or eg Gr e t re ne ne t Pi Sig n ma Da AY ES TH n nd Du on gh Mo lei Ra ON LS HE TC ay MI e od ier Cox g im Ga La Ar Br e te w ay NW AY EE GR S ER NE Hi gh b o Po i r G nt r t is s lwe E de ff ns s te r IO TP AS HE RT NO g irin Qu Ma Gr a De Br u ns w i K ir l y s ck to n e NIE SILVER FIELDS Plessis REDONDA Day Kinsley Lynn Lake Gables Hayes Berens Wabasha Berwyn Burnaby BREWSTER Ravenhurst McFadden Goodye ar Borden Webster Bates Murdock Symington Foch hin Be g Plessis Seaside Mazenod Lagimodiere Vesel OLD KING ST Robson Bournais Holden Cambie Dawnville Plessis Danakas ATWOOD one Heartst ard Chrislind Bienvenue O we n Bradley PEG Riz zu to Bern odiere Panet Blostein k Tychonic PEGUIS L ar ry G o V i ck a o df ello r w C L ar h e l s t o ry V n i ck G t ar UI S St a p on lis W Re g tino ren Fio die re imo L ag Go ya tt re me gle Ea dier e imo L ag Pearn Ham le n E ag Golde ill nh ve Ra e rlin Tim be ll s hi ET PA N ton Lagimodiere Ham Orum E FA ST l ey S or n We Tayl o r Mo rell r ls o n Jo h A LD LO UE n Rockspu Da r mp sy rily No t te r Ba il K is Pre ve t te te w orn Ch Cra ee t tin Pe i ck a aP nl e e r ci Ma ad Br o NW AY EE T Ga AY ES TH ld RO r fie me S um wn el a GR S ER ay te w AN BES We e do By a n rs Staple Ke en Wynford Baxter ed ldr Mi d an o me Ca NE IO AS HE Ga do n L on e leysid oo RO n so er nd nt l Ro s AY ES TH RO R F EH ey He y Dupuy Plessis SPEERS Humber Mazenod Newark Monterey Monaco SPEERS Durham Westmount Lachine Penticton Cypress autumnwood Harper Heather Fermor Brereton Wil low Parc Lagimodiere Park r Sho rev Da iew Shamrock Park Bursill Shamrock Newcroft ws on LAGIMODIERE wate Burmac Garwick Cv CHER RY Cherokee ge Ma Dayton Cliffwood Edgemont KILOMETRES ay 0 Plessis nt s Su Ca r fs id 21 e rna s din s si i ve j ar n Parc De La Seigneurie 22 Wild Iris s De Ea st P lain 1/2 1 2 s 23 ewing and 20 d Wil lmin ar 19gton ew Orchard Hill Park i sl a S l te r Le bin Au ill 18ing ENWAY sH GR E De DI N Glass Ch r sh ay te w Ga G re L agim LD ENF IE r rk L IL Pa ve ur ch illi CH UR CH h ut Pawnee Mohawk CHANDOS Claremont Ferndale Lawndale Larchwood So Iroquois Monck DA LY N Birchdale LE PINEDALE k Esselmont P South Niakwa ar Red al HO AN s h Nicolas L IL Y Donald ban ald Riv er D on LYO N DE RT NO lsp ter Che s in Ma E GU He r Ed ka Hw on er s ie NE IO TP AS HE RT NO od wo Elm Wa tt EE GR S ER n ma Tru e tt Wa Watt Allan TP CH CH RO GR E Y Foste r ER A ZI BR NW AY ER A ZI RO tt Wa He BR er s nd He v is Le Boyle Grace Curtis A ngu z G ome s McFa rlane Syndic ate Maple nd He Hw on er s nd on Hw Silv AUS T IN Main KING rby Hw n na Do e v al Wo od s ro s St C CE BE A TRI ia NO n s ul t z De S ch ESS NC PRI ain NAN K IL DO Ma in s Jo n e Main AR CH RTH PA R WINN K W IP E AY G te r Sal ns o ar l e W AH BIN P EM AR Pe da le rs Ca lif f e dc En in s M te r Sal te r Sal IN S A IK te r S al in Ma LES A IK ERS Rob i Ch zi e ESS NC PRI g Kin S CRE T ON NG A ik r re g o McG ws dr e An ERS P OW Sal te r ws P OW IN S A IK Is a b el P at r L au ick r Elle a n L iz Balmoral SL Y D IP zi e Mc go r G re Mc Mc dre An ERS P OW Yar d Is a b H a el rr G e iet r tie Fra nc e EL L s EN Da gm ar Jun o SPENCE FURBY Fer r ier L OM AT and a NG go r G re Ken Mc ws dre An K ROO ER B SH e K at Young Spence Balmoral Good Young Spence LANGSIDE IR SIN r P ar se TO N ro im Pr LI AR zi e NG r P ar ena Ow o ok rb r She a Lyd i Langside Young Furby St. SHERBROOK MARYLAND Ken na S IE RL s be T Ga O N Par rlies r ir cl a Sin a Rei tt VIA OLI McGee Warsaw CAMBR IDGE Waverley Buhler Recreation Park iel Tid BI S R PG u ne a BUX TON La rb o n Wallingford va N n Copeland Taggart BISHOP GRANDIN GREENWAY eh averley n Av o E dg e Driftwood or 17 TO Dugald Dugald Linm Southdale C.C ill ve r h Be a Sh ra Ma IN G ey eline AI P ar r Cai r ns G a m o re llo Sin way c Sey lair mo ur ARL I ry ille Ar t IR CL A SIN ILY EM Huntleigh McGee Chestnut Walnut Lenore Evanson Arlington CAMBR IDGE Oxford Waverley Montrose Montrose ELM Oak Waterloo Waverley Brock ville Paget Ve r Ir i ir cl a Sin S L IE A IR Y T ER BAT Y T ER BAT ty Arlington Home Ethelber t Canora RUBY Aubrey Lipton Garfield Waverley Oxford Oak ELM Ash Queenston Niagara Brock Queenston Brock Queenston Mathers Campbell BOREBANK Lindsay Renfrew ts P aq uin Penrose Penfold Lake Park Cha uir B ae Fermor Tamarac cr o s dsm r VERMILL ION Edgewater Nor WO H RT ar n Twee Am Ph Mc LA V IO f fo d il ON Da ky IN T W IG R Mo nr D D a ei t h l to n Rob e Kild r tson ar r o ch DF O E NC PRI MY T OM Trin i te Xan Home Simcoe Beverley Toronto Victor Agnes Mcgee BANNING Burnell Sherburn DOMINION Minto Sprague Greenwood OAK Elm Montrose Ash Niagara Campbell Cordova Brock Queenston Cordova Borebank Campbell LINDSAY LINDSAY Renfrew Lanark Lanark Lorimer CL A illip s Wa ts on Pipeline in s br Do r n de Be illip s Ph Mc od wo ni s RA Tin RD DF O RA SG T Ma u de k L ar Burnell Alverstone DOMINION Garfield Sherburn Ingersoll Lipton Minto Downing Erin Wall Camden Newman Basswood Erin CLIFTON Stiles Telfer RAGLAN Borebank LINDSAY Lanark Renfrew Centennial Beaverbrook Mc illip s Ph t ul a V is r Marine F i fe McPhillips Downing WALL ERIN Erin CLIFTON Mc Pipeline r Am be r ro n He F i fe g n t in Bu F i fe Jordan WESTON Valour Valour Spruce Telfer Strathcona Ashburn Valour Denson Richmond Tylehurst Lockwood Carpathia LOCKWOOD Carpathia Centennial NIAKWA TRAIL ne lbo y dle le e Ke son Ph Atlas No BL E E Ma PPA R D l de n Ma d M a era rbu M AR ry NI Ma E ns a rd S UI RQ SH ner M il L aw No Leo NT FLI MIDLAND Strathcona Sanford EMPRESS Empress St James Kintyre Garden Ly ra Ve Gt