Contract Management Exam Questions

Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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The following are five specific functions of a contract management unit, except:
Inspection and Acceptance
Procurement Planning and Development of Bidding Documents Unit
Contract Performance Monitoring
Billings and Payment Unit
Contract Development and Review
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Procurement Planning and Development of Bidding Documents Unit
Question 2
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Which of the following refers to a set of principles, procedures or protocols used to effectively
manage contracts or agreements and relationship between entities which involves the proper
planning and monitoring of the procurement project during the contract implementation stage,
aimed at reducing, eliminating or mitigating financial, legal and other project risks.
Public Procurement
Contract Management System
Billings and Payment
Contract Performance Monitoring
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Contract Management System
Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Which refers to a situation where one’s personal or private interests interfere, or appear to
interfere, with his/her official responsibilities and affects his/her ability to make fair and impartial
decisions regarding his/her work.
Conflict of Interest
Procurement Fraud
Interlocking Interest
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Conflict of Interest
Question 4
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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The following are the four pillars of a Fraud Management Framework except?
Anti-Fraud and Governance Leadership
Anti-Fraud Strategies and Action Plans
Dealing with Conflict of Interest in relation to Anti-Fraud
Fraud Risk Assessment and Anti-Fraud Controls
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Dealing with Conflict of Interest in relation to Anti-Fraud
Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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There are six core values of public organizations based on UNDP’s Ethics at the Organizational
Level. These are Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity, Transparency, Accountability
Results Orientation
Adherence to Rules
Ethical Standards
None of the above
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Results Orientation
Question 6
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
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Mr. XXX, a fifth-ranking permanent official of the Department of Education, was designated as one
of the regular members of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) by virtue of DepEd Order No.
033, series of 2022. During one of the biddings for a certain project under the BAC of which Mr.
XXX is a member, Bidder AAA, the authorized representative of company Brilliant Solutions,
Inc. and who also happens to be the wife of Mr. XXX, submitted a bid for that certain project. In the
Sworn Affidavit submitted together with the bidding documents, Bidder AAA disclosed her
relationship with Mr. XXX, that, among others, “Mr. XXX is her husband but he is not in any way
connected with the company (Brilliant Solutions, Inc.) she represents.”
Along the bidding process, Mr. XXX actively attended meetings, participated in the opening of
bids, voted and performed his usual duties and responsibilities as a regular member of the BAC.
After evaluation of the bids, Bidder AAA’s bid was declared as the Lowest Calculated Responsive
Bid (LCRB) and eventually, it was recommended by the BAC for post-qualification. Bidder CCC,
aggrieved by the result of the evaluation, contested the decision of the BAC in declaring Bidder
AAA’s bid as the LCRB, alleging that the whole bidding process is not fair and unjust because
Bidder AAA’s husband is a regular member of the BAC, thus, posits a glaring conflict of
interest which may therefore “substantially affect the result of the bidding or any procurement
processes, puts it in a position to unduly influence or be given preference in the award of the
contract.” Bidder AAA countered that the company she represents complied with Rule XV by virtue
of the Sworn Affidavit it executed, stating and disclosing among others, her relationship with Mr.
XXX and that Mr. XXX is not in any way connected with her company Brilliant Solutions, Inc.
6. In the given circumstances, is there an ethical issue?
Yes, because there was conflict of interest on the part of Mr. XXX that puts his wife in a position to
have access to information about or influence on the bid of another bidder or influence the
decisions of the Procuring Entity regarding the bidding process. Mr. XXX should have inhibited as
a member of the BAC.
Yes, because not only did Bidder AAA comply with Rule XV by disclosing her relationship with Mr.
XXX but Mr. XXX, on one hand, performed his duties and obligations pursuant to his designation
as a regular member of the BAC.
Yes, because Mr. XXX has provided advance information to Bidder AAA.
None, because Bidder AAA complied with Rule XV by disclosing her relationship with Mr. XXX and
Mr. XXX correctly assumed his duties and responsibilities as he has no controlling shares with the
company of Bidder A.
None, because there was conflict of interest based on the sole ground that Mr. XXX has no
controlling shares in the company.
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is:
Yes, because there was conflict of interest on the part of Mr. XXX that puts his wife in a position to
have access to information about or influence on the bid of another bidder or influence the
decisions of the Procuring Entity regarding the bidding process. Mr. XXX should have inhibited as
a member of the BAC.
