***studentid=76050*** Bells Elementary School StudentID: 401502 227 Greentree Road Turnersville, NJ 08012 Virginia Grier, Principal Phone: 856-589-8441 Name: Tanner Smith Grade Level: K Homeroom Teacher: Sarah Burns 2021-2022 School Year School Year M1 M2 Days Absent 6 Days Tardy 0 Attendance as of 4/14/22 M3 M4 0 1 0 0 1 0 M2 M3 M4 Academic Assessment Key S = Secure - I can complete this skill accurately, independently, and consistently. We will work together to make sure I keep up this good work. D = Developing - I show understanding of this skill. I may need reminders or some help. We will continue to work together to help me become independent in completing this skill. B = Beginning - I may not be ready to complete this skill independently. We will work together to help increase my knowledge of this skill. = Not Assessed at this time ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS M1 M2 M3 M4 Uses a command of grammar conventions and usage S S Demonstrates understanding of basic features of print S S Forms many upper and lowercase letters S S Recognizes and produces rhyming words S FOUNDATIONAL SKILL GOALS LANGUAGE GOALS M1 S Writes with a command of capitalization and punctuation D S Counts, and segments, and orally blends syllables in spoken words S Demonstrates growth in vocabulary acquisition and use S S Adds or substitutes sounds in simple words to make new words S M2 M3 Recognizes and names 26 uppercase and lowercase letters S S Demonstrates knowledge of 26 letter sounds S S MATHEMATICS GOALS Demonstrates knowledge of current phonics skills S S COUNTING AND CARDINALITY GOALS Idenifies beginning, medial, and ending sounds in words S S Counts to 10, saying the number names in order S S Recognizes sight words with automaticity S S Tells how many in a set to 10 S S S Recognizes and writes numbers to 10 and matches to quantity S S Counts to 20 with 1:1 correspondence S S Compares the number of objects in groups and compares numerals 110 S S M2 M3 Uses short vowels to write and decode words (such as /c/a/t/) Writes dictated sentences accurately SPEAKING/LISTENING GOALS M2 M3 Expresses ideas clearly when speaking S S Participates in collaborative conversations with peers and adults S S READING GOALS M1 M2 M3 Reads text with support M1 S S Applies strategies (story pattern, picture clues, and decoding skills) appropriately S S Recognizes texts (poems, literature, informational text, etc.) M4 M4 Recognizes and writes numbers to 20 and matches to quantity M1 Represents composition and decomposition with numbers and shapes. Composes simple shapes to form larger shapes. S Purposefully engages in reading activities with understanding S S Composes and decomposes numbers in more than one way. Models and records work. S Names and defines the role of author and illustrator S S Uses objects or drawings to solve story problems S S Adds to find parts and totals. Uses an equation. Finds partners to 10. Fluently adds within 5. Retells familiar stories including characters, setting, and events Asks and answers questions about key details in a text WRITING GOALS S M1 M2 M3 Increases stamina in writing various text S S Knows and applies grade-level phonics and word analysis skills when writing words S S Uses writing resources (letter sound chart, word wall) S S Uses spaces between words S S Revises by adding details to drawings S S M4 M4 Counts to 100 by 1s and 10s. Counts forward beginning at a number other than 1. OPERATIONS AND ALGEBRAIC THINKING GOALS S M1 Subtracts from total to find part. Uses an equation. Fluently subtracts within 5. Represents and solves addition and subtraction story problems Solves teen story problems with 10 as one of the parts M4 MATHEMATICS (continued) M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4 Compares and sort objects based on attributes S S Describes measurable attributes of an object, such as length, weight, and quantity S S Compares measurable attributes of two objects (e.g. shorter, heavier, same as) S S M2 M3 Identifies and distinguishes between 2-D and 3-D shapes S S Analyzes, describes, and compares 2-D and 3-D shapes S S Builds, draws, and describes shapes in the world S S Teacher Comments 1st Marking Period NUMBER AND BASE TEN GOALS Represents teen numbers in multiple ways MEASUREMENT AND DATA GOALS GEOMETRY GOALS M1 2nd Marking Period M4 TJ is a pleasure to have in class. He makes each day so enjoyable! He continues to work hard and learn new skills each day. He is a wonderful friend and is kind to everyone. TJ is very respectful, thoughtful, and creative. Keep up the amazing work! I'm so proud of you & wish I could keep you in Kindergarten forever!! You are so intelligent and reading so advanced for your age! So impressed! 3rd Marking Period TJ continues to thrive in Kindergarten. He works so hard and benefits greatly from the enrichment program. I am amazed at his progress. Keep up the amazing work. 4th Marking Period Related Arts Performance Indicators C-Consistently U-Usually O-Occasionally R-Rarely M1 RELATED ARTS M2 M3 Behaviors that Support Learning M4 C-Consistently U-Usually Art: Demonstrates understanding of major concepts U Art: Participates in class discussion U Computers: Demonstrates understanding of major concepts U Computers: Participates in class discussion U INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT GOALS Library: Demonstrates understanding of major concepts U Library: Participates in class discussion Music: Demonstrates understanding of major concepts Music: Participates in class discussion C Physical Education: Demonstrates understanding of major concepts C Physical Education: Exhibits good sportsmanship C Mission Statement Excellence through Equity, Engagement, and Environment O-Occasionally BEHAVIORS THAT SUPPORT LEARNING R-Rarely M1 M2 M3 Independently carries out tasks related to daily routines C C U Follows classroom rules C C U SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT GOALS M2 M3 Works without disturbing others C C Listens and responds to classroom directions C C Practices good manners C C Works and plays with others cooperatively C C Completes tasks independently C C M1 M4 M4