&TAII\{$TRHET {}RGA}f f Z,ATTOH $F' SEEAI.,T'SR$f 1 tta,&\ 4*!rkd.. r Qlrrr*!r,rt1r BESTSENTTAL LTAST, j\**$- $},I$KI}iS Ll*{T ? .} 4 "f*nn l).rre al L*ass }l*itthil *f Lms* Rent Securit_r llcprsit Eding B*ginni*e #5{27 lh'.frk *d/*i l*oXX c5/ 3t 12el.3 1650,*$ l45s-"" S 5 6 TEF€ANT 7 frffir*{-} 8 {i - ll ' q**il*,?-L+J$,S rllv C***riertf* ]'jamr:{s, V,l \'kVr:r .F t# ]1 Premises rrddrcss t? City,State, i- l* 15 16 I.? It xs lq 3{i :i'l'1 L; Add;:ess zip@ cky,stzte,zip {4tynt4 Tl 6oEa4 ln conri&raion of the msrual ooyenlnB md agrecments }er*io sr:ted. Laodlorril here\ Ieases o Tonant and T*rant hereby leases fioru Landtord for a prir,de d*elling rk unir dssignared above (tlre "PremisosJ. togcthcr with thc rypurtenances tterets- aad ffie csnmod clenrents or limied common clsrnents lppurtenanr ttrereto, if m;.,for the alorr term. Along witb the drvelling unit described hprcin, tk premises inclu& &e foll,orving {check all tharylr): pariting spac{s} and c*ntei*irlg ffi F*rkrn$ spacst s i ttrdr'*titi.:d as parkrng ning end sp**i:s &fiffi$&ry ffifiarag* {ldentil-icct as -g#}qt. d"*m - *n d c*ntai -P{l&.. . transruis*rs}. ffila*frlgerat*r ffi*rcri.rR*ge'.St*1 * Sgt***ash*r EDryt:r $Eoi*t S*.'seription: S*+fi6g * ]nf*{k L,&S€, flWind*ll Air {'**diti*ns{s} {;r } ffiSr*rage ff[Orher ffi,Iicrc**** ;] r4i Lrxrtru:x * l*ck*r ruaiir*r '# c*,fr,,r'l l-C ?* tf $ual :8 REIIT: Tr:nart shall pa;.. t* Landlord- mon&l1 in adi ancc rr ithout demand as rrnt far th* Prsmiscs the sum stated abor.c ct Lardlord's addr,*ss stated abore or such o&cr addrcss as Landlord ma1' designate rn rrntrng. Time ofsuch pay ment is ofthe essence of dris agrccrn All rult shall bc due as ofthc first dar oieach mondr and shall bc pard not later &aa the fifth dal' ofcacfi month. .t? LI ?c *J 3* -Ir t, "{gerlcv apptrim" **rrpi*te Par*gr*ph 2t}. t. nt 1,/ JJ .4n1- reor aot paid 34 blanii thcr 5%) b1'the fifth dar of the month shall incur a latr palrne peodt-v of-.ljj*v, of'the mouthll" runt l if i5 i6 J6 l9 40 4l 4? .,1 ? -t-l 44 SECURITY DEP$SIT: Tenaot hcrct'ith has paid ro Landlord the securiry.dcposil starcd abore. rcccrpt of *'hich is acknou ledged b1. Landlord. as sccuritl for rhc {bithfirl perfomrancc of thc tcrms of this l*ase b1'Tcnant including. but oot limitcd ao. palmcrr of rE$t n*d to dre retum of thc Prcmises in irndamagcd condrtro(. ,{nt unusi:d portio* *i tilr sfcuri& deposrt * iil b* r*irun**J t+ T*na*r" * ith*u{ intcr*st- * ithi* Busine*s day* 'l i. or soooer if rcquircd b1 applicable lax. fmm the detc that Tcnant has racated the Premtscs. c'nanl ackrorr ledges rhal Tenant has inspectcd &c Prcmiscs and &at the Premises are in good reparr. exccpt as spccifir.d belo*. and tha no represcntations as to rhe coqrdition or repair &crcof har e been made b-v lhe Landlord. or Landi*rd's D*signatcrJ Agunt" pri$r t* *r erecution *ithi* L*asc. that sr* nrrt htrr:i* *sprts$sd" $EFnfTS qif a*3, } 2. 45 ;f TE\IANT tailed to aknowledge the landlord ofhis&er neu'arldress then the lafldlord will send the statment and any security deposit to any of the tenant references (relativqfriends) provided in tfie lease application '{'**t;ttt " ir.hirrlr Jirit:*/ i;lrtr.'.rrit/ iittti*i !.-iri*,1i;rrti i rt ; ti <t i C-**lJlt,r'rj Jit r fir li 46 47 48 3. ITTILITIF,S AND SERYICES: kr addition to thc month[]. 