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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When is there conflict of interest in public procurement?
A bidder may be considered to have conflicting interests with another bidder when they have
controlling shareholders in common.
b. A bidder receives or has received any direct or indirect subsidy from any other bidder.
A bidder has the same legal representative as that of another bidder for purposes of this bid.
A bidder has a relationship, directly or through third parties, to any member of the BAC, the TWG,
the Secretariat or any pertinent official in the procuring entity that puts them in a position to have
access to information about or influence on the bid of another bidder or influence the decisions of
the Procuring Entity regarding this bidding process.
All of the above.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
A bidder has a relationship, directly or through third parties, to any member of the BAC, the TWG,
the Secretariat or any pertinent official in the procuring entity that puts them in a position to have
access to information about or influence on the bid of another bidder or influence the decisions of
the Procuring Entity regarding this bidding process.
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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As a result of public bidding, Supplier ‘Boy Kutsinta Corporation’ or “BoyKuCo” was awarded with
a contract with the Department of Education for the project “Procurement of Supply, Delivery,
Configuration and Installation of 10,000 units of Laptops, and 5,000 units of Desktop Computer for
DepEd Public Senior High Schools”, with the following contract details, among others, to wit:
contract price
delivery period
90 calendar days from receipt of the Notice to Proceed
delivery site
all DepEd public senior high schools
eligible for advance payment not to exceed 15% of contract price upon
submission of bank guarantee equivalent to 15% thereof, initial payment, at least 25% delivered
and installed
Upon receipt and conforme of the Notice to Proceed on 01 December 2020, BoyKuCo started
placing orders to its Supplier-Manufacturers in China for 10,000 units of laptops and 5,000 units of
desktop computer equipment. Based on the delivery plan of BoyKuCo, the expected delivery of the
first batch of equipment is on January 10, 2021, second batch is February 10, 2021 and last batch
on February 20, 2021. On 30 December 2020, BoyKuCo was informed by its suppliermanufacturers that there will be delays in the production of the computer equipment because of
shortage in raw materials. On 30 January 2021, BoyKuCo was informed again by its suppliermanufacturers that they are yet to incur more delays due to the month-long holiday in China –
Chinese New Year.
Due to these two incidents of delay experienced by BoyKuCo which led to certain adjustments in
its delivery plan, BoyKuCo requested DepEd for an extension of delivery period for sixty (60)
calendar days. BoyKuCo submitted letters from its supplier-manufacturers as proof for its request
for delivery period extension.
8. As a Contract Manager, what will be the most practical first step in dealing with this kind of
contract implementation incident?
Inform and indorse the request for extension of BoyKuCo to the End-User Unit and/or other offices
concerned and seek its/their recommendation on the matter.
Refer the matter to the Head of Procuring Entity for appropriate action.
Study and evaluate the request of BoyKuCo. Based on the facts and proofs submitted as well as
the circumstances of the case, issue a recommendation as may be allowed by law, particularly
under the revised IRR of RA 9184 and GPPB issuances on contract delivery period extension or
Immediately convene all parties to the contract to a meeting for the purpose of discussing practical
solutions in addressing the request for extension filed by BoyKuCo.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Inform and indorse the request for extension of BoyKuCo to the End-User Unit and/or other offices
concerned and seek its/their recommendation on the matter.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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As the End-User Unit, what will be your best action on the request for delivery period extension
filed by BoyKuCo?
Study and evaluate the request of BoyKuCo. Based on the facts and proofs submitted as well as
the circumstances of the case, issue a recommendation as may be allowed by law, particularly
under the revised IRR of RA 9184 and GPPB issuances on contract delivery period extension or
Immediately convene all parties to the contract to a meeting for the purpose of discussing practical
solutions in addressing the request for extension filed by BoyKuCo.
Refer the matter to the Legal Unit for appropriate action.
Refer the matter to the Head of Procuring Entity for appropriate action.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Study and evaluate the request of BoyKuCo. Based on the facts and proofs submitted as well as
the circumstances of the case, issue a recommendation as may be allowed by law, particularly
under the revised IRR of RA 9184 and GPPB issuances on contract delivery period extension or
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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To enhance the transparency of the procurement process, the BAC shall invite at least three (3)
observers, who shall not have the right to vote, to sit in its proceedings. At least one observer must
come from the Commission on Audit, another from a duly recognized private group in a sector or
discipline relevant to the procurement at hand, and another from a non-government organization
(NGO). The following statements regarding observers are true, except:
The procuring entity should ensure that the invitation is received by the observers at least five (5)
calendar days before the date of the procurement activity.
