!,~d! stretching versus vorticity magnitude and ~e!,~f! stretching versus rate of strain. The left column refers to the ReT'94 case and the right column refers to the ReT'248 case. Linetypes are as follows: ~black solid line! model B3, ~gray solid! model C, and ~black dashed! model D. FIG. 6. Probability of the alignment of the resolved vorticity and the principal strain rate directions at ReT'94 ~left column! and ReT'248 ~right column!. Eigenvalues are ordered as l 1 ,l 2 ,l 3 , and figures ~a! and ~b! correspond to eigenvector d1 , ~c! and ~d! to eigenvector d2 , and ~e! and ~f! to eigenvector d3 . The lines are as in Fig. 1. Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1997 Fureby et al. 1425 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 05 May 2014 05:36:01 two different directions of compression. Moreover, define the alignment angle u i between v̄ and di , so that a 5cos ui5(v̄–di )/( u v̄i di u ). In Fig. 6 we present instantaneous PDFs of the alignment between v̄ and di in terms of a for the cases ReT'94 and ReT'248 using the previously described SGS models. The general features of these LESbased PDFs correspond well to the DNS-based PDFs of Vincent and Meneguzzi28 and Ashurst et al.30 For comparison, note that Ashurst et al. use 20 bins, Vincent and Meneguzzi use 250 bins, and we use 50 bins to sample cos ui when forming the probability function ~PF!. Since this is probability, not probability density, a uniformly distributed quantity corresponds to a probability of 1/N, where N is the number of bins. It is clear that the ReT number does not affect the shape of the PFs to any appreciable extent. The grid scale vorticity is most likely to point in the d2 direction and least likely in the most compressive direction d1 , while there is hardly any correlation in the d3 direction. Moreover, we have observed that the vorticity is aligned with l 2 , even when l 2 is negative. Another interesting observation, pertinent to the DNS runs, is that the strain field within the neighborhood of the vortical structures has a quasi-two-dimensional property. To investigate if this feature is also captured by LES, we have studied the PFs of the alignment of di with a truncated v̄ field containing only the vorticity vector field within the fat worms. From these PFs it is clear that d1 and d3 frequently lie in a plane locally orthogonal to the fat worms; in addition, the largest extensional strain is almost comparable to the compressive strain. Consequently, many of the same conclusions with respect to the macroscopic flow structures arrived at from DNS can also be found by inspecting LES results performed on a much coarser grid, independent of the SGS model. There is hardly any difference between the PFs produced by the different SGS models; only the constant coefficient eddy-viscosity model ~model A1! shows any deviation from the other models. In the case of model A1, v̄ is more likely to be perpendicular to d1 and parallel to d2 ; the correlation with d3 is also different from all other models. C. Microscopic effects of the SGS modeling—results and discussion The spatial distribution of k and n k is of interest in order to differentiate between the SGS models and to increase our present understanding of the interaction between the macroscopic flow and the SGS models. To this end, instantaneous PDFs of k and n k are shown in Fig. 7 for ReT'94 and ReT'248, respectively. For the linear combination model ~model C!, the viscosity is defined as the effective viscosity appearing in the total dissipation; hence n k 52 21BD –D̄/D̄2 , where BD 5B 2 31tr(B)I. Since no explicit SGS model is incorporated in the MILES model ~model D!, it is not meaningful to compare quantities representative of the SGS models between explicit and implicit simulation concepts, and therefore no reference to MILES will be made in the following discussion. For the SGS kinetic energy k, normalized by the resolved kinetic energy @Figs. 7~a! and 7~b!#, we note that models B1, B2, and B3 produce PDFs of similar shape, hav- FIG. 7. Probability density functions of ~a!, ~b! k and ~c!,~d! n k for the LES models investigated. The left column refers to the ReT'94 case and the right column refers to the ReT'248 case. The lines are as in Fig. 1. ing superficially different domains of dependence; Model B1 is shifted towards lower k while models B2 and B3 are shifted toward higher k. For models A1 and A2 the situation is different; the dynamic version generates a sharper PDF shifted toward higher values of k than the constant coefficient model. For model C, k5 k 1c 1 D 2 i D̄i , which differs from the k of the one equation or the algebraic models, as can be concluded from Figs. 7~a! and 7~b!. For the SGS viscosity n k , normalized with the molecular viscosity, @Figs. 7~c! and 7~d!