UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA PARTICULAR DE LOJA VICERRECTORADO DE MODALIDAD ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA FACULTAD: Ciencias Sociales, Educación y Humanidades CARRERA: Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros PLAN DOCENTE DE LA ASIGNATURA: Academic Reading and Writing I PROFESOR AUTOR: Franklin Oswaldo Espinosa Jaramillo, Mgtr. MODALIDAD DE ESTUDIO: A DISTANCIA PERÍODO ACADÉMICO ORDINARIO/SEMESTRE: Abril - Agosto 2022 1 A. Datos de identificación de la asignatura Asignatura: Academic Reading and Writing I Código: EDUC_3178 Tipo de asignatura (ECTS): Campo de formación del currículo (Rediseño Curricular): No aplica Comunicación y Lenguaje Número de créditos/horas: Créditos 3 Periodo académico ordinario/nivel: Quinto Período académico ordinario/semestre: Abril - Agosto 2022 Facultad: Ciencias Sociales, Educación y Humanidades Departamento: Filosofía, Artes y Humanidades Carrera: Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros Horas 144 B. Descripción de la asignatura Presentación: Academic Reading and Writing I, is a mandatory course for students enrolled at the program of ‘Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros, Mención en Inglés. The main goal of this course is to help students improve their reading and writing skills at an academic level. Reading skills will be practiced explicitly and implicitly all throughout the semester, which as a result will allow learners to produce the language coherently in a written way. In this regard, at the end of the current academic course, students will be able to read and write good quality pieces of academic material, such as academic paragraphs, and essays. The achievement of these goals will allow students to enrich their receptive (reading) and productive (writing) skills, which will contribute to solve academic challenges throughout their formative program, and later on as professionals. 2 Contextualización en el marco de la descripción micro-curricular que forma parte del plan curricular de la carrera: Contribución de la asignatura al perfil de egreso (rediseño curricular): Prerrequisitos: Adaptaciones curriculares: The course ‘Academic Reading and Writing I’ is taught in the 5th semester of the Major “Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros. Mención en Inglés”; therefore, considering its location in the EFL program, it contributes to reinforce students’ prior knowledge and to provide the foundations to incorporate new concepts and their features which will enrich their reading and writing skills. In this sense, the current subject contributes to the development students’ reading and writing skills to an upper-intermediate level. Hence, students who successfully accomplish this course will be able to read and write academic paragraphs, essays and strive for new reading and writing challenges, which at the end of the day will enable them to fulfill their academic goal and exit profile in order to perform properly as future English teachers. Applies the linguistic knowledge of the English language in accordance with international standards at a level that allows effective communication to perform professionally in teaching English to children and young people according to international standards. Uses English at a C1 level that allows effective communication. FDCE_1076 English Language: Reading and Writing IV To guarantee a quality education, according to the characteristics of the educational model of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, the principles of equal opportunity, and the special educational needs associated or not with a disability, non-significant or grade two curricular adaptations are made. These adaptations follow a path from least to greatest; considering the methodological aspect, learning activities and the individual learning style regarding the strategies to be developed. These adaptations are made based on the identification of educational needs in the first weeks of academic work, in order to support the development of student competencies. 3 C. Programación del proceso de aprendizaje de la asignatura Primer bimestre 1. Descripción de la secuencia didáctica para el aprendizaje de la asignatura1 Componentes Resultados del de Contenidos aprendizaje2 Actividades de aprendizaje aprendizaje (ACD, APE, AA) Applies Express academic goals and expectancies about the critical present subject during participation in the introductory UNIT 1: Overview of reading and forum. Academic Reading thinking and Writing Identify different elements of good academic writing by skills to ACD 1.1. Definition and learning theoretical concepts from textbook and virtual distinguish purpose guide. and analyze 1.2. Characteristics different Reinforce knowledge about writing features by interacting 1.2.1. Audience types of with tutor during TUTORIAL session (Schedule is placed at 1.2.2. Purpose academic virtual platform). 1.2.3. Clarity texts. Show mastery of knowledge about elements for good academic writing by performing written activities related to APE Writes elements for writing good academic paragraphs from virtual paragraphs guide and textbook. Recursos de aprendizaje Instrumentos Tiempo de Calificación Semana (horas) evaluación Introductory Forum Virtual Platform Virtual Platform Textbook Virtual guide Virtual Platform Textbook Virtual guide 3 hours Week 1 2 hours 1 En el caso de que el docente planifique actividades síncronas, deberá también proponer una actividad suplementaria 2 Contacto con el docente (ACD) Práctico-experimental (APE) Autónomo (AA) 4 by applying appropriate writing features. AA ACD UNIT 1: Overview of Academic Reading and Writing APE 1.2.4. Unity 1.2.5. Cohesion 1.2.6. Coherence AA UNIT 2: Classification of Academic Texts and Reading Strategies ACD Distinguish the different elements of good academic writing by studying theoretical concepts from textbook and virtual guide. Reinforce knowledge about audience and purpose by watching the video at the given REA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hcr_l91xSI&t=286s Reinforce knowledge about writing features by participating in ‘tutorial session (Schedule is placed at virtual platform) Internalize knowledge about elements for good academic writing by learning theoretical concepts from the textbook and virtual guide. Show mastery of knowledge about elements for good academic writing by performing practical activities related to elements for writing good academic paragraphs from virtual guide and textbook. Learn the different elements of good academic writing by studying theoretical concepts from textbook and virtual guide. Reinforce knowledge about unity and coherence by watching the current video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbMtBjoBalQ Strengthen knowledge about elements for good academic writing by developing learning activities suggested at EVA’s announcements section (it is suggested to visit EVA platform three times per week, minimum.) Reinforce knowledge about reading strategies by participating in ‘tutorial session. Identify the different types of academic texts and different types of reading strategies by learning theoretical concepts provided at Virtual guide. Virtual Platform Textbook Virtual guide REAs 4 hours Virtual Platform Textbook Virtual guide 3 Hours Virtual Platform Textbook Virtual guide 2 Hours Week 2 Virtual Platform Textbook Virtual guide 4 hours Virtual Platform Textbook Virtual guide 3 hours 5 Week 3 2.1. Types of Academic Texts 2.1.1. Textbooks 2.1.2. Journal Articles 2.2. Reading Strategies for Academic Texts 2.2.1. Previewing and predicting 2.2.2. Activating prior knowledge UNIT 2: Classification of Academic Texts and Reading Strategies 2.2.3. Questioning 2.2.4. Recognizing main ideas, key supporting points, and organizational patterns 2.2.5. Exploring purpose APE AA ACD APE AA Show knowledge about different academic text by performing activities suggested in the virtual guide and textbook. Internalize knowledge about the use of reading strategies by searching about short academic texts. Learn the different types of academic texts, and different types of reading strategies by studying theoretical information provided at Virtual guide. Strengthen knowledge about reading strategies by developing activities suggested at EVA’s announcements section. GRADED ACTIVITY 1: Assess your knowledge acquisition of content studied in units 1 and 2 by taking Partial Evaluation 1- BIM 1. Reinforce knowledge about different reading strategies by Participating in ‘tutorial session.’ Virtual Platform Virtual guide Textbook 2 hours Virtual Platform Virtual guide Questionnaire EVA 1 Virtual Platform Textbook Recognize different types of reading strategies by learning Virtual guide theoretical information provided at Virtual guides. GRADED ACTIVITY 2: Describe the features of elements for academic writing by creating presentation that includes: ACADEMIC definition, importance, and ways to achieve: unity, cohesion, FOARUM 1 and coherence. (ACADEMIC FORUM 1). Show accurate knowledge of reading skills by applying Virtual Platform varied reading strategies when searching for academic Virtual guide information. Textbook Learn about different types of reading strategies by studying theoretical information provided at Virtual guide. Virtual guide Virtual platform Reinforce knowledge about ‘reading strategies’ by going REAs through the given REA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faZF9x4A2Vs 4 hours Questionnaire EVA 1 1 (averaged) 3 hours Rubric 1.5 Week 4 2 hours 4 hours 6 2.2.6. Analyzing and synthesizing texts Unit 3. Writing Academic Paragraphs 3.1. Organization of academic paragraphs 3.2. Punctuation 3.2.1. Comma 3.2.2. Semicolon 3.2.3. Colon 3.3 Cohesive devices 3.3.1. Transitional words 3.3.2. Linkers 3.3.3. Connectors Self-Evaluation 2 BIM1 ACD APE AA Strengthen knowledge about the use of different reading strategies by developing learning activities suggested at EVA’s announcements section. (It is suggested to visit EVA platform three times per week, minimum.) Reinforce knowledge about punctuation marks and cohesive devices by participating in ‘tutorial session.’ Identify different punctuation marks and cohesive devices Virtual Platform by learning information provided in virtual guide and Virtual guide textbook. Textbook Become acquainted about academic events by reading announcements from virtual platform. GRADED ACTIVITY 3: Classify the parts of the paragraph ACADEMIC by creating an Infographic which includes every part of the FORUM 2 paragraph and its functions. (ACADEMIC FORUM 2). Show knowledge of different cohesive devices by performing practical activities suggested in the virtual guide Virtual Platform and textbook. Virtual guide Show knowledge about the correct use of punctuation Textbook marks by performing practical activities suggested in the virtual guide and textbook. Identify different punctuation marks and cohesive devices by studying information provided in virtual guide and textbook. Learn about cohesive devices that are suitable for different types of paragraphs. Virtual Platform Virtual guide Reinforce knowledge about the correct use of ‘colon and Textbook semicolon’ by watching the video below: REAs https://www.engvid.com/writing-punctuation-how-to-usecolons-semicolons/ (Perform the suggested quiz to test your knowledge acquisition.) Reinforce knowledge about cohesive devices by visiting the current site: 3 hours Rubric 2 2 hours 4 hours 7 Week 5 ACD Unit 3. Writing Academic Paragraphs APE 3.4. Parts o the Paragraph - Review 3.5 Types of Paragraphs AA ACD https://www.slideshare.net/abdurrasheed3956/cohesivedevices Reinforce knowledge about parts and types of paragraphs by participating in tutorial session. Recognize the different parts of the paragraph, and the different types of paragraphs by learn information provided in the textbook and virtual guide. Become acquainted about academic events by reading announcements from virtual platform. Discriminate the different parts of the paragraph and the different types of paragraphs by analyzing different types of academic paragraphs from textbook and virtual guide. GRADED ACTIVITY 4: Apply your knowledge about elements for good academic writing by writing a Contrast Paragraph on the Title: ‘Messaging service.’ (ACADEMIC FORUM 3.) Identify the different parts of the paragraph, and the different types of paragraphs by studying information provided in the textbook and virtual guide. Reinforce knowledge about different parts of the paragraph by working on the exercises available at https://tcsamaripa.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/paragraphstructure-practice-worksheet.pdf GRADED ACTIVITY 5: Assess your knowledge acquisition of content studied in unit 3 by taking Partial Evaluation 2BIM 1. Reinforce knowledge about ‘common sentence problems’ by participating in tutorial session. Identify the most common sentence problems by going through the information provided in the virtual guide and textbook. Virtual Platform Virtual guide Textbook 3 hours Virtual Platform Virtual guide Textbook ACADEMIC FORUM 3 2 hours Rubric 1.5 Virtual Platform Virtual guide Textbook Questionnaire EVA 2 Virtual Platform Virtual guide Textbook Week 6 4 hours Questionnaire EVA 2 1 (averaged) 3 hours 8 Week 7 3.6. Common sentence problems 3.6.1. Sentence Fragment 3.6.2. Choppy Sentences 3.6.3. Run On Sentences 3.6.4. Comma Splices Self-Evaluation 2 BIM1 APE AA ACD On-site evaluation BIM 1 APE AA Become acquainted about academic events by reading announcements from virtual platform. Differentiate between sentences containing problems from Virtual Platform sentences correctly written by performing practical activities Virtual guide suggested in the virtual guide and textbook. Textbook GRADED ACTIVITY 6: Identify the different parts of the paragraph by analyzing the different parts of a scrambled ACADEMIC Checklist paragraph and completing the given chart at Annex 2. FORUM 4 (ACADEMIC FORUM 4.) Distinguish the most common sentence problems by reviewing the information provided in the virtual guide and Virtual Platform textbook. Virtual guide Textbook Reinforce your prior knowledge about common sentence REAs problems by going through the given REA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRoCibkYzVI&t=81s Reinforce knowledge about issues from units 1-3 by Virtual Platform participating in tutorial session. Virtual guide Expand previous knowledge by reviewing content studied in Textbook units 1 to 3. Virtual Platform Deepen prior knowledge by developing practical activities Virtual guide suggested in units 1 – 3. Text-book Virtual Platform Expand previous knowledge by studying information from Virtual guide units 1-3 in the virtual guide and textbook. Text-book Take the On-Site Evaluation BIM 1 Virtual platform Answer Key Assess the knowledge acquired through the study of On-Site Questionnaire units 5 - 8 by taking the on-site evaluation BIM 1. Evaluation 2 hours 1.5 4 hours 3 hours 2 hours 4 hours 2.5 9 Week 8 2. Resumen de las horas de trabajo de la asignatura por componente de aprendizaje en el bimestre. Total de horas de trabajo de la asignatura en el bimestre Componentes del aprendizaje En contacto con el docente 24 Práctico-experimental 16 Autónomo 32 Total 3. Horas 72 Descripción de las actividades calificadas Componentes del aprendizaje: Actividad de aprendizaje: Tipo de recurso: Tema de la unidad: Resultados de aprendizaje que se espera lograr: Estrategias didácticas: En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( ) Práctico-experimental (APE) ( ) Autónomo (AA) ( X ) GRADED ACTIVITY 1: Assess your knowledge acquisition of content studied in units 1 and 2 by taking Partial Evaluation 1- BIM 1. Questionnaire EVA 1 Unit 1: Overview of Academic Reading and Writing Unit 2: Classification of Academic Texts and Reading Strategies Applies critical reading and thinking skills to distinguish and analyze different types of academic texts. Study contents of unit 1 from the textbook and unit 2 from the virtual guide. Work on the activities provided in the virtual guide and text-book weekly Complete the on-line quiz Instrumento de evaluación: Questionnaire EVA 1 Componentes del aprendizaje: Actividad de aprendizaje: Tipo de recurso: Tema de la unidad: Resultados de aprendizaje que se espera lograr: Estrategias didácticas: En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( X ) Práctico-experimental (APE) ( ) Autónomo (AA) ( ) GRADED ACTIVITY 2: Describe the features of elements for academic writing by creating presentation that includes: definition, importance, and ways to achieve: unity, cohesion, and coherence. (ACADEMIC FORUM 1). ACADEMIC FORUM 1. Overview of Academic Reading and Writing. Writes paragraphs by applying appropriate writing features. Applies critical reading and thinking skills to