49 palment of thc follo* ing (chcsk all thar appl1 rent specified abor c. Tcnant shall be responsiblc for ): 50 5I ,ElHeoing Fuel I&efuse Removal !d{omco* ncr Association Dues fiElectrici{' !!Gas S#atcr/Sr',*cr -<2 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 lf Tcnant farls to pa-r an;'ofthe abor,;" Landlord ma].pa: thenr on'l-enant's b..'half. In such c\Ent Tcnax shall promptl)- rcimbumc Landlord for all such pq'ment. plus an1' penalrics paid bl l,andlord. upon demand b1' Lardlord. In thc crcnt an1'ofrhr: abolc utilitres are Bot levied spccificalll on or in respect o{ the Premises. thc Tcnant shall q6 ofsaid urilitics charged on the building oft'hich .hc Prcmis,"'s rs a p&n. pa1 to Landlord as additional rent 1, [}SE, SL}BLET. ASSIG}IIHf,II{T: Thc Prcrni s$s rvill be used and occupied as a p n1 'atl1. si ngle-fami l1' premlsrs trr' { list indir is3rml namcs}: 60 6l 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7* 7t 7: iJ 74 75 76 $'ili not perrnit thc Prcmiscs to be usr,t for an1' unlas{ul purposc or putposes that s ill tnjure tirc repuutiot of tho Pamiscs or of the neighborhood. aad *ill not prrmit the Premrses to rcmain \racaff or unoccupicd for more than 6.r7q11y(!l!)consecutirc dals Tcnant rill not allo* thc Prtmiscs to ttc used for anv purpose thd rrill mcrease tfie rate of insurancc thercon. nor for an1 purpoc o&cr than that hcrc'in specified. Tcnurt x'ill ncithcr assign this l-ease nor sublet t}e hcrniscs n khout thc prior \yritte consent of Landlotd. such conscnt sill not bc unreasonabll' tvilhheld. Landlord's consent in this instanct' nrll not *airc l-andlord's nght to refuse subsequent assi-urmcnts or suFlcttings nor rvill Landlord's consc*t rclcls,: Tr:nant &om liabilitl undr:r this Lcasc. Tcnaut will not allowed to use tle premise for any odrcr uses-zlike open busine$ and/or Airbnb etc.., 5. POSSESSIOIT: Landlord sill tender possession of Premiscs not latcr tfian tlrc begnning datc of this Lcasc. Posscssion shall be deemed to hale btxn gircn rrhon Landlord dclir ers to Tenanl the kel s for t *L^ racant Prernises. lf Landlord doJs not dclircr possession of rhe Premr$s to Tcnant i.s stipulated herein. Tenant ma1 canccl aad rr,hrminate this Lcase. ni*r sdtrcn noticc to Landlord. In this insrance- nerther partl lill br" liablc to tlle other and an1' suns paid b1'Tcnant undcr this l.ease rvill be refimded. tf'fenant acecpts latc delilery ofthe Premiscs- thcn thr rr:nt n ill bc fiiduced on a pro-raaed dail] basis for tiat monthll tcrm liom the darc of actual posscssion . Thc tcrrn oJ' rhis Lrast rvill not br c\tcndJd b\ anr such late delirr.'n and no odrers. Tsrrant fi 78 7e 80 8t 81 83 84 85 ff6 87 88 89 AND IMPROI'EUEI{TS: Tenant rvill not rnaks an! altcrations or improvements. includrng dccomtirg. t irhout the pnor u nttr.n consr,xrt of Landlord. An1. alteraions or impro!'emonts drar arc made uill remain and bc surrs.ndcrr-{ upol tcrminatrou of this Lcasc. Aur such itcccpllnce rrill not reliere Tcnant for an1 cogs incurred br Landlord as a rosult ofafi1 alterations or improvements. Tcnanl shall bc responsible for all coss rncurred bt Landlord as a rcsult of an1' unapproved alterdron or improl'cncnt6. ALTEtrL{TIONS 12. COMPLIANCE: Tenant rtill ur *er.r ru'spcct cornpll'uith applicable local ordinances tidr lhe rules and orders of thc hcahh officcrs thcreof. uittr the orders and requirencats of the policc deFrEnent. rri& thc req{irtrments of an1 underu rifen' associatlon so as not lo iocrci o,* tlle ratcs of insurance upoa thc building and contents theipof. $it[ the rulcs and oders of thc fire depatrnenl r,r'ith respcct to an] mafiers coming *ithin thcir jurisdiaicn- uitlr &o rulcs and b1{arrs of an1- applicable homeouncr-s associatlon and with any Landlcrd's rulcs attached r*klrto. 