The duly recognized private group, from which one observer will be coming from, must be located
within the same geographical area of the procuring entity.
The absence of observers will not nullify the BAC proceedings, provided that they have been duly
invited in writing.
The BAC may determine other relevant criteria which the observers should meet.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
The duly recognized private group, from which one observer will be coming from, must be located
within the same geographical area of the procuring entity.
Question 11
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The BAC may issue a Supplemental/Bid Bulletin at least seven (7) days before the deadline for the
submission and receipt of bids in any of the following occasions, except:
In amending any provision of the bidding documents
In responding to requests for clarification and interpretation from bidders
In reflecting the adjustment in the approved budget for the contract (ABC) pursuant to any
applicable law or other acts of the Government which takes effect before the deadline of the
submission of bids
In effecting the amendments to the bidding documents in a previous bidding to a succeeding
bidding for the same project following a failure of bidding
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
In effecting the amendments to the bidding documents in a previous bidding to a succeeding
bidding for the same project following a failure of bidding
Question 12
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A procuring entity invited bids for the procurement of service vehicles. In response, a bidder
submitted a letter requesting for a clarification on the technical specifications as regards the
indicated Japan make and model and suggested the consideration of a vehicle make from another
country. Rule on whether or not the indicated country of origin can be a valid technical
Yes, the indicated country of origin is a valid technical specification pursuant to the “End User
Choice” principle.
No, the indicated country of origin violates domestic preference
No, the PE is precluded from requiring specific country of origin as part of the technical
Yes, the PE can rightfully set the objectives and standards for its project and may refuse to accept
the delivery of an item that is not compliant with the technical specifications.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
No, the PE is precluded from requiring specific country of origin as part of the technical
Question 13
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Y Agency is in need of a service provider for its mailing services (project). Z Agency (Servicing
Agency) is a government agency that has the mandate to deliver the services required to be
procured by Y Agency. Z Agency signified its intention and capability to undertake the project
through a Certification which states among others that it has the mandate to render the services
required for the project, that it has the absorptive capacity to undertake the project, that it owns or
has access to all the necessary tools and equipment required for the project, and that it will not
sub-contract the project. Based on the assessment and recommendation of the End-User unit, the
BAC issued a Resolution recommending the use of Agency-to-Agency agreement to the HOPE.
How should the HOPE act on the Resolution?
The HOPE should not approve the Resolution because there was no underlying reason to support
a Negotiated Procurement through Agency-to-Agency such as an immediate action is necessary
to procure the project
The HOPE should not approve the Resolution because the BAC did not negotiate with the
Servicing Agency first before the latter issued a Certification that it complies with the conditions for
The HOPE should not approve the Resolution because the End-User unit did not justify to the BAC
that the resort to Agency-to-Agency is more efficient and economical to the government.
The HOPE should approve the Resolution because all of the conditions for Agency-to-Agency
have been met
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
The HOPE should not approve the Resolution because the End-User unit did not justify to the BAC
that the resort to Agency-to-Agency is more efficient and economical to the government.
Question 14
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A contract for procurement of goods, infrastructure and consulting services may be terminated for
default. Any of the following conditions shall constitute as a ground for termination for default,
Outside of force majeure, the supplier fails to deliver or perform any or all of the goods within the
periods specified in the contract, or within any extension thereof, and such failure amounts to at
least 10% of the contract price
Due to the contractor’s fault and after the contract time has expired, it has incurred a negative
slippage of 10% or more in the completion of work
As a result of force majeure, the consultant is unable to deliver or perform a material portion of the
outputs and deliverables for a period of not less than thirty (30) calendar days after the
consultant’s receipt of the notice from the PE stating that the circumstance of force majeure is
deemed to have ceased
The contractor sub-lets the any part of the contract works without approval of the procuring entity
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
As a result of force majeure, the consultant is unable to deliver or perform a material portion of the
outputs and deliverables for a period of not less than thirty (30) calendar days after the
consultant’s receipt of the notice from the PE stating that the circumstance of force majeure is
deemed to have ceased
Question 15
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Termination of contract for the procurement of goods may be allowed other than those attributable
to the supplier. The procuring entity, by written notice sent to the supplier, may terminate the
contract, in whole or in part, at any time for its convenience. Under the law, the procuring entity
has several options in termination of contract for convenience. Which of the following is not among
the PE’s options allowed by law?