distinguish and analyze different types of academic texts. - Study Unit 1 from the virtual guide and text-book. - Use the given sources for reinforcement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbMtBjoBalQ (Unity and coherence) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TScPcKfQ9ds&t=262s (Cohesion) - Search for additional information regarding Unity, Cohesion and Coherence (optional.) - Include citation and reference from outside sources used - use the APA style 7th ed. - Create a written presentation where it is included the following information about Unity, Cohesion, and Coherence: Definition … Importance to achieve… Ways to achieve … See annex #1; there you will find a suggested format; format could be modified or changed. - Read details from rubric for better performance. Instrumento de evaluación: Rubric 10 Score of the activity: 1.5 Rubric is worth 10 points and It will be averaged and converted accordingly. CATEGORY Content: Cohesion: Creativity: Plagiarism Excellent The presentation includes clear information about: Definition, Importance, and ways to achieve Unity, Cohesion and Coherence. (4 - 3.1 points) Good Needs improvement The presentation includes The presentation includes somehow clear information not clear information about: about: Definition, Importance, Definition, Importance, and ways to achieve and ways to achieve Unity, Cohesion and Unity, Cohesion and Coherence. Coherence. (3 – 2.1 points) (2 – 0.5 points) All Information is written in Information presents some Information presents many a cohesive way. sentence formation errors. grammar errors. (4 – 3.1 points) (3 – 2.1 points) (2 – 0.5 points) Format use for the Format use for the Format use for the presentation is appealing presentation needs some presentation needs a good to the senses improvement amount of improvement (2 – 1.6 points) (1.5 – 1.1 points) (1 – 0.5 points) Plagiarism will be graded over zero; no second chance will be provided (A big amount of similarity to classmate’s’ work, will be considered plagiarism.) En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( X ) Práctico-experimental (APE) ( ) Autónomo (AA) ( ) GRADED ACTIVITY 3: Classify the parts of the paragraph by creating an Actividad de aprendizaje: Infographic which includes every part of the paragraph and its functions. (ACADEMIC FORUM 2). Tipo de recurso: ACADEMIC FORUM 2. Tema de la unidad: Unit 3. Writing Academic Paragraphs Writes paragraphs by applying appropriate writing features Resultados de aprendizaje que Applies critical reading and thinking skills to distinguish and analyze se espera lograr: different types of academic texts. • Study Unit 3 ‘Writing Academic Paragraphs’ from the virtual guide and textbook. • Apply the reading strategies learned in order to search for additional information about the parts of the paragraph and their functions. • To expand knowledge about parts of the paragraph and their functions; it is suggested to visit the current link: https://lnu.se/en/library/Writing-andreferencing/the-structure-of-academic-texts/ Estrategias didácticas: • Search at any trust worthy source of your preference. • Include citation and reference from outside sources used - use the APA style 7th ed. • Create an infographic which clearly presents the different parts of the paragraph and their functions. • Upload the link from the infographic at the space provided at CANVAS (It is your responsibility to ensure that the link can be open at any time.) • See the rubric for details about aspects considered for grading purpose. Instrumento de evaluación: Rubric Componentes del aprendizaje: 11 Score of the activity: 2 Rubric is worth 10 points and It will be averaged and converted accordingly. CATEGORY Content: Cohesion: Creativity: Plagiarism Componentes del aprendizaje: Actividad de aprendizaje: Tipo de recurso: Tema de la unidad: Resultados de aprendizaje que se espera lograr: Estrategias didácticas: Excellent The infographic includes clear information about: Topic sentence, supporting details, concluding sentence and their corresponding functions. (4 - 3.1 points) All Information is written in a cohesive way. (4 – 3.1 points) Template use for the presentation is creative, there is logic on the organization of ideas. (2 – 1.6 points) Good Needs improvement The infographic includes The infographic includes not somehow clear information clear information about: about: Topic sentence, Topic sentence, supporting supporting details, details, concluding concluding sentence, and sentence, and their their functions. corresponding functions. (3 – 2.1 points) (2 – 0.5 points) Information presents some Information presents many sentence formation errors. grammar errors. (3 – 2.1 points) (2 – 0.5 points) Template use for the Template use for the presentation is creative, logic presentation is creative, on the organization of ideas logic on the organization of needs improvement. ideas needs a good amount (1.5 – 1.1 points) of improvement. (1 – 0.5 points) Plagiarism will be graded over zero; no second chance will be provided (A large amount of similarity to classmates’ work, will be considered plagiarism.) En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( ) Práctico-experimental (APE) ( x ) Autónomo (AA) ( ) GRADED ACTIVITY 4: Apply your knowledge about elements for good academic writing by writing a Contrast Paragraph on the Title: ‘Messaging service.’ (ACADEMIC FORUM 3.) ACADEMIC FORUM 3 Unit 3. Writing Academic Paragraphs Writes paragraphs by applying appropriate writing features Study unit 3 from your virtual guide, and the corresponding topic from your text-book. Watch the current video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLLeDCEInqw&t=132s Go through the information provided in pages 55 to 59 from the current source: https://www.elcamino.edu//academics/basicskills/Eng_B_Textbook_Second_Edition.pdf Search at any trustworthy source to deepen knowledge on how to write Contrast paragraphs. Write a single contrast paragraph on the given title and topic sentence: Title: ‘Messaging service’ Topic sentence: Regarding messaging services, there are remarkable differences in terms of: formality, and waiting-time to get a response between E-mail and WhatsApp Use the Point by Point organization pattern for the development of your contrast paragraph. The length must be a 120-words paragraph, sharp Proof read your assignment before handing it in Read the rubric provided in order to perform a great quality paragraph Include citation and reference from outside sources used - use the APA style 7th ed. Instrumento de evaluación: Rubric 12 Score of the activity: 1.5 Rubric is worth 10 points and It will be averaged and converted accordingly. Category / Excellent Good Needs improvement Score Writing Contrast relationship is declared Ideas which do not meet No contrast relationship is Pattern / throughout the whole written contrast relationship are shown. Type of text. included Paragraph 1 – 0.6 points 0.5 -0 points 3 – 1.1 points Unity: the whole paragraph Unity: many written ideas do Unity: most of the written develops a single topic not support the topic ideas do not support the sentence sentence. topic sentence. Cohesion: every idea is Cohesion: there are many Cohesion: there are too expressed with no grammar grammar errors. many grammar errors. elements errors. Coherence: Logic in the Coherence: There is not for good Coherence: There is a logical organization of ideas needs logic in the organization of Academic organization of ideas, and improvement. ideas. writing: cohesive devices are used 1 – 0.6 points 0.5 -0 points properly. 3 – 1.1 points The paragraph includes: The Paragraph lacks: The Paragraph lacks: • Centered Title • Centered Title • Centered Title Format • Indentation of First line • Indentation of First Line • Indentation of first Line • Margins on both sides • Margins • Double-spaced 2 – 1.1 points 1 – 0.6 points 0.5 -0 points There are no punctuation (period, There are many punctuation There are too many comma, semicolon, colon, errors. punctuation errors. Mechanics question mark) errors. There are a many spelling There are too many spelling There are no spelling errors. errors. errors. 