Aviation – Exam 2 Exam No.2 I confirm that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. Learner name, Reference id PRATHAM SHUKLA Date Batch code FIAT/LUK/20-21/61 21/03/2022 L3 Guidelines for Exam1. The learner should be able to identify, label and describing various safety and emergency equipment available On-Board for safety of passengers. 2. Exam No.2 is of 30 Marks 3. No negative marking 4. Allocated Time : 1 hour Aviation – Exam 2 Question 1: Please identify the Emergency Equipment and label them (1 mark for each Equipment) (1 mark) Ans : FIRE EXTINGUISHER (1 mark) Aviation – Exam 2 Ans: OXYGEN BOTTEL (1 mark) Ans. SEAT BELT (1 mark) Ans. MEGAPHONE Aviation – Exam 2 (1 mark) Ans. OXYGEN BOTTLE WITH FIRSTAID KIT (1 mark) Ans. MEDICAL KIT Aviation – Exam 2 (1 mark) Ans : SMOKE HOOD (1 mark) Ans : ASBESTOS GLOVES Aviation – Exam 2 (1 mark) Ans : LIFE VEST (2 marks) Ans SEAT BELT SIGN and NO SMOKING SIGN Aviation – Exam 2 (1 mark) Ans UNLOCKING LOCKING AIRCRAFT LAVATORY (1 mark) Ans HANDSET Aviation – Exam 2 A E B D C Question 2: Identify Smoke hood Box, Torch, Handset, PA, Emergency switch toggle switch ( 5 marks) A-SMOKE HOOD BOX B-TORCH C-EMERGENCY SWITCH TOGGLE SWITCH D-PA E-HANDSET Aviation – Exam 2 B A C D E F G H I Question 3: Identify Cart lock unlock paddle, Hot jug, tray, Cabinet, griller, Cart, Warmer Flask, Boiler ( 9 marks) Ans. ABCDEFGHI- CART LOCK UNLOCK PADDLE WARMER FLASK BOILER HOT JUG TRAY DOUBLE FRIER CABINET GRILLER CART STEER CAR LOCK WHEEL Aviation – Exam 2 Question 4. What is the difference between Crew and Passenger life jacket? ( 1 Marks) ANS-The difference between crew and passenger life jacket is passenger life jacket is yellow in colour and crew life jacket is orange in colour. Question 5. When is the seat -belt sign will come to ON mode in the Aircraft? ( 2 Marks ) Ans- If a pilot believes that conditions are, likely to be such that passenger movement poses a threat the fasten seat belt sign is illuminated.