g oe a ni x Ba ltic a v ar d rlan C ou MA D AR EP P SH ll nt a Be ce vak r Mc Orange EMPRES S Miltegall Madison Queen Century Kensington Madison Brooklyn King Edward PARKSIDE DONCA STER Ubique Kenaston Kenaston Swindon Morpeth Newbury Doncaster Lamont ALDERSHOT PARK Park PARK IN S E EST TRI A NIL Sa Pi c rde k l e ll e y us Ro zm Mandalay D EP P SH dle y Chu Keewatin Jub a St James Border Century St James Centur y ER Mandalay Piney AR s et D or Arrow Kel v L o c ey k DEE ODDY Bradford King Edward CHN es C an n Dunham SCARFE Paramount Muir Keewatin a Ad King Edward King Edward King Edward BERRY BERRY CAVEL L Winston Bourkevale Chataway EDGEL AND Girton Tu x ed o Grenfell Lamont Handsart Park Park Hosmer Kelvin Boreham Laidlaw Holland PARK Dunbar Coleraine field Litch Shaftesbury DUGALD RD 101 O L CATHCART L Lo oc m hm on o d o r e ak W EL wl wate illo rle Brittany Parkview Ferry Collegiate Douglas Park Albany Linwood Bower Woodstock WHITE TAIL Apex Elmhurst Elmhurst LAXDA L MA ne L ake BER RITCHIE Khalsa DR. JOSE RIZAL WAY GA RT ON Dexter Ellington Dingle Code Brazil HUBER Inglis Walsall Ryan Ferry Ferry Collegiate Roseberry Parkview Marjorie Hampton Lyle SHAFT ESBURY Wexford CHALF ONT Bower Commissary Swann Wexford Cathcart Stockdale Lynbrook Elmhurst Bloomer LAXDA L Mayfield Epsom Overwater Cv Hewit t HANEY Deer Lodge Winchester OVERDALE Guildford Woodlawn Belvidere Mandeville Duffield Conway Moorgate Sharp Strathmillan Davidson WHYTE WOLD Vernon Olive Rita Laxdal Alcrest Princeton Haney Sammons Bramble HANEY Hilton Blossom McDowell OAKDA LE Deerpark Fairmont Truro Sackville Amherst Rutland Inglewood Davidson LINWOOD Air Force Conway Moorgate Bourkewood Paisley Sinawik Lake McQuaker William R Clement Oakdale Marlton Ferry WHYTE WOLD Moray Listowel Ainslie Moray Thompson GLENDALE Woodhaven Woodbridge Thompson Windham Oakdean Sunnyside Robli n Gillies er Kernaghan s Harstone Bu lle Bentley Charter z es Weitzel Palms nb o w Sumter Greenhoven EN RD GA n Alwood Be Eg Airport Saulteaux Saulteaux Red Robin RONAL D Harcourt Nightingale Wallasey Aldine Sturgeon Armour Harris Buckingham Miramar Bibeau l Coventry Dieppe HARST ONE Pepperloaf Greenbrier Robindale Scotswood Betournay erhil CHER W Blue Vanscoy H Van Slyk Pandora N Savoy BIRC PANDOR A DUGALD RD Beav Community Hatch Peake Barry Regent Melrose St Boniface Cormorant Municipal Bernie Wolfe Park De od Civic Foyle Mobile BURROWS Tallman H ad do e Stillwell Setter Setter Woodlands Woodlands Hagen PINEHURST COUN TRY CLUB Golf Daer GREENACR E Shelley Kirkfield WEST WOOD WES TWOOD Whitegates Rouge Cook Berkley WIHUR I Moray Cub Rid g School Alcott Vimy Wharton PARK HILL Sage Parkdale Danbury Muriel CAVA LIER Ridley Ridley ail Qu HAMILTON Bellavista Cavalier Morgan Best Raquette Seaton Sumach Addison Warman Dzyndra E AU JOHN DUNCAN M Dumore R OUG PANDORA ll Regent Yale Victoria Victoria Jason Park L Holt Raquette Barron Maureen ra Yale Victoria Melrose COLDS TREAM Walden RAVELSTON Regent Whittier Harvard Rosseau K Kinkora ON A East Mint lakewo Stillwater e a ch Point Ma nn e Charleswood NSC Rosseau Kern J Fallbrook en Brookhav ble B Charleswood Cail Kaur Umber Singh King Edward Belton Meridian Torwood Barnham z es Eg Summit Deloraine ASHERN Normandy Kay TR A Rotary Prairie Nature Park Whittier Harvard Kildare I COST ELLO t IL TR A Virden Kildare Corliss Zawaly k Kildonan Place Shopping Centre ar d ner Kildare Whitehall Harold L opuc David lG Transcona Stadium Complex ST MARTIN ST CLAIR E Hiley Bedson Ca Newman Horton Ralph Newman Horton Ralph Harold George Olive Nature Park Harlow Carlotta s ry Durand Canberra C ascade Peb Norlorne de r abe r Ty PAT son HW AY Edward Millbrook McMeans Camelot Bayview Brelade Sark Twain Ree n EY Tac k IT Y Dowling Paulley Bramwell Allenby Chadwick ALM KC Thom Dowling REDONDA Sparrow PA R Larche Thom Dowling McMeans H i Kildonan Meadows Park South a TRANSCONA TRAIL Laurentia Minikada Malone Lib ay i te w W h erly b o M RE Wabasha Highwood cu s DE VONSHI Transcona Bioreserve Kanat a Topaz Nemy Lake Ridge Lee Fireside North Meadow Day Sabine Cro Terry Scott Bridgewood dia Gunn Gunn Bond CORBETT ir i e Bala ban cottonwood Willow Lismer ood Pr a e ck uir Winona Risbey Girdw Philip nc t sm Industrial et s Barker Co or an Inderjit Claire Park Commercial Rutledge Parasiuk Notley Gr Park Grassie e h er Sandham Obrien Hammond Grassie ier od ling y dle St A McKellar Jacques d School, College, University a Hoka Buchanan n Shaun HOKA Knox K MOROZ Knox Leo OA Hospital dite g im R Dale Mc C or La L DE a al S Roy Kettering Cullen Atkinson Bergman do Garvie Cal lsb ic r P e Jogues B OU Birc WE ATHERS TONE n Kelly ow R Bike Repair Station ay ISBIS TER Me r Ava rill co Private Bike Shop Ba LD GE Hin Community Bike Shop Springfield IEL D Bernier Conifer y to OR r dle Sa Bus Rapid Transit Station er s HIBA le da rr y Be s tic O u ler d Sa GE Be OW Hin le da rr y Kilcona Park De Stewart St a ce Sid y d Tu all Pe l o INGF Dugald Howden Fleury Fontaine Autumnwood Cla OD Railway Line Z Sp e A RC A KW ST A PL rt O RW CK Points of Interest ELIZABET H Hansford s w r lle k vi PO Po LO d lan IC R r nt Cro Wickham ne dre g rrin B a us t i c O re o Mo ry VE HA le s MAGINOT An LL ow Art McOuat Memorial Park Dugas Berkshire CRESTWOOD M Kn Brunet Prom Fermor R OR ill Trud e Winakwa C.C. ER ce 16Moorefton u db er Sn ERIE NI A erh RIT Cam L to n Alb Marion y b er r B ar e r r y b k c Bla St ia es ve Ri Cr Ba n o Tal rrin o Wo Rege n N W ITA ne MO on RTO to r S e L ITA ton g TV ws l n de d A ru o r wo Alde nd o Alm te A ga An lm