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Biology Review Game Assignment: High School

Biology Review Board Game
Directions: Create a biology game that reviews a concept that we have studied this semester. Your task
is to come up with your own, creative way of reviewing the concepts from the course for your semester
final exam.
Your game must include at least 20 biology problems/concepts and answers. You may use the internet
to get ideas, but do not copy or replicate something you find. You must make the game yourself. Be
creative! You can work with up to four partners in a group!
 Sorry board game
 Bingo game
 Card game
 Memory Game
 Jeopardy
 Deal or No Deal
Wheel of Fortune
Who wants to be a Millionaire
Your own original idea
Your project should include at least TWO questions from the following sections:
1. DNA Structure and Replication
2. Cell Division
3. Mitosis/Meiosis
4. RNA/DNA structure
5. Genetics
6. Evolution
7. Classification
8. Viruses/Bacteria
9. Protists
10. Ecology
Creativity of Game
Accuracy of Chemistry Concept in Game
Game is grade level appropriate (high school)
Evidence that time and effort were put into creating an engaging activity
Neatness (no mistakes or errors, everything is legible)
Game was turned in on time and with all pieces needed to play the game
Directions to the game are typed clearly and easy to understand, turned in with game
Presentation of Game to the Class- explain concept and how to play
Game has at least 20 questions
Answer Key with all 20 qts. correctly solved and turned in as a separate document
3 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
Total: 30 points
Good Luck and Have Fun!
Be creative and come up with something that you feel would be enjoyable for all.
Please ask any questions if you are not sure about any part of this project and do
not wait until the last minute!