Trade Unionism:Objectives of Trade Union Presented By Ankit kumar 08710102819 & Sarim Khan 08610102819 Conte nts Definition of Trade Unionism. Objectives of Trade Union: 1.Steady Employment. 2.Rationalisation of personnel policies. 3.Voice in Decision affecting Workers. 4.Recognition and Participation. 5.Gaining legistative enactments. 6.Miscellaneous Services. Previous Year Questions On Trade Unio nism. Definition of Trade Union 1.A trade union is a contiuous association of workers which is formed with the purpose of protecting the interest of workers. 2.According to flippo:"A labour union or Trade union is an organistion for med to promote, protect, and improve through collective action, the social , economical and political interests of its members. " Objectives of Trade U nion Trade unions generally pursue the following broad objecti ves. 1.Steady Empl Steady employment is something which employees hi oyment mself may not be able to gurantee to the workers. His ability to provide it is limited by the state of market wh ich enlarged part is beyond his control. This objective s tands for enough job with good pay. 2.Rationalisation of Perso nnel Policies The economic security of an employee is determined not only by the level of wages and durati on of employment, but also by the management's personnel policies-in its selection of e mployees for lay off, retirement, Transfer and promo tion, the assignment of employees to jobs and in the discipline of employee. 3.Voice in decisions affectin The g workers may succesfully pressurise for higher wages. workers He may achieve a satisfactory rationalisation of personne l policies. But if the vital decisions like scale and schedule of production, introduction of labour saving devices. The closing and relocation of the plant remain outside the eff ective influence of workers. There is no real security for t hem. Each worker wants to know what's his chancesfor c ontinued attachment to the company? What is the success to company to him? The interven tion of union is the only way by which the worker is a ble to achieve any degree of control over the affairs t hat concerns him. 4.Recognition and Pa rticipation. Another objective that union seek to achieve is win ning recognition for the fact that they are equal pa rtners with management in the task production. Th is equality os more than the equality of the bargain table. it's an intellectual quality. That is, the intelle ctual facultie sof workers are no inferiors to those of management. 5.Gaining legislative E nactments To provide legal sanctions to its dem ands, the union attempt to give thes e framed in the form of acts so that they become the permanent feature s of the contract between the emplo yers and the workers. For this purpo se union may take the recourse of th e political party. 6.Miscellaneous Services Modern trade unions also engage inproviding educational, medical, recreational and other facilites for the development and welfare of t heir members and their families, i f they have sufficient funds. Some smaller objectives of Trade Union 1.To improve the economic lot of employees by securi ng for them better wages. 2.To secure better working condition for workers. 3.To secure the bonus for employees. 4.To resist the schemes of management which reduces employment. 5.To secure welfare of employees. 6.To protect social welfare of employees. 7.To secure organisational stability, growth and leader ship. Previous Year Q uestions