Sa l ey El T as s LMAN Cusson Cote Gareau St V ST Tod V ic Lo t us gal Re al st Cr y o o d gsw n i K an Inm or rm Fe l V IE MCCA Dugald o to r ia ia G Rw r e EN ER rr y rb e N o l g at o M South to r Da Elm r V ic sier ig e ton ood dale ns n Bro Fernw Thor k ric t s de We Fre GL olson de or Area of Caution ot e ST t Ha HU o i ch Cl y or ob RG e Regent St N r th h SH SE n Gle C ol s s te th Fif ay Gu r rie Mo vid ut he rr ing DR as ne K att an th n NS IR G Talbo t er t Nairn RO NK Manh H ur l by Dr BE Medium-Stress Route si d RM BE AC EU DU Pik e Ken t R ED Concordia Hospital M hm Va lle y W oo d ge SP R tt elia Y ON Herb on Riz K IMB er ER L ry AT TA N LMAN EGE Pl nn nn e an n NG tr y lin MOL S Co al M Su RO Pando e ier e t o n g si d rin Sp n s e t Su wn nl a Gle St. Vital Memorial Park Cu gue eim nh Bl e n ar d s i o l C nmill l a S tr p eria Im rim t g l i P old e E mb ain Hu Y S I D L or gh D N i K HA AN kle B a O or y le t da on V ic Av gal OD e O R W E RN WA K R PA EL M N ne g r ST Th un Kooten Nairn Do Tud o Sa Co w vie Ru s Low-Stress Route ER low MCCA ll ar NN D FA M A NH ion E rne D Tre g MIN Cle r BO dil l C on Un GUILBAULT Da Dale Harwood de No tt Ha ingha M a rb is o n m r tin s or Flett FLE Ivo gs F OR sk i n Ad am L d on AN TR IM Deniset Dubuc ian V i v ex s Es e re sm Elle owby r r Ha re TO TREMBLAY St Mar ys Couture Ho A RO L EO Am Civic Park Ra Mc e Capulet UN st Jim S Tau mith nus Du ni t s e Bu MC Co n Sim cordi pso a Co ns o n l na l INFORMAL ON-STREET ROUTES d Woodsi Stradford NL E s lc a nt a Gateway C.C. G LLE dhu r ne Neighbourhood Greenway n DA nx Pr i n Go ce Ru ve r pe M o nm e n r t t nc t on M An ir k GS Br o Ma nt i le s itso Lin Talbo t St K IN ald Isbister OE E ad y f re Je f d e n d Bu Me nn o Do w Bla han nt y re SM Cass e bb Marion DE ot t Ho L ST. LUC IL L RO ST.VITAL BRIDGE Archib Bernadine Anderson Park LY ER T rier L au h avis McT St Charles nx i Painted Bike Lane ow SA N LE Plin Me s St c an Youville Y ER OM L L VE WA s on min in e N nk Hill Cla Ge AY Kn d S un g CAST S hl a u r l fo Ba CH nd Co o re fe l d Prosper St Catherine DES MEURON yd UR Ba ES nd TG n hto e ug gu Na nt a c o M M ill c r h Chu Ca o re ltim nd hl a u r As l fo Ba CL s ey N MO Braemar Gagnon bb i U C h ni o n alm er s Wind YA RDLEY ys CH y rle l be Ma r he F is Ca TO L lo Mo As ld Pau Ian St a M A R K lke PE A r Ba RC rda E l Ce d ar cre st kla gilm le a oo Hew NR ar ST CHAR LES BER Eve n op er w s er s Kavanagh Park Giroux Cherrier Doucet EUGENIE M ill y rle M o let rt Ba od wo ple Ma Du ie fie Lyndale iver Red R Y HA Sinn Do Marion NIV ERVIL LE LE rne Westgrove MU HER B UL r Ch Gabour y St LY NDA ON d Re LY OL PT IS TE TR AV ERSE ND ly Da Alder Dale Br o ea Hamel Marion Horace Roger Coniston s ot Desautels HIGHFIELD AU Shepton K IM NEI T ON Oa D g ht on Ro be G re r t a ene Missio Goulet En EC Oak Forest Cirrus King Edward Melgund Brookside Brookside Brookside B C D F L EO ay at h Dougla n Edi vo n Ivo Buffered Bike Lane y Tomm R IV ER CA vo n MC t hw Mc Le meadow alm Su t to ing n fiel d MA Sp r E De Ha N N Br E R ah ms Bunn’s Creek kildonan H De RN xw els S yd n ey Ne il NT HO BO k F TRE WT on LE lech I nx Ch Ch T TO oo Filbert N R A IL N ing fiel d A rb y Mc Kay Edi s on Kin gsf o rd HA Du nr o bin He lms dal e Tham es Twee d De La Moren J Br o eri t ar t L ei Lin den Ha ze l Oa Dell k vi ew Win t O t t er to n aw Wa a sh Jam ing ton Bo is o n wm an Ha rb is on Un ion SEN Sp r ell Pl e as a n Co t lvin Du nbe at h Fea rn T ON OE SU lbr E NR UIS T D OO Thom ST JE AN BA Ritchot Langevin K DA Ma il n BER TRA ND KENN Y L WA N Nairn Cole Kitson Tache Kirkdale bo Os M GH D W ON F PEG S tu as le rd rdo EUGENIE SS N RO da Tis Dubuc ier De da ya yn rne LOUISE BRIDGE THOM. BERRY Fo x Protected Bike Lane D Ch N d ON-STREET BIKEWAYS e lbo u ult Deschamba let NA O Cl a us L it z Bergen Cutoff Park Sla te r ar ugl ng NA oo C CHIE Ir v i Fra Ro sers G s sm r e re Mo ir L EI L AR eau N Str W OP sh Provencher Park Louis Riel Jeanne Darc Valade G ou rne P Fo rt Spur Route Em Gle e K n r s o n nw a ow y le s he ad ma s te r S to ne ha m B DO B Ch a Joh lmers ns o n P Nair AULNEAU T ll well Norwood C.C. GS her S SO Crom 15 ra H K IL ER one Mc RTI N ad E en c NN Mah L AR MA er t Aub endr ye T er V ES La DA M RE NO T ulin o D um St Boniface Hospital NORWOOD BRIDGE 28 Multi-Use Path (unpaved) y r tin Whittier Park MA bo n Cra nd er nal MU RM R K F OR WK in ed od s BO River Ridge Riverbank Park La F GE S SA OT ey M Sa k t ch 14 Fle e DISRAELI BRIDGE Hig gin t w vie Bro ERLY nx Ch els ea am Talbo t R er i ve r dR Gle nc o e ale Ne CA re s Red River V ic ER s sd K IM Go er A IR YF MA ER RIV So an dis Ra s e y l Ke L ER an G VE tia Fraser’s Grove Park ot rb i B a r ael s Di to n ld ing Arno tt Ru D t Y HA RO E T ve L L ro o ec A Re Do Universite De St Boniface Point Gary Hobson Memorial Park ea Ph Ga L WA r eth N OA T Y nd Netley r th No d fo r te r o d a W o w uth o d D So o AL er w E N W K Riv DO Ad v Ri TI SCO t sl a eld C ob E N o N o ur g ble Ha He r t spe ler Ta lb No lle r vi me S o er s et m So s on wn Ma v Pr o on ns S t i re o l em Ky er lk Wa g ar h t d Ra fo r re s Be ale d e s Ro l i ee Jub LYO o rd I V E R R D ithfi Mc Glenwo Michaelle Jean Park Os ME RES A Mo Br RY ER UR EIL Me HARRY LAZARENKO BRIDGE RE EL 13 GAR ND G SB rrin Ru p er Sm s on St. John’s Park Main WI F OR AL E K IN ey Ril 12 m rria Me ie s s o alr low L nc s Sc A rm N e s t ro n g w to n L Pe r t St A h nt h Je f ony fe S ev r s o n en Oa ks Tai t s do Rid g nd iew McBeth House y hl a er v r rra