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Place-Based Science Curriculum for Grades 7-8

A Grades 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum
Andrew L. Frick
University of Alaska Fairbanks
In Partial Fulfillment
of a
Masters of Education Degree
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 1
The purpose of this project was to create a place-based middle school science curriculum
for Fairbanks, Alaska. The curriculum is standards-based, using the 2005 State of Alaska
Science Performance Standards, also known as Grade Level Expectaions (GLE’s), as the
foundation for curriculum design. A definition of place-based education, a discussion of
causes related to place-based education, and descriptions of actual place-based programs
are contained within the literature review. The methodology section details the design
process, and the appendix contains the curriculum, unit plans, and related documents.
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 2
The purpose of this project was to create a place-based middle school science
curriculum for Fairbanks, Alaska. The curriculum was designed concurrently with the
proposed creation of the Tanana Valley Watershed School, a place-based charter school,
where it will serve as a working science curriculum for grades 7-8.
A place-based curriculum uses the local community, culture, and environment as
the primary focus of learning activities. Place-based education has been used in a variety
of educational fields. Various definitions of place-based education, a discussion of related
educational causes, and descriptions of actual place-based programs are discussed in the
literature review.
This curriculum is based off the 2005 State of Alaska Science Performance
Standards, also known as Grade Level Expectations (GLE’s). The GLE’s were divided
into groups based on similarities in theme and content to form semester long courses of
study. These broad concentrations were then split into smaller, more cohesive multiple
week units, and again into individual learning activities. Sample unit plans were created
to further illustrate how the learning activities would occur, and the curriculum was
presented to local educators for review. The methodology section of this paper contains a
detailed discussion of the design process. The appendix contains the full curriculum,
sample lesson plans, and related documents.
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 3
Literature Review
IntroductionPlace-based education, as its name suggests, is essentially a pedagogy that is
rooted in the local environs. Beyond this simple description however is a philosophy
about the aims of education that differs greatly from the modern paradigm. Place-based
education aims to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with the community
through which students can learn about what it takes to live well in their community.
To accomplish this place-based education programs switch the emphasis from a set of
fragmented, isolated content areas centered around textbooks to a more holistic
approach to education that uses the local community and environment as the primary
Proponents of place-based education believe that an educational program rooted in
place has many potential benefits. Different authors have described place-based
education in differing ways, but strong similarities are found in much of the literature.
Place-based education has connections to integrating indigenous knowledge systems,
ecological and environmental education, rural education and sustaining rural
communities, as well as experiential learning and citizenship.
The character and curriculum of a place-based school depends on the location of
the school, the aims of the school, and the individuals involved in developing and
implementing the place-based program. Because place-based education necessarily
involves an individual community or locality, the possible manifestations of place-
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 4
based schools are as limitless as the communities that embrace the place-based
The focus of this literature review will be threefold: an analysis of various
definitions of place-based education; an examination of place-based pedagogy as an
educational reform, and a series of descriptions of how place-based schools appear in
What is Place-based Education?
While traditional schools perceive the local environment and culture as a useful
tool in enriching the standard curriculum, a place-based school embraces the local
circumstances as the curriculum through which learning should take place. While such
a program of study might seem limiting in scope, this is far from actuality. Many have
argued that place-based education can lead to in-depth and far-reaching explorations
into topics that are both relevant to the students' lives and comprehensive.
Scollon and Scollon (1986) describe one such curriculum. The Axe Handle
Academy (AHA) would allow students to examine how the three core elements of the
curriculum (Bioregional, Cultural, and Communication Studies) relate to their everyday
experiences, rather than learning onerous volumes of information that may or may not
be applicable to the students’ lives. The AHA curriculum would focus more on how the
world is related to the students’ lives rather than vice-a-versa. Students would
incorporate and relate concepts from science, math, literature, history, and
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 5
communications to study and analyze their local environment, culture, and interactions
with people.
Place-based education aspires to benefit from the educational resources that are
present in the local community to create a holistic learning experience that is mutually
beneficial for the learner and the community.
