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Traditional vs. Modern Education: An Essay

Name: Stejo Stephen
Grade: 11M
Cross linked to: The Browning Version & Albert
Einstein at school
Traditional educations are focused on teachers during these
teachers hear all the queries of scholars and solve that at the
instant of your time. Traditional education helps to develop the
general personality of the scholars. In the traditional education
system, students get to involve in many other curricular activities
that help them find out many things and build up their
confidence. Social interaction is additionally their students get
socially involved with other students and makes friends.
The Traditional education system were complete based on
theories. And students totally hate it. The same happened with
Albert Einstein at school. Traditional method of education makes
the classes boring. When we look at the view of traditional
education from the play The browning version, here was much
stress to study classical languages like Latin and Greek. Students
of the lower fifth class were compelled to learn a classic play like
the Agamemnon. Since the stress was to master the language, the
students found it boring and displeasing.
Modern education makes many changes in the education
system it’s very different from the traditional education system. In
the modern education system, students get practical knowledge
quite theoretical knowledge. It mainly focuses on science and
technology and maybe a student-centric system. The modern
education system is an advance method of learning and teaching.
Students get more material to review online.
According to Albert Einstein education should be based not
on facts but on ideas. He said that anyone can get these facts
from books at any time. While seeing from Albert Einstein’s POV
the education which suits him is modern education. When we see
from the POV of both Taplow and Albert Einstein they hate the
traditional method of teaching. The education which they want is
conceptual & practical, but the education which they receive is
completely relied on theories. So, for the empowerment of
students the right method of education is Modern education. As it
is Learner oriented, skill-based knowledge, interactive and
engaged classes.