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20 Strategic Planning Models: A Comprehensive Guide

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ClearPoint Strategy
20 Strategic Planning Models To Consider
Missing a piece of your strategic puzzle? These planning models are sure to help.
Michael Goggin
As an Associate Consultant at ClearPoint, Michael works with customers to improve their performance
management and create the reports they need to execute on their strategic plan.
Strategic planning tools, or models, are designed to help organizations' develop their action plan to
achieve their goals. There are a lot of strategic planning models out there. We know. Which is why we
pulled together a list of 20 of the most popular ones and describe the scenario that they are most useful.
I’m willing to bet one of these situations sounds familiar:
The strategy at your organization is nonexistent, and you’re assigned to find a strategic planning model
so that you can kick off your strategic planning process.
Your company-wide strategy is in place, but entirely ineffective—and you have a hunch that using a
strategic planning model (and strategy software) will make a big difference.
Your organization-wide strategy is fine, but there’s one area in your business environment (or internal
process) that needs to be realigned with your strategy.
If you can identify with one of these scenarios, this article is for you!
Read through each of the models or find the ones you're looking for from the list below and jump right
to them.
1. Balanced Scorecard
2. Strategy Map
3. SWOT Analysis
4. PEST Model
5. Gap Planning
6. Blue Ocean Strategy
7. Porter’s Five Forces
8. VRIO Framework
9. Baldrige Framework
10. OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)
11. Hoshin Planning
12. Issue-Based Strategic Planning
13. Goal-Based Strategic Planning
14. Alignment Strategic Planning Model
15. Organic Model Of Strategic Planning
16. Real-Time Strategic Planning
17. Scenario Planning
18. Ansoff Matrix
19. 7s Model
20. Constraints Analysis (Theory Of Constraints)
Is one strategic planning model better than the others?
Is there ever a need to switch strategic planning models?
Switch models, not software.
1. Balanced Scorecard
The Balanced Scorecard is a strategy management framework created by Drs. Robert Kaplan and David
Norton. It takes into account your:
Objectives, which are high-level organizational goals.
Measures, which help you understand if you’re accomplishing your objective strategically.
Initiatives, which are key action programs that help you achieve your objectives.
There are many ways you can create a Balanced Scorecard, including using a program like Excel, Google
Sheets, or PowerPoint or using reporting software. For the sake of example, the screenshot below is
from ClearPoint’s reporting software.
Balanced Scorecard example, strategic planning model, strategic planning process model
This is just one of the many “views” you’d be able to see in scorecard software once your BSC was
complete. It gives you high-level details into your measures and initiatives and allows you to drill down
into each by clicking on them. At a glance, you can tell what the RAG status of each objective, measure,
or initiative is. (Green indicates everything is going as planned, while yellow and red indicate that there
are various degrees of trouble with whatever is being looked at.)
All in all, a Balanced Scorecard is an effective, proven way to get your team on the same page with your
See Also: A Full & Exhaustive Balanced Scorecard Example
2. Strategy Map
A strategy map is a visual tool designed to clearly communicate a strategic plan and achieve high-level
business goals. Strategy mapping is a major part of the Balanced Scorecard (though it isn’t exclusive to
the BSC) and offers an excellent way to communicate the high-level information across your
organization in an easily-digestible format.
Balanced Scorecard strategy map, strategic planning model, strategic planning process model
A strategy map offers a host of benefits:
It provides a simple, clean, visual representation that is easily referred back to.
It unifies all goals into a single strategy.
It gives every employee a clear goal to keep in mind while accomplishing tasks and measures.
It helps identify your key goals.
It allows you to better understand which elements of your strategy need work.
It helps you see how your objectives affect the others.
See Also: A Strategy Map Template For Medium-Sized Companies
3. SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis (or SWOT matrix) is a high-level model used at the beginning of an organization’s
strategic planning. It is an acronym for “strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.” Strengths
and weaknesses are considered internal factors, and opportunities and threats are considered external
Below is an example SWOT analysis from the Queensland, Australia, government:
SWOT analysis example, strategic planning model, strategic planning process model
Using a SWOT analysis as part of your strategic business model helps an organization identify where
they’re doing well and in what areas they can improve. If you’re interested in reading more, this
Business News Daily article offers some additional details about each area of the SWOT analysis and
what to look for when you create one.
See Also: SWOT Analysis Template (+ Seven Other Strategic Planning Templates)
4. PEST Model
Like SWOT, PEST is also an acronym—it stands for “political, economic, sociocultural, and technological.”