For goods not yet performed or ready for delivery, the procuring entity may elect to have any
portion delivered or performed and paid at the contract terms and prices
The goods that have been performed or are ready for delivery within thirty (30) calendar days after
the supplier’s receipt of Notice to Terminate shall be accepted by the procuring entity at the
contract terms and prices
For goods not yet performed or ready for delivery, the procuring entity may elect to cancel the
remainder and pay to the supplier an agreed amount for partially completed or performed goods
and for materials and parts previously procured by the supplier
The goods that have been performed or are ready for delivery within thirty (30) calendar days after
the supplier’s receipt of Notice to Terminate shall be accepted by the procuring entity at the settled
terms and prices after successful negotiation and mutual agreement
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
The goods that have been performed or are ready for delivery within thirty (30) calendar days after
the supplier’s receipt of Notice to Terminate shall be accepted by the procuring entity at the settled
terms and prices after successful negotiation and mutual agreement
Question 16
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Which among the following instances does not require or justify the conduct of inspection by item
or 100% inspection?
The goods to be inspected consist of parts and components that must be examined exhaustively
Inspection by sampling was conducted, and the rejection rate is high
Inspection by sampling was conducted, and the number of defective items was lower than the
acceptable quality level
The goods to be inspected are electrical, electronic and mechanical equipment or devices
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Inspection by sampling was conducted, and the number of defective items was lower than the
acceptable quality level
Question 17
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X Agency procured 3,250 units of laptops for delivery and distribution to its 10 field offices. The
project consists of 2 lots and the contracts were awarded to Supplier A. Upon request by Supplier
A for a pre-delivery inspection, X Agency constituted and deployed its inspectorate team to
conduct the inspection of the goods at Supplier A’s warehouse. In performing their duties, the
inspectors made use of the sampling plan which provides the following details:
Lot No.
Sample Size
*Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) is a statistical measurement that sets the percentage of the
maximum acceptable number of defective goods in a given sample size.
After the inspection, there were 8 units from Lot 1 and 11 units from Lot 2 which were found to be
non-compliant with the technical specifications and/or with defects. If you are the Team Leader of
the inspectorate team, which of the following actions will you recommend?
Accept the entire quantity of Lot 1 and 2
Accept only the quantity that passed the inspection for both lots
Accept the entire quantity of Lot 1 and reject the entire quantity of Lot 2
Reject the entire quantity of Lot 1 and 2
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Accept the entire quantity of Lot 1 and reject the entire quantity of Lot 2
Question 18
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The Inspection and Acceptance Report (IAR) is a report submitted by the inspectorate team and
the supply and/or property custodian on the inspection and acceptance, respectively, of the
procured supplies, goods or equipment. In accomplishing the IAR, which among the following
statements is true?
At least two (2) members of the inspectorate team must sign the “Inspection” portion of the IAR
The supply and/or property custodian must sign first before the members of the inspectorate team
The IAR must bear three (3) dates, namely: 1) date of the IAR; 2) date of inspection; and 3) date of
The IAR must state the warranty period of the procured goods
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
The IAR must bear three (3) dates, namely: 1) date of the IAR; 2) date of inspection; and 3) date of
Question 19
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A _______ is an agreement enforceable by law between two or more persons to do or abstain
from doing some act or acts, their intention being to create legal relations and not merely
exchange mutual promises. It is also described by the law as “a meeting of minds between two
persons whereby one binds himself, with respect to the other, to give something or to render some
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Question 20
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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It is the effective and efficient monitoring of contract activities to ensure that goods, services and/or
works contracted by the purchasing entity are delivered in a timely manner, at the agreed cost and
to the specified requirements:
Contract Award
Procurement Planning
Bid Solicitation
Contract Management
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Contract Management
Question 21
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It is an essential element of contract management that is undertaken to ensure that the key
objectives of contract management are achieved, and it is usually done during the initial transition
period between contract award and the start of contract implementation. This process is intended
to provide an opportunity to establish common understanding and goals in undertaking the
procurement contract:
Pre-Signing Conference
Pre-Award Conference
Pre-Implementation Conference
Pre-Week Conference
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Pre-Implementation Conference
Question 22
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22. Julia Montemayor is a newly appointed Undersecretary in the Department of Migrant Workers,
a newly-created department of the Philippine government. Julia has been designated by the
Secretary as the Undersecretary for Procurement, and she will be the one in-charge of managing
the procurement activities of the said Department.
