Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd No. 8 Tuas View Loop, Singapore 637674. Tel: 68966620; Fax: 68966621 ROC no.: 200205043-K INVENTORY OF WORK ACTIVITIES FORM Project Name: PBG-2022-To Build Shelter at SEG Receiver Tank Area (PWL Modification Scope) Name of contractor: S/N Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd Location 1 Date: 5 May 2022 Pfizer OSP Building Level 1 (SEG Receiver Tank Area) Process Mechanical Piping works Work Activity 1. Site Preparation (Apply Permit To Work) 2. Conduct Toolbox meeting and risk assessment briefing 3. Contact Pfizer representative 4. Mobilization of materials, tools, and consumables to work area 5. Site preparation work (Ensure LOTO is completed by Pfizer operation) 6. Working on scaffold 7. Install prefabricated SS spools 8. Demobilization 9. Interactions with supervisors and coworkers 10. Review employee’s workload 11. General works in workplace 12. Hot Work (Welding) Page 1 of 14 Remarks Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd No. 8 Tuas View Loop, Singapore 637674. Tel: 68966620; Fax: 68966621 ROC no.: 200205043-K ACTIVITY-BASED RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Project Particulars RA / JSA No: Project Name: PBG-2022-To Build Shelter at SEG Receiver Tank Area (PWL Modification Scope) YT Project No.: P22-153 Task / Activity Prepared by: Name & Signature Refer to page 1 Location of Work: SEG Receiver Tank Area Work Commencement TBA Work Completion TBA Equipment / Tools Used: Hand tools, pressure gauge. Materials Used: NA Applicable Relevant Safety Legislation: - YT2-2022-RA-15 Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd Designation: Project Engineer Date: 5-May-2022 Francis M. YT EHS Reviewed by Name & Signature YT Manager Approved by: Name & Signature Task Supervisor/ Action officer Pfizer Representative reviewed by: Name & Signature Pfizer EHS reviewed by: Name & Signature: Date of Last Review Name of Contractor Designation: WSH Coordinator Date: 5-May-2022 Designation: Project Manager Date: 5-May-2022 Designation: Site Coordinator Date: Fadhil Gray Lin Han Designation: Pfizer Representative Date: Ronald Ke Loke Hua Xiong Designation: Pfizer EHS Date: 5-May-2022 Date of Next Review 4-May-2025 Approved Code/s of Practice (COP) Applicable to the Works: Workplace safety standard Building and construction standard Severity (consequence) a) – Catastrophic (5) Fatality, Fatal diseases or multiple major injuries b) – Major (4) Serious injuries or life- threatening occupational disease Likelihood A – Frequent: likely to happen repeatedly (5) 25 20 15 10 5 B – Probable: likely to happen several times regularly (4) C – Occasional : likely to happen some times (3) D – Remote: not likely to happen most ot time (2) E – Improbable: veryunlikely to happen –may assume exposure will happen (1) High Risk Medium Risk c) – Moderate (3) Injury requiring medical treatment or ill-health leading to disability 20 16 12 8 4 15 12 9 6 3 Low Risk Page 2 of 14 d) – Minor (2) Injury or ill-health requiring first-aid only 10 8 6 4 2 e) – Negligible (1) Not likely to cause injury or ill-health 5 4 3 2 1 Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd No. 8 Tuas View Loop, Singapore 637674. Tel: 68966620; Fax: 68966621 ROC no.: 200205043-K Risk Level Acceptability Of Risk Recommendation Actions • No additional risk control measures may be needed. Low Risk • Frequent review and monitoring of hazards are required to ensure that the risk level assigned is accurate and does not increase overtime. Acceptable • A careful evaluation of the hazards should be carried out to ensure that the risk level is reduced to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) within a defined time period. Medium Risk Moderately acceptable • Interim risk control measures, such as administrative controls or PPE, may be implemented while longer term measures are being established. • Management attention is required. • High Risk level must be reduced to at least Medium Risk before work commences. High Risk • There should not be any interim risk control measures. Risk control measures should not be overly dependent on PPE or appliances. Not acceptable • If practicable, the hazard should be eliminated before work commences. • Management review is required before work commences. Page 3 of 14 Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd No. 8 Tuas View Loop, Singapore 637674. Tel: 68966620; Fax: 68966621 ROC no.: 200205043-K Hazard Identification 1a No. 1 1b Activity Site Preparation (Apply work permit) 1c 1d 2a Hazard Possible Accident / Health & Persons-at-risks Existing Risk Control Preventive Measures Possible Accident Administrative Control Body injury or property damage Supervisor to confirm the permit details with permit applicant. Physical Hazard Unauthorized person enters to working vicinity / unknown activity Person at Risk Workers Risk Evaluation Existing Risk 2b 2c 2d 3a Additional Risk Control Measures Severity Likelihood Risk Level (rpn) NA NA NA NA Severity Likelihood Risk Level (rpn) 3 1 3 Supervisor to double check with permit approval on the work and area condition. Supervisor to check with permit applicant for the permit coverage sufficiency. Conduct risk assessment briefing & toolbox meeting to all personnel involved prior to work commence Ensure all personnel know the evacuation route in the event of emergencies (e.g.: fire breakout, etc.) and designated location of assembly point for head count in case of emergencies Page 4 of 14 Risk Control Residual Risk 3b 3C 3D Action Officer Task Supervisor Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd No. 8 Tuas View Loop, Singapore 637674. Tel: 68966620; Fax: 68966621 ROC no.: 200205043-K PPE To wear appropriate while on-site by adhere to the site PPE requirement Provide and use appropriate PPE on site (safety helmet, safety shoe and safety glasses etc.) Chemical Hazard COVID-19 Health Exposure to Covid-19 disease Person at Risk Workers and other personnel Administrative Control 3 2 6 Comply with social distancing and 2 times daily temperature check Engineering Control 3 1 3 Task Supervisor NA NA NA Task Supervisor Antigen rapid test (ART) to be conducted on every Monday & Thursday at security guard house Follow and obey all the latest advisories and update on Covid-19 from MOM website. PPE All personnel entering to plant needs to be fully vaccinated and wear new surgical face mask 2 Conduct Toolbox meeting and risk assessment briefing Physical Hazard Possible Accident Administrative Control Improper task Unable to evacuate during emergency Do not obstruct exit Worker did not inform on risk may 2 2 Authorized permit applicant to apply Permit to Work from Page 5 of 14 4 NA Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd No. 8 Tuas View Loop, Singapore 637674. Tel: 68966620; Fax: 68966621 ROC no.: 200205043-K happen accident during installation works Workers Conduct toolbox meeting & brief workers on risk assessment Physical Hazard Possible Accident Administrative Control Change of site situation No communication between operation & contractor Contractor shall be given 1 set VHF tuned to channel 5 Person at Risk 3 Contact PFIZER representative permit issuer to start work 2 2 4 NA NA NA NA Task Supervisor 3 1 3 NA NA NA NA Task Supervisor Person at Risk Workers 4 Mobilization of material, such as: transportation of tools and materials to the affected work areas, etc. Ergonomic Hazard Manual handling of heavy load Possible Accident Engineering Control Back injury Provide and use appropriate mechanical aids such as trolley Health injury Person at Risk Workers Barricade area surrounding and below works area with warning signages Adopt buddy system if required Administrative Control Adopt proper manual handling methods to avoid Page 6 of 14 Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd No. 8 Tuas View Loop, Singapore 637674. Tel: 68966620; Fax: 68966621 ROC no.: 200205043-K stress or strains (i.e. kinetic method of lifting – bend at the knees, grasp the load, lift using the legs, carrying the load not more than 25kg) PPE To wear appropriate while on-site by adhere to the site PPE requirement Mechanical Hazard Pinch point and shear point Possible Accident Engineering Control Finger or hand injury Protect all the sharp edges of fabricated material. Person at Risk Administrative Control Worker 3 2 6 3 2 6 NA NA NA NA Task Supervisor 3 1 3 Task Supervisor Supervisor shall ensure and remind workers to wear hand glove with cut resistance level 3 and above when handling material PPE Workers to wear hand glove with cut resistance level 3 Ergonomic Hazard Dropping of material while manual handling Possible Accident Engineering Control Body injury All material should properly secure to Engineering Control Supervisor to deploy more manpower if materials are Person at Risk Page 7 of 14 Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd No. 8 Tuas View Loop, Singapore 637674. Tel: 68966620; Fax: 68966621 ROC no.: 200205043-K Worker allow proper handling deemed too heavy or long Using tool bag to carry the tools Supervisor to deploy more manpower if material is deemed too heavy PPE All Working personnel to wear appropriate PPE at all times (safety helmet, O2 meter, safety goggles and mid cut Mid-cut safety boot) To comply site specific PPE requirement Supervisor shall ensure team members are provided with sufficient PPE that are with good working condition Page 8 of 14 Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd No. 8 Tuas View Loop, Singapore 637674. Tel: 68966620; Fax: 68966621 ROC no.: 200205043-K 5 Site preparation (Ensure lock out tag out is done by Pfizer) Hazardous Condition Improper repair/control of hazardous energy Possible Accident Body injury Person at Risk Worker Engineering Control 4 2 8 Make sure Pfizer personnel to do LOTO the system Administrative Control 4 1 4 Task Supervisor 5 1 5 Task Supervisor Supervisor to coordinate with Pfizer operation to make sure the pipeline or equipment is depressurized and isolated before first break Isolation of valves, power button should be physically locked out by Pfizer operation with pad lock, or any valve locking device with tag and recorded in LOTO logbook Place personal lock on Pfizer lock box Workers to wear PPE such as face shield and appropriate hand protection. PPE Face shield , chemical glove, Safety shoes, Safety Helmet & Safety glass 6 Working on scaffold Hazardous condition Possible Accident Slippery platform or steps Falling from height causing fatality Person at Risk Worker Engineering Control 5 2 Worker to check and use safety harness AT ALL TIMES, attached with shock absorbing device with double hooks while working at height 10 Administrative Control Always secure at proper anchorage point