STUDENT NAME: 7Z Renewable energy project: (write name of energy) In partners you will present to the class a renewable energy assigned to you. The aim is that the class will learn from your presentation what that energy is and how it works as well as advantages and disadvantages compared to others. TARGET LEVEL: LEVEL CRITERIA LEVEL 3 An explanation of the energy. The information is read off the slide. A clear explanation of the energy is given. Includes the definition for renewable energy is included. Advantages are included. Disadvantages are included. Your energy is compared to others. Presenter is looking at audience and speaking clearly. Only relevant information is included in presentation A clear explanation of the energy is given in your own words. The information is not read off the bored Advantages and disadvantages are described. Your energy is compared to others showing an understanding. Presenter is looking at audience and speaking clearly. A clear explanation of the energy is given in your own words. The presenter clearly knows the information confidently. Presentation was interesting and original for the audience Advantages and disadvantages are described in detail. Your energy is compared to others in detail showing a thorough understanding. Only relevant information is included in presentation. Presenter is looking at audience and speaking clearly. All of level 6 criteria is met. Presentation is unique and all presenters have an excellent understanding of their energy. LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 6 LEVEL 7 FINAL LEVEL: FEEDBACK SUMMARY: TICK IF MET TEACHER TICK IF MET