Each of these factors is used to look at an industry or business environment, and determine what could
affect an organization’s health. The PEST model is often used in conjunction with the external factors of
a SWOT analysis. You may also run into Porter’s Five Forces (see #7 below), which is a similar take on
examining your business from various angles.
PEST analysis model example, strategic planning model, strategic planning process model
You’ll occasionally see the PEST model with a few extra letters added on. For example, PESTEL (or
PESTLE) indicates an organization is also considering “environmental” and “legal” factors. STEEPLED is
another variation, which stands for “sociocultural, technological economic, environmental, political,
legal, education, and demographic.”
See Also: PEST Analysis Template (+ Seven Other Strategic Planning Templates)
5. Gap Planning
Gap planning is also referred to as a “Need-Gap Analysis,” “Need Assessment,” or “the StrategicPlanning Gap.” It is used to compare where an organization is now, where it wants to be, and how to
bridge the gap between. It is primarily used to identify specific internal deficiencies.
In your gap planning research, you may also hear about a “change agenda” or “shift chart.” These are
similar to gap planning, as they both take into consideration the difference between where you are now
and where you want to be along various axes. From there, your planning process is about how to ‘close
the gap.’
The chart below, for example, demonstrates the difference between the projected and desired sales of a
mock company:
The strategic-planning gap, strategic planning model, strategic planning process model
See Also: Gap Planning Template (+ Seven Other Strategic Planning Templates)
6. Blue Ocean Strategy
Blue Ocean Strategy is a strategic planning model that emerged in a book by the same name in 2005.
The book—titled “Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make
Competition Irrelevant”—was written by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, professors at the
European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD).
The idea behind Blue Ocean Strategy is for organizations to develop in “uncontested market space” (e.g.
a blue ocean) instead of a market space that is either developed or saturated (e.g. a red ocean). If your
organization is able to create a blue ocean, it can mean a massive value boost for your company, its
buyers, and its employees.
For example, Kim and Mauborgne explain via their 2004 Harvard Business Review article how Cirque du
Soleil didn’t attempt to operate as a normal circus, and instead carved out a niche for itself that no other
circus had ever tried.
Below is a simple comparison chart from the Blue Ocean Strategy website that will help you understand
if you’re working in a blue ocean or a red ocean:
Red ocean strategy vs. blue ocean strategy, strategic planning model, strategic planning process model
See Also: Blue Ocean Analysis Template (+ Seven Other Strategic Planning Templates)
7. Porter’s Five Forces
Porter’s Five Forces is an older strategy execution framework (created by Michael Porter in 1979) built
around the forces that impact the profitability of an industry or a market. The five forces it examines are:
The threat of entry. Could other companies enter the marketplace easily, or are there numerous entry
barriers they would have to overcome?
The threat of substitute products or services. Can buyers easily replace your product with another?
The bargaining power of customers. Could individual buyers put pressure on your organization to, say,
lower costs?
The bargaining power of suppliers. Could large retailers put pressure on your organization to drive down
the cost?
The competitive rivalry among existing firms. Are your current competitors poised for major growth? If
one launches a new product or files a new patent—could that impact your company?
The amount of pressure on each of these forces can help you determine how future events will impact
the future of your company.
Porter’s Five Forces, strategic planning model, strategic planning process model
See Also: Porter’s Five Forces Template (+ Seven Other Strategic Planning Templates)
8. VRIO Framework
The VRIO framework is an acronym for “value, rarity, imitability, organization.” This strategic planning
process relates more to your vision statement than your overall strategy. The ultimate goal in
implementing the VRIO model is that it will result in a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Here’s how to think of each of the four VRIO components:
Value: Are you able to exploit an opportunity or neutralize an outside threat using a particular resource?
Rarity: Is there a great deal of competition in your market, or do only a few companies control the
resource referred to above?
Imitability: Is your organization’s product or service easily imitated, or would it be difficult for another
organization to do so?
Organization: Is your company organized enough to be able to exploit your product or resource?
Once you answer these four questions, you’ll be able to formulate a more precise vision statement to
help carry you through all the additional strategic elements in your plan.
See Also: VRIO Analysis Template (+ Seven Other Strategic Planning Templates)
9. Baldrige Framework
The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is “the highest level of national recognition for
performance excellence that a U.S. organization can receive.” Created in 1987, the goal of Baldrige is to
help organizations innovate and improve, while achieving their mission and vision. The award is
currently open to manufacturing, service, small business, nonprofit, government, education, and
healthcare sectors.
