DAILY LESSON PLAN CLASS: 2nd Year CCSLC Science TOPIC: Living Things TEACHER: E. Adams ROOM: Lesson _____of _____ Date: January 12, 2022 Day: Initial Teaching 1. Motivate and Activate (Do Now): Ask students, “Make a list of the differences between living and non-living things.” 2. Communicate Learner Objective (Aim): To identify the differences between living and non-living things. Teaching Technique(s) / Methods Use the ‘Do now’ activity to launch a discussion about the characteristics of living and non-living things. The teacher will point out the major properties of each class Use videos to emphasize some of the important properties and define the terms. Identify exceptions to the rules for determining the classification Individual assignment. Closure Guided Practice: Videos will be used to explain the classification under the direction from the teacher. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p51FiPO2_kQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jCQTR9Tdzw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c92IrUE3Fp4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUU5EueQ_gM Independent Practice: Living and non-living things worksheet’ Formative Assessment (if applicable): Use the responses to the “Do now” question to assess student knowledge about living and non-living things. Summative Assessment (if applicable). Living and no-living things worksheet. Words to learn: Sensitivity, Breathing, Movement, Reproduction Respiration, Excretion, Growth, Nutrition Closure: Students will journal what they learned in class today Homework (if not stated elsewhere): No Homework.