# we observe that the one-equation models again result in PDFs of similar shape having slightly different domains of dependence; model B1 is shifted toward higher n k while models B2 and B3 are shifted toward lower n k ; also, the PDF from model B3 contains negative viscosity, implying that this model supports backscatter. For the algebraic models the situation is analogous, though the differences are more pronounced. The linear combination model results in a viscosity PDF containing negative viscosity, implying that this model is capable of creating backscatter via the scalesimilarity submodel. The fraction of reverse energy transfer can be estimated to be about 15% of the viscosity in the two cases investigated, a reasonable amount compared to about 25%, as suggested by Leslie and Quarini.31 Referring to Fig. 2 these results comply with the observed behavior of the model coefficients from the dynamic models A2 @ c I (t),c D (t) # and B2 @ c k (t),c e (t) # , and the localized dynamic model and B3 @ ^ c k (x,t) & , ^ c e (x,t) & # . The coefficients c k and ^ c k & are lower than for the constant coefficient model, thus reducing the dissipation of k through a reduced value of n k ; also, c e and ^ c e & is allowed to vary, thereby influencing the balance between production and dissipation, resulting in an increase in the production of k in models B2 and B3 compared to model B1. For model A2 both c D and c I increase with increasing ReT number but reach asymptotic values close to, but just below, the constant coefficient values at ReT > 350. Furthermore, the dynamic version of the algebraic model seems to underestimate the SGS viscosity at high ReT numbers, since the energy spectra @Fig. 1~c!# show signs of energy building up at the high wave number end. So far these results suggest that nonlocal effects partly included in models A2 and B2, and fully included in models B3 and C 1426 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1997 Fureby et al. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 05 May 2014 05:36:01 ~via multilevel filtering! and hereditary effects incorporated in models B1, B2, and B3 ~through the solution of a separate balance equation for k!, are essential in the development and maintenance of realistic spatial and temporal distributions of both k and n k . In order to investigate the influence of the shape of the filter kernel on the results, the simulations performed with models A2, B2, B3, and C using a ~spherical! top-hat filter were repeated using a finite-volume equivalent of a Gaussian filter kernel. The results concerning the behavior of the macroscopic quantities produced by the three dynamic eddyviscosity models ~models A2, B2, and B3! were left unaffected by the shape of the kernel, while the results resulting from the use of the linear combination model ~model D! were only moderately influenced by the shape of the kernel. For the microscopic quantities apparent differences are found for all models; however, the differences cannot be substantiated further since these variables can only be evaluated from DNS data by filtering, a process in which the shape of the filter kernel is again influential. By inspecting the left and right columns of Fig. 4 separately, it can be observed that the different SGS models affect the fat worms to a small extent. Focusing on the ReT'94 case it is clear that models B2, B3, C, and D result in vortical structures that are similar, although some differences occur. In general, the eddy-viscosity models generate the longest vortical structures, model D results in shorter and more slender, less space-filling vortical structures while model C produces a less structured and more space-filling vorticity field. For the ReT'248 case, many of the same conclusions can be drawn with respect to the impact of the SGS models on the vortical structures. It is also instructive to analyze the CDFs of u v̄u , iD̄i, and s̄ shown in Fig. 3; all models generate surprisingly similar CDFs, considering their different nature. The constant coefficient eddy-viscosity models, together with MILES, form one group in which the CDFs have a shorter and less intense tail; the dynamic models and the linear combination models form one group with more intense and longer tails, whereas the localized dynamic models form a separate group with even more intense and longer tails. The third group of models produce CDFs that are closer to the DNS data than the other two groups of models. The primary reason for this is believed to be that the second and third groups of models can successfully incorporate information of nonlocal and