90 qI 9: q3 94 tt5 7. T,IAINTENAI{CE REPAIRS: Trnant xill keep tbc Fremises in good and sanitary condition at Tennot's sole durilg thc tcrm of this Lcasc ard during anl reneral period or crtensirm thcrcof Tcnant *ill maintarn the firtures and nrcchanical s\s*€ms in good openrtmg ordcr. and *ill {'urther be respoasible for tlre follo*ing (chcck all tha ryplv): expense 7 {$fi;rt,tr_jrjr?I i rlr jri'st '{'ritriitl i;tifi*! i i?;ti ii-'t', i itti ii t'ti {4 f.,*teiirwl lnitt*f I I* $h chergu,g 97 ffiSn*lrirce r*Elot,al frcsr dfi1;:x';rrs anri sirlelcallis ffiLatvn ni$l\ irlg ffi Landscapc rnai ntcnzu:ce {other than I *tvn m*rvi ng } fi[fuan'cngcr sen,icc t)8 EI Trash .e*'aval Q{t 99 IS0 IOI i0? 103 I*4 i05 l0{.' i07 I {'8 109 I IO tll I1? 113 tIL,l-t i l5 I Ir: I l.i 118 I19 ilir r3r 1-1 I:3 124 I?5 Ils 117 il8 r39 r30 lir ri2 111 l-1 J I34 IJ: ar,d I.eeF, thaF"*mise,ul t-{' ( {4 cl*tll cll." u,f&t#,t{h b* responsiblc f*r iun' strug{ural or rnaj*r maint*nancu, a-r:d rcp&irs- other than rontine maint*nancc ard repairs tha arc not duc :o Tenanl-s mrsuse, $'aste or ncglcct or to thd of Tenant's authorizcd occupants or risrtors. any pesl control and wild anrmal control rrill be tennal resposibilir.,*.: arry clogging in sink, bath tubes and or drainlng sl.ster will be tennat respolsiblilv due to their neglect An1 appliances contarned in rhe Prcmixs arc provided for the Tcuanr's convoicncc. L.ardlord does nor $arrant tirc fitness or unfutcmtptcd usc or enjoyment of such applianccs br Tsnant. AnT intemrpdon of Tcnant's us* and cnjo3rnunt of such appliances shall ot constitrtc 'tonsaructrlc ciicrio[."' lor foml thc basis for anr dc.J'ense- sct-off -ftjnant. or courtsr claim br' Tsoant agrees to pa1' fbr an1' ard all rcpairs. including approt'ed or uaapprorcd improvcrnents or akeraiions. that shall be neccssarl to put thc Promiscs in the same condition as,:xstcd al coormenccmcnt ofthis Lc*se. rcasonablc u'car and lear and loss b1' {ire or acts of naturc crccpred. and rhc cvensc of sudr rcpain shall be rncluded sirhia the temrs ol this l-casc. h the cvent Tenalt shall fail to rnaintain the Premiscs as protidcd hcrcundcr. and upon notioc br the l,ardlord fails to correct any dcficicncics- sucli tbilurr shall con$itulc grounds for terminanon of rhis Lease bl Landlord. Anl maintcnance or repair that is not thc otrligation oi Trnanr shall bc thc rcsponsitrrlitr of thr Landlord. Landlord shall dischargc its maintcnance and reparr n'spolsibrlilics in a timcll' manner. tenanl must noti&- landlord uith a *ritten notice slating what items needs serice or reparr tenant acknowledge that rent is not subject to rvithheld rnthour gving the landlord a r,uitten notice with landlord approval and be complied nith 765 ILC 742!l 8. DA*!.{GE BY FIRE OR CASI":ALTY: lf &c Premises is damagcd bl tire or orher casualtl not due to Tenant's r*gligcncc. L.andlord *ill hcgln repairs as soon as posiible. lftie damaged Prsnriscs is uninh3hitab.le. the rent $ill r..,a,.,.* until thc rcpain arr,'made. lf t}tt Prcmiscs is nor rcstorcd ro habitahle condition s irhin . t) 1. da3s (rfblarrk. then si\t) (60) dar-s) this Lcasc ma1 L:c tcrminatcd at the optrcn of Tcnut upon l'ritlen notice ttr l-andlord. If Landlord dgcidcs not to rrlparr or rc-burld. tr-andlord m$] tanninat!' this Leasc bv giring T*rrant immcdiatc rr risen nodce and Tenant'rvill surrcndcr thc Prrnrses to l.andlord. Landlord shall bc rcsponsrble for all costs of rcpair ofthe Pn:mises- proridcd thc damagc is not cau:ed b1'aa1. *illfirl act or negligence on the pan of -fcnant. If thc damagc is caused b1 -lbnant's rvillful act cr negligcncc. Tcnrnt shall be rcsponsiblc fbr all cosrs of r':pair ofthe Prcmiscs and Tenanr shall n:rnain oblitatcd to pa1 all rtnt and othcr charges through the end of this ' Lcasc. regardless ofthe habitatlilit) ofthc lS Pr,imrscs. 