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TRNviewSHMISM: Visualizing Solar Shading Matrices

Converter of shm & ism files for visualization
C.Frenzel, M. Hiller
21 March2012
TSNYS 17 applies shading / insolation matrices for the detailed solar radiation. These matrices are generated
by TRNBuild and consist of sunlit fractions for each patch of the hemisphere. (See 05-MultizoneBuilding.pdf).
For visualization of the matrices, a converter tool the TRNviewSHMISM_vxx.exe was developed. This tool
converts the *.shm or *.ism file into *.obj files (linked in an *.album file) that can be automatically opened by
the open source GLC Player. As a result the files are visualized like in the following figure 1.
Figure 1: GLC player with visualized SHM information for window 22
Run the Setup program (TRNviewSHMISM_setup_vXX.exe), where XX is the release number.
The Setup program will guide you through a series of dialog boxes with simple options. You will be prompted
to accept the license agreement to continue the installation. You can navigate between the dialog boxes using
the Back and Next Buttons. You will go through a few basic options. It is recommended to set the destination
directory to the tools directory of your Trnsys17 installation.
The program can be launched by the start menu
or directly by double click on : C:\TRNSYS17\TRNviewOpen.exe
The GLC Player visualizes object files. Album files contain several object files and the user can browse
through different objects. The generated obj files of the TRNviewSHMISM_vxx.exe contain the patches of the
tregenza sky with values assigned to patches in the range of 0 to 1. Patches with values > 1 are not shown
and excluded from the object. In addition a coordinate system is generated that shows the main orientations
as in the 3D drawing of the Trnsys3d plugin for Google SketchUp. The GLC player offers several functions like
– one can click on patches in order to show patches within the same range of values – hiding of patches or
the coordinate system to get special views – etc.
Example: ISM file and generated Directory Structure by the Tool
Analyzing the ***.ism file generates the subfolder viewISM with further subfolders. For each external window a
subfolder like for example “win022” is generated. The 22 corresponds to the external window with the ID 22. In
the “win022” folder are the *.obj files for each surface of the radiative zone that have at least one patch with a
sunlit factor > 0 through the window with the ID 22. File names will be for example ***_ism_013.obj.
Compared to this the analysis of the ***.shm -> generates only one subfolder called viewSHM including *.obj
files for each shaded external window.
Example - Step-By-Step
1) 3D model
The following 3D example is located in the folder..\Tools\TRNviewSHMISM\Example. If you open the _b17.idf
with Trnsys3d you can see the Trnsys3d Zone and the shading surfaces. There is one window facing south
with a neighbouring geometry and one surface to the east with two wingwalls and an overhang.
South Window
East Window
ID 7
ID 8
2) Import 3D model in TRNBUILD
Open TRNBUILD from your local TRNSYS installation and import the 3D geometry (*.idf)
3) TREE view of available surface
In order to check the glazing orientations and the corresponding ID’s use the TRNBUILD tree view to see all
defined surfaces in the Zone BOX.
4) Activate the DETAILED RADIATION MODE for the BOX Airnode
5) Generate the shading / insolation matrix
6) In the *.b17 folder there are now the *.ism and *.shm files available
The difference in the naming of *.ism to *.shm is that the *.ism is generated for each zone separately. That is
why 001 is included in the filename.
7) Launch TRNviewOpen SHM ISM
8) Open shading matrix file Box.shm
9) GLC Player is automatically launched
For both shaded glazing surfaces the information out of the *.shm matrix file is visualized like in the following
two figures. In the album manager of the GLC player the shown glazing ID can be changed to get each view.
10) Analyzing the views and shown colors in detail
Patches of the tregenza sky that geometrically cannot have direct view to the glazing are deleted. That is the
reason why only half (corresponding to a vertical surface) of the hemisphere is shown in the figures. In order
to associate the 3D drawing of Trnsys3d with the GLC Player the axis is included in the view. The coloring of
the axis is corresponding to the coloring in Trnsys3d. One can also check the shown sunlit factors by selecting
a patch from the view like in the following figure. On the right side (see red box) the sunlit factor value or range
will be shown.