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Jagannath University Code of Conduct

(As Amended on 6.10.2018)*
University Campus
NH-12, Chaksu Bypass, Tonk Road, Jaipur-303901
Phone: 0141-3020500/555, Fax: 0141-3020538
Plot No.-IP-2 & 3, Phase-IV, Sitapura Industrial Area, Jaipur-302022
Phone: 0141-4071551/552, Fax: 0141-4071562
*Recommended by the Academic Council vide Resolution No. 32.24.3 dated September 29, 2018 and approved by the
Board of Management vide Resolution No. 35.27.5 dated October 6, 2018.
Code of Conduct
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S. No.
Page No.
Board of Management
University Level Academic Administration
4.1 Duties and Responsibilities
4.2 Teachers with Students
Administrative and Support Staff
Staff Disciplinary Rules
6.1 Minor Misconduct
6.2 Major Misconduct
6.3 Disciplinary Action
7.1Code of Discipline
7.2 Unacceptable Behaviour
7.3 Interaction on Media platform
7.4 Hostel
7.5 Disciplinary Measures
External Experts
Adherence To The Ethical Standards
Compliance of Policy
Code of Conduct
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The primary purposes of the University are the advancement and application of knowledge and the
education of its members; its central activities being teaching, learning and research. These purposes
can be achieved only if the members of the University community have mutual trust and confidence
and can live and work beside each other in conditions, which permit freedom of thought and
expression within a framework of respect for the rights of other persons. All the members of the
university must be aware of and comply with the relevant policies, standards, laws and regulations
that guide our work culture. Every member is individually accountable for one’s own actions and are
collectively accountable for upholding these standards of behaviour and for compliance with all
applicable laws, regulations and policies.
Hence the Board of Management at its meeting dated 6.10.2018 decided to evolve a Code of
Conduct for all the stakeholders of the university and hereby passed this code called as “Code of
Conduct/Ethics of Jagannath University”
This Code is applicable on all the members of the University including the following:
• Board of Management
• Members of various university bodies
• President
• Deans/Head of the Departments
• Teaching Faculties
• Non-teaching staffs
• Students.
The function of the Board of Management is to ensure that the organization fulfills its overall
purpose, achieves its intended outcomes and operates in an efficient, effective and ethical manner.
The members would 1. Work in the best interest of the HEI.
Keep the interest of quality education as of highest priority compared to any other priority.
Work co-operatively with fellow members in carrying out their responsibilities.
Act honestly and in good faith at all times in achieving institute’s intended outcomes.
Maintain the confidentiality of information.
It would include President, Pro-President, Deans of Various Faculty, Heads of Departments, Proctor,
Registrar, Finance Officer, Academic Statutory Bodies, etc.
The authority would Code of Conduct
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1. Be responsible, as the principal academic and administrative officer of the Jagannath
University, to see that the provisions of Acts/Statutes/Ordinances and Regulations of the
University are duly observed and processes of the university are carried out in strict
adherence thereto.
2. Comply with laws, rules, and regulations of the government applicable to the University.
3. Provide inspirational and motivational value-based academic and executive leadership to the
University through policy formation, operational management, optimization of human
resources and concern for environment and sustainability.
4. Conduct with accountability, transparency, fairness, honesty, highest degree of ethics and
decision making that is in the best interest of the University.
5. Act as an agent of social change for national development and, therefore, strive for creating
an environment conducive for teaching, learning, research and for development of the
potential of the University to the maximum extent.
6. Maintain the confidentiality of the records and other sensitive matters.
7. Endeavour to promote a work culture and ethics that brings about quality, professionalism,
satisfaction and service to the nation and society.
8. Refuse to accept any gift, favour, service, or other items from any person, group, private
business, or public agency which may affect the impartial performance of his/her duties.
The education profession is entrusted with the responsibility of moulding the minds of young people.
In fulfilment of the obligations to the teaching profession, teachers will strive to demonstrate, inspire
and guide, through Jagan Nath University’s vision and mission, that learning is a character-building
and nation-building noble activity. This code is applicable to all the teaching staff of Jagannath
4.1 Duties and Responsibilities
1. Discharge his/her duties efficiently and diligently to match with the academic standards and
performance norms laid down by the University from time to time;
2. Update his/her knowledge and skills to equip himself/herself professionally for the proper
discharge of duties assigned to him/her;
3. Conduct himself/herself with absolute dignity and decorum in his/her dealing with the
superiors, colleagues and students every time;
4. Perform his/her duties in the form of teaching, tutorial, practical, seminar and research work
conscientiously and with dedication;
5. Co-operate and assist in carrying out functions relating to the educational responsibilities of
the university such as: assisting in appraising applications for admission, advising and
counseling students as well as assisting the conduct of university examinations, including
supervision, invigilation and evaluation;
6. Take prior permission from appropriate authority at any time for leave from duties;
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7. Be punctual in attendance and in respect of his/her class-work and also for any other work
connected with the duties assigned to him/her by the Head of the department.
