Uploaded by alena.armstrong

Design Criterion Template for Scientific Investigation

Design criterion template
General aim/Prompt (slide 9-11):
Research Question (slide 12): (specific aim which includes independent and dependent variables)
Hypothesis (slide 17): (A tentative explanation for an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem that
can be tested by further investigation)
Background Information (on your own and slide 18): (Extra info to help narrow down the
scope of the investigation)
Independent variable (slides 12): What factor(s) am I changing?
Dependent variable (slides 12): What factors am I actually measuring?
Controlled variables (slides 12): (What factors must I keep constant to ensure my results are valid? List
EVERY factor that might have an effect on your dependent variable)
Confounding Variables (slide 13-14): “extra” variable that you didn’t account for. Can introduce bias and
a false correlation
How will I control the variables? (slide 12-16) (Explain how you intend to control the variable you
have mentioned – use sub headings to categorize your points)
List of all apparatus/equipment/materials to be used: (use the following format)
Name of apparatus/equipment
Size & degree of error
Quantity needed
(where appropriate)
Sketch a clear and fully labeled diagram of setup. Can use photographs.
Method/Procedure (slide 20): A numbered ‘recipe’ explaining how to carry out the investigation.
Provide a clear numbered method
Explain experimental details
Safety: Discus participant(s), equipment and general risks (health) that may or may not occur during
Processed data (slides 21-27): (Create your Charts to input your data)
How will data be processed (slide 22)?
Include Error Bars!!! Points will be docked if this is not done!!
Analysis, Conclusion, Evaluation (slides 28-32): Explain your results: discuss trends, compare and explain
with literature (research)
Discuss weaknesses, significance of weaknesses and suggest improvements
Ethical Considerations (slide 33):
Items to consider (for example, consent, deception, debriefing, protection from harm, confidentiality):
How will ethical issues be addressed: