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Wilfred Owen Poetry Analysis: The Sentry & Dulce et Decorum Est

Both poems are written about
Wilfred Owen’s experiences in
trench warfare in World War One.
The Situation
The Sights
(LIST conditions and injuries)
Muddy / wet
Soldier blinded
Squashed into dugout
The Sounds
(LIST battle noise and soldiers)
Psychological Effects
Owen’s purpose / Message
The Sentry
Dulce et Decorum Est.
Soldiers sheltering in a German
dugout and they are being
bombed. The Sentry was bombed
and fell into the dugout and was
blinded. Held a candle up but he
couldn’t see it. They left him there
while others looked for a
stretcher. He called out, “I can see
your lights!” But they had already
Techniques with Examples
Soldiers walking to their rest area
and there is a gas attack. One
soldier didn’t get his gas mask on
in time and he was gassed. They
flung him on a wagon.
Techniques with Examples
Neg conn “rain guttering down in
waterfalls of slime”
Simile “Eyes, huge-bulged like
Techniques with Examples
Techniques with Examples