2 – 1.1 points 1 – 0.6 points 0.5 – 0 points Plagiarism will be graded over zero; no second chance will be provided (A big amount of similarity Plagiarism to classmates’ work, will be considered plagiarism.) En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( ) Práctico-experimental (APE) ( ) Autónomo (AA) ( X) Graded Activity 5: Assess your knowledge acquisition of content studied Actividad de aprendizaje: in unit 3 by taking Partial Evaluation 2- BIM 1. Tipo de recurso: Questionnaire EVA 2 Tema de la unidad: Unit 3. Writing Academic Paragraphs. Writes paragraphs by applying appropriate writing features Resultados de aprendizaje que Applies critical reading and thinking skills to distinguish and analyze se espera lograr: different types of academic texts. Estrategias didácticas: Study contents of units 2 and 3 from virtual guide Work on the activities provided in the virtual guide and text-book, weekly Complete the on-line quiz. Componentes del aprendizaje: 13 Instrumento de evaluación: Questionnaire EVA 2 En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( ) Práctico-experimental (APE) ( X) Autónomo (AA) ( ) GRADED ACTIVITY 6: Identify the different parts of the paragraph by Actividad de aprendizaje: analyzing the different parts of a scrambled paragraph and completing the given chart at Annex 2. (ACADEMIC FORUM 4). Tipo de recurso: ACADEMIC FORUM 4 Tema de la unidad: Unit 3. Writing Academic Paragraphs Writes paragraphs by applying appropriate writing features Resultados de aprendizaje que Applies critical reading and thinking skills to distinguish and analyze se espera lograr: different types of academic texts. Study units 1 to 3 from your virtual guide and text-book Go through the information about paragraph analysis: https://openoregon.pressbooks.pub/wrd/chapter/paragraph-analysis/ Search at any trustworthy source about how to analyze an academic paragraph (optional.) Include citation and reference from outside sources used - use the APA Estrategias didácticas: style 7th ed. Read the given SCRAMBLED PARAGRAPH and order it in the given chart at Annex 2. Upload the chart with the ordered paragraph in the space provided at CANVAS. Proof read your assignment before submitting it. Read the checklist provided in order to ensure a great performance. Instrumento de evaluación: Checklist Componentes del aprendizaje: Score of the activity: 1.5 Checklist is worth 10 points and It will be averaged and converted accordingly. PARAGRAPH ANALYSIS - CHECKLIST PARTS OF THE PARAGRAPH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SI NO Written pattern is identified. Topic sentence is correctly identified. Main subject is correctly identified. Controlling idea is correctly identified. Supporting sentence # 1 is correctly identified. Supporting sentence # 2 is correctly identified. Supporting sentence # 3 is correctly identified. Supporting sentence # 4 is correctly identified. Supporting sentence # 5 is correctly identified. Concluding sentence is correctly identified. TOTAL Rate Accomplishme nt score 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 14 D. Evaluación de la asignatura primer bimestre Componente Actividad ACADEMIC FORUM 1: GRADED ACTIVITY 2: Describe the features of elements for academic writing by creating presentation that includes: APRENDIZAJE definition, importance, and ways to EN achieve: unity, cohesion, and CONTACTO coherence. CON EL ACADEMIC FORUM 2: GRADED DOCENTE ACTIVITY 3: Classify the parts of the paragraph by creating an Infographic which includes every part of the paragraph and its functions. Instrumento Fechas de ejecución Calific ación Peso Rubric WEEK 4 May 2nd - 8th, 2022 1.5 15% Rubric WEEK 5 May 9th - 15th, 2022 2 20% 3.5 35% Subtotal Questionnaire Eva 1: GRADED ACTIVITY 1: Assess your knowledge acquisition of content studied in units 1 and 2 by taking Partial Evaluation 1- BIM 1. APRENDIZAJE Questionnaire Eva 2: GRADED AUTÓNOMO ACTIVITY 5: Assess your knowledge acquisition of content studied in unit 3 by taking Partial Evaluation 2- BIM 1. Take On-Site Evaluation BIM 1 Demonstrate your knowledge by taking the on-site evaluation BIM 1. ACADEMIC FORUM 3: GRADED ACTIVITY 4: Apply your knowledge about elements for good academic writing by writing a Contrast Paragraph APRENDIZAJE on the Title: ‘Messaging service.’ PRÁCTICO ACADEMIC FORUM 4: GRADED EXPERIMENT ACTIVITY 6: Identify the different parts AL of the paragraph by analyzing the different parts of a scrambled paragraph and completing the given chart at Annex 2. Questionnaire Eva 1 WEEK 3 Apr 25th - May 01st 2022 10% 1 Questionnaire EVA 2 WEEK 6 May 16th - 22nd, 2022 On-Site or Online Evaluation Jun 03th – Jun 07th 2022 2.5 25% Subtotal 3.5 35% Rubric WEEK 6 May 16th - 22nd, 2022 1.5 15% Checklist WEEK 7 May 23rd - 29th 2022 1.5 15% Subtotal TOTAL 3 10 30% 100 15 Segundo Bimestre 1. Descripción de la secuencia didáctica para el aprendizaje de la asignatura3 Componentes Resultados del Instrumentos Tiempo Recursos de de Contenidos aprendizaje4 Actividades de aprendizaje de Calificación (horas) Semana aprendizaje aprendizaje (ACD, APE, evaluación AA) Reinforce knowledge about differences between Applies academic reading and general reading by critical participating in ‘tutorial session reading and ACD Discriminate similarities and differences between Virtual platform 3 thinking academic and general reading by learning Virtual guide hours skills to Unit 4. The relation of information provided in virtual guide and textbook. Textbook distinguish academic reading and Learn about academic events by reading and analyze writing announcements from virtual platform. different Recognize similarities and difference between Virtual platform types of 4.1. Differences between Week paragraphs and essays by developing text-book Virtual guide 2 academic academic reading and 9 APE activities suggested on the theme: ‘Moving from Textbook hours texts. general reading Paragraph to Essay.’ 4.2. Academic essay writing Distinguish similarities and differences between Writes wellacademic and general reading by studying structured information provided in virtual guide and textbook. Virtual platform essays. 4 AA Expand knowledge about similarities and differences Virtual guide hours Textbook between paragraphs and essays by watching the video in the link provided. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnG5Upa_H8c 3 En el caso de que el docente planifique actividades síncronas, deberá también proponer una actividad suplementaria 4 Contacto con el docente (ACD) Práctico-experimental (APE) Autónomo (AA) 16 Unit 4. The relation of academic reading and writing 4.2.1. Parts of the Essay Introductory paragraph Body paragraphs Concluding paragraph Unit 5. Writing Academic Essays ACD APE AA ACD 5.1. Descriptive essays APE Reinforce knowledge about parts of the essay by participating in ‘tutorial session’ Identify the parts of an academic essay by learning Virtual platform the information provided in the textbook and virtual Virtual guide guide. Textbook Learn about academic events by reading announcements from virtual platform. Write accurate introductory, supporting and Virtual platform concluding paragraphs by performing practical Virtual guide activities suggested in the textbook and virtual guide. Textbook Identify the parts of an academic essay by studying the information provided in the textbook and virtual Virtual platform guide. Virtual guide Reinforce knowledge about essay structure and Textbook features of its parts by watching the video provided: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aACnkEVnbKQ Reinforce knowledge about features of descriptive essays by participating in ‘tutorial session’ Identify features of descriptive essays by learning Virtual platform the information provided in the text-book and virtual Virtual guide guide. Textbook Learn about academic events by reading announcements from virtual platform. GRADED ACTIVITY 1: Demonstrate your knowledge about the essay structure by creating an ACADEMIC infographic which describes parts of an essay and FORUM 1 their function. (ACADEMIC FORUM 1). Show your knowledge about descriptive essay’s Virtual platform features by writing a descriptive essay on the title: Virtual guide ‘My Favorite Place to Relax.’ Textbook 3 hours 2 hours Week 10 4 hours 3 hours Rubric 1.5 2 hours 17 Week 11 AA ACD 5.2. Comparison/Contrast essays APE AA recognize features of descriptive essays by studying the information provided in the textbook and virtual guide. Virtual platform Virtual guide Expand knowledge about descriptive essay’s Textbook features by watch the videos provided below: REA’s a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toMIPhUVIy0 b. https://owl.excelsior.edu/rhetoricalstyles/descriptive-essay/descriptive-essay-whatdoes-it-look-like/ Reinforce knowledge about comparison/contrast essays by participating in ‘tutorial session.’ Identify features for comparison-contrast essays by Virtual platform learning the information provided in the textbook and Virtual guide virtual guide. Textbook Learn about academic events by reading announcements from virtual platform. Show knowledge on the use of pre-writing strategies by using a Venn Diagram graphic organizer to list similarities and differences for a comparison/contrast Virtual platform essay. Virtual guide Learn about features for comparison-contrast essays Textbook by perform the practical activities suggested in the textbook and virtual guide. Identify features for comparison-contrast essays by studying the information provided in the textbook Virtual platform and virtual guide. Virtual guide Reinforce your knowledge about comparisonTextbook contrast essays by watching the current video: REA’s a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLAdm8xux90 and accessing the current REA: 4 hours 3 hours 2 hours 4 hours 18 Week 12 ACD 5.3. Cause-Effect essays APE AA b. https://owl.excelsior.edu/rhetoricalstyles/compare-and-contrast-essay/ (Develop every topic suggested.) GRADED ACTIVITY 2: Assess your knowledge acquisition of content studied in units 4 and 5 by Taking Partial Evaluation 1- BIM 2. Reinforce knowledge about Cause/Effect essays by participating in ‘tutorial session.’ Identify features for cause/effect essays by learning information provide in the textbook and virtual guide. Learn about academic events by reading announcements from virtual platform. Show knowledge of prewriting strategies by using a Graphic Organizer for a Cause and Effect essay: https://www.educationoasis.com/printables/graphicorganizers/cause-and-effect-chain/ Deepen knowledge of features for cause/effect essays by perform the practical activities suggested in the textbook and virtual guide. GRADED ACTIVITY 3: Demonstrate your knowledge about essay organization by filling in the given outline (ANNEX 3) for a comparison essay on the topic and thesis statement given. (ACADEMIC FORUM 2). Distinguish features for cause/effect essays by studying information provide in the text-book and virtual guide. Expand knowledge about cause/effect essays by going through the current REA: https://owl.excelsior.edu/rhetorical-styles/cause-andeffect-essay/ (Develop all activities suggested) Questionnaire Eva 1 Questionnaire Eva 1 1 (averaged) Virtual platform Virtual guide Textbook 3 hours Virtual platform Virtual guide Textbook 2 hours ACADEMIC FORUM 2 Virtual platform Virtual guide Textbook Rubric 1.5 4 hours 19 Week 13 ACD APE AA 5.4. Opinion essays Review of units 4-5 ACD Reinforce knowledge about opinion essays by participating in ‘tutorial session’ Identify the features for opinion essays by learning Virtual platform Virtual guide the information provided in the virtual guide and Textbook textbook. Learn about academic events by reading announcements from virtual platform. Graded Activity 4: Apply your knowledge acquired about essay features by Writing a Cause/Effect ACADEMIC Rubric essay on the given topic: “Weather Effects.” FORUM 3 (ACADEMIC FORUM 3). Virtual platform Apply features for an opinion essays by writing a Virtual guide draft on the topic: ‘Death Penalty’. Textbook Recognize the features for opinion essays by studying the information provided in the virtual guide and text-book. Expand your knowledge about features for opinion Virtual platform essays by going through the current REA: Virtual guide a. http://www.oercommons.org/courses/academicTextbook writing-help/view REA’s and by watching the current video: b. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJdepInzc7I Reinforce knowledge about content of cause-effect and opinion essays to be prepared for further evaluation. GRADED ACTIVITY 5: Assess your knowledge acquisition of content studied in unit 5 by Taking Questionnaire Questionnaire Partial Evaluation 2- BIM 2. EVA 2 EVA 2 Reinforce knowledge about parts of the essay by Virtual platform participating in ‘tutorial session.’ Virtual guide 3 hours 2 2 hours Week 14 4 hours 1 (averaged) 3 hours 20 Week 15 APE AA ACD On-site evaluation BIM 2 APE AA strengthen previous knowledge by review content Textbook covered in unit 4. Get acquainted about academic events by reading announcements from virtual platform. Apply features for an opinion essays by writing an opinion essay on the topic: ‘Death Penalty’. Virtual platform Apply ‘Activating Prior Knowledge’ reading strategy Virtual guide to Search for additional sources about features to Textbook write Opinion Essays. GRADED ACTIVITY 6: Apply your knowledge about essay organization by identifying the different parts ACADEMIC CheckList of an essay and classifying them in the given chart FORUM 4 at Annex 4. ACADEMIC FORUM 4. Virtual platform Reinforce prior knowledge by reviewing content Virtual guide covered in unit 4. Textbook Clarify academic doubts about different types of Virtual Platform essays by participating in ‘tutorial session’ Virtual guide Textbook Review information related to unit 5 Recognize the different patterns of organization for Virtual Platform different types of essays by reviewing information Virtual guide from unit 5. Text-book Reinforce prior knowledge by Review contents On-Site Answer Key covered in unit 5. Evaluation Questionnaire 2 hours 1.5 4 hours 3 hours 2 hours 2.5 4 hours 21 Week 16 2. Resumen de las horas de trabajo de la asignatura por componente de aprendizaje en el bimestre Total de horas de trabajo de la asignatura en el bimestre Componentes del aprendizaje En contacto con el docente 24 Práctico-experimental 16 Autónomo 32 Total 3. Horas 72 Descripción de las actividades calificadas En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( X) Práctico-experimental (APE) ( ) Autónomo (AA) ( ) Graded Activity 1: Demonstrate your knowledge about the essay structure Actividad de aprendizaje: by creating an infographic which describes parts of an essay and their function. (ACADEMIC FORUM 1). Tipo de recurso: ACADEMIC FORUM 1 Tema de la unidad: Unit 4. The relation of academic reading and writing Writes well-structured essays. Resultados de aprendizaje que Applies critical reading and thinking skills to distinguish and analyze se espera lograr: different types of academic texts. • Study Unit 4 ‘The relation of academic reading and writing’ from the virtual guide and textbook. • Apply the reading strategies learned in order to search for additional information about the parts of the essay and their functions. • To expand knowledge about parts of the essay and their functions; it is suggested to visit the current link: https://wr1ter.com/5-parts-ofan-essay Estrategias didácticas: • Search at any trust worthy source of your preference. • Include citation and reference from outside sources used - use the APA style 7th ed. • Create an infographic which clearly presents the different parts of the essay and their functions. • Upload the infographic’s link at the space provided at CANVAS (It is your responsibility to ensure that the link displays the information.) • See the rubric for details about aspects considered for grading purpose. Instrumento de evaluación: Rubric Componentes del aprendizaje: 22 Score of the activity: 1.5 Rubric is worth 10 points and It will be averaged and converted accordingly. CATEGORY Content: Cohesion: Creativity Plagiarism Needs improvement The infographic includes The infographic The infographic clear information about: includes somehow includes not clear Introductory paragraph, clear information information about: supporting paragraphs, about: Introductory Introductory concluding paragraph, paragraph, supporting paragraph, supporting and their corresponding paragraphs, paragraphs, functions. concluding paragraph, concluding paragraph, (4 - 3.1 points) and their and their corresponding corresponding functions. functions. (3 – 2.1 points) (2 – 0.5 points) All Information is written in Information presents Information presents a cohesive way. some sentence many grammar errors. (4 – 3.1 points) formation errors. (2 – 0.5 points) (3 – 2.1 points) Template used for the Template used for the Template use for the presentation is creative, presentation is presentation is and there is logic on the creative, logic on the creative, logic