When applying to win the Baldrige award at the national level, organizations undergo a competitive
process that involves the implementation of the Baldrige framework. The framework outlines the
“Baldrige Criteria For Performance Excellence,” where organizations must demonstrate achievement
and improvement to an independent board of examiners in these seven areas:
Planning and strategy
Measurement, analysis, and knowledge management
To implement the Baldrige framework in your organization, start with two questionnaires that help you
self-assess based on the seven Baldrige Criteria categories, and get a snapshot of your strengths and
opportunities for improvement.
Baldrige framework example, strategic planning model, strategic planning process model
10. OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)
The strategic planning model of choice for Google, Intel, Spotify, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many other
Silicon Valley successes, the OKR framework, is one of the more straightforward strategic planning tools.
It’s designed to create alignment and engagement around measurable goals by clearly defining:
Objectives: What you want to achieve. Choose three to five objectives that are brief, inspiring, and timebound.
Key Results: How you’ll measure progress toward your achievements. Set three to five key results (they
must be quantitative) per objective.
The strategic planning model of choice for many businesses—including Google, Intel, Spotify, Twitter,
LinkedIn, and many other Silicon Valley successes— the OKR framework is also effective because goals
are continually set, tracked, and re-evaluated so organizations can quickly adapt when needed. This is a
fast-paced, iterative approach that flips the traditional top-down strategic models. The RACI matrix is a
helpful visual for defining the role each person in your organization has for projects and processes,
ensuring it aligns with their OKRs.
Objective and Key Results OKR definition, strategic planning model, strategic planning process model
See a strategic planning model fits your business? Download one of these free templates to put your
planning process in play instantly.
11. Hoshin Planning
The Hoshin Planning approach aligns your strategic goals with your projects and tasks to ensure that
efforts are coordinated. This strategic management model is less focused on measures and more on
goals and initiatives.
Some sources cite up to seven steps in the Hoshin Planning model, but the four most critical are:
Identify key goals. Ideally you’d focus on three to five goals.
Play “catchball.” Share goals from top to bottom of your organization to obtain buy-in.
Gather intel through “gemba.” Track the execution of your key goals and gather feedback from
employees, using a defined process.
Make adjustments. Initiate change based on feedback and repeat the steps of catchball and gemba.
You visualize your objectives, measures and targets, measure programs, and action items in a Hoshin
Planning matrix. Four directional quadrants (north, south, east, west) inform each other and
demonstrate alignment.
Hoshin Planning matrix example, strategic planning model, strategic planning process model
12. Issue-Based Strategic Planning
The issue-based strategic model is oriented in the present and projects into the future. It aims to
identify the major challenges your organization faces now—in other words, you start with the problems
to iron out issues before expanding, shifting your strategy, etc. This is typically a short-term (6-12
months), internally-focused process. Issue-based planning is ideal for young or resource-restricted
The leadership team or stakeholders identify the major issues and goals as a first step. Next, your
organization will create action plans to address the issues, including budget allocation. From there, you
will execute and track progress. After an issues-based plan has been implemented and the major issues
you identified are resolved, then your organization might consider shifting to a broader, more complex
strategic management model.
Issue-based strategic planning, strategic planning model, strategic planning process model
13. Goal-Based Strategic Planning
Goal-based strategic planning is the reverse of issue-based. This approach works backward from the
future to the present. It all starts with your organization’s vision.
By nature, vision statements are aspirational and forward-thinking, but they need specifics in order to
be realized. Goal-based planning tackles that challenge by setting measurable goals that align with your
vision and strategic plan. Next, you define time frames for goal achievement. This is a long-term
strategic planning tool, so goal time frames are typically about three to five years. From there,
stakeholders will create action plans for each goal and begin tracking and measuring progress.
You want your department to be able to see their goals and the steps to achieve them. Use a
Department Business Plan Dashboard
14. Alignment Strategic Planning Model
Similar to issue-based planning, the alignment model focuses on first looking internally to develop a
strategy. This model is designed to sync the organization’s internal operations with its strategic goals.
Your strategic planning will start by identifying a goal and analyzing which operations or resources need
to be aligned with that goal. Then you’ll identify which parts of operations are working well and which
are not, brainstorming ideas from the successful aspects on how to address problems. Finally, you’ll
create a series of proposed changes to operations or processes to achieve goals that will create the
desired strategic alignment. The alignment strategic planning model is particularly useful when a
company needs to refine its objectives or address ongoing challenges or inefficiencies that are blocking
15. Organic Model Of Strategic Planning
The organic model takes an unconventional approach because it focuses on the organization’s vision
and values, versus plans and processes. With this model, a company uses “natural,” self-organizing
systems that originate from its values and then leverages its own resources to achieve goals, conserve
funds, and operate effectively.
