MUSEOLOGY : BACK TO THE BASICS MUSEALIZATION LYNN MARANDA, CURATOR EMERITA VANCOUVER MUSEUM – CANADA(ICOFOM STUDY SERIES – ISS ) ARTICLE REVIEW BY : WHAT IS MUSEALIZATION ? • The Term “ Musealization’ was used in 1970’s among members of ICOM. Credit was given to Czech Museologist Zbyslav Stransky • It refers to a process of extracting a real thing from its original, natural or cultural environment and conferring on it a new character as “Museum Object”{ Mairesse} or giving it museal status. • Etymologically , we can say Musealization refers to collecting, preserving , displaying and other functions that take place in museum to object which will be acquired by museum . • MUSEALIZATION >>> Event Process Motivation WHAT WILL HAPPEN BEFORE MUSEALIZING ANY OBJECT? • The object is musealized with separation and suspension of object from its in-situ circumstances to be transplanted to become iconic source of knowledge. • However, each object separated will not be subjected to musealization and each object musealized will not be given museal status. • Object will be processed through musealization activity only after analyzing objects intrinsic value, it significance. MUSEALIZATION : PROCESS • With decision that object will be musealized, certain steps are taken to make object musealized. • These steps include: Acquisition > Accessioning> Preservation and Conservation > Research and Cataloguing. • This process of musealization has no firm beginning and end , it is continuum process which occurs as long as object occurs. • Musealization process has broad spectrum. WHY WE MUSEALIZE OBJECT? • As its human scientific inquiry where objects are musealized to transform objects into knowledge base. • The Musealization process is more than hoarding objects, it secures intellectual value , emotional value as well as knowledge value of object. • Object once Musealized gain new quality known as “Museality” , these objects become documents as carriers of individual nor collective memory or tradition .