Assuming that Usec. Julia is considering developing a Contract Management System (CMS) for
the procurement activities of the Department of Migrant Workers. Which among the following is the
correct cycle that she should follow to ensure that the Department’s contracts are properly
Contract Development -> Contract Review -> Notice of Award -> Contract Signing -> Notice to
Proceed -> Contract Implementation
Contract Development -> Notice to Proceed -> Notice of Award -> Contract Review -> Contract
Signing -> Contract Implementation
Contract Implementation -> Notice to Proceed -> Contract Signing -> Notice of Award -> Contract
Review -> Contract Development
Contract Signing -> Contract Development -> Notice to Proceed -> Contract Review -> Contract
Implementation -> Notice of Award
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Contract Development -> Contract Review -> Notice of Award -> Contract Signing -> Notice to
Proceed -> Contract Implementation
Question 23
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The Department of Migrant Workers previously entered into a contract with supplier, Stoic Corp.,
for the delivery of COVID-19 antigen test kits. However, the actions of the said supplier during the
implementation of the contract shows that there was a material breach of the entire contract and
the same had not been rectified despite the several opportunities given by Usec. Julia and by the
Department. It was also shown that the agreement allows cancellation of the contract for any
breach. What can Usec. Julia recommend to the procuring entity with regard to the contract of
Stoic Corp.?
Contract Disallowance
Termination of Contract
Implementation of Contract
Contract Suspension
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Termination of Contract
Question 24
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Mr. Manuel, an officer of a certain Department in the Philippine national government. Mr. Manuel is
in charge of the Contract Management System (CMS) in relation to the procurement activities of
said Department. He has been tasked by the Secretary in monitoring the implementation of
contracts for the Department.
In connection to his task of maintaining a sound Contract Management System, Mr. Manuel was
asked by the Secretary to report on his plans in mitigating the risk of little or no enforcement of
contract deliverables in the outstanding contracts of the Department with its current suppliers. The
following are ways to mitigate the said risk, except for:
Responsible staff monitors all activities under the contract to ensure that all work is carried out in
accordance with the agreed order/ contract specification
Logistics arrangements and procedures are put in place and actively managed to avoid
congestion, downtime/demurrage and claims
Contract assets are recorded in a standard data system and tracked to avoid unauthorized use or
Suppliers’ claims for payment are adequately verified by the purchasing entity in accordance with
the agreed contract
All of the above
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
All of the above
Question 25
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The Department contracted One For the Road, Inc., for the delivery of Science and Mathematics
learning materials for Grade 7. Mr. Manuel was asked by the representative of One For the Road,
Inc. if the contract between them and the Department is already complete. The following are
indicators of a complete contract, except:
There are outstanding disputes between the supplier and the procuring entity
A certificate of acceptance/compliance had been issued
The Performance Security is returned in accordance with the terms of the contract and the security
All payments due to the supplier are made in a timely manner and the Purchase Order is closed
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
There are outstanding disputes between the supplier and the procuring entity
Question 26
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During a meeting with a supplier for a procurement contract for the delivery of sign pens to be
used by the Department, one of the authorized representatives of the supplier shouted at the
Department’s staff, saying “wala naman sa kontrata at sa pinag-usapan natin iyang mga hinihingi
ninyo sa amin eh. Sana hindi na lang kami nag-bid!”, and immediately left the meeting. This fit was
reported to the Secretary, and the latter asked Mr. Manuel, as the head of the Contract
Management Division, to formulate ways to improve the Department’s relationship with its current
and future suppliers so that the same situation will never happen again. Which of the following
should be implemented by Mr. Manuel?