Ess S em p Kilb le B e r i de lmo nt L an US K ot t r C NIE Co SE le rda O WO the M Riv e mm Do ge OR D am Ma KINGSTON DA rs NT R Ma c en A ME Vin 11 SO ON LL Brentclif fe Van Walleghem Park W S IL L LE V IL GN Be g rlin er MO wo it Jup Ad GO R RTF Mu ain n K IN Red River nt ou s em n Ro der to yng B Ed AU en e ar t ck KE ER M A BR Wi R PA SIN O RO H BY BE nd lL i C NE Kleyson HURST er 10 Wilkes s t g Lyon lke a Mc h Churc OR the o hn Cedar HU He DB n ks o Jac aylor T a ws t IN IB O rl Mo MATHERS Wi od o t EB Sp TAY LOR et go Grant Park ne Pl a gL yo n Sc n Gr a L TAY HE AS aw rdl Wa rude rt e G Fle trid lt MIDTOWN BRIDGE RA a Re d Kildonan Park Bu ay d tlan nt G r a rdo n e r at h We Car te Grant Park Shopping Centre OR CT Pan Am Pool AC y dle D u et te L or l ey ud d ad w y dle D u et te L or L IL et oo St J YO R r th Fle rw r ro R Manitoba Legislature on r yd Co si e Je s M e s si Ga Br o te r i Roy For re s al t HA L om b ar d t ag e Pion e er n sl y e Ro Av er Riv AW RS y WA ulve t wo W SA rrin S em Kilb ple B e r i de lmo nt Po r GRA NITE I P ar Y Bu ME York Hu Je n UR Ga Sc s er Gro n e st rch Milla o D Mc ain MCD ald r t do or y WE L L IN n We C R WA D e tha l Ma l rg a re t k We inb erg A R M S TRO L ei la NG Ne w to See reverse side for detailed City Centre map D on o ven un t Y SK OW Wilkes R ST no rd r va Ha e l Ya rd r va C or EDR AU Ha AY SW RU e Beryl Watts Park S ou Lux to Po l n s At l o n a Ban nti ner c ma CAT n H SS o re G K IN G AY SW e G SB ood Ru p er IN E OSBORNE BRIDGE RR TAYLOR EL G liam ly om de my K IN Grant Mathers Wil LLE Ellic R T ON H TAC PPE PLE ER For re s R t K IN oyal S ER Da Dr G IN NED a Ac CR ES FLEET Boulton ND N LT O SHERBROOK AND MARYLAND BRIDGE Academy JOHN BREBEUF ND NA T YN QU’A CH Into CA R on GROSV ENOR Corydon RL A W is lla h st Re dw Smit er WELLING TON River Heights C.C T HE K EN lm rS Lockston RY XA s R AY ON WOLSELEY Pa KINGSWAY S te R LT i ve r eR s on o hn s SLAW REBCHUK BRIDGE in BA N a ch NA to ling nC iboin CH de r Mo ed VE GR A CR ES NG TON Grant 9 E lg R Dundurn At t Pe r HAR in Ass EY WESTMINSTER An e W EL OL S rd y s MA SU orn Omand Park e Preston ar k RA L ag Po r t Po a Pi c e r t ag st P OR D MA St J HI G ALE FURBY Ot t 8 Barratt Alfr uth TUXEDO THUNDERING BISON TRAIL 7 HEN T EM se L au r Bu s F EN Wilkes eA ve t hi a y Wo el Lin odcre cre st st r ch Ellice WOLEVER s rlin in SARGENT Ellice wi S te R OT HA Edward Shindleman Park Health Sciences M Centre DER WELLINGT ON AVE Ramsgate od Hopwo Park Pl f fe r Su nw a Dam gin ific Ros s h W ES T TA YL OR MC eg En t St A h nt h ony Je f fe r s on Ru S ev p er e t ENN n O a Sm sland k I SK ithfi IL L s e EN Mc ld Ad am Ma C ar t h e s rut on her s Ink s te L an r s do wn e Po l s on At l a nt Ba Ink nn e i c s te rm r C at hed an ral yd FLO db in re e nip E Re d Ab w o o d e rd e en Bu r ro ws Ma g Ma nus ni t o ba Du P ac y ne Wo o kG t re liam n at Chu 27 Multi-Use Path ya No Grundy R AY 26 OFF-STREET PATHS re e eg RTF aile BEE hou lla V IS Hi g Wil Ban L EG Hill y od n CH Sw vo Ma Va M o ni e r ntc alm ma 25 nn a t Win Sargent Park Be n Ta mo r LL 24 Bikeway Network nk C n’s RICHAR D nip ul t e Le Wilkes ley an IEL Assiniboine Forest Beiko 6 Win Co D er EBE wo 23 n Fe rnb a Bu n Mc ner nr y AN Burn Willow Sterlin 5 PACIFIC eg air at t nip JA R TH NA Billingham Marj Edey Park 4 Win BLU Bo S te N Grant Ban MA ARLINGTON BRIDGE or Wilkes He Log ct Wilkes 3 n V IS an Vi 2 Log JA R y Hi g lly For e Da hlia s do wn e L an r k ir k LT O Ayr Grenadier s te COL elp Heubach Park Canadian Mennonite University Folkestone Ink Gu Birkenhead Bard Woodfield RT SON i sh ain WI ELDRIDGE CU THBE am Couture 1 her od GRAN T Tuxedo C.C. rc e S el Old Exhibition Athletic Grounds col RIDDLE l We Academy Corydon Pe a C ol A sh b ur P Tea k llish Sw ai Sap les hir e ER Garden City C.C. L IN Me wo Assiniboine Forest Corydon outh e Ridgewood Bu r M a ro w s g Ma nus ni t o ba l to n ROBLIN un t Wi CITY Ascot ed OW R Mo RR Assiniboine Park Roblin Oswald Alfr OE r Tu HA O sb r Rive X PARKIN e en Ellice Polo Park Shopping Centre W EL LI h Ful Portsm Cullen Dal Adding ton A S SIN E IBOIN DA F ACK P OL S AT L ON AN T IC HA OU IAL Tro y R CU M A rb oine e rd lain T TE C or ER R I W a O Arr lberr y OD ow wo od Ric Je h ar ds o f f e r s o M n n on Northgate Mall R AY ck Ro Coy Bruce Park CH BU Y RIA INI ib ssin Ab r UR MO e ST G SB ME Port ag aut y CH nge CA n o nto Edm y ne d Ken n gha Vau Traill Rowand fe r s R DU te te Ga st Ga Ea le dd te Mi Ga st We Kane Lodge Hind rd Far li Garden City Shopping Centre Gili Pe o a ny ony Hearne s te C ol le Bo ge yd o Avril HARTE TRAIL Fidler Grant t lin Rob Glenbush Hofsted ASS ain ur s n Roblin Park Palliser Be y na BEE la ST MATTHEWS Ness Port age NE BOI OD un t Th lle Betsworth RANNOCK Gran Turner Garrioch Vavasour Ness Conservator y no o Robli n Golden Gate Park BATCHELOR o nt Ness Zo o orr L an Fairm Lodge Mo mb er SARGENT Silver BRUCE V Assiniboine River Beauchemin Park Bangor St. James Memorial Sports Park Ness Carnar van Baffin A Bishops Jaym r Barke n Morto Stack Cu Peel Eager Westdale Recreation Site Leacock Frost Assiniboine SOUTHBOINE Cornwall STA Po l s At l o n Ban antic ner ma Hu n ro n ST MATTHEWS YELLOW RIBBON GREENWAY Braintree Ness WO nc V Riverbend ince Le ah Park rra ll L ei K IN C ol H Woodhaven Park C.C COLUMBUS Kilmer Stra us s BRUCE Wordsworth Cortez e Lin Yukon t ur y ay tt Grace General Hospital BOO T rk w Jollie Byron liam SARGENT R Simkin Park rlow N Yarwood C en Pa n Flamingo BROWNING ier ov Magella e Living Prairie