
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
Schools Division of Albay
Daraga North District
1. What if student is confirmed for having covid-19?
Notify the local public health
department within 24 hours.
Isolate case and exclude from school
for 14-days from symptom onset or
test date confirm isolation period.
If the student was in the classroom for
prolonged period of time, disinfection
and cleaning of classroom and
isolation room is required.
2. Possible COVID-19 cases
Early detection through regular
symptoms screening and reporting,
Isolate student
Send student home
Recommend testing
the student will be put to isolation
facility for monitoring and when
serious event occur call the attention
of the parents/guardian.
What if student exhibiting covid-19
symptoms and not identified as a
close contact to a positive case?
4. When one student unexpectedly got
sick inside the premises of the school.
5. Upon arrival to the school, one student has above the normal body
When there is a spread of the virus
inside the learning area
automatically the said student will not
be allowed to attend class, the body
temperature will be monitored by the
parent/guardian inside their house with
immediate follow up to the school.
the school will automatically revert to
distance learning
7. What if two or more student/staff
member within same cohort have
positive covid-19 viral test within 14
send student/staff home, if not already
isolate at home for 14 days
work with school to review cohort logs
to identify exposed individuals
school nurse/designated staff contact
local public health authority to confirm
case and to begin collaboration or
contact tracing.
8. What if the parents/ guardian of the
students doesn’t have any digital
means to be contacted comes the
student/s attend school showing
COVID symptoms?
The school must procure a list of
contact persons and contact
information of all the barangay being
catered by the school, so if such
incident occurs, the parents/guardian
would still be informed of the condition
of their children and proper actions
could be done.
9. What if a student is a secondary
contact of a COVID positive person?
Isolate the student right away and
make necessary action at school like
contact tracing and disinfecting the
10. What if the school conducts a limited
face-to-face classes and there are
students who are not vaccinated yet
who want to participate in the
The school should communicate and
coordinate with the LGU and other
concerned authorities for proper
decision-making and response and
must refer to contingency plan made
for such occasion.
11. If the identified close contact is a
teacher, only the class that the teacher
is handling will be temporarily shifted
back to distance learning until the
teacher is allowed to return to school.
Resurgence of COVID-19 cases in
some barangays near the school.
13. What if one student gets positive and
because of that other parents got
scared in letting their children
participate in face to face classes due
to the risk of contamination
The school shall inform parents/guardians
of learners in the class regarding the
situation and the temporarily shift in
learning modality.
School should impose a granular
offer alternative form of learning, like
modular learning for students who can't
participate in the face to face.
What if there are learners who
can't clearly see what is written on the
board due to physical distancing.
15. Difficulty in communicating remotely
with parents in case if emergency
situations due to poor network signal
in school and nearby barangay
16. During limited face to face classes,
there will be a higher risk for
transmission (whenever there is a
positive case) if the students will not
strictly follow social distancing and
other health protocol.
17. What if the students want not to go to
school and he/she preferred of the
Modular Distance Learning
18. What if the teacher cannot
accommodate all the learning
concerns of the learners due to limited
time allotted on each subject
19. Some students with shy personalities
excelled in a Modular mode of
learning, What if during limited face-toface classes their performance
declined and affects their grades?
20. Low-performing students even during
modular learning might encounter a
hard time coping with face-to-face
classes. What if during limited face-toface classes their performance decline
even more so?
21. What if student is vaccinated and
identified as a close contact confirmed
case of covid-19?
Ask the students before the start of the
class and make some seating
arrangement if there has.
School emergency response team must
strengthen its linkage with the emergency
response of barangay which the school
caters so that there will be easy, fast
response t students who needs
emergency attention.
Teacher should strictly impose the
observance of the health protocol and
maintain closely monitoring of such
The teacher will also give a copy of emodule or hardcopy so that the student
will answer the practical task and other
Still, let the students ask their concerns
thru writing on a piece of paper and pass
it to the teacher so that he/she can still
answer it next meeting and another
option is to send their question on Class
Group Chat if possible to the side of the
learner so that the teacher can answer
those unanswered concerns.
The teacher must recognize those
students and act by being as gentle and
approachable as possible to make them
comfortable while learning. The teacher
also must manage the classroom skillfully
to make learning effective.
The teacher, of course, must recognize
those students and take action by utilizing
effective teaching strategies to increase
their interest and motivation towards
Isolate student
- Send home
- Student must quarantine for 14-days
from last exposure