FACULTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Computer Applications to Business (CSC-101) Course Outline 1. Course Identification and General Information Program and Class: BBA-I Credit Hours: 03 Pre-requisite Course: None Semester: Spring 2021 Instructor: Abbas Mehdi Email: abbas.mehdi@iba-suk.edu.pk Office Location: Block 1 - Room #1 (Cabin 06) Counseling Hours: - 2. Schedule of Assessment Tasks for Students During the Semester S.No: 1 Assessment Task (e.g. essay, test, group project, examination etc.) 2 Mid-Terms Week Due 2 Final exam 3 Quizzes Academic Calendar Academic Calendar 5,9,11,14,16 4 Assignments 4,8,10,13,15 Proportion of Final Assessment/Marks 40 40 10 10 3. Learning Resources I- Recommended Books: 1. Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow: Comprehensive (15th edition) by Deborah Morley, Charles S. Parker, Published by: Cengage Learning II- Reference Books/ Material 1. Intro to Computers by Peter Norton (6th Edition), McGraw-Hill Education. 2. Discovering Computers (Shelly Cashman) (1st Edition) by Misty E. Vermaat, Susan L. Sebok, Steven M. Freund, Jennifer T. Campbell, Mark Frydenberg, Published by: Course Technology III- Electronic Materials, Web Sites etc. http://highered.mheducation.com/sites/0072978902/student_view0/index.html http://wps.prenhall.com/bp_go_office_2013_vol1/236/60541/15498594.cw/index.html IV- Other Learning Material (such as computer-based programs/CD, professional standards/regulations) PowerPoint lecture presentations, assignments and other required readings will be shared in class. 4. Course Description This course is intended to give students a solid background in Computers. Through classroom lectures, application program demonstrations, and hands-on exercises they will explore the fundamentals of computer hardware and software and learn how to use MS Office applications and interpret how computer technology can benefit society and businesses. Students will acquire skills and proficiency in MS Word, PowerPoint and Excel that will enable them to pass the Microsoft Office Specialist certification exam. 5. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) i. Students will be able to present. ii. Students will be able to develop formats in PPT, XLS and DOCX. iii. Students will be aware of latest technologies. 6. Assessment Task Description a) Quizzes Quizzes will be based on theoretical concepts and their applications. They will be combination of both descriptive and exploratory in nature. b) Presentations A Presentation is the process of showing and explaining the content of a topic to an audience. Presentations may be given in an entirely oral fashion, or more commonly, supported by visual aids such as power points, posters, handouts, white boards etc. The assessment of presentations is usually divided into two parts: a. Assessment of the oral presentation skills; and b. Assessment of the use of visual aids. c) Assignment Assignments are unsupervised pieces of work that often combine formative and summative assessment tasks. They form a major component of continuous assessment in which more than one assessment item is completed within the semester. Any of the methods of assessment can be set as assignments although restrictions in format, such as word limits, format, design and due dates, are often put on the assessment task to increase their practicality. d) Student Participation Participation of students in classroom settings is an important feature of quality learning and teaching. Class participation encompasses many ways in which students meet formally in non-lecture formats to discuss, complete tasks, or demonstrate knowledge gained from readings and lectures. Learning objectives that could be assessed using class participation include developing: oral and written communication skills, confidence, analytic skills, listening skills, skills around using technology, and team work skills. 7. Other (Please Specify) Important Instructions: • • • Student should attentive in class during lecture/lab. Usage of cell phone is strictly prohibited during class/lab. Obnoxious, taunting and distracting behavior will be dealt strictly and the student will not be allowed to appear in further classes and exams. 8. Lesson Plan & week wise Schedule Discussion Themes Week Suggested Reading Introduction to the course 1 Introduction to the World of Technology Introduction to (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) Chapter 1 Introduction to the World of Technology 2 MS Power Point The System Unit, Processing, and Memory 3 MS Power Point Chapter 2 Input and Output Devices Chapter 4 4 MS Excel 5 MS Excel Mid Term 1 Storage Chapter 3 7 MS Word 8 System Software: Operating Systems and Utility Programs Chapter 5 MS Word Chapter 6 Application Software: Desktop and Mobile Apps 9 MS Word Chapter 7 10 11 Networks and Communication Devices MS Excel MS Excel Mid Term 2 13 14 15 16 MS Word MS Excel MS Excel MS Power Point Final Exam