Place-based education is the process of using the local community and environment as
a starting point to teach concepts in language arts, mathematics, social studies, science,
and other subjects across the curriculum. Emphasizing hands-on, real-world learning
experiences, this approach to education increases academic achievement, helps students
develop stronger ties to their community, enhances students’ appreciation for the
natural world, and creates and heightened commitment to serving as active,
contributing citizens. Community vitality and environmental quality are improved
through the active engagement of local citizens, community organizations, and
environmental resources in the life of the school (Sobel, 2004, p. 7).
It’s clear in considering Sobel’s words that place-based education is more than
just teaching about the physical aspects of a locality. The conceptualization of place as
defined by the place-based philosophy extends beyond a simple geographical definition
to include human elements as well. Nachtigal and Haas (2000) describe the
fundamental nature of a place-based curriculum as composed of a framework of
cultural, civic, ecological and entrepreneurial components. In a place-based school
students explore and celebrate their local culture and environment, perform services for
the community, and learn about ways to support themselves and the community
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 6
A good framework for how a place-based curriculum should address environmental
issues is described by David Orr in Ecological Literacy: Education and the Transition
to the Postmodern World (1992). Orr describes six guiding principles for educating for
All education is environmental education. By what is included or excluded,
emphasized or ignored, students learn that they are a part of, or apart from the
natural world.
Environmental issues are complex and cannot be understood through a single
discipline or department.
Education occurs in part as a dialogue with a place and has the characteristics
of good conversation.
The way education occurs is as important as its content.
Experience in the natural world is both an essential part of understanding the
environment, and conducive to good thinking.
Education relevant to the challenge of building a sustainable society will
enhance the learner’s competence with natural systems (p. 91-93)
It is clear from Orr’s words that a place-based curriculum should immerse the
learner in the local environment for a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to education.
A place-based curriculum aims to provide students with an education that is relevant to
their world, and compel students to operate at more advanced cognitive levels than
what is required for fill-in-the-blank or multiple-choice questions that pervade modern
classrooms. The emphasis of the learning process is not how much information has
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been memorized, but how well students can apply and relate what they’ve learned to
their world.
Similar convictions are expressed by Smith and Williams (1999). In their book
Ecological Education in Action: On Weaving, Education, Culture, and the
Environment, the authors list seven principles of ecological education:
--Development of personal affinity with the earth through practical experiences out-ofdoors and through the practice of an ethic of care
--Grounding learning in a sense of place through the study of knowledge possessed by
local elders and the investigation of surrounding natural and human communities
--Induction of students into an experience of community that counters the press toward
individualism that is dominant in contemporary social and economic experiences
--Acquisition of practical skills needed to regenerate human and natural environments.
--Introduction to occupational alternatives that contribute to the preservation of local
cultures and the natural environment
--Preparation for work as activists able to negotiate local, regional, and national
governmental structures in an effort to adopt policies that support social justice and
ecological sustainability
--Critique of cultural assumptions upon which modern industrial civilization has been
built, exploring in particular how they have contributed to the exploitation of the
natural world and human populations (p. 6)
Evident in these principles is a strong sentiment of not only conducting
meaningful learning experiences centered in the local, but also of enacting change.
Ecological education aims to not only inform students, but also transform them into
active, democratic citizens who can produce change. Those who see place-based
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education as a way to revitalize rural communities believe that students who have been
educated to live well in their local surroundings are less likely to leave their rural
community for urban areas. Those who see place-based education as a way to educate
for sustainable practices feel that in learning about the local environment, children will
gain a love for the environment that will blossom into an environmental ethic. In
essence, what all place-based educators want to do is to teach students to live well in
their communities. This core philosophy is what unites the various causes that subscribe
to a place-based pedagogy.
Place Based Education as an Educational Reform
There are several positive results reported by research that examined the effect of
place-based education on student achievement. A study of 40 schools using the
Environment as an Integrating Context (EIC) approach to education found that student
achievement increased in social studies, math, language arts, and science; problemsolving, decision-making and critical-thinking skills increased; and students were more
enthusiastic and engaged in the learning process (Lieberman and Hoody, 1998).
Standardized test scores also indicated that student achievement in place-based
schools increased in all major subject areas and attendance improved dramatically
(Sobel, 2004). In addition to increased academic performance, place-based schools also
report a dramatic effect on discipline problems. Hotchkiss Elementary in Dallas, Texas
reported a 91% reduction in the number of disciplinary referrals from 560 referrals the
school year before initiating the EIC program to 50 referrals the year after the program
was fully implemented (Lieberman and Hoody, 1998).