on the organization of ideas. organization of ideas organization of ideas (2 – 1.6 points) needs improvement. needs a good amount (1.5 – 1.1 points) of improvement. (1 – 0.5 points) Plagiarism will be graded over zero; no second chance will be provided (A large amount of similarity to classmates’ work, will be considered plagiarism.) Excellent Good En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( ) Práctico-experimental (APE) ( ) Autónomo (AA) ( X) Graded Activity 2: Assess your knowledge acquisition of content studied Actividad de aprendizaje: in units 4 and 5 by Taking Partial Evaluation 1- BIM 2. Tipo de recurso: Questionnaire Eva 1 Unit 4. The relation of academic reading and writing Tema de la unidad: Unit 5. Writing Academic Essays Writes well-structured essays. Resultados de aprendizaje que Applies critical reading and thinking skills to distinguish and analyze se espera lograr: different types of academic texts. Study the contents of units 4 and first part of unit 5 from your virtual guide Estrategias didácticas: Work on the activities provided in the virtual guide and text-book, weekly Complete the on-line evaluation Instrumento de evaluación: Questionnaire Eva 1. Componentes del aprendizaje: 23 Componentes del aprendizaje: Actividad de aprendizaje: Tipo de recurso: Tema de la unidad: Resultados de aprendizaje que se espera lograr: Estrategias didácticas: En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( ) Práctico-experimental (APE) ( X) Autónomo (AA) ( ) GRADED ACTIVITY 3: Demonstrate your knowledge about essay organization by filling in the given outline (ANNEX 3) for a comparison essay on the topic and thesis statement given. (ACADEMIC FORUM 2). ACADEMIC FORUM 2 Unit 5. Writing Academic Essays Writes well-structured essays. Applies critical reading and thinking skills to distinguish and analyze different types of academic texts. - Study unit 5 from virtual guide thoroughly, and study the topic about comparison/contrast essays from your textbook. Go through the given website to expand your knowledge about writing comparison contrast essay outlines: https://studycrumb.com/compareand-contrast-essay-outline Include citation and reference from outside sources used - use the APA style 7th ed. - Fill in the given point by point-outline (ANNEX 3) for a comparison essay on the topic and thesis statement given. Headings with an asterisk have to be filled in. Topic: Books Vs Movies Thesis: …. reading a book versus watching a movie look very different on the surface; however, they are alike in aspects such as story told, characters staring, and readers or viewers’ feelings about the story presented. - Go through the rubric to ensure that you develop a good quality outline. - Upload Annex 3 on the due time at the space provided at CANVAS. Instrumento de evaluación: Rubric Score of the activity: 1.5 Rubric is worth 10 points and It will be averaged and converted accordingly. PARAMETER/RATE INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH Body Paragraphs Concluding Paragraph Plagiarism EXCELLENT Thesis: clearly states the comparison relationship. Clearly states main subject and controlling ideas. (2 – 1.1 points) GOOD NEEDS IMPROVEMENT Thesis: Thesis: clearly states the failed to express the comparison relationship. comparison relationship. Clearly states main subject, Thesis statement is not but controlling ideas are not clearly expressed. expressed explicitly. (0.5 – 0 points) (1 – 0.6 points) Body paragraphs: Body paragraphs: Body paragraphs: Follow the point by point Follow the point by point Follow the point by point organization method. organization method. organization method. Include topic sentence and Topic sentence and Topic sentence and supporting details correctly supporting details need supporting details need (4 - 2.1) improvement. improvement. (2 - 1.1) (1 – 0.5 points) Concluding paragraph: Concluding paragraph: Concluding paragraph: clearly paraphrases the paraphrasing of the thesis paraphrasing of the thesis thesis statement. statement needs statement is not correctly (4 - 2.1) improvement. done. (2 - 1.1) (1 – 0.5 points) Plagiarism will be graded over zero; no second chance will be provided 24 En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( X ) Práctico-experimental (APE) ( ) Autónomo (AA) ( ) Graded Activity 4: Apply your knowledge acquired about essay features by Actividad de aprendizaje: Writing a Cause/Effect essay on the given topic: “Weather Effects.” (ACADEMIC FORUM 3). Tipo de recurso: ACADEMIC FORUM 3 Tema de la unidad: Unit 5. Writing Academic Essays Writes well-structured essays. Resultados de aprendizaje que se Applies critical reading and thinking skills to distinguish and analyze different espera lograr: types of academic texts. - Study unit 5 from virtual guide thoroughly and the corresponding topic from your textbook. - From the given source, go through the content related to Cause/Effect essays in order to expand your previous knowledge: https://owl.excelsior.edu/rhetoricalstyles/cause-and-effect-essay/cause-and-effect-essay-techniques/ - Write an Effect Essay on the given topic and thesis statement: Topic: Weather Effects Estrategias didácticas: Thesis statement: … in this sense, summer time affects people’s behavior, choice of activities, and fashion in a significant manner. - The organization of the essay will be block where every effect will represent one independent supporting paragraph. - Read the rubric in detail in order to be clear about requirements. - Proof read the essay before handing it in. - Upload the essay at the space provided at CANVAS. - Include citation and reference from outside sources used - use APA style 7th ed. Componentes del aprendizaje: Instrumento de evaluación: Rubric Score of the activity: 2 Rubric is worth 10 points and It will be averaged and converted accordingly. Category / Score Excellent Good Needs improvement Effect relationship is declared Ideas which do not meet effect No effect relationship is Writing Pattern / throughout the whole essay. relationship are included. shown. Type of Paragraph 3 – 1.1 points 1 – 0.6 points 0.5 -0 points Unity: the whole paragraph Unity: many written ideas do not Unity: most of the written develops a single topic sentence support the topic sentence. ideas do not support the Cohesion: every idea is Cohesion: there are many topic sentence. expressed with no grammar errors. grammar errors. Cohesion: there are too many Elements for Coherence: There is a logical Coherence: Logic in the grammar errors. good Academic organization of ideas, and cohesive organization of ideas needs Coherence: There is not logic writing devices are used properly. improvement. in the organization of ideas. 3 – 1.1 points 1 – 0.6 points 0.5 -0 points The paragraph includes: The Paragraph lacks: The Paragraph lacks: Centered Title Centered Title • Centered Title Format Indentation of First line Indentation of First Line • Indentation of first Line Margins on both sides • Margins Double-spaced 2 – 1.1 points 1 – 0.6 points 0.5 -0 points There are no punctuation (period, There are many punctuation There are too many comma, semicolon, colon, question errors. punctuation errors. Mechanics mark) errors. There are a many spelling errors. There are too many spelling There are no spelling errors. errors. 2 – 1.1 points 1 – 0.6 points 0.5 – 0 points Plagiarism will be graded over zero; no second chance will be provided (A big amount of similarity to Plagiarism classmates’ work, will be considered plagiarism.) 