Uploaded by Rohan Soni

SNC2D Grade 10 Science Course Presentation

Mr. Brdarevic
Welcome to Grade 10 Science!
 What was your favorite 1st Semester
 Your favorite thing about science
SNC2D Expectations
My goal is that you’re prepared for ‘3U’ level
 Expectations will be significantly higher than
Gr. 9
 You will be responsible for your learning like
never before
Be prepared for changes
75 minute periods!
 Prepare to be flexible
Entrance/Exit and Washroom
Period 1: Remember your Daily Attestation
Yellow door
Across from Computers
Class times
Be in class on time
Per 1 - Class begins at 8am
 Per 2 – Class begins at 9:25am
3 Scientific Questions…
In what way do LATES affect marks?
In what way does ATTENDANCE affect
Which of the 2 will have more of an
If you are never ABSENT, your average
final mark is 77%
 If you are never LATE, your average
final mark is 78%
 Every time you are ABSENT, your mark
drops -0.97%
 Every time you are LATE, your mark
drops -1.45%
Correlation vs. Causation?
Class Format
Lessons will be live or online.
Partially “Flipped Classroom”
Bring paper, pencil, a charged iPad and
You will make your own set of paper
notes from the live and online lessons
 Try the examples, don’t just watch
Take part in class discussions but
remember your manners
 No more than one out of class at a time
 Please limit washroom breaks to 5min
Technology: Know how to use…
 The
Hub to access all content
 Notability/OneDrive to “write on”
and hand in digital assignments
 Gizmos for lab simulations
 OneDrive/Notes for scanning and
uploading written work
Scanning Assignments
Single PDF file (not 1 file per page)
 Full screen scans (no background)
 Portrait, not landscape
 Work will not be accepted if these criteria
aren’t met
Academic Honesty
Hand in your own work
You must hand in original work, written in
your own words
 All reports will be handed in using on D2L
using “Turnitin.com”
Hand in work on time
 You get 2 warnings and then it’s 10% off
for each late assignment
 Once I’ve handed it back, you can no
longer submit the assignment
Use Curriculum Document to come up with
your own assessment
Ask questions if you do not understand
Questions should be asked with the intent
of becoming a better scientist
Test Days
Tests MUST be written on test days
during the allotted time.
 If you know you’re going to be away, you
must let me know ahead of time
 Potential consequences of late test:
10% penalty
 Version 2 will be written instead
 Further disciplinary action
First Tasks!
Assignment #1: PIF
Download from the Hub
 Complete using Notability
 Upload to the “PIF dropbox”
Assignment #2
Draw on paper
 Page 1: Name and Course Code
 Page 2: Self Portrait
Include 5 of your favorite things
Scan as a single PDF and upload to the
“Self Portrait dropbox”