CRUV COLLEGE INTRODUCTION TO LANGUAGE TO: MGTR. NÁDILA SANJUR BY: GUILLERMO MENDOZA 6-712-1784 2. Divide the following words by placing a + between their morphemes. (Some of the words may be monomorphemic and therefore indivisible.) Example: replaces = re + place + s 1. retroactive = retro + act + ive 2. befriended = be + friend + ed 3. televise = tele + vise 4. margin = margin 5. endearment = en + dear+ ment 6. psychology = psych+ ology 7. unpalatable = un + palat + able 8. holiday = holi + day 9. grandmother = grand + mother 10. morphemic = morph + em + ic 11. mistreatment = mis + treat + ment 12. deactivation = de+ act + iv+ at +tion 13. saltpeter = salt + peter 14. airsickness = air + sick + ness 5A. Consider the following nouns in Zulu and proceed to look for the recurring forms. umfazi “married woman” abafazi “married women” umfani “boy” abafani “boys” umzali “parent” abazali “parents” umfundisi “teacher” abafundisi “teachers” umbazi “carver” ababazi “carvers” umlimi “farmer” abalimi “farmers” umdlali “player” abadlali “players” umfundi “reader” abafundi “readers What is the morpheme meaning “singular” in Zulu? CRUV COLLEGE INTRODUCTION TO LANGUAGE TO: MGTR. NÁDILA SANJUR BY: GUILLERMO MENDOZA 6-712-1784 umb. What is the morpheme meaning “plural” in Zulu? abac. List the Zulu stems to which the singular and plural morphemes are attached, and give their meanings. Zulu English -fazi ‘married woman’ -fani ‘boy’ -zali ‘parent’ -fundisi ‘teacher’ -bazi ‘carver’ -limi ‘farmer’ -dlali ‘player’ -fundi ‘reader’ Stems (singular) um+fazi (married woman) um +fani( boy) um +zali( parent) um +fundisi( teacher) um +basi( carver) um +limi(farmer) um +dlali(player) um +fundi(reader) Meanings Prefix + adjective + noun Prefix + noun Prefix + noun Prefix + verb + suffix Prefix + verb + suffix Prefix + verb + suffix Prefix + verb + suffix Prefix + verb + suffix Stems (singular) aba+fazi (married women) aba +fani( boys) aba +zali( parents) aba +fundisi( teachers) aba +basi( carvers) aba +limi(farmers) aba +dlali(players) aba +fundi(readers) Meanings Prefix + verb + noun Prefix + noun + suffix Prefix + noun + suffix Prefix + noun + suffix Prefix + noun + suffix Prefix + noun + suffix Prefix + noun + suffix Prefix + noun + suffix