Name Period First Playing Test Evaluation Playing Test Piece: Tukka tukka stop stop 10x on every string RUBRIC: 4 - mastery 3 - emerging 2 - needs improvement Criteria 1 - not proficient Score and Notes BOW HOLD I CAN correctly hold the bow with a bent thumb and curved fingers. INSTRUMENT POSITION I CAN sit tall while holding my instrument correctly. My violin/viola sits on my shoulder with my chin on the chin rest. My instrument is parallel to the floor. 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 My cello endpin is adjusted correctly so that the base of the neck rests on my chest and the left peg is just behind my left ear. My cello is held with my knees My bass end pin is adjusted correctly so that the nut is about level with my eye-brows. The bass resting near my belt level. BOWING/TONE I CAN demonstrate an even sound with no squeaks, sloshes or scratches achieved by a straight bow stroke and appropriate bow weight on the string. I CAN use the correct amount of bow while sinking into the string to create a strong tone. RHYTHM I CAN perform the tukka tukka stop stop rhythm evenly while keeping a steady tempo. 33