8. Refrain from associating with any political party or take part in any other organization
actively, which is not in line with the duties and ethics of the teaching profession.
9. Refrain from bringing any political or outside pressure on his/her superior authorities in
respect of service matters.
10. Refrain from participating in any strike or demonstration and /or indulge in any criticism of
University Management, policy for any reason whatsoever;
11. Refrain from provoking or instigating any students or any other member of the staff into any
form of action against the University Management, or that seeks to disrupt the academic
activities of the University. A teacher, however, shall have the right to express his/her
opinion and express differences on matters of principle in meetings, seminars.
4.2 Teachers with Students
Teachers should–
1. Respect the right and dignity of the student in expressing his/her opinion, deal justly and
impartially with students regardless of Jagannath University religion, caste, political,
economic, social and physical characteristics;
2. Encourage students to improve Jagannath University attainments develop Jagannath
University personalities and at the same time encourage them to contribute to community
3. Inculcate among students’ scientific outlook and respect for physical labour and ideals of
democracy, patriotism and peace;
4. Make themselves available to the students even beyond Jagannath University class hours and
help and guide students without any remuneration or reward;
5. Aid students to develop an understanding of our national heritage and national goals and
6. Refrain from inciting students against other students, colleagues or administration.
7. Every teacher in the service of the University shall at all the time strive for academic
excellence in the discharge of his/her duties and conduct himself/herself in the manner of a
perfect role model for others to emulate.
All administrative staff of University are required to comply with the Code of Conduct, including
behaving in a respectful way to uphold the University values at all times:
1. Conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the values, integrity and good reputation of the
University at all times
2. Treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and refrain from harassment or discrimination
3. Disclose or take reasonable steps to avoid any conflict of interest (real or perceived) in
connection with Jagannath University employment
4. Adhere to and maintain privacy principles when collecting or storing records of individuals
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5. Remain open to collaboration, open dialogue, and the sharing of ideas, theories and practices
with others
6. Comply with University policy and procedure, and follow reasonable directions from the
7. Comply with the terms and conditions of Jagannath University contract of employment
and/or any other agreements they have entered into with the University
8. Use University resources in a responsible manner, and for Jagannath University proper
9. Strive to achieve excellence when executing Jagannath University job requirements or
assigned responsibilities
The following acts of exclusion and instruction which are illustrative but not exhaustive, shall be
deemed to constitute misconduct and will entail disciplinary action. They are:
6.1 Minor Misconducts
Negligence or failure to perform assigned duties;
Unauthorized absence / Habitual late/irregular attendance;
Habitual indebtedness, insolvency;
Smoking within premises
Disorderly conduct
6.2 Major Misconducts
Furnishing false information regarding age, qualifications, marks and previous employment at the
time of joining University;
a. Taking/giving bribe;
Dishonesty; theft, fraud or damage concerning any business/documents/property of
Drunkenness, riotous or indecent or disorderly behavior;
Gambling within premises of University
Willful insubordination, disobedience, negligence or refusal to accept charge
sheet/other communication;
Commission of any act which amounts to a criminal offence or involving moral
b. Unauthorized communication of any official document/information of University, Lending or
borrowing money or accepting expensive gifts from person/firm having official dealing with
c. Conviction by court of law; sexual harassment; threatening or intimidating other employees;
d. Possession of illegal/unauthorized weapons or firearms;
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e. Engaging in business other than that of the organization;
f. Holding unauthorized meetings, civic, political or union activities/collection of funds during
the working hours in premises of University;
g. Resorting to or abetting illegal strike/slowdown/distribution of handbills and posters or any
other act of subversion of discipline;
h. Being found in possession of or attempting to punch another employee's attendance card;
Deliberately spreading false information or rumors;
Refusal to accept any communication or warning in writing, etc.
k. Unauthorized absence beyond 03 days.
6.3 Disciplinary Action
For offences, the punishment shall be imposed by the disciplinary authority after enquiry.
Punishment shall be based on findings of enquiry, gravity of misconduct and past record of the staff.
1. Warning
Punishment may be awarded in the following forms:
For offences, censure/warning will be given in writing, fine, stoppage of increment, demotion,
suspension, discharges, dismissal from service.
2. Suspension
The Disciplinary Authority has power to suspend any staff member during pending enquiry.
This Code shall apply to all the students - on the University premises and any off-campus conduct
that has or may have serious consequences or adverse impact on the University’s Interests or
reputation. The University emphasizes on the maintenance of discipline. Students are required to
comply with University policies and regulations. The University aims to deal with all disciplinary
issues in a fair and consistent manner
University believes in promoting a safe and efficient climate by enforcing behavioral standards. All
students must uphold academic integrity, respect all persons and Jagannath University rights and
property and safety of others.
7.1. Code of Discipline
1. Students must carry the Identity Card with them on all days and should produce the same as
and when asked for.
2. Entry of outsiders in the University without proper permission of the appropriate authority is
strictly prohibited.
3. Smoking/alcohol inside the University campus is strictly prohibited.
4. Students shall strictly follow the University timings.
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5. Pursuant to the directive from the Hon’ble Supreme Court and endorsed by the state, ragging
in the educational institutions has been banned under law and, therefore, any student found
involved in ragging in the College will be dealt with under rules of Anti Ragging Policy.
It is mandatory for every student to maintain proper discipline in the University campus. Any kind of
act by the student that amounts to indiscipline will make him/her liable to imposition of fine or even
suspension/expulsion from the University.
7.2 Unacceptable Behaviour
1. Any act of discrimination (physical or verbal conduct) based on an individual’s gender, caste,
race, religion or religious beliefs, color, region, language, disability, or sexual orientation,
marital or family status, physical or mental disability, gender identity etc.
2. Intentionally damaging or destroying University property or property of other students and/or
faculty members
3. Any disruptive activity in a classroom or in an event sponsored by the University.
4. Violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening or offensive behaviour or language (whether
expressed orally, in writing or electronically), including sexual violence or abuse of any
a. Person;
5. Attempting use of any extra sheets, electronic sources or unauthorized study aids of the
fellow student
6. Use or possession of drug-related paraphernalia in campus and hostel is strictly prohibited
and in case of finding any such acts the students will be expelled out of campus.
7.3 Interaction on Various Media Platforms
1. Students are expected to use social media carefully and responsibly. They cannot post
derogatory comments about other individuals from the University on the social media or
indulging in any such related activities having grave implications on reputation of the
2. Students are expected not to interact, on behalf of the University, with media representatives
or invite media persons on to the campus without the permission of the University
3. Students are not permitted to either audio or video record lectures in classrooms or actions of
other students, faculty, or staff without prior permission
4. Students are not permitted to provide audio and video clippings of any activity on the campus
to media without prior permission.
7.4 Hostel
The following rules shall apply to both MALE and FEMALE students residing in the hostels.
Violation of any rule will make the student liable to disciplinary action including expulsion from the
hostels and also from institution.
1. All students are expected to be in hostel as per the prescribed timings.
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2. In case of the student wishes to leave the hostel premises during weekend, holidays or any
other time, he/she must get prior permission from the Head of department on working days
and hostel warden during weekends with the telephonic confirmation of parents/guardians.
3. Students will not be allowed to go home during the internal and external Exams.
4. All students should stay in their respective classrooms/labs during the study hours.
5. Possession or usage of electrical/electronic gadgets like kettle, iron box, heater, camera etc.,
is strictly prohibited inside the hostel. Mobile phones are allowed and must be used as per the
instructions. The students those who violate the rules will be prohibited from using mobile
6. The students must be responsible for their belongings including money and the management
will not be responsible for loss.
7. Parents and authorized local guardians are allowed to meet their wards from 8.00 am to 6.00
pm during Sundays and Government holidays. They are requested to carry Jagannath
University visitors pass during the visit.
8. In case of any emergency, if the parents are about to meet their wards, permission should be
availed from the Deans/HoDs and warden.
9. Students are strictly instructed not to indulge in ragging inside the campus or hostel premises.
If any student is found indulging in ragging, the necessary actions will be taken and also such
student will have to vacate hostel immediately.
7.5 Disciplinary Measures
Following actions may be taken if the student is found violating the code of conduct:
1. Warning will be given to the students in case of any misconduct or violation of code.
2. Restrictions to various facilities in the campus for a specific period if student is found
violating the codes.
3. Monetary penalty including suspension of scholarship/ fellowship provided by the institution.
4. Expulsion of students from the institution indicating the prohibition of students from
participating in any students related activities on campus premises.
5. Withholding the grade card or certificates for the courses studied or work carried out.
6. Dismissal that permanently separates a student from the campus.
7. Other appropriate sanctions also may be imposed by the competent authority of university.
External experts/Invitees would 1. Support decisions with an approach such that they have no axe to grind.
2. Help to take the right decision through their expertise and impartial views.
3. Help the University to enable attaining highest quality and standards.
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Every member of the University shall at all times, conduct his/her activities in accordance with the
highest professional ethical standards. Every member of the University is expected to become
familiar with those laws, regulations, and University rules, which are applicable to his/her position
and duties, and to comply with both in letter and spirit.
The University will monitor and promote compliance through various methods, including but not
limited to, institutional activities and reports, implement programs to further members' awareness,
internal and external audits and feedback to Management.
Any exception to this Code of Conduct Policy must be approved by the competent authorities only.
All students, teaching or non-teaching staff including the competent authorities are expected to
follow the Code of Conduct with uncompromising integrity, honesty and non – discrimination.
All questions and concerns about the legality or propriety of any action or failure to take action by or
on behalf of the University should be referred to reporting authority or by the Head of the institution.
The monitoring committee will comprise of the following:
Director IQAC
One Dean/HoD of any faculty
Member Secretary
(To be nominated by the President)
Two Faculty Members
(Nominated by President)
The minutes of the committee will be forwarded to the President for approval.
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