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Place-based education has been advocated as an educational reform to address many
issues in education. Because place-based education is built on a philosophy of
decentralization, it is easily adapted to multiple situations that involve grassroots
educational efforts. Sobel (2004) presents four “directions” in which place-based
education would reform traditional education practices:
From extraction to sustainability as the underlying metaphor,
From fragmentation to systems thinking as a conceptual model,
From here-and-now to long-ago-and-far-away as a developmental guideline for
curriculum design, and
4. From mandated monoculture to emergent diversity as a school district goal (pp. 16-22).
In examining the ways in which place-based education aims to change the
current educational paradigm it is evident that related reforms might include integrating
indigenous knowledge systems, environmental and ecological education, improving
rural education, citizenship education, and experiential education.
Integrating Indigenous Knowledge SystemsPublic schools’ curriculums have historically been firmly seated in the Western
worldview, but there has been an increasing interest in understanding indigenous
perspectives. Though this effort has been spearheaded mainly by the indigenous people
themselves, other reform-minded educators and social activists have professed similar
sentiments. Commenting on the integration of indigenous knowledge systems with the
public education system Barnhardt and Kawagley (1999) write,
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 10
"The actions currently being taken by indigenous people themselves in communities
throughout the world clearly demonstrates that a significant paradigm shift towards the
integration of indigenous knowledge systems and ways of knowing is already well
underway, with the educational orientation moving consistently toward an emphasis on
the use of local knowledge and people in the educational process"(p. 121).
Place-based education could be a useful instrument in efforts to incorporate
indigenous knowledge because the two share the same aims of validating and
embracing the local surroundings and culture. Environmental education could also
benefit from indigenous worldviews because indigenous peoples developed habits and
lifestyles that sustained a reciprocally beneficial relationship with the local
environment. Snyder (1976) more strongly states the benefits that indigenous
knowledge could contribute to Western understanding:
Those who envision a possible future planet on which we continue that study, and
where we live by the green and the sun, have no choice but to bring whatever science,
imagination, strength, and political finesse they have to the support of the inhabitory
people—natives and peasants of the world (p. 4).
Environmental and Ecological EducationPlace-based education is in many ways synonymous with ecological and
environmental education philosophies, which hold that education for a sustainable
existence is the most worthwhile aim for schooling. Place-based education is about
more than capitalizing on the real world for the purposes of learning. It is founded on
the premise that the current lifestyle enjoyed by those in the developed worlds is
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unsustainable, and recognizes education as a force to bring about change in how people
choose to conduct themselves. Place-based education has been described by David Orr
as part of a larger sociopolitical movement to a postmodern worldview that is not based
on extractive economies.
The crisis of sustainability, the fit between humanity and its habitat, is manifest in
varying ways and degrees everywhere on earth. It is not only a permanent feature on
the public agenda; for all practical purposes it is the agenda. No other issue of politics,
economics, and public policy will remain unaffected by the crisis of resources,
population, climate change, species extinction, acid rain, deforestation, ozone depletion
and soil loss. Sustainability is about the terms and conditions of human survival, and
yet we still educate at all levels as if no such crisis existed. The content of our
curriculum and the process of education, with a few notable exceptions, has not
changed (1992, p. 83).
What Orr and others of like mind are calling for is a change of perspective in
how we perceive ourselves in relation to the natural world–instead of viewing humans
as separate from and superior to the natural world, recognizing that we are only one
part of the ecosystems in which we live. Among the changes that Orr calls for is for
education to occur “as a dialogue with a place” (1992, p. 90). Place-based education is
a useful instrument in reaching this broader realization of mankind’s relationship with
nature because it aims to create citizens with an understanding of what it means to live
well in their locality.
The National American Association for Ecological Education (NAAEE) states in
their mission statement that “a coherent body of information about environmental
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 12
issues… must be integrated into all aspects of the curriculum and into all types of
educating institutions for the widest array of audiences.” Likewise, Theobald and
Nachtigal (1995) advocate for a recentering of the curriculum in the local as a means of
saturating the curriculum with environmental education and encouraging sustainable
development on a local level.