The Department’s interests are of utmost importance; and the suppliers must adjust to the needs
of the Department
The Department should maintain an open and constructive relationship with its suppliers; and
regular contract review meetings or discussions should be held by the Department with the
The suppliers should always deliver more than what is obligated in the contract because it is for
the public good; and once the contract has been signed, suppliers should no longer be entertained
The suppliers shall deliver only what it can deliver, even if it is less than what is obligated in the
contract; it is important to properly communicate and take care of the Department’s relationship
with its suppliers
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
The Department should maintain an open and constructive relationship with its suppliers; and
regular contract review meetings or discussions should be held by the Department with the
Question 27
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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The Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP) is a guide document in the procurement and
contract implementation process, as well as a vital reference in procurement monitoring prepared
by each end-user units during the __________ stage of the budget cycle:
budget preparation
budget accountability
budget execution
budget legislation
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
budget preparation
Question 28
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ABC in government procurement means:
Appropriation of Budget Ceiling
Appraisal Budget for the Contract
Approved Budget for the Contract
Approved Budget Ceiling
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Approved Budget for the Contract
Question 29
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A document which refers to the entirety of the procurement activities that will be undertaken by
the procuring entity within the calendar year is called ___________:
None of the above
Annual Procurement Plan (APP)
Project Procurement Management Plan
Work and Financial Plan
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Annual Procurement Plan (APP)
Question 30
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Goods, supplies and materials, and equipment used in the day-to-day operations of Procuring
Entities are referred to as:
Non-expendable supplies
Expendable supplies
Goods and materials
Common use supplies and equipment
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Common use supplies and equipment
Question 31
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The selection of the method of procurement is dependent on the presence or absence of specific
conditions of other methods of procurement. One of these methods does not require elaborate
bidding documents, and where the supplier is simply asked to submit a price quotation or a pro
forma invoice together with the conditions of sale. This method of procurement is called:
Small Value Procurement
Negotiated procurement
Direct Contracting
Limited Source Bidding
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Direct Contracting
Question 32
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One important activity in procurement planning is scheduling, which is defined as the process of
examining all program activities and their relationships to each other in terms of realistic
constraints. It is therefore imperative to consider procurement timelines in determining project
milestones. The maximum allowable time for the procurement of Goods and Services is:
141 calendar days
136 calendar days
180 calendar days
156 calendar days
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
136 calendar days
Question 33
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One of the characteristics of a good budget which is a vital consideration in procurement planning
to ensure consistency with government fiscal measures is fiscal disciplines which means:
spending on the right things
hard control on the level of spending
spending at the right costs
all of the above
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
hard control on the level of spending
Question 34
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A tool in project costing and determination of ABC which provides a structured accounting of
resources and associated cost elements from “cradle to grave” is called:
Analogous costing
Parametric estimating
Bottom-up estimating
Life-cycle costing
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Life-cycle costing
Question 35
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Select the best course of action. You may write down a brief statement to support your answer at
the bottom of this page or attach additional sheet, if necessary.
The Bureau of Learning Resources - Cebu (BLR-Cebu) submitted its Indicative PPMP, together
with their procurement requests and concomitant documents necessary to commence the conduct
of Early Procurement Activities (EPA) in September of the current year (2021) consistent with the
National Expenditure Plan (NEP) for Fiscal Year 2022, details of which are as follows:
Title of Procurement Project
Estimated Budget
a) Supply, distribution, Installation, configuration, Testing,
Commissioning, Training and Maintenance of TVL Tools and
Equipment Packages to Public Senior High Schools (MOOE)
b) Supply, distribution, Installation, configuration, Testing,
Commissioning, Training and Maintenance of TVL Tools and
Equipment Packages to Public Senior High Schools (Capital Outlay)
The Indicative Annual Procurement Plan for CY 2022, which includes the said projects was duly
approved by the Head of the Procuring Entity (HoPE) in October 2021, thus, the Bids and Awards
Committee (BAC) proceeded with the procurement after determining the readiness of the project
as proposed. An Invitation to Bid was posted reflecting the above amounts as ABC, wherein four
(4) prospective bidders submitted its bid. All bidders were found eligible, and compliant after the
detailed evaluation of bids. The bidder with the Lowest Calculated Bid was post-qualified; its bid
price amounted to Php 14.45M and 233.75M, respectively. The BAC, through its Secretariat
prepared the recommendation immediately after post-qualification, short of award, hence, approval
by the HoPE and award of contract shall be made only upon approval of the CY 2022 General
Appropriations Act.