The organic model takes an unconventional approach because it focuses on the organization’s vision
and values, versus plans and processes.CLICK TO TWEET
In the simplest form, there are three basic steps to follow when implementing the organic model of
strategic planning:
Stakeholders clarify vision and values. This is a collaborative process that could involve both external
and internal stakeholders—who’s in the meeting depends entirely on your organization’s ultimate
purpose for the planning. The goal is to establish common visions and values for all stakeholders.
Stakeholders create personal action plans. The unconventional aspect of this model comes into play
here. Divided into small groups, stakeholders determine the actions and responsibilities for each person
to work toward the vision (according to the values).
Stakeholders report results of action plans. Each person will take ownership of their plan and update the
group on their progress. This is a communal approach to accountability and the progress reported can
lean toward qualitative, versus quantitative, results.
What type of company would the organic strategic planning model work best for? If your organization
has a large, diverse group of stakeholders that need to find common ground, a vision that will take a
long time to achieve, and a strong strategic emphasis on vision and values (instead of structure and
procedures), this may be the right model for you. It would also be beneficial for younger organizations
that need to gain funding without presenting a formal strategic plan.
16. Real-Time Strategic Planning
Similar to the organic model, real-time strategic planning is a fluid, nontraditional system. It’s primarily
used by organizations that need to be more reactive, and perform strategic planning in “real time.” For
these companies, detailed, long-term plans tend to become irrelevant within the typical three- to fiveyear planning cycle because the environment they operate in rapidly changes. Many nonprofits use this
model—for example, a disaster relief agency needs the ability to respond quickly and adapt its strategy
to immediately address a crisis.
Real-time strategic planning involves three levels of strategy: organizational, programmatic, and
operational. For the first level, you’ll define the organization’s mission, vision, market position,
competitors, trends, etc. Then, the programmatic strategy requires research into the external
environment to identify approaches and offerings that would help the organization achieve its mission.
The research should cover opportunities, threats, competitive advantages, and other points to spur
strategic brainstorming.
The final operational level analyzes internal processes, systems, and personnel to develop a strategy
that addresses “in-house” strengths and weaknesses. Looking at all three levels as a whole, strategy
leaders can form criteria for developing, testing, implementing, and adapting strategies on an ongoing
basis, allowing for quick and thoughtful responses when needed.
Real-time strategic planning, strategic planning model, strategic planning process model
17. Scenario Planning
In planning for their own future, too few organizations take the time to consider the multitude of
external changes that could take place that would impact their plans. A healthcare company that fails to
anticipate certain regulatory actions, an energy company that ignores the possibility of rising oil prices,
and a global organization that hasn’t examined the potential for supply chain disruptions may all be
impacted by those changes to some degree if they happened. And it isn’t just about mitigating the
possible risks; it’s also about pursuing potential opportunities.
Scenario planning involves examining the variable elements of your environment, evaluating them for
plausibility and impact, and factoring those scenarios that are most relevant into your decision-making.
Two to five scenarios is the ideal number—this lets you explore a variety of themes without getting
mired down in too many possibilities. Other frameworks (like SWOT or PESTLE) can be useful in
developing those scenarios.
You can use scenario planning at the individual and departmental levels, but it is especially useful for
organizational strategy planning. If your company is part of an industry that tends to be volatile or your
organization itself has had to navigate costly, unexpected changes in the past, scenario planning is an
excellent tool for developing your strategic vision. It can also be used to foster managerial thinking,
encouraging leaders to consider the broadest range of future possibilities, and provide guidance when
evaluating new projects or investment proposals.
Scenario planning - ClearPoint Strategy
(Image Source SME Strategy)
18. Ansoff Matrix
The Ansoff Matrix was developed to help organizations plan their strategies for growth. It is a 2x2 matrix
with product on one axis and markets on the other axis. Depending on the box you are in, you may
choose a different strategy for growth:
Market penetration: Expand sales of an existing product in an existing market
Product development: Introduce a new product into an existing market
Market development: Introduce an existing product into an entirely new market
Diversification: Introduce a new product into a new market
The level of risk increases with each strategy, with market penetration being the least risky and
diversification being the most risky.
The Ansoff Matrix is useful for organizations that are actively trying to grow. Not only does it help you
analyze and clarify your current strategy, but it also helps evaluate the risks associated with moving to a
new strategy. SWOT and PEST are often used in combination with the Ansoff Matrix; business strengths
and weaknesses as well as external factors should all play into your choice of growth strategy.