Recreating communities through the creation of a new set of cultural assumptions
grounded in ecologically sustainable practices will require the redesign of schooling.
That redesign will begin by refocusing the educational agenda, at least in part, back on
the local context, the place where the community is (Theobald and Nachtigal, 1995, p.
Place-based education is well suited for environmental education because it calls
for the environment to become the curriculum. In studying and recognizing and the
ways in which they interact with the local ecosystem, students gain an understanding of
the importance of preserving the environment. The local environment provides fertile
soils for growing an appreciation of the natural world. Smith and Williams (1999) write
that, “{In} developing a sense of affinity with the land, students of all ages may come
to recognize its beauty and then take the steps needed to guard its integrity” (p. 8).
Sobel (1996) advocates place-based education as the cure to the standard
environmental education curriculum with its focus on negative aspects and distant
organisms and landscapes. The basis of environmental ideals is a wish to protect and
preserve nature, but focusing solely on the harm that humans cause the environment
leads to a sense of disassociation from the natural world. Instead of emphasizing the
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 13
environmental degradation and the negative impacts that modern society has on the
environment, students should be studying the beauty of nature so as to instill a respect
and love for the environment that will hopefully flower into ideals of
Rural Education and Sustaining Rural CommunitiesWhile rural revitalization and environmental education might seem to be
disconnected, possibly even contradictory, many advocates of place-based education
see the plight of rural communities as synonymous with a misguided perspective. This
perspective, which is also the anathema of many involved in environmental education,
is that the primary purpose of schools should be economic. DeYoung explains how this
economic perspective of schooling has affected rural communities:
American rural schools have historically been involved with adopting children to the
world of work, first as rural populations flocked into regional population centers, and
today as they are challenged to create career-oriented rather than place-oriented people
(1995, p. 356).
While economic stimulation is widely viewed as a cure to rural poverty and
migration of rural residents to urban centers, educating rural students to fit the
industrial-corporate mold may in fact encourage these troubles. Haas and Nachtigal
(1998) write, “In many rural communities, schools have become vehicles for educating
people to leave, fulfilling the prophecy that these places are doomed to poverty,
decline, and despair”(p. 5). In failing to teach about the value of the students’ local
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 14
community and environment, many schools are encouraging the idea that there is
nothing worthwhile in a rural lifestyle. Those who embrace place-based pedagogy as a
mode of sustaining rural communities believe that education, “must respect, rather than
repudiate, local circumstances; and it must contribute on a local basis to community,
rather than undermine it” (Webb, Shumway, and Shute, 1996, p. 6).
Place-based education has been subscribed to as an instrument in rural
revitalization, most notably as the curricular framework chosen by the Annenburg Rural
Challenge in 1995. The mission of the Annenburg Rural Challenge was, “to encourage
and support good schools becoming public institutions, serving and served by their
communities”(Nachtigal and Haas, 2000, p. 19). Money from a private grant from the
philanthropist Walter Annenburg was matched by grants from the federal government
and private organizations to fund a three-pronged approach to revitalizing rural schools
and communities. The grant money funded the development of place-based
curriculums, the creation of self-advocacy groups for rural schools and communities,
and a publicity campaign aimed at informing the public about the need for rural areas
while dispelling misassumptions about the quality of rural education (Nachtigal and
Haas, 2000).
Place-based education is seen as an appropriate educational model for creating
the needed reforms in rural areas because it is inherently empowering. Place-based
education allows students to be participants in their community, as individuals or in
conjunction with organizations, to make a difference in issues that they feel are
important. By studying, researching, extending effort, and acting on events in the real
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 15
world, students are exercising their rights to be active participants in a democratic
Experiential Education and Democratic CitizenshipOstensibly the goal of modern education is to prepare students for the real
world, but the artificial barriers created by traditional schooling practices block out the
real world. In speaking of the common educational experience, Dewey (1907) writes
that, “the school has been so set apart, so isolated from the ordinary conditions and
motives of life that the place where children are sent for discipline is the one place in
the world where it is most difficult to get experience—the mother of all discipline
worth the name” (p. 8). This type of experiential learning has been advocated for by
many others since the time of Dewey, but still makes up a minor player in education
Place-based education is consistent with the experiential learning philosophy
because students are exploring, experiencing, and engaging in the world around them.
