Uploaded by 17BT-545 Vinaya Sahithi

SQL Homework: Scripting, Procedures, Functions, Triggers

HW #5
#1. Write a script that declares and sets a variable that’s equal to the total outstanding
balance due. If that balance is greater than $10,000.00, the script should return a result
set consisting of VendorName, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceDueDate, and Balance for each
invoice with a balance due, stored with the oldest due date first. If the total outstanding
balance due is less than $10,000.0, the script should return the message “Balance due is
less than $10,000.00”
#2. Create a stored procedure named spBalanceRange that accepts three optional parameters.
The procedure should return a result set consisting of VendorName, InvoiceNumber, and
Balance for each invoice with a balance due, sorted with largest balance due first. The parameter
@VendorVar is a mask that’s used with a LIKE operator to filter by vendor name, as shown in
pptx file (Chapter 15, page13). @BalanceMin and @BalanceMax are parameters used to specify
the requested range of balances due. If called with no parameters or with a maximum value of 0,
the procedure should return all invoices with a balance due.
#3. Code three calls to the procedure created in #2.
(a) Passed by postion with @VendorVar=’M%’ and no balance range
(b) Passed by name with @VendorVar omitted and a balance ragne from $200 to $1000
(c) Passed by position with a balance due that’s less than $200 filtering for vendors whose
names begin with C or F
#4. Create a scalar-valued function named fnUnpaidInvoideID that returns the InvoiceID of the
earliest invoice with an unpaid balance. Test the function in the following SELECT statement.
SELECT VendorName, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceDueDate,
InvoiceTotal - CreditTotal - PaymentTotal AS Balance
FROM Vendors JOIN Invoices
ON Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.VendorID
WHERE InvoiceID = dbo.fnUnpaidInvoiceID();
#5. Create a Trigger which will restrict the UPDATE operation on the EMPLOYEE table.
Here is EMPLOYEE table Structure.
EMPLOYEE (EmpID int primary key,
Name varchar(100),
Salary int,
Email varchar(50),
DepartmentID int