Museum/Park Ness ek Sh gr e Peary Belcourt Port ag HENDA Y C re e SIMKIN Manren Kirk Ma Mu n de T ON E DY C re us Roblin 101 on Sansome Dickens 101 Byrd Davis Ericss on ALLAR D Augier er rk t t Ba we e J r ge e Galine M S tu Port ag ALLAR D Caron Park Amarynth LIVINI A Murray Park Kirby Alguire Antoine de r Wil Welling ton Ave Sargent Ir y s C at h h ar ine Gal lag Westview Park Ellice Thompson Buffie NESS Roy Ros s IN Seven Oaks General Hospital Monty Hall Je f PLE K ENN Hillary ton xan e Av s FAIR LANE LIVINIA Wellington Ave Silver Ca rr Va iage ll F i e ey V l ds i e w to n e A le ific AN TCHEW S A SK A y on ds Uplan Ness ge He d Inch Rogan Hamil Bissett LUMSDEN Opal ood EL G e Dublin ur Risbey Inw P ac nt Foot Acheson Dohaney an me Powell t ge an Saskatchew ewan Weston Memorial C.C. Da Stevenson 101 Saskatch R T EM la LEAMEN MA Northwood C.C OBA RT L ei Hartley Cha R ED Ce in ur MA t re Po St it MID No ka it S umm NI T Blu C OU GL E CH NE liam Ban n at yn A V IST Ink P S el R I T C H k ir k ARD Notre Dame Ave Notre Dame Ave UR e g Re R James Armstrong Richardson International Airport n To Optimist Park k ir k Wil Dublin S umm S el Log Ros s PLE kli Fair ific r to n 22 Legend Gle y P ac Red River College Notre Dame Campus INFORMAL ON-STREET ROUTE ws Tem ple 21 s a Re Bannister K LA MAE Ma CH ay Neighbourhood Greenway Routes on streets which typically include a range of treatments to achieve lower vehicle speeds and volumes. Treatments range from signage, bike signals, and pavement markings to varying degrees of traffic calming (speed humps, traffic diverters, and traffic circles). Logan Logan r ro Woodsworth Park PA R to n P Railw NEIGHBOURHOOD GREENWAY Bu MA Hekla Omand’s Creek Park North s te rie 20 m Manitoba Eckhardt Selkirk NL O Tyndall Shaughnessy Park TYNDALL dle s Mankato to n llip P hi SCOT IA le DU Mc 19 llu Currie Flye Ma ple y 18 Ca Manley Neville w Burrows Butler Avery Tyndall Park Hi d MA ings tH at t Hutch Painted Bicycle Lane Cycling routes on the roadway designated by painted lanes and road markings. E ag SOROKIN PAINTED BIKE LANE oin Wy S to t MARG ATE L kP Parashin igh Adsum Park Kowall rra 17 Ar to n ADSUM Ink Timmins RABER Sanderson Kurt DU VA Oa z S ville Citadel uth Denotes a difficult area or intersection on the formal and informal network. Locations were identified using local knowledge and experience. Other unmarked situations may present difficulty to some cyclists. es Burrows Park SON Ken T AREA OF CAUTION Eg OW Albina GROVE F ER t wr 16 lle Am b er Ver ona Inkster Kinver FUGA C ar e Taraska Cropo Burdick Fairgrove Bay Park Fairgrove RR Petriw Plymo Malibu Poplynn n Rose Hill Larkspur BU n mor R IGH BUFFERED BIKE LANE de at h a INKSTER LUCAS ar A sh JEF nd Tem ple RN Am b er Ba s el L ei la o rd Jut la s se ADSUM UR W Jo n rG ARGAT E GA RT ON te Heft S ew a ARTH ks rd Andrew Mynarski Park ANGLI A ona rt Inkster efo Sed Inksbrook i dg Olf Mo MORAVA nan te r H ag g a Marianne In P oz t wa PROTECTED BIKE LANE Drif Commercial rren Br Note: Sharrows (painted bicycle symbol only) are shown on this map as informal facilities. Buffered Bicycle Lane Buffered bicycle lanes provide more separation from vehicles than painted lanes, typically through painted buffers and polyposts. n Castlebury Meadows Squire Hillbrook MULTI-USE PATH Medium-stress User suggested routes shared with vehicles typically on major streets where no alternative connection is considered suitable. Recommended for experienced cyclists. Protected Bicycle Lane Protected bicycle lanes are located within the road right-of-way, but are physically separated from motor vehicle travel lanes by concrete curbs, planters, vehicle parking etc. L o uz Jefferson Jefferson Low-stress User suggested routes shared with vehicles typically on neighbourhood streets with lower vehicle volumes. Spur Route Short paths, park paths or short-cuts of various surfaces and widths. Includes sidewalks that are used to access local destinations. Depending on wheel size, cyclist may need to dismount on sidewalk short-cuts (see: “Helpful Information”). G Stefanik a Fox w The informal routes were developed using local knowledge and experience. Street conditions may vary depending on the time of day, day of the week, and the seasons. While cycling is allowed on all Winnipeg streets, users may find these routes more comfortable. Multi-use Paths (paved and unpaved) Multi-use paths are shared pedestrian and cyclist routes that are physically separated from motor vehicles. These paths can be paved or unpaved surfaces and may be subject to seasonal flooding on low lying routes. Remember, cyclists yield to pedestrians on multi-use paths. E AM INFORMAL ON-STREET ROUTES ON-STREET BIKEWAYS orest b o ur NE STO A OFF-STREET PATHS Dana T HO 15 A MAS SAL IA Division e Danu be Bit t 14 Mu C aslon Winnipeg 13 Go 12 r field De gne r sb o ur g 11 Stra 10 w il d 9 Idle 8 re n 7 Wall 6 Wall Goulding 5 Waterloo 4 Waterloo 3 Ash 2 Ritchie 1 24 25 26 27 28 Plessis nt s rna i ve Lacewing Wild Iris sH De Burning Glass Tallgrass Tansi Lagimodiere Wa rd e Melnick Kotelko Budd Lagimodiere Ramblewood y ur sb lm Ma Creek Bend Alburg rys Ea s to W ak es tw a Sh te r or eh ill York wo o d Four Mile Willowgrove ut The best way to protect your bicycle is with a good lock and to register it with the City of Winnipeg Community Services Bicycle Recovery Section: Two Mile er r ys r s on rb Fo Ma SIE HOU es What do I do if my bike is stolen? St DA L Michaalle Jean Park AUS T IN v is Le Gr ac e Boyle Arg Cur tis s Syndic McFa yle G ome z Maple g Kin Ma