A successful place-based education program that emphasized citizenship was the
Foxfire program in Rural Georgia. What started as a class project in 1966 to research
the local culture eventually expanded into literary magazine with national distribution.
The teacher who started the Foxfire program in his class, Elliot Wiggington, describes
the skills and knowledge that schools should offer in educating children:
Students must have a firm understanding of the contemporary institutions that shape
our lives. They must know the inner workings and ultimate purposes of political
systems—local, regional, and national—and how, why, and by whom those systems
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 16
were set up and who runs them now. They must have a firm understanding of
themselves as members of a society with a history and a future—they must understand
how social groups function both in isolation from and in contact with others, and how
such interactions can work both in positive and negative ways…. In short, we and our
students must understand how the world works. The first step is to back up and
examine our methodology and our review of what clearly works and what doesn’t. As
students acquire fundamentals and skills, our role may then become to help them put
those skills to work in real ways. Skillful teachers find ways to give children reasons to
communicate with real audiences (1985, pp. 298-299)
Wiggington broke down the barrier between schools and the outside world, as
Dewey had advocated nearly a half-century before Foxfire began, and made the local
community and culture the focus of learning. In doing so, students gained an
appreciation for their community while practicing skills that would be useful in the real
world. Just as importantly, the students shared with a vast audience the value of their
Appalachian culture.
Place-based Education in Practice
What follows are a series of vignettes that illustrate the multiple learning
activities that place-based schools engage in. Each school and place-based project are
unique, but there are coherent themes found that all share in common. Community
involvement, and the exploration and appreciation of the local area are present in all of
these projects.
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 17
Sunnyside SchoolRather than studying the abstract and the distant, the curriculum at Sunnyside
School in Portland, Oregon focuses on the immediate surroundings and the tangible.
One of the projects dealt with plants that were native to the Portland area. The project
allowed students to learn about the local species and also provided an opportunity for
the students to provide a service to the community. By making brochures about the
plants, holding a plant sale, and giving a presentation on native plants to the
community, the students were able to practice valuable life skills. The educational
experience was extended beyond the acquisition of factual knowledge to the application
of student effort for the benefit of the community.
Other projects had students log the amount of water that their households used,
or waste that they produced. This information was then used to examine how people
depend on the natural environment locally and on a larger scale and to lead the students
to an understanding that the actions of their daily lives have an impact on the
environment. All these projects exemplify the importance of place and its primary
components: the physical environment and the social constructions of individuals in a
Cannon County High SchoolCaputo and Lorance (2005) relate how students in Cannon County, Tennessee
organized an informative, historic tour of their rural county. After interviewing local
historians, and researching historic newspapers and local history books, students chose
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 18
seven sites to include in the tour. Students dressed in period clothing then acted as tour
guides for the trip and related to the participants the stories that they had documented in
their research. The project brought in over $1000 dollars from the approximately 40
people who participated in the trip, but perhaps the real value gained was in enhancing
pride of their culture by exploring the county’s history.
East Iberville Elementary/High SchoolAt East Iberville Elementary/High School students also gained entrepreneurial
experience when they worked to open the Tiger Paw Café, an in-school, dine-in/carryout restaurant designed and operated by students. Implementation of the project
involved input and resources from the local town council and industry committee, as
well as the Annenburg Rural Trust. Project goals included:
-Creating graphs using real data to make food purchasing, menu development, and
estimated profit margins decisions;
-Researching businesses in and outside of the town area to identify food specialties that
are big selling items for menu development purposes;
-Evaluating various career opportunities;
-Identifying the difference between monetary and non-monetary incentives and how
changes in incentives cause changes in behavior; and
-Writing opinion essays prior to ad campaigns for the opening of the Tiger Paw Café
(Pointer, 2006, p.1).
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 19
In their efforts to open and operate the café, students gained valuable real-world
experience in running a small business, and strengthened ties between the community
and the school.