The CY 2022 was finally approved on December 28, 2021; however, it reflected a reduction in the
appropriations for the above-mentioned Line Items of 10% of the approved budget reflected in the
NEP. Thereafter, the BLR-Cebu submitted a memorandum informing the BAC, thru the
Procurement Management Service and OASPA, that the FY 2022 LTE-TVL Allocation List shall be
revised due to changes in the approved appropriation based on GAA, and also due to the change
in the List of JDVP recipient schools as provided by the Bureau of Curriculum Development. As a
policy, JDVP recipient schools depending on the specializations of learners under JDVP will not be
provided with TVL tools and equipment to avoid duplication of investment and waste of resources.
As a result, the items, quantity and ABC of the project will drastically change vis-à-vis the
requirements in the bidding documents. The appropriate action to be taken by the BAC based on
specific considerations is:
Proceed with the recommendation to award the contract to the LCRB to comply with the early
procurement activities requirement since the bid amount is within the appropriated amount for the
project based on GAA
Recommend cancellation of the bidding to the HoPE considering that the ABC reflected in the IB
and Bidding Documents is higher than the approved appropriation in the GAA
Cancel the project and rebid after EU submits the revised requirements, i.e. list of items, technical
specifications, revised ABC within the mandatory period
Recommend award of the contract, subject to amendments of the contract to be finalized during
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Cancel the project and rebid after EU submits the revised requirements, i.e. list of items, technical
specifications, revised ABC within the mandatory period
Question 36
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Splitting of Government Contracts or the division or breaking up of GoP contracts into smaller
quantities and amounts, or dividing contract implementation into artificial phases for the purpose of
circumventing the provisions of GPRA is prohibited. However, in one case, the Procuring Entity
splits the procurement contract into five (5) different lots to encourage participation and reduce the
effects of failure of bidding. The internal auditor of the procuring entity issued an Audit Observation
Memorandum (AOM) stating that it violated the rule on splitting of contracts as mandated by
Section 54 of Republic Act 9184 and its IRR. Which of the instances below amounts to splitting of
contracts contemplated under RA 9184?
dividing a contract into sub-contracts for the purpose of evading the necessity of public bidding
dividing the procurement project into lots for the purpose of attracting more bidders
dividing or breaking up a procurement project into smaller quantities and amounts for the purpose
of homogenizing the items and packaging them into lots.
none of the above
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
dividing a contract into sub-contracts for the purpose of evading the necessity of public bidding
Question 37
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In one of its procurement contracts, the Procuring Entity has to terminate a contract on the ground
that it has lost interest in the winning bidder’s performance and found a supplier who is better in
terms of equipment and facilities. The Procuring Entity cited the following grounds for cancellation
or termination of procurement activities.
1. The project is no longer necessary as determined by the end-user unit.
2. The source of funds for the project has been withheld or reduced through no fault of the
Procuring Entity.
3. The Procuring Entity is no longer interested in the performance of the winning bidder.
4. The physical and economic conditions have significantly changed so as to render the project no
longer economically, financially, or technically feasible, as determined by the end-user unit.
5. The Procuring Entity has found a supplier who can better execute the procurement contract.
Are the grounds enumerated by the Procuring Entity valid to cancel or terminate the procurement
Yes, all stated grounds are valid
No, only grounds number 1, 2, 3, & 4 are valid
No, only grounds number 3 & 4 are valid
All grounds are invalid
No, only grounds number 3 & 5 are invalid
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
No, only grounds number 3 & 5 are invalid
Question 38
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Bidders “A” & “B” were declared ineligible for bidding while, bidder C failed to submit required
documents during the “Post-qualification Procedure”. Hence, bidder “D” who has the highest bid is
declared the bidder with the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid (LRCB). During the award, bidder
“D” has determined that its bid is too low hence refuses to accept the award of contract. Based on
the following circumstances, the BAC members are planning to issue a resolution to declare a
failure of bidding. The BAC Chair however said that there is no failure of bidding because the
bidding was successfully conducted albeit failed because Bidder “D” refuses to accept the award.
From the above instances which of the following is NOT a ground for the declaration of failure of
The bidder with the LCRB, HRRB, SCRB or SRRB refuses, without justifiable cause, to accept the
award of contract and no award is made
No bids are received
All prospective bidders are declared ineligible
All bids fail to comply with all the bid requirements or fail post-qualification
None of the above
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
None of the above
Question 39
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Which of the following is a major concern in procurement planning?