in A ngu K ING De Maple rlane rby ult z S ch NC PRI ate Main s L IL Y ALBERT g ) ri e s R AIL LT UA UT RM IVE DR RE Kirkdale R HIGHFIELD Monck Birchdale PINEDA LE DA LE k ban LD Donald ald Riv er ENF IE arle ESS En St fie Dubuc Ma r ys Roger 0 1/4 ld Visit: Winnipeg.ca/bikemap NS LY N Balmoral Spence Ch zi e L iz ESS NC PRI ar EN Da gm EL L ce s Fra n Good Colony Balmoral Spence Young Young LANGSIDE SHERBROOK ns o ra n Kitson Hill NC te r ne TO Ga bo Os AU D on EUGENIE DES MEURO Coronation Braemar SS NG te le dd LLI e Horace EUGENIE Tache Norwood Community Center well Wolseley Avenue Raglan Road to Maryland Street YOUV ILL E FURBY ST Goulet Marion K OO Wellington Crescent Academy Road (at Wellington Crescent) to Guelph Street THOM. BERRY NORWOOD BRIDGE Crom Gaboury BERT RA ND TR AV ERSE ll Scotia Street Anderson Avenue (at St. Cross Street) to Armstrong Avenue Youville ER Hamel ns RIV St. Boniface Hospital KENN Y ot t aw Ge Universite De St. Boniface There are four streets in the City of Winnipeg designated as Sunday/Holiday Bicycle Routes. Closures are from approximately 8am to dusk, commencing on the second Sunday in May and ending in mid-October. Lyndale Drive Cromwell Street to Gauvin Street ult Deschamba Des Meuro A IR Be d r tru Desautels ie South Point Park YF MA MIDTOWN Mayfair BRIDGE R N PT IS TE IB E O IN Sc NA rdl Wa DB S SO De La Moren Children’s Museum ot Provencher Park Louis Riel SIN n RA MA SUNDAY STREETS in ST JE AN BA The Forks T oul er n ch Valade MARYL AND Dum ve ES T is s Ritchot Railway Museum DA M ST Langevin McGee K RE E DA M Jeanne Darc Huntleigh NO T Canadiam Museum for Human Rights y Fort Rouge ve r ye Tache Walnut ndr AULNEAU T Y Chestnut e re aV RE NO T er t Joseph Royal RY NED n K EN o nto Ethelbert L Shaw Park dw a E dm Canora e er F OR GAR ald VE GR A L e WE Ga ad y ate Ac em e GRA NIT E Ri st ON t ag Visit: theforks.com Aub bard n th D on HAR RIA AS s Whittier Park L om Mai n MO orn Manitoba Legislature sl y Ro Mi GT CR OT Bonnycastle OSBORNE BRIDGE tG W IN EL L SHERBROOK AND MARYLAND BRIDGE SS Dalnavert Museum McFadyen WEST MINS TER ER M YO R ST The City of Winnipeg does not assume or accept any liability for loss or damages to any person or property arising from the use of or reliance on the information contained in this map. ME MCD Br o a The “River Trail” is a winter walking, skating and cycling pathway on the frozen Assiniboine and Red Rivers, maintained by The Forks. The trail starts at The Forks and moves west, north and south. The extent of the route varies depending on ice conditions. Important access points include Osborne, The Legislature, Hugo/Middle Gate, McFadyn/Fort Rouge Park, and The Forks itself. rn Whittier Park R AGE S mi o nto N LT O y ME Broadway Dundurn Centennial Concert Hall Pr o an York Hig gin Nai LOUISE BRIDGE RED RIVER MUTUAL TRAIL lt R EASTBOUND R sr li ae Ga Pi o n Y MAR ST. Twee d T ON Manitoba Museum Old Market Square Ave WESTBOUND Gallery y City Hall rt R I V ER er Di Logan Po r Osb Home me CA R E dm ne d Winnipeg Art Da MTS Centre e Ken R g r ta gh Vau ard r i ck P at SPENCE Young Langside Furby St Beverley Simcoe llice Po r i al Pi c E Portage Place mo Cyclists bear full responsibility for evaluating route conditions and planning routes appropriate to their personal riding skills. Cyclists assume full responsibility for and are expected to exercise caution to ensure their own safety. age R Kin r ys Ma St E EL L DISRAELI BRIDGE R e A PP QU’ Me This map is provided for information purposes only. The City of Winnipeg does not warrant or make any representations as to the condition or availability of the routes contained in this map. Cyclists should be aware that route conditions may vary depending on a variety of factors, including the time of day,Prest day on of the week, weather conditions, construction and/ or season. rt Po t re VE Talbo t l e ch No Ellice This map outlines both existing and potential cycling routes based on The City of Winnipeg’s Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies existing and proposed network as well as on local knowledge and experience for informal route suggestions. Red River College E Central Park ST MATTHEWS Ru pe IN th Home EL G ific t rrie Ha Jun o T NA T YN r tie MO SARGEN T 17 Elle ER B a P ac Ros s liam BA N rb Ba S ER Wil DER RO ve Seasonal Facilities ot eau 16 L au ROO K ena SH o ok rb r MC HA Smi 15 ND ND o Gr n N ad a XA G IN RL A T rdo La F Toronto ch ur Co R Is a b el e ain WELLINGTON w ALE in Ge eA ve idge en G re E lg HI G She R Agnes y Br Health Sciences Centre Lyd i Dam T Victor dw a MO SHERBROOK t re y ne VIA DER OLI MC Mcgee MARYL AND eg Central Community Center ILY nip EM Win n at McGee Ban Ros s Is a b el liam ific T HE E LL E Waverley Ow Wil RY VE GR A M rv ine P ac e ry HEN Ta lb H TAC r ul t re a Rei tt to n ing A rl Ch es o pk K at Lord o SU SLAW REBCHUK BRIDGE n IN S A IK s a gin Rob i Hi g Go Allan er Yar d an vie Pe Contact the Winnipeg Police to make a report as soon as possible. Contact the Bicycle Recovery Officer at 311. (s e asonal, tr ail leng th v a Two Mile Log ty ing s Fra Trin i Baylor r Y ENN K IL K Pembina Hw PEMBIN A HW R ye Red River Waverley e iuk St Mar ys Millstream Drew Riv e CHANCELLOR Shore Hillmartin Brentlawn ne So LYO N South BUX TON th S ou A PEMBIN A HW GULL LAKE LE Waverley iew nv ur lbo Co Re d Waverley t um Register Your Bike Prairie Grove v Gro V Au l ama St an Bailie St Ma HUDSON PEMBINA HW GAMBLE PL R IV IER Wallingford Waverley n Kenasto e Centr Vermette Park For an up to date list of private bike