25 Componentes del aprendizaje: Actividad de aprendizaje: Tipo de recurso: Tema de la unidad: Resultados de aprendizaje que se espera lograr: Estrategias didácticas: En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( ) Práctico-experimental (APE) ( ) Autónomo (AA) ( X) Graded Activity 5: Assess your knowledge acquisition of content studied in unit 5 by Taking Partial Evaluation 2- BIM 2. Questionnaire Eva 2 Unit 5. Writing Academic Essays Writes well-structured essays. Applies critical reading and thinking skills to distinguish and analyze different types of academic texts. Study the contents of unit 5 from your virtual guide Work on the activities provided in the virtual guide and text-book, weekly Complete the on-line evaluation Instrumento de evaluación: Questionnaire EVA 2 Componentes del aprendizaje: Actividad de aprendizaje: Tipo de recurso: Tema de la unidad: Resultados de aprendizaje que se espera lograr: Estrategias didácticas: Plagiarism En contacto con el docente (ACD) ( ) Práctico-experimental (APE) ( X ) Autónomo (AA) ( ) GRADED ACTIVITY 6: Apply your knowledge about essay organization by identifying the different parts of an essay and classifying them in the given chart at Annex 4. ACADEMIC FORUM 4. ACADEMIC FORUM 4. Unit 5. Writing Academic Essays (Review of units 4 – 5) Writes well-structured essays. Applies critical reading and thinking skills to distinguish and analyze different types of academic texts. - Study unit 5 from virtual guide; focus your attention to content related to classification essay from your textbook. - Go through the information about classification essay: https://owl.excelsior.edu/rhetorical-styles/classification-and-division-essay/ - Search at any additional trustworthy source about classification essays, optional. - Include citation and reference from outside sources used - use the APA style 7th ed. - Go to Annex 4, read the given ESSAY, identify the different parts of the ESSAY and complete the given chart with the different parts of the essay required. - Upload the chart with the information required at CANVAS. - Read the checklist provided in order to ensure a great performance. Plagiarism will be graded over zero; no second chance will be provided (A big amount of similarity to classmates’ work, will be considered plagiarism.) Instrumento de evaluación: CheckList Score of the activity: 1.5 Rubric is worth 10 points and It will be averaged and converted accordingly. ESSAY ANALYSIS - CHECKLIST PARTS OF THE ESSAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SI NO Rate TOTAL 1 1 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 10 Written pattern is identified. Thesis statement is correctly identified. Main subject is correctly identified. Controlling ideas are correctly identified. Topic sentence # 1 is correctly identified. Topic sentence # 2 is correctly identified. Topic sentence # 3 is correctly identified. Topic sentence # 4 is correctly identified. Concluding sentence is correctly identified. Accomplishment score 26 D. Evaluación de la asignatura segundo bimestre Componente Actividad Instrumento Fechas de ejecución ACADEMIC FORUM 1: GRADED ACTIVITY 1: Demonstrate your WEEK 11 knowledge about the essay structure by Rubric Jun 20th - 26th 2022 APRENDIZAJE creating an infographic which describes EN CONTACTO parts of an essay and their function. CON EL ACADEMIC FORUM 3: GRADED DOCENTE ACTIVITY 4: Apply your knowledge WEEK 14 acquired about essay features by Writing Rubric Jul 11th-17th 2022 a Cause/Effect essay on the given topic: “Weather Effects.” Subtotal Questionnaire Eva 1: GRADED ACTIVITY 2: Assess your knowledge Questionnaire WEEK 12 acquisition of content studied in units 4 Eva 1 Jun 27th - Jul 03rd 2022 and 5 by Taking Partial Evaluation 1BIM 2. APRENDIZAJE Questionnaire Eva 2: GRADED AUTÓNOMO ACTIVITY 5: Assess your knowledge WEEK 14 Questionnaire acquisition of content studied in unit 5 Jul 11th - 17th 2022 Eva 2 by Taking Partial Evaluation 2- BIM 2. Take On-Site Evaluation BIM 2 Subtotal ACADEMIC FORUM 2: GRADED ACTIVITY 3: Demonstrate your knowledge about essay organization by filling in the given outline (ANNEX 3) for a comparison essay on the topic and thesis statement given. ACADEMIC FORUM 4: GRADED ACTIVITY 6: Apply your knowledge APRENDIZAJE about essay organization by identifying PRÁCTICO the different parts of an essay and EXPERIMENTA classifying them in the given chart at L Annex 4 On-Site or OnJul 29th - 02nd Aug, 2022 line Evaluation Calificació n Pes o 1.5 15% 2 20% 3.5 35% 1 10% 2.5 25% 3.5 35% Rubric WEEK 13 Jul 04th - 10th 2022 1.5 15% CheckList WEEK 15 Jul 18th-24th 2022 1.5 15% 3 10 30% 100 Subtotal TOTAL EVALUACIÓN DE RECUPERACIÓN Actividades académicas Evaluación de recuperación Puntaje Fechas importantes 3.5 Sep 3rd – 4th, 2022 27 E. Datos del equipo docente: Horario de tutoría5 Paralelo A Día Tuesday Horario 17h00 to 19h00 Sala ZOOM Teléfono 3701444 Extensión 3122 Profesor autor Franklin Oswaldo Espinosa Jaramillo Nombre Título(s) de tercer nivel Bachelor’s degree in Science - English Título(s) de cuarto nivel Master in "Teaching English as a Second Language" Departamento Filosofía, Artes y Humanidades Correo electrónico foespinosa@utpl.edu.ec Teléfono 07-3701444 Ext. 3122 Currículo profesional resumido Master in "Teaching English as a Second Language" at NOVA South Eastern University, USA; Master in “Teaching English as a Second Language” at Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL), Ecuador. Bachelor’s degree in Science at Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL); 17 Years of experience at different educational levels: elementary, middle, language institutes, and higher education; current English teacher at Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL,) in service for eight years, and responsible for the teaching of different subjects from the graduating program; co-author of research articles published at Scopus. Profesores tutores* Nombre Título(s) de tercer nivel Título(s) de cuarto nivel Departamento Correo electrónico Teléfono Currículo profesional resumido F. Relación con el perfil de egreso (rediseño curricular) Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignatura Applies critical reading and thinking skills to distinguish and analyze different types of academic texts. Writes paragraphs by applying appropriate writing features. Writes well-structured essays. Contribución (inicial, medio, final) Medio Resultado/s de aprendizaje del perfil de egreso Applies the linguistic knowledge of the English language at a level that allows effective communication to perform professionally in teaching English to children and young people according to international standards. Uses English at a C1 level that allows effective communication. 5 El nombre del profesor tutor y horario de tutoría constará en el entorno virtual de aprendizaje. 28 G. Bibliografía básica y complementaria a) Nombre del texto básico Folse, K., Vestri, E., & Clabeaux, D. (2020). Great writing 3: From great paragraphs to great essays (5th ed.). Boston, Ma: Cengage Learning. b) Información general del texto This textbook, Great Writing 3, has been selected because its authors are expert writers who have made a great effort to present the subject in a comprehensive manner; besides, the book’s content is presented in a step-by-step manner with clear explanations of the writing process; another important feature of this book is that it contains didactic activities for learners to practice what they learn. In this regard, Great Writing 3 contains pragmatic content about: paragraph writing, important elements to achieve good academic writing, different types of paragraph, and different types of essays. c) Nombre de la guía didáctica virtualizada Academic Reading and Writing I d) Breve descripción general de la guía didáctica The current virtual guide has been designed to help learners expand their knowledge about academic reading strategies and the main features to write good academic paragraphs and essays; besides, this material has the main purpose to provide students with opportunities to move from the concepts learned as theory to the actual production of both skills at an academic level. BIBLIOGRAFÍA COMPLEMENTARIA a) Nombre del texto Oshima, A. & Hogue, A. (2006). Writing Academic English. