CREATE DATABASE DB CREATE TABLE Products ( Product_ID int, Product_Name varchar(255), Supplier_ID int, Category varchar(255), Quantity_Per_Units varchar(255), Unit_Pric varchar(255), Unit_Cost varchar(255), Units_In_Stock int, Units_In_Order int, Record_Level int ); Alter Table Products add Category_ID int foreign key references Categories(Category_ID) Alter Table Products add Supplier_ID int foreign key references Suppliers(Supplier_ID) INSERT INTO Products VALUES (1,'Chai',1234,'11','10 Boxes x 20 bags ','$18.00','$9.60',39,0,10 ); INSERT INTO Products VALUES (2,'Chang',1234,'11','24-12 oz bottles ','$19.00','$1.80',17,40,25 ); INSERT INTO Products VALUES (3,'Aniseed Syrup',1234,'22','12-550 ml bottles ','$10.00','$3.50',13,70,25 ); INSERT INTO Products VALUES (4,'Chef Anton s Cajun Seasoning',2134,'22','48-6 oz Jars ','$22.00','$12.79',53,0,0 ); INSERT INTO Products VALUES (5,'Chef Anton s Bumbo Mix',2134,'22','36 Boxes ','$21.35','$8.80',0,0,0 ); INSERT INTO Products VALUES (6,'Grandma s Boysenberry Spread',3124,'22','12-8 oz Jars ','$25.00','$10.50',120,0,25 ); INSERT INTO Products VALUES (7,'Uncle Bub s Organic Dries Pears',3124,'77','12-1 lb pkgs ','$30.00','$18.00',15,0,10 ); INSERT INTO Products VALUES (8,'Northwoods Cranberry Sauce',3124,'22','12-12 oz Jars ','$40.00','$65.00',6,0,0 ); INSERT INTO Products VALUES (9,'Mishi Kobe Niku',4143,'$66.00','18-500 g pkgs ','$97.00','$65.00',29,0,0 ); INSERT INTO Products VALUES (10,'Ikura',4143,'88','12-200 ml Jars ','$31.00','$21.00',31,0,0 ); Create Table Categories ( Category_ID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Category_Name varchar(255), Description varchar(255) ); INSERT VALUES INSERT VALUES INSERT VALUES INSERT VALUES INSERT VALUES INSERT VALUES INSERT VALUES INSERT VALUES INTO Categories (11,'Beverages','Soft Drinks,Coffees,teas,beers and ales'); INTO Categories (22,'Condiments','Sweet and savory sauces, rolishes,spreads, and seasonings'); INTO Categories (33,'Confections','Desserts,candles, and sweet breads'); INTO Categories (44,'Dairy Products','Cheeses'); INTO Categories (55,'Grains/Cereals','Breads,crackers,pasta, and cereal'); INTO Categories (66,'Meat/Poultry','Prepared Meat'); INTO Categories (77,'Produce','Dried fruit and bean cure'); INTO Categories (88,'Seafood','Seawood and fish'); CREATE TABLE Suppliers( Supplier_ID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Company_Name varchar(255), Contact_Name varchar(255), Contact_Title varchar(255), Address varchar(255), City varchar(255), Region varchar(255), Postal_Code int, Country varchar(255), Phone varchar(255), Fax varchar(255), HomePage varchar(255) ); INSERT INTO Suppliers VALUES(1234,'Exotic Liquies','Charlotte Cooper','Purchasing Manager','49 Gilbert St.','London','',1245,'UK','(171)555-2222','','' ); INSERT INTO Suppliers VALUES(2134,'New Orleans Cajun delights','Sheliey Burke','Order Administrator','P.O.Box 78934','New Orleans','LA',70117,'USA','(100)5554822','',''); INSERT INTO Suppliers VALUES(3124,'Grandma Kelly Homestead','Ragina Murphy','Sales Representative','707 Oxford Rd.','ArnArbor','MI',48104,'USA','(313)555-5735','(313)555-3349','' ); INSERT INTO Suppliers VALUES(4143,'Tokyo Traders','Yoshi Nagase','Marketing Manager','98 Sekimal Musashinosl','Tokyo','',103,'Japan','(03)3555-5011','','' ); INSERT INTO Suppliers VALUES(5136,'Cooperativade Quesos LasCabras','Antoniodel Vale Saaved','Export Administrator','Calle del Rosal 4','Oviado','Asturlias',33007,'Spain','(98)5387653','',''); INSERT INTO Suppliers VALUES(6743,'Mayumls','Mayumi Ohro','Marketing Representative','92SETIUKO cHUOKU','oSKA','',545,'jAPAN','(06)4317877','',''); select* from Products where Unit_Pric>'$20.00' select* from Products where Unit_Pric between '$30.00' and '20.00' order by Unit_Pric asc select* from Products where Product_Name like 'Chang'