Name: _______________________ Water Distribution Demonstration Materials: Question: Hypothesis: Procedure: Conclusions: 1. Put 2 tbsp of salt into one plastic cup. 2. Put 2 tbsp of sand into one plastic cup. 3. Fill the 1000mL container up to 1000mL mark with water (represents all the water of the Earth). 4. Pour 30mL of the water into the 100mL container (represents total fresh water on Earth). 5. Dump the salt you have into the 970mL container. (represents the water in the oceans). 6. Pick up the 30mL container. Pour 6mL into the 10mL container. Pour the remaining 24mL into the ice cube tray (represents locked up ice on Earth). 7. You have 6mL of water left in the 10mL container. Use an eyedropper to remove 0.5mL of water. 8. Pour the remaining 5.5mL of water into the sand (represents the amount of groundwater on Earth). 9. Squeeze the 0.5mL water that is in the eyedropper into the plastic cup without sand (represents the amount of water in lakes, rivers, and streams). 10. The amount of water stuck to the sides of the eyedropper (0.10mL) represents the amount of potable water on Earth. Use 4 different colors of pencil crayons to create a pie chart showing where water is found on Earth. Use the numbers from the lab above to figure out the percentages of each of the items below: o Ocean water o Fresh water (frozen) o Fresh water (groundwater) o Fresh water (rivers, lakes and streams) Create a legend to show what the different colors are representing Total Water on Earth: Key: 1) Where is all of the salt water found? __________________________________________ 2) Where is most of the freshwater found? _______________________________________ 3) Where is the smallest amount of freshwater found? ______________________________ 4) How can we conserve the small amount of potable water we have access to? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________