Lecture 3 – Contact Stresses Engr355 Machine Elements Lecture Video • Part 1 • https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/36e94e5b-fb0e-4efd-97ff77c26cf5eb86 • Part 2 • https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/5c99524e-6f97-4fed-b0659671aee14fda • Visual Aid • https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/5c408d38-92bf-4b84-8eb583413adb955f Engr 355 Machine Elements 2 Lecture Plan • • • • L1 - Introduction L2 - Bearings L3 - Contact stresses L4* – Contact stresses examples Engr 355 Machine Elements 3 Introduction • Background • Contact Stresses – Spherical bodies – Cylinders in contact – General Case • Radii of curvature at point of contact Engr 355 Machine Elements 4 Background • The chain on a bicycle or a motor-bike consists of a row of cylindrical rollers, joined together by links and pins. • The sprocket teeth are essentially flat at the point where the rollers press on them. • The contact between the roller and the sprocket tooth is a line of theoretically zero width. • With the chain in tension the stress at the contact is theoretically infinite. Engr 355 Machine Elements 5 Similarly with Bearings • A cylindrical roller bearing has line contact between the rollers and the tracks. The length of the line is the length of the roller, but the width of it is very small. • In a deep-groove ball bearing the contact between a ball and the tracks is theoretically a point. This is also extremely small, but we might expect it to be even smaller than the line contact in a roller bearing. • A point is infinitely small in both directions. So the stresses in a deepgroove ball bearing are larger than those in roller bearings, for similar radial loads. • How do these components support realistic loads? • Deformation of the surfaces around the contact point, so that the area of contact is not zero, but very small. Engr 355 Machine Elements 6 Two equal spherical bodies • Consider two equal spheres, each of radius r, pressed together with force F. r b Unloaded Load applied The square is at the edge of the circular contact patch. One of its sides is up against the radius and remains at the same angle, but the other side rotates through an angle. Strictly, this is tan-1 (b/r), but provided angles are small and measured in radians, then it can be approximated to (b/r) Engr 355 Machine Elements 7 Shear Strains • These rotations are in effect shear strains. So shear strains are proportional to (b/r), and so are all other strains. • Stresses σ are proportional to (E is the modulus of elasticity for that material) E(b/r) (1) • F is proportional to E (b3/r) (2) • Rearranging this, radius b of contact patch is proportional to (rF/E)⅓ (3) • Substituting for b with (3) into (1) above, we find σ is proportional to (E2F/r2)⅓. (4)i • This shows that the contact stress at a point contact is proportional to the cube root of the load, and inversely proportional to the ⅔ power of the radius. • (The stress also depends on Poisson’s ratio ν , but as this is equal to 0.3 for most engineering metals its effect is the same for most metals.) Engr 355 Machine Elements 8 Spheres of different radii in contact • Now we consider two different spherical bodies in contact, one of radius r1 and the other of radius r2. They are pressed together with force F as before. • When the two little squares come together as shown above, the total of the shear strains in the two of them is (5) • In the previous case of equal spheres each of radius r, the total was 2b/r, so we can replace r2 in the previous working (Eqn 4) by a radius (6) • This is called the relative radius of curvature of the two bodies. Engr 355 Machine Elements 9 Cylinders in contact with axes parallel • The length of the two cylinders is l • The end view of the pair of cylinders is two circles • If the cylinders have equal diameters, then in the same way as before, the stress σ is proportional to E(b/r). • The contact area is a rectangle, length l and width 2b. • Therefore, the load F is proportional to (Eb2l/r). • The half-width of the rectangle, b, is proportional to • Therefore, the stress σ is proportional to (7) • For unequal radii, r1 and r2, we replace r1/2 in the working above with the relative radius of curvature Engr 355 Machine Elements 10 Formulae for Contact Stresses Spheres in contact: Where the contact area is a circle, and for material with Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.3, e.g steel, aluminium etc: 1/ 3 max E2F = 0.39 2 R E is modulus of elasticity, F is the normal load applied at the contact, and R is the relative radius of curvature of the two bodies at their point of contact. Cylinders with axes parallel: Where the contact area is a rectangle, and for material with Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.3. max where ℓ is the face width. EF = 0.42 R 1/ 2 The non-dimensional curves for the semi-axes of the elliptical contact area between two bodies (in the Data Book) can be used to provide the same information, as two special cases of the more general results. Engr 355 Machine Elements 11 Contact Stresses: General Case • In general, the contact patch between two solid objects is an ellipse, with semi-axes a and b. • The maximum stress σ0 occurs at the centre of the ellipse, and the stress is zero along the elliptical boundary. If plotted on the vertical axis, it traces out an ellipsoidal surface, or, to be more precise, a half-ellipsoid: σ0 b a • The area of the elliptical contact patch is πab. (πr2 Circle) • The total force on the area is given by summing all the products σ δA. Each of these products is a little volume, area δA and height σ; so the sum, or integral, of them is simply the volume of the half-ellipsoid. • The volume of a sphere is 4/3 πr3, so by analogy, the volume of an ellipsoid is 4/3 πabσ0, and for half-ellipsoid is 2/3 πabσ0. • The average stress on the contact area is thus (load/area) = (2/3 πabσ0)/πab , which is equal to 2/3 σ0. In words, the mean stress on the contact is 2/3 of the maximum stress. Engr 355 Machine Elements 12 Radii of Curvature at the Point of Contact • The two bodies will have a common normal at their point of contact - a line perpendicular to the contact area. • Any plane containing this common normal can be thought of as slicing through the bodies. In the region of the point of contact, this will reveal the curved surfaces of the two bodies, with in general different radii. The relative radius of curvature in this plane can be calculated in the usual way. • There will always be two principal planes of relative curvature, one containing the maximum relative curvature and the other the minimum. These correspond to the major and minor axes of the elliptical contact area. Engr 355 Machine Elements 13 Radii of Curvature at the Point of Contact • Let the relative radii of curvature in these planes be RA, RB. • The major semi-axis a of the contact patch depends chiefly on the corresponding relative radius of curvature, RA, and not very much on RB. Similarly, semi-axis b depends chiefly on RB. • If we calculate the dimensionless ratios a/(ε0 RA) and b/(ε0 RB), we find that each of them varies only slowly with ‘other’ relative radius of curvature. • [Note: ε0 = σ0/E’, where E’ = E/(1 – ν2)] • These two ratios have been plotted against the ratio RA/RB, and the resulting curves are given in the module Formula Sheet. • It can be seen that, if RA/RB is varied by a factor of 105, the two ratios vary only by a factor of around 13 - they are relatively invariant, and it is possible to make a reasonable guess of their value to enable a start to be made on a design. Engr 355 Machine Elements 14 Relative Radius of Curvature • • • • (relative diameter same as relative radius) For flat surfaces the radius is infinite For internal surfaces the radius is negative These diagrams show single view plane only (end view) there is also a RRC for the side view! http://www.esierra.me/ContactStress_calc2.html Accessed 03/10/18 Engr 355 Machine Elements 15 Summary • Contact Stresses – Spherical bodies – Cylinders in contact – General Case • Relative Radii • Radii of curvature at point of contact • Next session contact stresses examples. • Please read through this lecture again to ensure you understand. Engr 355 Machine Elements 16