hereditary nature via the multilevel filtering procedure, and, in particular, the third group and the linear combination model are successful at this since their coefficients are functions of space and time. The next question to be addressed is whether the fields that are characteristic to the individual SGS models bear any relationship to the vortical structures. There are three levels at which comparisons can be made: ~i! the tensor level i.e. between the modeled SGS stress tensor B and u v̄u , ~ii! the vector level i.e. between the modeled div B and u v̄u , and ~iii! the scalar level, i.e. between the modeled e(D) and u v̄u . e(D) acts as a dissipation term in the filtered balance equation of mechanical energy and as a production term in the balance equation of SGS kinetic energy. A positive e(D) implies that energy is transferred from large resolved struc- FIG. 8. Visualization of high-intensity vorticity regions in LES of isotropic forced turbulence at ReT'94 ~left column! and ReT'248 ~right column! using different LES models ~a! and ~b! refers to model B2, ~c! and ~d! refers to model B3, and ~e! and ~f! refers to model C. Surfaces correspond to points at which z̄ 51.5^ z̄ & / z̄ rms . On the parallel planes, selected to cut some of the most visible vortical structures, isocontours of the interscale energy transfer, e(D), are shown. tures toward small unresolved structures via a cascade process ~outscatter! and a negative e(D) implies that energy is transferred in the opposite direction by a reverse cascade process ~backscatter!. Backscatter may become important when a large amount of turbulent kinetic energy is present in the unresolved scales, i.e. when the spatial resolution is marginal, as is usual when LES is applied to a more complex flow. Moreover, in these circumstances anisotropy effects may also become increasingly important. For an arbitrary eddy-viscosity model e(D)'2 n k i D̄i 2 , and for a linear combination model e(D)'2 n k i D̄i 2 1L̄–D̄. Hence, backscatter can only appear in eddy-viscosity models if n k is negative, and only models B3 and C support this formalism without violating the realizability constraints. Figure 8 shows isocontours of e(D) together with isosurfaces of z̄ 51.5^ z̄ & / z̄ rms . For ReT'94 ~the left column!, models B2 and B3 yield similar distributions of e(D), but small localized regions of reverse energy transfer can be identified for model B3. An interesting observation is that e(D) frequently peaks between closely spaced tubular structures, which are regions experiencing large strain and vortex stretching. Model D produces a somewhat different spatial distribution with larger regions of backscatter, but e(D) still has maxima between Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1997 Fureby et al. 1427 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 05 May 2014 05:36:01 the tubular structures. For model C ^ e(D) & is 10% lower than models B2 and B3; this difference is related to the excess backscatter formed by model C. For ReT'248 ~the right column!, the principal distribution of e(D) is similar, with maxima or minima occurring between tubular structures in regions of high strain and stretching. The main difference between the two cases relates to the higher level of intermittency present in the ReT'248 case, and to the fact that the main structures are broken up as a result of the intensified buckling due to the increased probability of negative velocity gradients aligned with the resolved vortical structures. IV. CONCLUDING REMARKS It is of significant interest to the future development of LES to study various characteristic properties of SGS models. However, such an investigation, if performed in a more realistic complex geometry, would be prohibitively expensive. Instead we have focused on forced and decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence in a cubic box. Since the forcing scheme used generates homogeneous isotropic turbulence, comparisons using the three-dimensional energy spectrum can be carried out; here comparisons are made with the DNS data of Jiménez et al.13 for ReT below 160 and for all cases with the modeled energy spectrum.12 Eight different SGS models have been selected, subdivided into three classes; ~i! eddy-viscosity models that are further partitioned into constant coefficient models, dynamical models, and localized dynamical models, ~ii! linear combination models, and ~iii! monotone integrated large eddy simulation models. Identical simulations have been carried out for each model for a variety of flow conditions. From this, we are in a position to compare the results of LES with DNS data to establish the accuracy and versatility of the LES concept. We