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Service System Design: Touch 'n Go Innovation Task

Faculty of Information Science and Technology Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi, Selangor
Design new service system or innovate existing
Group name: Futurice
Group members:
1. Nur Anisa binti Zullkefle Mohamad (A174645) - Leader
2. Goh Sze Minn (A176172)
3. Nur Aida Nasuha binti Roshan (A174932)
Use (1) SEEM methodology together with suitable methods for each phase like (2)
Personas, (3) Customer Journey Map, (4) Service Blueprint and (5) Process Chain Network
to model and describe the service system
2. Personas
3. Customer Journey Map
4. Service Blueprint
5. Process Chain Network
Explanation on the processes
Services are the non-physical, intangible parts of our economy, as opposed to goods, which we
can touch or handle. Services, such as banking, education, medical treatment, and transportation
make up the majority of the economies of the rich nations. They also represent most of the
emerging nations’ economies. When a company provides a service, and the customer has paid
for it, there is no transfer of ownership. We cannot transport or store service.
The Service System is another element in the general queuing structure, that talks about
two aspects: Structure of the service system and speed of service. The queuing system refers to
the process wherein the customer enters into the queue, waits to avail the service and finally
leaves the system after getting the service.
Touch n Go are used as a form of electronic payment for tolls across the country,
providing drivers a safer and hassle-free drive. The service system starts with when customers
want to use highways, parking and pay for things. TnG has both card and e-wallet. When the
customer first one to use the card, they must top-up the card. Then they must find TnG vendor
nearest to them. It can be 7eleven, petrol station, or TnG vendor near the toll booth. When they
arrive at the vendor near them, they need to tell the cashier there the specific amount that the
customer wants and 50 cent fees will be deducted from the amount as a payment service fee. The
cashier will key in the amount and print the receipt after the transaction is complete. Innovation
is needed in TnG service as the pandemic happened in 2019. Integrated card which allow users
to top up online using TnG application and online banking is much needed because during
pandemic, it is advisable for people to keep their distance from each other and minimize contact.
So, when the integrated card will be implemented, people will not need to go and find nearest
vendor to top up their card.
TnG users also use their card to pay for toll payment service. There are some toll booth
that accepts cash, but this will lead to traffic congestion. TnG card that were top up earlier will
be used in this process. When the vehicles arrive at the start of a highways, toll booth will be
there to collect payment and register highway users into the system. TnG users will touch their
card to the machine and toll system register and will start to calculate fee to pay. After they scan
their cars, the booth will allow the user to use the highways and at the exit, amount that was
calculated will be deducted from the TnG card balance.
As a result, the innovative method upon integration of card service will reduce the traffic
congestion that occurs among the highway users. Hence, this service will increase the value of
the touch n go system.
References :
1. https://marketbusinessnews.com/financial-glossary/services/
2. https://businessjargons.com/service-system.html