Lack of or insufficient proper market study
Lack of or insufficient cost-benefit analysis
Lack of or limited training or experience in drafting TORs
a and b only
a and c only
All of the above
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
All of the above
Question 40
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In the Alternative Methods of Procurement of R.A. 9184, this method is resorted to when the
project involves the procurement of highly specialized types of goods and consulting services
where only a few supplies/consultants are known to be available
Limited Source Bidding
Repeat Order
Direct Contracting
Negotiated Procurement
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Limited Source Bidding
Question 41
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During the post-qualification procedure, the BAC requested its Secretariat to issue a letter to
Bidder “A” to clarify certain aspects of its bid offer. The Secretariat however refused to issue a
letter because of the “No Contact Rule” in procurement. Under Section 32 of the 2016 Revised
IRR of R.A. 9184, it stated that, “Members of the BAC, its staff and personnel, Secretariat and
TWG, as well as Observers, are prohibited from making or accepting any communication with any
bidder, regarding the evaluation of their bids until the issuance of the Notice of Award”. Is the “No
Contact Rule” absolute?
Yes, the BAC Secretariat is correct for refusing to issue a letter of communication with Bidder “A”
No, the BAC Secretariat may ask in writing the bidder for a clarification of its bid
Yes, the BAC Secretariat is precluded in asking the bidder for a clarification of its bid.
No. the BAC Secretariat may ask the bidder through a personal SMS (message).
None of the above
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
No, the BAC Secretariat may ask in writing the bidder for a clarification of its bid
Question 42
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Bidder “A” submitted the lowest bid, while bidder “B” and “C” is the second and third lowest
respectively. During the evaluation of documents, it appears, based on the financial documents
submitted, that Bidder “A” lacks the financial capacity to undertake the project, hence, was
declared disqualified. Thus, Bidder “B” was subjected to post-qualification. During postqualification procedure, the BAC issued a resolution to post-disqualify bidder “B” for noncompliance with the technical specifications of the project. However, bidder “B” contended that it
be given a chance to rectify its bid offer since he was already declared as the lowest bidder and
the only requirement he has to satisfy is the requirement on technical specifications. Is bidder “B”
correct in its argument?
No, the bid of bidder “B” bid offer is not responsive and modification of bid is not allowed.
Yes, bidder “B” is the lowest bidder, and he may not be disqualified if its bid offer does not conform
with the technical specifications of the project.
Yes, bidder “B” may be given the chance to rectify its bid offer
No, bidder “B” cannot rectify its bid because this is not allowed to second lowest bidders
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
No, the bid of bidder “B” bid offer is not responsive and modification of bid is not allowed.
Question 43
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During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Procuring Entity “A” resorted to the use of “emergency casesnegotiated procurement” for the lease of real properties for use as quarantine centers, evacuation
sites, medical relief and aid distribution locations, warehousing facilities, or similar temporary
disaster emergency response facility. Negotiated procurement under emergency cases may be
justified based on the following circumstances, except?
That the emergency procurement was resorted to avoid imminent danger to life or property during
a state of calamity.
That the emergency procurement was resorted to avoid imminent loss of the budget due to being
unutilized at the end of the budget year.
That the emergency procurement was resorted to restore vital public services, infrastructure
facilities and other public utilities
That the emergency procurement was resorted to avoid imminent loss of services, social and
economic disruption and environmental degradation
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
That the emergency procurement was resorted to avoid imminent loss of the budget due to being
unutilized at the end of the budget year.
Question 44
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The following are five specific functions of a contract management unit, except:
Contract Development and Review
Procurement Planning and Development of Bidding Documents Unit
Contract Performance Monitoring
Inspection and Acceptance
Billings and Payment Uni
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Procurement Planning and Development of Bidding Documents Unit
Question 45
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Which of the following refers to a set of principles, procedures or protocols used to effectively
manage contracts or agreements and relationship between entities which involves the proper
planning and monitoring of the procurement project during the contract implementation stage,
aimed at reducing, eliminating or mitigating financial, legal and other project risks.
Contract Management System
Contract Performance Monitoring
Public Procurement
Billings and Payment
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is:
Contract Management System
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