are also able to compare and contrast the flow fields resulting from LES using different SGS models, and to relate the properties of these flow fields to the properties of the SGS models. Finally, we are able to extend the modeling of turbulent flows to ReT numbers much higher than currently possible through DNS, demonstrating that the structural features predicted by DNS at low or moderately high ReT numbers are still present in the high ReT numbers flows. The spectral comparisons and the macroscopic flow features suggest that the differences between LES with different SGS models are small but not insignificant, in particular, on coarse grids. Judging from the comparisons of time-averaged energy spectra, and cumulative distribution functions of u v̄u , i D̄i , and s̄ with DNS data at ReT'94 and ReT'35, suggests that the choice of SGS model is not critical for correctly reproducing the macroscopic flow if the spatial resolution is adequate. For a LES performed on a marginal coarse grid, so that the assumption of production equals dissipation is no longer valid ~the ReT'94 case and the 163 grid or the ReT'248 case and the 323 grid!, the one-equation models are superior to the algebraic models. The reason for this is believed to be related to the assumption of ~local! alignment between B and D̄, together with the fact that a separate transport equation for k is solved so that both k and n k experience nonlocal or hereditary effects. If nonlocal or hereditary effects are believed to be important the linear combination model or the dynamic or localized dynamic one-equation eddy-viscosity model are found to be more accurate. We have also noticed that the linear combination model decreased in performance more rapidly with a decrease in spatial resolution than all other models; see the distribution of k or n k in Fig. 7. MILES is justified when interest is focused on the macroscopic flow and when a relatively fine grid can be afforded to preclude large fractions of k in the subgrid scales. Another aspect of SGS modeling is the extra computational cost; models A2 and B2 increase the cost by about 20% compared to their constant coefficient counterpart, while model B3 introduces an additional cost of 20% above that for B2, and model C is about 15% more costly than model A1. High-intensity vortical structures are reproduced differently by different SGS models. In principle, those models that incorporate nonlocal and hereditary effects, via multilevel filtering, seem to reproduce both the high wave number region of the energy spectra and the tails of the cumulative distribution functions of enstrophy better than other models. This suggests that dynamic localization models and linear combination models are the best candidates for further studies in more complex geometries. We also find evidence for coherent elongated vortices of different sizes previously reported by various sources. Close examination of the rate of strain and the vortex stretching demonstrates the physical mechanisms responsible for this behavior. Contrasts between the SGS models can be found when inspecting k and n k ; although the explicit models predict similar levels for k and n k , values that are in agreement with the DK spectra and the DNS data, the PDFs for k and n k differ significantly. As can be expected, SGS models that introduce nonlocal and hereditary effects ~such as filtering on two different length scales! produce more homogeneous behavior. Clearly with this set of data it is impossible to say which SGS models generate the ‘‘correct’’ behavior, not least because the true behavior of a turbulent flow may well change depending upon the specific case. Nevertheless, the attempt to discover and investigate the different properties of the SGS models is valuable, and the differences we have been able to highlight are likely to be of crucial importance in any flow that involves significant small-scale physics. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by the EPSRC under Grants No. 43902 and No. K20910 and by European Gas Turbines. We would like to thank Professor Jiménez for providing the DNS data. 1 J. S. Smagorinsky, ‘‘General circulation experiments with primitive equations,’’ Mon. Weather Rev. 94, 99 ~1963!. 2 R. S. Rogallo and P. Moin, ‘‘Numerical simulation of turbulent flows,’’ Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 16, 99 ~1984!. 3 J. W. Deardorff, ‘‘On the magnitude of the subgrid scale eddy coefficient,’’ J. Comput. Phys. 7, 120 ~1971!. 4 U. Schumann, ‘‘Subgrid scale model for finite difference simulation of turbulent flows in plane channels and annuli,’’ J. Comput. Phys. 18, 376 ~1975!. 5 A. 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