9, CONDEIIINATION: lf an1 part of &e Prcmises is takcn b1 an1 authontl for an1 public orquasr-public purpo** or ust or a settlearrxt or a conprornix qr a s{:ttlemefi in licu ihcrcof bl madc that rrould substantiallY ahcr thc inended use of the Pn:miscs. this Lcase *ill temrinate fronr the dde s'hsr posscssion of the Premises is taken Tirrant $ ill harc no right to anl damagr,-s a1\ arded or srtdcmdnt madc in this regard. i 3{: l_ri Ilfi 1i* I40 t4t t ,{'} 143 i -1,1 i.15 DI,FAULT: lf rtnt or au1 i{he r suur dut Landlord rs unpild. if tlsrc is.jcfar.lt ur compliance tidr .rlir ie,,,, ui if the Prcmis€s rs abandoned- desi:ded or vaca&d b1 Tenant or if thc l,andtord is othcm.rse entitled undcr rhe larr . &en Landlord n'ill bar.,; thc right to tcnninare tlus Leasc in accordance rith anl. apphcablc statutr or ordinancc. In an1 aoion sith rcspect to this Lease- thc Partics *rc fre to pursue :rn) legal remcdics aI las or in equiqt and tho prerailing Panl in litigation shatl be entitled to collccr rcasonablc attomel' fees ard costs from the rcnjrcvailing ?arl_r., as ordcred bv a court of competent -iurisdiction.1 not more than 1500$) 10. this Loasc: ll, HOLDOITR: Tcnant nill dilirer possession of the Prr:mrses ro Landlord upon e.xpiration cr terminatron of rhis Lease. IfTenant fails ro do so- Tt'nant uill pa1 ar anount equal to three (l) times thc monthll rcnt specified in 'i trtttttt i*ilt*i f'*' t t ttt"t t ,-irir;-?{'..i '{t ! I i I tt tti tt i \ i-erydtu*'d +7"t{ } ul' l*itial H i.:ptdfu;t"d Itrtt+iti RF -l ,4* &is L*ase for erch montlr or portion themof that Tenant rcmains in possession of tlrs Prcmises. Tenant will have rc rigltts in the Prcmiscs and will be a tenant in sufferance. Tenant will pay to Landlord any darnages and costs incurtd by Laadlord as r resllt ofany holding over. Accepance ofrent aftcr erpiration or iermination of this Lease *ill constitute a rgnelel on a mordt to monfi basis. l4? 148 14? r5s 12. LIABLITY: Landlord will not be liable to Teranl for any damage to Tenafit's person or property or agcnls. ernployees, gue*s or invitees Tenant will indemni! and hold Lardlord harmless from all claims ofany nature. Tenant shall be required to maintain rer:tcrs insurance during the term of this lease. Tenant shall fumish a cop.v., 151 t5g 153 154 r55 ofsaid policy to Landlord. r56 RIGHT OF ENTRY: tardlord or Lardlord's agents will have the right to €nter the Prernises at reasonable times (24 hour) with rcasonable notica excep in the evqrl cf an emergerc5 in order to inspecr to make ordinary, ncceseary *pairs or alte.r'ations" to enforr€ thc provisions of this Lease snd to show t$e Premises to prospective purchasers s lensrt$. Tenant will allow lrndlod ro have placed upon tfie Premise& at all times. notics of 'Tor Sa an or *To Rent" ard will not interfere wi$r thc sane. 13. 157 158 159 160 r6t 16? t63 IS5 SUBORDINATION: This Lease is sub.iect to and subordinate to the lien of all mortgages now or hereafter pn oflandlord's pruperty that includes the Prerrises. to any extensions and renewals thereofand n advances now or thereafter made on the security thereof. Tenant will execute such ins*uments evidencing subordinarion at Landlord's request. lfTenant fails to comply with such request. Tenant hereb.v irrevocably r6$ ernpowers Landlord to do so in Tettant's name. 14. placed an any t$4 t$7 15. NOTICES: Any notice to Tensnt addressed to the Prernises eir the Landlord at the addrcss designated by Landlond will be sufficienL if in writing and &livered by tr,ro of these methods likc: in person, certified mail" expre mail. pioriry mail po*d on the premise ud &mail. Since that dre tenant will be considercd as bcing notifred. 