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Statement of Purpose Guide: Psychology Admissions

How to write a statement of purpose
1- Be creative. It is hard to talk about just yourself in two/three pages. Make sure you
include your goals in a clear way and expand from that
a. Goals
i. Become a certified counselor
1. I am passionate about helping other people overcome their
2. I had challenges I was able to overcome because of support I got
from other people. I want to be that support for others as well.
3. The human mind intrigues me. Every human being is vastly
different from one another, despite having some similarities here
and there.
4. Providing counseling to those who can’t afford it. I am from a
country where mental health is looked down on and often ignored.
At the same time, there are people who acknowledge its
importance, but can’t afford it.
ii. Keep going further into education
1. A psychologist, or anyone in the medical field should never stop
studying and researching. People in this field need to be open
minded to new ways and incorporate new strategies into their
2. I am passionate about learning new things, and I also like
challenges. Struggling with some topics/classes is normal, but
instead of settling for an average grade I always pushed myself to
do more.
iii. Become a psychology professor
1. When I was a kid, I would see my professors teach classes and I
thought to myself “I can do that, it looks fun!”. Many of my
friends thought that professors were lame, but I always looked up
to them.
2. Educating, informing, debating, sharing, and accepting other points
of view are skills I was able to learn across my bachelor’s.
Growing and learning from other people have also inspired me to
put my opinion out there.
3. I want to have my private practice and teach at the same time.
Nurturing people’s minds and helping other people at the same
time is high up on my list of priorities.
iv. Researching
1. Anyone who goes into the field of psychology must know that
research is a vital part of what we do. It is important to be up to
date with recent discoveries and debates.
2. While being informed is crucial, contributing to the field is also
key to nurture the growth of our own minds.
2- Why are you expressing yourself in that way? Why are you sharing this particular story?
Why are you including this point? Ask yourself these question to make sure you are
writing what you truly think/want to express.
3- Why do you want this program? How is this program going to help you fulfill your
goals? Make sure you check the list of courses and information about the program.
Research faculty that works on the program too. What do you want to do after you
complete this program? Why do you want to study in Canada?
4- Make sure you also say (and make this a strong point) that you want to provide
counseling that is accessible to many people, especially those who would otherwise
struggle to afford it. Also, mention your mom and her work!
5- Start off strong. Give a summary of who you are and what makes you unique. What
makes you, you. Why is this program relevant to your goals? How does your goals and
the program’s goals align?
a. Remember the first time you ever thought about psychology and why you wanted
to become a psychologist in the first place. Narrate that story and link it to your
interests and goals.
1- Focus your first paragraph in introducing yourself. Make sure they get an idea of who
you are and what you want to do. You can also mention stuff that was/is important to
2- Talk about professional experiences in your second paragraph and onwards. Explain
why you are prepared and why making it is very important to you. Pick ANYTHING
that ever happened to you, that was important to you, that shaped the way you are and
explain it.
3- How would you tie everything up? Make sure you link what you just explained to the
program. Mention professors and areas of interests you would like to work with.
Mention how important and exciting this program is for you.
Extra tips
Make sure your essay goes will with the program/university. In other words, they need to be
linked in some way so that the committee sees why they should pick you.
Be clear AND honest. If you are second guessing yourself, make sure to ask other people what
they think and how you could write that sentence/thought/point better.
Name exactly what you want to do. Be clear with your goals and be excited about it.
List down all of the things that you have done/have under your belt. Make sure it’s clear.
Divide them into two sections. One, information that should go into your CV. Two,
information that should go into your SOP.