Ansoff matrix - Scenario planning models - ClearPoint Strategy
19. 7s Model
Developed by McKinsey consultants, this strategic business planning model emphasizes the importance
of aligning an organization’s key internal elements to achieve strategy. Those key elements are:
Structure: The organizational chart or chain of command
Strategy: The future plan of action, supported by an organization’s mission and vision
System: The technical infrastructure that enables daily workflows
Skill: The capabilities of team members
Style: The management style of leaders
Staff: Employees and how they are recruited, trained, and motivated
Shared value: The norms, values, and beliefs that guide actions and decisions
The first step in applying the 7S model is to examine the current interconnectedness of these elements
within your own organization; are there areas of weakness or inconsistencies? For example, you might
discover that your skills training for employees is hindered by antiquated workflows and technology.
Once you understand the relationships between these elements, you can work toward creating
synergies that better support your strategy, whatever it may be.
The 7S model is best used during a strategy change, or whenever a major shift is occurring in any one of
the seven areas.
7s model - Scenario planning models - ClearPoint Strategy
20. Constraints Analysis (Theory Of Constraints)
Constraints analysis is predicated on the idea that there are clear obstacles to strategy execution within
your organization. Eliminating the weak link (or at least improving performance in that area) is the key
to better results.
To apply constraints analysis correctly, you must first identify the constraint, or the main factor that
limits your success. Process bottlenecks, faulty thinking, labor shortages, an unhealthy company culture,
market conditions, or any number of other issues could be the culprit. While you might identify more
than one problem area, constraints analysis focuses on improving one area at a time to achieve quick,
impactful results.
Is one strategic planning model better than the others?
That’s a great question—and the answer isn’t cut and dried. Some of these frameworks have been
around longer than others, or have been used in various case studies in different ways. And sometimes
managers are more comfortable with one over another, for any number of reasons.
We recommend determining which of these strategic planning models applies most to your
organization’s way of thinking. For example, if you still need to work out your vision statement, it may
be wise to begin with the VRIO framework and then move to something like the Balanced Scorecard to
track and manage your ongoing strategy.
If you are set on pitching a particular strategic planning model to management, be prepared to give your
boss or board of directors an example of another successful company that has utilized that particular
model. An actual demonstration of success will make a somewhat abstract concept become more
If you are evaluating different approaches, I would recommend thinking about both creating your
strategic plan and also executing on your plan. It doesn’t do you any good to have a strategic plan and
not put it to use.
Is there ever a need to switch strategic planning models?
Yes. As your organization grows and changes, the frameworks you use to manage your strategy will
change too. There are a lot of options out there—even more than the 20 we’ve explored above! It’s
reasonable to expect that the framework you use today won't necessarily match your organization’s
needs 10 or even five years from now. The added complexities of a growing business may make it
necessary to rethink your approach to strategy planning. For example, the Balanced Scorecard might
work well for tracking organizational and departmental plans, but you may eventually want a system
that easily extends to the individual level. For that, you might add OKRs to your management framework.
You can also combine strategic planning models. Some organizations use elements of two or more
frameworks to create a custom approach. Great! Every organization manages differently; your planning
model should reflect your approach. But it’s always easier to have a starting point, which is why these
frameworks exist in the first place.
Switch models, not software.
No matter which strategic planning model your business is using, we recommend software to make the
process more manageable. But the problem is, most strategy software is tied to a single framework,
which makes switching frameworks more difficult than it should be. If you’ve already invested
thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of training time into a software custom-made for one
specific model, changing course would require a similar expenditure to adopt a new solution.
You can avoid this mistake by partnering with ClearPoint from the start.
ClearPoint is strategy reporting software that works with any framework. Our software is so flexible
because it houses 80% of your strategic data already—the same data that’s used in nearly every
framework. So changing models is easy. You simply add any missing pieces of information specific to
your new framework into ClearPoint and create a strategy report that reflects the new information your
team needs. All your data, objectives, measures, KPIs, and charts are moveable, but remain intact.
As an example, below are two screenshots of two different strategic business planning models in
ClearPoint: the Balanced Scorecard (top) and OKRs (bottom).
ClearPoint Strategy Scorecard - Scenario planning
ClearPoint Strategy OKRS - Scenario planning
Switching frameworks may seem like a daunting task, but it's low effort with ClearPoint. And we’ll be
right there to help, as we’ve done numerous times over the years with many of our long-standing
customers. If you have any questions about the planning models above—or how ClearPoint can help
with strategy planning—we’d love to answer them. Get in touch with us today!
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