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6 Tools of Power Bi.

6 Tools of Power Bi.
Power BI is a Data Visualization and Business Intelligence tool that converts data from
different data sources into interactive dashboards and BI reports. Power bi course
certification has been prepared for beginners to help them understand the basic concepts of
Power BI. This tutorial will give you enough understanding of Power BI, from where you can
take yourself to a higher level of expertise.
We will go through some of the essential Power BI tools:
1- Power BI Service
Power BI Service is a web-based platform that allows you to share the reports made on
Power BI Desktop. Power BI Service facilitates ease of collaboration with users and the
creation of dashboards and reports. It's a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) tool that hosts Power
BI models, dashboards, and reports. Sharing reports, administrative operations, and
collaboration all happen with the help of Power BI Service. However, it's only available with
a professional license, and a user has to pay US$10 monthly. Power BI Service lets you ask
questions about your data. There are three versions of Power BI, Free Version, Pro Version,
and Premium Version. All in all, Power BI Service is one of the building blocks of Power BI;
Power BI Service lets you create, share, and consume business insights.
2- Power BI Desktop
Power BI Desktop is a free data analytics and visualization tool that allows users to create
data models, dashboards, and reports. Connecting with multiple available data sources
becomes easier with the help of the Power BI Desktop. A majority of users working on
business intelligence projects depend on Power BI Desktop for creating and sharing reports.
The main uses of Power BI Desktop are: Connecting to multiple data sources Data
visualization Creating reports Data transformation Sharing reports The three views available
with Power BI Desktop are Report View, Data View, and Model View.
3- Power BI Report Server
Power BI Report Server is an on-premise platform that allows you to display and manage
reports and KPIs. It hosts paginated reports, dashboards, power applications, and KPIs. You
can modify the existing reports, created by the development team, and use filters to urge a
customized experience. You can access reports on web browsers or mobile devices. The
reports can also be accessed via email.
4- Power BI Gateway
Installed by BI admin, Power BI Gateway acts as a bridge between Power BI and on-premises
data sources like Excel, DirectQuery , PowerApps , Azure Analysis Services, etc. the data
extracted out through secure channels, with the help of Power BI Gateway, is used for
analysis and reporting. Power BI Gateway provides easy accessing data as it directly
connects the client platform to the on-premises source.
5- Power BI Mobile
Power BI Mobile is a Power BI mobile application that can run on iOS, Android, and
Windows. Power BI Mobile allows you to view reports and dashboards anywhere and at any
6- Power BI Apps
Power BI Apps are mobile applications that are available for Windows, iOS, and Android
devices. By using Microsoft Intune, you can share reports and dashboards with other users,
which they can access on their smartphones over the internet.
Intented for more details check out this Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/4stvuDKPFzM