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CSEC Agricultural Science Syllabus - Paper 2

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CSEC Broad Topics- Agricultural Science (Single award) May 25th 2022- Paper 2
Syllabus section
Syllabus sub-section/objectives
Conventional and Nonconventional Crops and Livestock
Farming Systems
Section A-INTRODUCTION TO AGRICULTURE1. Agricultural Science and Agriculture
1.3 describe conventional and non-conventional crops and livestock farming systems;
Importance of Agriculture in National, Regional and
International Economies
Section A-INTRODUCTION TO AGRICULTURE2.Role of Agriculture and Support Services
2.1 discuss the importance of agriculture in national, regional and international economies;
(2)Environmental Factors Affecting Crop Growth
2.1 discuss the effects of environmental factors on plant growth and development;
2.2 describe the process of soil formation;
2.3 explain the importance of a soil profile;
2.4 describe the major components of soil;
2.5 describe the physical and chemical properties of soil types;
2.6 describe the availability of soil water for crop use;
2.7 explain the causes and effects of soil erosion;
2.8 state the importance of major nutrients used in crop production;
2.9 explain the factors affecting soil fertility;
2.10 explain how soil fertility can be maintained;
2.11 explain soil and water conservation methods.
(6)Harvesting and Post production Management
6.1 identify when crops are ready to for harvesting;
6.2 recommend the appropriate harvesting methods for crops;
6.3 explain post- harvest handling procedures for various crops;
6.4 explain the importance of preserving crops.
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(2)Structure, Anatomy and Physiology
Section C-Animal Production
2.1 compare the structures and functions of the digestive systems ruminants and non-ruminants;
2.2 describe the process of digestion in ruminant and non-ruminant animals;
2.3 compare digestion between ruminant and pseudo-ruminant animals.
(3)Animal Nutrition and Management
Section C-Animal Production
3.1 state the functions of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and water;
3.2 explain ‘a complete ration’;
3.3 select appropriate rations for each stage of growth of broilers and layers;
3.4 calculate Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR);
3.5 explain the importance of FCR;
3.6 describe systems of grazing;
3.7 state the advantages and disadvantages of different grazing systems;
3.8 explain the importance of forages (grasses and legumes) in livestock feeding;
3.9 explain the measures used to feed ruminants when forage is unavailable;
3.10 describe the management practices associated with the care of baby chicks and baby rabbits (kittens);
3.11 explain the management practices associated with rearing broilers, layers and rabbits;
3.12 rear a batch of 50 broilers per term;
3.13 describe the general signs of illness in farm animals;
3.14 identify the cause, clinical signs prevention and control of pests and diseases of poultry and rabbits;
3.15 identify the cause, signs, prevention and control of internal parasites of livestock;
3.16 explain the factors to be considered in establishment and management of a fish farm;
3.17 explain the factors to be considered in the siting and establishment of an apiary;
3.18 explain the economic importance of bees;
3.19 differentiate among the types of bees in a hive;
3.20 describe the social activities of bees;
3.21 identify the causes, symptoms, prevention, control and cure of pests and diseases infestation in bees;
3.22 describe the harvesting of honey and other bee products.
Animal Nutrition and Management: Pest and Disease
Section C-Animal Production
3.13 describe the general signs of illness in farm animals;
3.14 identify the cause, clinical signs prevention and control of pests and diseases of poultry and rabbits;
3.15 identify the cause, signs, prevention and control of internal parasites of livestock;
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(1)Economic Factors of Production
Section D-The Business of Farming
1.1 relate the factors of production to Agriculture;
1.2 explain the concepts of value chain and supply Chain
1.3 explain the relationship among production, marketing and Consumption;
1.4 relate changes of demand and supply to pricing;
1.5 explain the law of diminishing returns.
(3)Farm Organization and Planning
Section D-The Business of Farming
3.1 prepare different types of farm records;
3.2 calculate gross farm income and net farm income, gross margin and net profit;
3.3 differentiate a complete budget from a partial budget.