16. SEVERABILITY: If any plt ifthis Lease is constnred to be rmenforceable. the remairing parts will remain in full force and effect *s tftough any unenforceable part r*-as nor qdtten into this Lease. 16$ i6e t7fi 1?I ttl 17?. ye t t: I 11 Rn i7s I7" LIAD-BASEI-] fAffT I]ISCI#SI",}R[: Priortr* signing thls l,"*s$e. Tenant {check *ne re*civf;d thr EFA Pamphl*t, *Preted Y**r Farritry frsrx Lead i* Y*$r Hsr*€"" and {chmk one} reeei$d I Lesd-B*$d i"sint Direlosutr-. ,fie* ftor"56 \^/rr5 b**ilt crfttf t$F6l I75 1?? I'T fffi rr 18. rrp IIJ l8r ffi has iaas ** trT flADON DISCLOSURE: Prior to signiag this Lmse, Tenant {check one}Tlhaqp.has not rec*ived Disclosure. n, a Radr 19. RULES AND RECULATIOI',iS: Tenant and orher authorized occupants and guests will comply with all occupancy rules and regulations of Landlord. if any, and, with any homeowner association or condominium associcion rules and regulations as arnonded *om time to tirne and furnished to Tenant Failure to cornply with thr occupancy rules and regulatio*s will be consi&red a default rmder the terms of this Lease. IS? 1S3 1S4 185 l: &'Lf tt{ is r88 I89 tl , 10. CONflRllATlOli,OE DUAL ACENCY: The Parties confin'n tbat thel hate previously ----N/-A ----acting pmviding brokerafe-drvicts on tfieir bchalf and specifically consent with ffisard ts thc tm*sa ti** refere-d t* in this l"ease. o ti consen:cC t* dr'. I agent in &signated Agent acting as a Dual Agenr 190 r*l r9? I93 t*4 2l . ATTORNEY REVIEIV: The Parties agre that tleir respective attorne) s may approve or make medifications to this Lease. other than stated rcntal price, wi&in lrve (5) business days after the date ofrhe Lease. lf within ter ( I G) Business Days ater &e Date of Acceptsnce. *riten agreement csanot be reached by the Parties with respec to rc,solution of proposed rnodifications. then eirher Pary may termin$e this L.e6se by eerving wriaen notice to thr ftr#ic# T**a*t leirrr#r:rd lxitic,l v l.sr##J*rd/lrirsf other Party, whereupon this Leasr shall be null, acrd ruid and security deposit shall be refunded to Tenant by LAndlgTd. IF WRITTEN NOTICE IS NOT SERVED WITHIN THE TIME SPECITIED,THIS PROVISIO}{ SHALL BE DEEMED WAIVED BY THE PARTIES, AND THIS LEASE SHALL REMATN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. r95 196 t97 19S l9q ?00 201 292 2fi3 2A Y 22. OTEEN TERMS OR PROYISIONS: are not under this lease. 0\ (a) Pe*ffilare R t\ 205 2*6 207 208 209 2til 2t1 212 lf follorvs: are permitted. such permission is limited as number of Further. the following additioaal C {b} k addition to any other remedies affarded this lrase, may charge Tenant an arnount equal toldl. ofthe monthly rent for any returned check. Two occumences of rcturned checks the term of this Leasfl, including any extension of the term thereof, will require ail future rent*l payments by Tenant to be made by cashiers or certified checks or cash. (c) Tenanl shall pay twenfy dollars ($20 I for each and any lost key replaced by Landlord. (d) Tenant will not install satellite dishes, antennas or cables for television, radio, sound equipme*t, computer equipment or Internet access without Landlord's written csnsent in each case. and shall rsmove same and restor€ all walls or other appurtenances prior to vacatieg Premises. (e) (Check all that apply) Notiii is hereby piovided pursuani to lllinois statute tharf]Landlordf]lenant is an 2t3 Illinois licensed Real Esrate Broksr 214 2t5 23. ENTTRE AGREEMEIYT: This dccument and the documents incorporated