Uploaded by Violette Liu

Macbeth Summary Worksheet

Macbeth meets 3 _______________ who tell him that one day he will be the king of
Macbeth and his wife (__________ Macbeth) decide to kill the king so he can become
The King’s son, ______________, flees to another _____________ to avoid being killed.
Macbeth becomes the king and his friend _____________ starts to become
____________________ of him.
Macbeth decides to have _______________ killed since he’s afraid he might tell on him.
Macbeth visits the _____________ again and they tell him not to worry and that he will be
king until the ____________ begins to move!
Malcolm assembles an ___________ and they disguise themselves as ___________ and
begin to approach the ___________ (they look like the forest is moving!)
Malcolm kills Macbeth and _________________ becomes the king.