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education. b) Breve descripción del texto The book ‘Writing Academic English’ contains pragmatic content about: sentence structure, paragraph writing, summarizing, paraphrasing, and essay composition; it will be a useful source because its authors are experts in the field who go beyond concepts to practical exercise that help learners improve their writing skills, which is one of the main ones emphasized in this subject. c) ¿El texto está disponible en la biblioteca general física o virtual de la UTPL? Física X Virtual X 29 BIBLIOTECA VIRTUAL Repositorio (base de datos) Proquest Biblioteca Enlace http://www.proquest.com/LATAM-ES/ http://biblioteca.utpl.edu.ec/ RECURSOS EDUCATIVOS ABIERTOS (REAs) Título del REA The Writing Center The Word On College Reading And Writing English Composition I: Rhetorical Methods– Based Writing for Success Enlace https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/comparingand-contrasting/ https://openoregon.pressbooks.pub/wrd/chapter/readingeffectively/ https://courses.lumenlearning.com/sunyenglishcomp1v2/chapter/how-to-write-a-definition-essay/ https://opentextbc.ca/writingforsuccess/frontmatter/preface/ Audience and Purpose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hcr_l91xSI&t=286s College Reading Strategies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faZF9x4A2Vs Colon and Semicolon https://www.engvid.com/writing-punctuation-how-to-usecolons-semicolons/ Fragments, Comma Splices, Run-Ons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRoCibkYzVI&t=81s Writing Lab https://owl.excelsior.edu/rhetorical-styles/descriptiveessay/ Comparison/Contrast Essay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLAdm8xux90 NOTA: Durante todo el bimestre el profesor deberá utilizar un portafolio docente digital donde respalde todo el material utilizado para el desarrollo de la asignatura, sean diapositivas, pruebas, recursos, etc.) 30 H. Elaboración y aprobación Actividades Elaboración: Nombre Mgtr. Franklin Oswaldo Espinosa Jaramillo Fecha de elaboración: Función Firma Profesor autor 24/11/2021 Evaluación: Mgtr. Leidy Vivanco R. Aprobación: Mgtr. Alba Vargas S. Número y fecha de Acta de aprobación: Par académico Directora de carrera CONSULTA N° 003-CEMI-ING-CPINE-DFAH-FCSFAHUTPL-2021 de fecha 29 de noviembre del 2021. 31 ANNEXES COHESION UNITY ANNEX1: UNITY, COHESION, and COHERENCE Definition: Importance: Ways to achieve unity: Definition: Importance: Ways to achieve cohesion: 32 COHERENCE Definition: Importance: Ways to achieve coherence: 33 ANNEX 2: PARAGRAPH ANALYSIS SCRAMBLED PARAGRAPH First, they get 20 % to 35 % more miles to the gallon than a fuel-efficient gas-powered vehicle. There are numerous advantages to owning a hybrid car. “It’s the cheapest car I’ve ever had,” he said. “The running costs are far lower than previous only gas powered vehicles I’ve owned.” Second, they produce very few emissions during low speed city driving. Alex bought a hybrid car two years ago and has been extremely impressed with its performance. Given the low running costs and environmental benefits of owning a hybrid car, it is likely that many more people will follow Alex’s example in the near future. Because they can alternate from gas to electricity, hybrid cars reduce dependency on fossil fuels, which helps to lower prices at the pump. ORDERED PARAGRAPH Writing Pattern/Type of Paragraph Topic sentence Main Subject Controlling Ideas Supporting sentence 1. Supporting sentence 2. Supporting sentence 3. Supporting sentence 4. Supporting sentence 5. Concluding Sentence 34 ANNEX 3: OUTLILNE - COMAPARISON ESSAY – POINT BY POINT Books Vs Movies I. Introductory paragraph: Hook (optional): …………………………………………..………………………………………………………………. . General Information (optional): ………………………………………………………………………………………… . ……………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………… . *Thesis Statement: …. reading a book versus watching a movie look very different on the surface; however, they are alike in aspects such as story told, characters staring, and readers or viewers’ feelings about the story presented. *II. Body paragraph 1: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. . *A. Subject 1: ………………………………… *B. Subject 2: ………………………………… *III. Body paragraph 2: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. . *A. Subject 1: ………………………………… *B. Subject 2: ………………………………… *IV. Body paragraph 3: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. . *A. Subject 1: ………………………………… *B. Subject 2: ………………………………… *V. Conclusion: (paraphrasing thesis statement.) ……………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… . …………………………………………………………………… Student’s signature. 35 ANNEX 4: ESSA Y ANALYSIS Development Theories When Choosing Children’s Books Young children are constantly encountering new information and situations, which affect their malleable minds. Young children must learn about human relationships, judgment, guilt, and understanding others’ feelings, as well as their own. Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Lev Vytgotsky all developed theories dealing with the various types of development in children—theories which educators of young children can utilize to help them make appropriate book choices for children. When choosing books for young children, it is important for teachers to be aware of these modern theories of child development. Jean Piaget developed the “Cognitive Theory of Development” (as cited in Russell, 2009, p. 31) to describe the stages of mental development of children from birth to young adulthood. During the Intuitive Stage of Piaget’s theory, that is, ages four through seven, children are learning how to think and make decisions on matters outside of themselves and their immediate situation. Therefore, author David Russell (2009) suggests, while selecting books, the teacher should choose stories which reflect this stage of development and help children to fully develop this part of their character. This would include realistic stories that involve decisionmaking and emotion. These types of books will, in theory, help children to further understand various relationships and how to approach them realistically. Erik Erikson took the same approach as Piaget when creating his “Psychological Development Theory” (as cited in Russell, 2009, p. 33); he theorized that children develop in stages. However, rather than focus on mental development as did Piaget, Erikson focused on the social aspect of child development. During the Initiative Versus Guilt stage of his theory (ages three through six) children want to make their own choices about what actions to take; however, in turn, they have to suffer remorse for the poor decisions they make. Russell (2009) suggests teachers choose books for children at this stage in which children are depicted making poor choices, discovering they made the wrong choice, and then have a change in attitude. Essentially, the character learns they are incorrect. By choosing a book like this, children can see that not everything they elect to say or do is correct, and they can change their mind and make a better decision. Lawrence Kohlberg, much like the first two theorists, created a theory based on stages and levels, called the “Theory of the Development of Moral Judgment” (as cited in Russell, 2009, p. 35). However, Kohlberg’s theory was about “the development of moral reasoning and moral judgment” (p. 35), rather than the intellectual or social development of children. During the second stage of the first level, called the Instrumental/Relativist Orientation, children will do what they are told if they are promised some sort of compensation for their compliance to rules or if they perform a requested task. Russell (2009) suggests children read books that depict characters with the same type of behavior in order to show the children what their action looks like from a different point of view. Allowing children to hear about others who behave in the manner they may be displaying, gives them the opportunity to judge whether this is a good trait to have or not. Lev Vygotsky theorized much the opposite of these three child development theorists. He argued that the phases of development were much more indefinite and that people continue to change over a lifetime. Many individual educators and schools have utilized Vygotsky’s theory and shaped their classroom exercises around his idea. Under Vygotsky’s theory, modern classrooms are much less structured and more collaborative between the students and the teacher. Also under the model of this theory, all books would be acceptable, as all aspects of human intelligence and character development at indeterminate times, and in indistinct stages, rather than solid ones. When choosing children’s literature, it is important to be mindful of these theories. Each, save Vygotsky’s, focuses on the various areas of the mental development of children. Although psychologists may not be certain of the exact moments each child begins a new stage, all of the areas mentioned in the stages eventually does develop. Therefore, it is important to consider the new ideas and feelings young children are having and choose literature, which will help them to more fully develop their cognitive abilities. 36 PARTS OF THE ESSAY Writing Pattern/Type of Essay Thesis Statement Main Subject Controlling Ideas Topic sentence 1. Topic sentence 2. Topic sentence 3. Topic sentence 4. Concluding Paragraph: …………………………………………………………. Student’s signature. 37