shops, visit: bikewinnipeg.ca Hall Berard SC Sablewood er U Bellflower Kenaston i sh T Iv y For more information visit: TheWrench.ca in Glen s r lpa MA RK HA M UR FI EL D nber g Wit te hr i Ha Brookfield LA K EDA ld r fie S cu OOD ERW Roseglen CL OV Oak Marshall n Av o g ton linden wo o d Hollin LINDEN W OOD Lind m e re Shoreline Lowson Kenaston Libert y McConnell Hudson Brock Paget Lorimer dsm uir CATH Britta Kelly P Q Roya l il- C W HAR Brady od st y A community bike shop is a place to learn mechanics, drop off or donate a bicycle or get a used one for yourself. Winnipeg has a network volunteer-run community bike shops, connected and supported by The W.R.E.N.C.H. S wo Brady e e le mb Brady r die McCre ary imo R L ag R do g Ra S in T ur Q bo Sa U Bike Racks Racks are available seasonally on select routes. Routes and user instructions available on the website. Fisette 101 x V ton Arpin Warde e Siou W L an g dg Ph Ea Parks and Open Space Visit parkmaps.winnipeg.ca for more information. Heartleaf Transit Bike Lockers Bike lockers are available at Rapid Transit Stations. You must supply your own lock. Visit the City website to learn more about current locations. s h b is nr i ht ir i e n de Bike Shops nn e me War w x rig St A o am Access Winnipeg’s “Bike and Bus” webpage for more information via: Winnipeg.ca/bikemap Siou b Fro llo Wi S un t ur e s eld reek nd g E DY eg t ur e Bike and Bus s Blue Sun Ward Do K ENN La Barriere Park Winnip aven ne w ain te eb Sc m t to s We Floating Bus Stop Provides space for cyclists to bypass stopped buses. Cyclists and pedestrians must be mindful of potential conflicts and watch for each other in these areas. Bon An lega o rd o n e st Til Trails and Parkways Winnipeg has a number of marked trails and parkways to explore. Look for signage and trailheads along scenic corridors to guide you. Visit winnipegtrails.ca for more information. E Ko Ke e Or f X d o re St eld r TA Sid Elsey Cyclists Yield to Pedestrians Signage This sign indicates cycling is permitted, but is a reminder that cyclists must yield to pedestrians. Shared Bus /Bicycle Diamond Lanes Reserved for buses, right-turning vehicles, and bicycles, usually at rush hour only. Check posted signs for times when these are in effect. Diamond + Bike Symbol Diamond markings are used to indicate limited use. When paired with a bike symbol, the lane is reserved for people on bicycles. Be ek tsfi a ll Two-Stage Turn Queue Box Provides an identified waiting area when making a twostage turn. Wheel Size It is illegal in Manitoba to ride on sidewalks unless the diameter of your rear wheel is 410 mm (16 in.) or less or signs are present permitting cycling. aven City Centre u nb Green Paint Used to increase the visibility of a bike lane in an area where potential conflict with motor vehicles may exist. SID Pr a Legal Disclaimer Glue panel CK Tide C re Hardin FURBY PL Bicycle Lights In Manitoba, you are required by law to have a white light on the front of your bike and a red or amber light or reflector on the rear. DO S age C lain s on r Tu 14 Camp Amisk e st P ale Creek Bend Riverbank University of Winnipeg Bicycle Helmets Under 18 In Manitoba, children under 18 must wear a helmet. nt v bo Ab on en o ah rd ge KO e f O la Floo w 13 Parc De La Seigneurie Ea P ar sh Ebb Mo lt Fu n nyo i Jul Dr e Ev isin Ba DA man e Helpful Information Sharrows Painted on the road surface to remind drivers they must share the road with cyclists. Lindsey Wilson PAMELA Park Bon n rde John Forsyth Park Hallfi n nd Wa w id s si i sl a s er to La m lha Ba Br o t tc o t Y ew ill nn e to n St A ing TA n E as Z Le u ne a Twee Harstone Charleswood al rb o n s nn m ha Ke rn Tu h E rlo ur g at cr o s or t OR x to A ld Nor eh hw D LY KO Br i aly Va co e l Lily nd S a ve u a S ir t Highbury Park on d eb Braswel E Wat E H y te l nd rla Bu Manby Burland Park rk n H. S. gle Paul uth Park So DA w or s As PO D a mp EN S uth alk Sh ne D co Ca r fs island lakes Bois-des-esprits lley Shorehill Window Va er Drive v i Park R or t ldp Park Wa An OR a RP ES Wildfire Have rhill E den wo o d St TF HO RL Tid Cha McKellar Couture EL L ater e ak h EN is t a Ba He De Leglise aH te s 12 vav ins rd Su rys el bri Ga St Therese La Salle River Greenway 11 T OS Pa So rde St Ma rb Fo bin Pe m 10 wl or t BR CR nd Wa St Mar ys St m ay St Pierre 9 GO T LD Charing Cross Park ui s rt ry nd w VE 8 ES sj a ul Pa e Ve Le aH EU 7 No er ave e La ar m L EN 6 tna t y at LL NE IN G g is RR BRUC ER by an G r rd o f s Go ll e yd od r Wo de n u T h rd o ix f Br FO HA d be rt uti Gr de ch St. Norbert C.C KILOMETRES 5 w H AR llow G ob e w S nL in mb 4 ne hw Ha CH fo r ND G re JOHN vie ES e School, College, University De DO WO n g to lmin and ay l e ew Br i dg Br Wil OD De e RG Je a Hospital Industrial LES ENWAY winnipeg.ca/cms/BLES/LS/bicycle_license.stm Vik R Bike Repair Station p is GR E bin Au g As T ON g on Wi RL A rlin Brentford Park y itle s Wh kin R ING F TU Trappiste Monastery Forest rap sT PG DI N Orchard Hill Park A ME WA Dakota Park SA ND St Mar ys d Re Fro Pollock Island 2 HO N RA ot t BU Private Bike Shop 1 rle s ey TA OW d Community Bike Shop 1/2 Ma GE KO AD in od wo ze l Ha l el yd od Wo ta Vis nsale i ck Be oo No 0 ee ar l r Bus Rapid Transit Station Commercial nn e OR DA ME FO d RD Christie r 22 Ch nc s te Cl o nd Ge e rg o D Park St A GE EN oo Re d BU ra kop Wa St Mar ys GL rw tz ar k Maple Grove Park or t le Va he 101 u re a Railway Line dP 21 BISHOP GRANDIN GREENWAY wp c Ro Pe t Points of Interest Da Me ie Alex Bridge Park V IL ir e Ma en Du