when working on scaffold or location where liable to fall from a height of more than 2m. Personnel working at height need to be Page 9 of 14 Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd No. 8 Tuas View Loop, Singapore 637674. Tel: 68966620; Fax: 68966621 ROC no.: 200205043-K competent (i.e. working at height course for worker/ supervisor, fall protection plan in place) Check & ensure scaffold are inspected by scaffold supervisor and with valid inspection tag and inspected every 7 days. Stepping on railing & toe boards is prohibited Safety harness to be inspected for defect prior to usage for work with close supervision. Prohibit unauthorized removal or modification of scaffold components Follow 3-point contact while using the ladder. Workers to wear appropriate PPE at all times (safety helmet, safety harness, safety glass and safety shoes) Ensure 100% tie-off while working on scaffolding PPE Endorsed Safety harness & etc Physical Hazard Possible Accident Falling object Bodily injury or foot injury Engineering Control 4 1 Use tool bags/containers & lanyards to store loose tools and consumables and Person at Risk Page 10 of 14 4 NA NA NA NA Task Supervisor Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd No. 8 Tuas View Loop, Singapore 637674. Tel: 68966620; Fax: 68966621 ROC no.: 200205043-K Worker transfer by using rope Work area to be barricaded and permit to work shall be displayed on work site Housekeeping to be conducted as and when necessary PPE Workers to always wear appropriate PPE (safety helmet, safety glass and safety shoes) 7 Install prefabricated SS spools using hand tools Mechanical Hazard Pinch Point (Cold work) Possible Accident Administrative Control Face & hand injury Person at Risk Do not place fingers or hands in between areas exposed to pinching motion Worker PPE 3 1 3 4 1 4 NA NA NA NA Task Supervisor NA NA NA Task Supervisor Workers to wear safety helmet, safety glass, face shield, ear plugs & good condition working gloves Hazardous condition Possible Accident Engineering Control Slippery floor/ materials placed at access way Bodily injury leading to serious fractures or sprains Ensure that the access way & common walk area is not obstructed. Page 11 of 14 NA Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd No. 8 Tuas View Loop, Singapore 637674. Tel: 68966620; Fax: 68966621 ROC no.: 200205043-K Face & hand injury Person at Risk Workers Housekeeping & tidiness of the work area to be always carried out PPE Workers to always wear appropriate PPE (safety helmet, safety glass and safety shoes) 8 Demobilization Hazardous condition Materials obstructed accessway Possible Accident Engineering Control 3 2 6 Foot/Bodily Injury Person at Risk Workers Interactions with supervisors and co-workers Physical Hazard Possible Accident Administrative Contrtol Workplace harassment (e.g. Supervisor repeatedly emails subordinate with suggestive comments.) Suicidal tendency Establish ombudsperson to provide independent, impartial, confidential, and informal assistance. Health stress and anxiety Person at Risk Worker 3 1 3 Task Supervisor NA NA NA Task Supervisor Conduct a final check & close work permit before moving out of the work site Proper housekeeping at all times Ensure that all access way is not obstructed at all times 9 Engineering Control Inform Pfizer host about work completion 5 2 Provide confidential access to counsellors to support suicidal Page 12 of 14 10 NA Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd No. 8 Tuas View Loop, Singapore 637674. Tel: 68966620; Fax: 68966621 ROC no.: 200205043-K tendency management, and stress and anxiety management 10 Review employee’s workload Physical Hazard Possible Accident Administrative Contrtol Excessive workload or work paces Job burnout to body 1.Surveys on employee mental well-being e.g. iWorkHealth Health stress and anxiety 3 4 12 Worker General works in workplace Physical Hazard Possible Accident Engineering Control Terrorist attacks (Physical assault, explosives, weapon) Fatality/ Serious injuries Secured access/ exit to the workplace. Person at Risk Administrative Control Worker and other personnel’s 3 3 9 Task Supervisor 5 1 5 Engineers/ Task Supervisors / Workers 1.Implement protected time (Company-wide time out); Assist worker in setting healthy boundaries between work and non-work time. Person at Risk 11 Administrative Contrtol 5 2 10 Administrative Control Staffs are advised to download SG secure app and use when required Report all suspicious activities/ person objects. Emergency response plan accessible to all visitors (display in public places) Regular updates about national security website training of SG Secure. Page 13 of 14 Yoong Tong Engineering Pte Ltd No. 8 Tuas View Loop, Singapore 637674. Tel: 68966620; Fax: 68966621 ROC no.: 200205043-K 12 Hot Work (Welding) Fire / Explosion 5 3 15 Possible Accident Engineering Control Serious injury Gas checking shall be conducted in a regular basis as per Pfizer regulation. Conduct tool box meeting prior to the start of work Fire extinguisher / fire blanket shall be in a position as close as possible from the hot work activity Supervisor to be monitor at hot work. Person at Risk Worker and other personnel’s Administrative Control Close supervision by leader, All gas cylinders shall be at a distance of 6M from the heat source. Page 14 of 14 5 1 5 Supervisors / Workers