Power Analysis • It is a tool / map • Helps us to understand how to measure power • Creates a picture of the power (political and other) • Picture of how power is exercised • Helps us develop & refine strategies 8 Steps to Performing a Power Analysis Step 1: Define the struggle or issue to be analyzed. Step 2: Define our agenda and the opposition’s agenda. Step 3: Plot the major battles & campaigns. Step 4: Plot the decision makers/power centers. Step 5: Plot organized and active opposition groups. Step 6: Plot your organization, allies and supporters. Step 7: Plot unorganized constituencies. Step 8: Analyze picture and refine campaign strategy The Symbols Step One Define the conditions, struggle or issue impacting your constituency. Symbol Used Step Two Define Our Agenda and the Opposition’s Agenda Symbol Used Step Three Plot the major battles & campaigns Symbol Used Step Four Plotting Major decision-makers on the Grid Research Tips Where do you find this information? • Remember reading for power! • Watching legislative television • Michigan Manual • Legislative Visits • Social Media • Media Research • Michigan Campaign Finance • Others? Symbol Used Step Five Plot Opponents Symbol Used Step Six Plot Allies and Supporters Symbol Used Step Seven Plot unorganized constituencies Symbol Used Step Eight Analysis and Application Once the components of the power analysis are placed on the grid you are able to see how much power people and groups have in relation to each other and the issue at hand. You are then able to make any changes in where power was placed if you have disagreements. You are also able to determine if an opponent can be moved and if so when and how. You are able to analyze relationships, build coalitions based on power or the ability to build more power. You also recognize unorganized constituencies and can figure out how to organize them. Etc. Analysis and Application There are usually a few insights that arise from the analysis around how must power is really in play. A Power Analysis is not a campaign plan – it’s a lay out of current power players and informs campaign planning similar to a brainstorming session but with added value. A Power Analysis…. It provides insight. You will begin to see what observations people have about power and the power map. You can identify the strengths and weakness of the current position of allies and opposition. The Power Analysis helps tell where the most energy should be placed It helps identify opportunities for organizing (recruitment, leadership development etc) Helps determine which opponents you should try to reduce in power and tactics needed. Helps determine which decision makes should be focused on either reducing or increasing power with. Helps identify essential partners and allies. Helps determine which constituencies to focus on and organize.