PRACTICAL EXAM COURSE NAME: Basic Cross Platform Application Programming With .NET DURATION: 120 Minutes Question 1 (2 points): Create a database named LibraryManagementSystem with the following tables: (The Primary keys of the tables are shown in Italics and Underlined) - Table BORROWER ADDRESS, PHONE) - Table BOOK(BOOK_ID, BOOKNAME, AUTHOR, PUBLICATION_YEAR) Mô tả: Bảng này chứa danh mục đĩa gồm các thông tin: Mã đĩa, tên đĩa, thể loại. - Table BORROW RETURN_DATE) - (BORROWER_ID, (BORROWER_ID, FIRSTNAME, BOOK_ID, LASTNAME, BORROWED_DATE, Foreign keys of Table BORROW are presented as follows: Field BOOK_ID reference to field BOOK_ID of table BOOK Field BORROWER_ID reference to field BORROWER_ID of table BORROWER 1 Q 2 (8 points): Write a C# Windows Form program with requirements as follows: a. Create a form as follows: Menu Submenu System Exit Update Book Search Search by Book Name b. Create Form to update Book: Explanation Quit the program Open Form UpdateBook Open Form SearchbyBookName Write code for buttons: Insert, Update, Delete, and Exit. c. Create a form to search books by name: 2 d. Using the menu to open Forms: Update Book and Search by Book Name 3