Payment Park u TS w en Se Ne em e Ho ull 20 RICE La Le ym Pa 101 Bell an Dayton Cliffwood Edgemont Driftwood 101 kin os eV n Medium-Stress Route Grandmont nt Park mo nd gra RL pG S te in nd IN G ell Tr N orm Be 19 ar n in ld Milli ho cB to ne E A NY ICI EN T R K IL K PA Ma Turn s RIV D RR rine an La BI S IC rw llfie Mi us T t olle King’s Park is bo Du n Ni c EN BO w do NE University of Manitoba rm val ON ER Da af S GT Riel Park e Gr d R HO E ST Y WA AB r ve Ri No 18 Ke ia R ds lho Ba D Lee Da o re Oakle EY EN a Me lt y S ER na R IN TH Bi s St Vital Shopping Centre RIV ER RD K ING TG S m ir d RD ff Cli ar Bri adia RN RU ge on e s ad D IN E GR re ac Lin berlin O IAR le da er s WO R L nd ns e e Tow rston e ila Silv Av a en e rdu FR llen ER Pu EY LA ee ell Henteleff Park i de r ts Po Ac id ler Gr nd AN n rb e WN LA R ltic C e ni s Tu nell r Co Da r e st tW si e GR K IL Hawstead A E p Ma hr k lo c Kin ore m n ir d B a i ar l y n o d Br r w o e ld Ca Kirkbridge Park P val L a rs s te M a c G ill M OR u lho OD GL u cN d Re Gri E e Riv WO Ma Mc DM ID G s llin Co w rr y lo Ha Wins h glis l Rie M Pa YR BA En ON d as a O R PG l Rie H Van ple Tem IR BA RIV Investors Group Field ES p din ty OR EL r si TH MA o i sh an Gr ler ad y dle lbo ar a au live Be r field e e st Ch ne H BI S i ve EL L re Un NC mo am Victoria General Hospital A CH M A ICH rr y S e We en A rd n alo Av ty M ER vill r ave l Rie af St. Germain Park nl e Fer Ravine r si r ck River Pointe i ve rkh rk Pa n B Be Hin M o re M o f to n Cro u eth P 17 g rrin B a us t i c O re o Mo ry PO ST to r RIVE r nt to Tri t St Mar ys V ic ce ve Ri es B lon Tim Sale L o ewe in ar r Ta int Park Un er si z o River P as D A R CY Thatch Ag Ma he ER Trailside as to Low-Stress Route Cr ra Bl a ST y Ken INFORMAL ON-STREET ROUTES rk atc ow C an lle va lik pa uth Th Sn s in Po d Re nd Sa AN Y WA ylo gu rk Yo Ob l ey Sale Ken Area of Caution an GR G D IN EN RE UL ew thvi Tim ve r Wa Neighbourhood Greenway tt Ru t s an ea Ph n e t G ar OP bu od Wo AL V I T g to n ST cy ZA Ba n S ou So HA e lby Co eld ir fi Fa ale md Co ok b ro ole D e nm hill Burn ale Kend e Bairdmor ee Aintr as to Vest ford Grassy Lake Le ES Ken Painted Bike Lane n na Branson joh p ar k High e Sk ylin e o t us e t bo C a le il rk v a P B ne RN t y ilro RK BA ve P e a re nC l c o i dg e Fa R rk La ur gsp L on EAST LAKE EN d Gro Cra nt r ic ellor A ST ld y fie y le Wa ng La ee Lo lm Sa lg a AL VIT n ST to Tod Crescent Drive C re s c ent Park Tra yle L IND l ey lan ill h H l ey ac l Co rk Va Pa Hill Le n on IR BISON Ce ake K ek C re er r Silv owe fl nd Wi U UG CHANCELLOR Kenasto gel lM ove MA n De ON-STREET BIKEWAYS Buffered Bike Lane ek L LY V ic to r ia to r ia G Rw r ST e nc Cha Thelma J. Call Park ro bo ad L ek Protected Bike Lane C re ple Ma d an gel rid t Wes brid Spur Route A igm d oo yw d er r Ch l efo r p Ap Multi-Use Path (unpaved) e Gr L ak s to Multi-Use Path n C na s aw b on tra din dg e w do ea em pring u l B S ar Cle Bi GR Br i e Ke OFF-STREET PATHS D IN R Y WA ve r Wa z si d P ar k Bikeway Network llan Ba L AKE lt Fu ek kL iew an Lake Crest Oa E aglev Gr e ran FORT GARRY BRIDGE w eld Legend Winnipeg.ca/walkbikeprojects PG HO B KE it t Ga nl o C re nd HO N RA EEN d m ha lan a ch r i d g e Be B bia um ela ey Ril RT He on For information on pedestrian and cycling projects, visit: BI S col ur fi t H BI S p sh o C Mo 16 St. Vital Park PL A Bi Scurfield Park eld Vin ar r o w ef fi Sc U Sh Don Smith Park ld fie ilt ur e r b c S nd Va w OU SC RFI ng t Wyper t Tro ier EL D rli Bu Legend Pinc C sb Ne 15 RIV ier et ar k RC ll Hi n ha na Ma wm VE n le pp ce vr he Ro yse ER er Scurfield s to F A EV EN Fl h etc WK th V ic e R R IE na R IE Winnipeg.ca/publicworks/ pedestrianscycling CH e i dg lR AR Ne DO ur La e i dg nR Ke NC ST MO PO For more information, visit: nk ba ow ad g rove e M ar y M o L on M lc Fa IL CG re n CL s on dis y ls e e K a ayb CE u So Gary Hobson Memorial Park Ra L ER Y EL L Cla ry Rid en av ir h y Fa sbur Sim dale g n Y nt i RA Hu LIV ood ller Wa Ray Fennel Sports Centre M NN st e nw u g eb DO na Lind ck t Ke Fort Whyte Alive s to O nk c en ve r Ha V in SH LIV NE L EN IN D L WA IR E Thurston Muys Park OR E B GIL Y RA lin n MC lo a uf f Thorncliff le Waterbury gda min Far n Dee r Ru o rd I V E R W R DO me Tipto idge Marksbr y OA OD EL Ha Winnipeg.ca/bikemap tle SE nc LL Place Woodcott At Co er For quick links to all of the information Charleswood referenced on this map go to: Brentclif fe Kleyson Park LL Ot t Wilkes WI 14 NIE Van Walleghem Park Wilkes Walk Bike Projects Winnipeg is improving and expanding Wyper the cycling network in conjunction with road renewal and other major projects. The City also dedicates funds annually to improve, upgrade and expand upon the pedestrian and cycling network. od rs NE Couture Winnipeg’s Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies The Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies (PCS), a policy document, serves as a roadmap for civic investments into active transportation infrastructure and support programs. The PCS provides the longterm vision for accessible, convenient, and safe walking and cycling facilities for people of all ages and abilities. wo 13 I RV Ma NT THUNDERING BISON TRAIL en ME DA nd lL i SO N SO F EN Wilkes g Lyon 12 LLE MO Sterlin 11 AU 10 te r Wa wood uth o d D So o AL er w E N W K Riv BE Marj Edey Park 9 gL yo n s South Winnipeg rlin wi S te t 8 Wilkes ne 7 Pl a 6 Le 5 Ridgewood or 4 ct Learn101 More Hofsted HARTE TRAIL Vi Glenbush YA RDLE Y KILOMETRES 1/2 NI VERV IL LE ST. LUC