Eguilos, Romy R. BSA - OL11N38 Activity 1 ACTIVITY CHAPTER 1 ESSAY: Direction: Explain the following statements/question in not less than 5 sentences. 1. Enumerate and explain the 2 Kinds of Quasi-contract.(10points) Quasi-contract types are when one party has an obligation to another party that’s imposed by the law and separate from the agreement between the two parties. Quasi-contract are also referred to as implied-in-law contracts. They’re a special kind of contract, lacking mutual assent, but ordered by the court to avoid an injustice. Two kinds of quasi-contract are Quasi-Contract Type: Payment by an Interested Person, when someone who’s interested in monetary payment from another person who’s bound by law to pay them entitled to be reimbursed by the other person. For example, if a consignee had a fire in their vehicle during transit and suffered loss, the insurer can claim the loss so they can get compensated. Quasi-Contract Type: Obligation to Pay for Non-gratuitous Act, if a person does something under the law for another person or delivers them something without having the intention of doing it gratuitously, the receiver is bound by law to pay the giver for delivering their product or service. If a trades-person accidentally leaves their goods at another person’s house, that person can’t treat them as their own unless they pay for them.