I 11 11 1 ' 1 1 , E 11 Neuroticism Agreeableness Everyone → of different but is us , some openness to Experience make it possible to characterize certain personality Most → traits popular Extraversion models - Indicator and the ocean Model ( HE PLAYER conscientiousness Myers Briggs Type : Big 5) ANALYZING PERSONALITY TRAITS > conscient Openness +° ioosness Experience Extra version Agreeable I t - . ^ ^ 1 I V v closed - intro iousness Experience ness I v v unconscient to Neuroticism - Disagree . version Stability - able ness ✓ Gamers - matter no wether the Ocean Model Mapping resulting casual to the world of into the Domains of Play or Gaming ( Exploring something Open worlds → us → the . have different taste - is Novelty New . ] . Novelty > core challenge ( Minecraft ) expected Linear storyline ( Fifa 21) stimulation Harmony Challenge 7 ( > Highly complex → us High easy . A → Skill Levell Flight Simulator ) game to pick up to Harmony 7 everyone Candy crush ) ( Playing against → Highly competitive (Battlefield vs Playing with others 2042 ) . stimulation [ > High us → . Activity Watching → → the Lean Back ( Thrilled ( Ratchet & Clank ) world Farming go by simulator ) A positive BONUS : → world ( Animal Negativity Agression us us . . crossing) Resilience Calming I 1 1 I TASTE MAPS This the stronger creates a game identity rather dedicated fanbase These taste with no maps only unique no One . I ' 1 value 1 1 , 11 E OF PLAY FOR DOMAINS The more extreme a the 1 represents of the niche specific aspect a game game , will become but with . a . serve as proposition indicators or only character will . Games address , I Motivation in Games > → 11 11 1 the with game ÷ : Belonging Competition Curiosity Rewards Purpose Fear Of Failure Self Determination Domains of Play Autonomy Badges challenge competence Rewards stimulation Relatedness Theory to Harmony fulfill to be all ' intrinsically , more need aspects motivating but Relatednesswh AutonomywM ranks EXTRINSIC game doesn't : competency Theory = imy A self-Determination INTRINSIC t Motivation Badges Extrinsic E 11 free 2 Play Extrinsic Motivation : Learning motivation Novelty 1 1 , world of Extremely important in the Keeping players engaging Intrinsic Motivation ' aspects fulfilled , the are the more types of player be addressed can . > Time of Playing / Engagement BARTLE MODEL → which type of personality players are taking derived typical dynamics and relationships between the identified player Bartle types There are more than 2.6 billion population The . has children . gamers average gamer is Gamers the Bartle model . can . in the 34 world years be classified old , , so 32% of the owns a into different entire household and categories using I 1 I 1 1 ' 1 I 1 1 , 11 I Lengg of Quality CLARITY yq•⑦2@fg⑨ → If : player does not give up from early → a Making IMDB.Bow tn#Tao.. • → A¥bÑ•• q .B ae)#Bj BdHwlaoEaMduBT•qm• → attachment of the creating is the [ and should I COHESION to the games character , : player does ? : player Effort (skill player community what the Does it matter ( not too •÷q•-•ÉÉE¥• . : SATISFACTION → , for the INTERESTING DECISIONS → game they might player what they can simulated reality ( e. g. tutorials ) mechanics and • a on it obvious do in the CARE know what to do in or easy being work ) , rewarded ? vs not too . Reward need to be hard) , simulated reality Does the → No technical errors or make sense ? bugs balance otherwise the case tense : → in gets harmed