herein are the ertire agrsernent of the Parties and na represenlations of either party Ne binding unless contained herein. No oral stat€ments r+'ill be binding on either par6'" This Lease may only be modified by mutual agre€ment of the Parties. The following are hereby incorporated herein and made part of &is Lease: 216 217 218 219 220 221 ')'r) 24. LEASE TERMINATION: if tenant break the lease before the lease end date. The tenant will be responsible to either find a suitable tenant after the landlord arr;eptance to complete fhe rest of lease orthe tenart will be responsible to fray 2 rnonths (other than the securiry deposit) to the landlord as a compensstion. 117 224 )1< 25. TENANT is responsible to send a written notice to the landlord 2 months before the end of the lease. This notice to let the landlord know if the tenant is going to vacate the premise or renew the lease. Otherwise, the tenant will waive his/her right to ask the landlord about the security deposit- 226 ))1 228 338YflZf . RENT may 231 tO $anUlor )11 be subjected to a small amount of raise depending on the amount of money inflation raise in properu)* taxes.(7"4[ niryr\#n l0:/r), 27.TENANT is not *uthorizcd to place any nails or screws on windows, doors and other frame structures in the property without prior written authorization fram the landlord. 234 235 28. Tenant is responsibls to wait for and coop€rate with the home warranty technician in the event of any stnrcture or piece of appliance get broken. Furthermore. the lenant is responsible for any charge acquired f,rom such serviee ifthe technieian mentioas the cause is misuse from the terlant, or if the t€nant did not want to wait for the home warranty technicianl so. the tenant will be financially responsible for such a serv'ice expense. 21{ 717 23* 239 240 241 242 243 I Temnt lnitiol Address ll:f}r p on s * d i 4" i' je*'iln! inttiul i.,ttitllt.v'ti, fr^e^nb&.,,q f* Artln{a f I €n€,r: L : W ) 5 ill iltrxpbr 6ia.iNi ii fi 6' 6 {* i ltr dss, - / 244 245 246 247 ?48 TruS IS A LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMENT FRIOR" TO THE EXECUTIG}I OT THIS LEASE. LANDLORD Ai.{D TENANT ARE ENCOIJRAGED TO CHECK ORDINANCflS AND REGULATIONS TO VERIFY THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPLICABLE COVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY TN WHICH T}IE PREMISES IS LOCATED 249 thl- 254 DATE WTINESS $?ffiREOF- the parhes hale signed and sealed this Lease on the date before rvrifien. DATE 251 252 253 754 255 2s6 ?57 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 a1) TENANT SICNATURE \(\ TENANT SIGNATURE cp UL )\-a,\ GUARANTEE For value received. the undcrsigned hercby- guarantces &e pa1'mcnt of the rent and the performance of the cot'enanls b1'&e Terant ofthe terms of &e l-ease. DATE GUARANTOR SIGNATURE PRINT CUARANTOR'S NAME GUARANTOR'S PHONE GUARANTOR'S ADDRESS. ClT}'. zIP FOR INFORMATTON ONLY +/+ 1'effint's Celt Phone Number(s; I 5/ 5 e//2 -andlord's Cell Plrone lr,rant-s Othcr Fltone 273 274 ?75 276 277 278 114 280 281 282 Addrtxs 5 Landlord"s nlL ll t1 fr rr Vra tarullord's E-Mail Address -..-.- Tenant's L-ti{arl Address OYcrheo ^C">.q Tenant's Managiag Broka MI.S# I-andlord-,t Mmagrng Eroker MI,S# Tenant's Designd Agent MI,S# Landlord "s Designated .,{gent MI,S# Phonc Fan Phone Fa:i Tr"ramt's Desigrated Agrnt' s E-Mail I.andiord's Desigrated Age$l's 28:3 284 2&s 285 287 288 289 290 At/..'n f-*runl's tlttorney lax Fhorie "I-eunt s Atoraq's E-Mail Phone Fari Landlord's Ausme*'s E-*{aii 29t ?01 '{'snonr { [ili/ial rlrlr<,,r:i' T*xrut lruin*{ Landltrcl inilitri . #t",i s l.and!t>ru! lnitial