Skowhegan Area Middle SchoolMaine’s Skowhegan Area Middle School participated in community history and
business projects aimed at revitalizing the area’s economy. Students designed and
created a community history website to promote Skowhegan as a historic tourist
destination. The website includes an account of the town’s history accompanied by
photos, digital movies, and information about current preservation issues. Students are
also involved in a project to create a kayaking business that would guide thrill-seekers
through a nearby gorge. Through engagement in the local community students are
learning about the history of the region, and what they can do to ensure its continued
Russian Mission SchoolStudents in the Rural Alaskan village of Russian mission used subsistence
activities as the focus of their education. Important knowledge about fishing, berry
picking, and medicinal plants was passed on to the students at fish camp in the fall time.
Students documented the activities that they participated in at fish camp, and used the
material to make a website to share their experiences with the global community. When
winter set in, community members shared their knowledge of ice fishing and trapping,
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 20
which was also posted on the website. The following year students conducted similar
subsistence activities and even built a trapping cabin.
The outdoor activities stimulated the students minds and spirits, and this
enthusiasm was transferred into classroom activities.
The activities set a pace for the students that carries over into the classroom. We need to
keep moving because there are things we need to get done—inside the classroom and
outside. Set the snare…finish this book. Kids who had never seen a beaver lodge snared
and skinned their first beaver. The same kids raised their reading level by more than a
year in just five months (Hull, 2002, p .3).
Poland Regional High SchoolIn Poland, Maine, students traded their pencils for shovels as they landscaped
the school grounds and engaged in an erosion control project at a local campground—
but it wasn’t all brawn and no brain. Students researched the plant types that would be
best suited for the project, met with the Androscoggin Valley Soil and Conservation
District Code Enforcement Officer, the high school maintenance manager and a local
nursery owner. With help from these community members, students created a landscape
plan and presented it to Poland’s town planning committee for endorsement. After
approval, the students and community volunteers planted trees, shrubs, and flowers on
the boundary of school grounds to provide a visual barrier and discourage automobile,
ATV, and snowmobile traffic on the grass near the ball fields. The project enabled
students to learn about community planning while beautifying the school grounds.
Next, the students took on a erosion control project at a local campground.
Erosion in the Hemlock Shores Campground was dumping too much sediment into the
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 21
nearby Tripp Lake, so students redirected the water into gardens planted with native
species. The project served as an opportunity to learn about erosion control, local
wildlife, and the impact that development can have on the environment.
ConclusionThe projects that students are involved in are as varied as the communities
which host the schools, but all share the common themes of celebration of place, and
community involvement. Whether the focus of the place-based curriculum is sustaining
or revitalizing the community, educating for ecological practices, or integrating
indigenous knowledge systems, it is evident that students are engaging in real world
activities. The experiential learning experiences that occur in place-based schools serve
to unite the school and the community. With the curriculum focused on the local
surroundings, students in place-based schools across the country are engaging in
valuable learning experiences while making a difference in their communities.
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 22
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A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 23
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A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 24
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Rural Education and Small Schools.
Wiggington, Eliot (1985). Sometimes a shining moment: The Foxfire experience. Garden
City, NY: Anchor Press/Doubleday
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 25
The purpose of this project was to design a place-based curriculum that was also
supported by educational standards. The foundation for this curriculum was the 2005
State of Alaska Science Performance Standards, also known as Grade Learner
Expectations (GLE’s). The design process consisted of five steps:
1. Dividing the GLE’s into four categories based on connections to a shared
2. Further dividing these categories into cohesive concentrations,
3. Brainstorming learning activities that would meet the State of Alaska
science GLE’s in each concentration,
4. Creating sample unit plans of select learning activities, and
5. Presenting the curriculum to local educators for feedback and input.
The State of Alaska’s Science Standards are divided into seven strands: Science
as Inquiry and Process; Concepts of Physical Science; Concepts of Life Science;
Concepts of Earth Science; Science and Technology; Cultural, Social, Personal
Perspectives, and Science; and History and Nature of Science. Because a place-based
curriculum calls for examination of the local community and environment, the science
standards had to be divided among units and lessons that might incorporate standards
from multiple strands.
The seventh and eighth grade science GLE’s were divided into four broad
subjects (Human Interactions with the Environment, Meteorology, Forces of Nature,
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 26
and Organisms) each of which corresponds to a semester long course of study. The
similarities between the seventh and eighth grade GLE’s suggested that they would fit
comfortably together, thus each of the semester long units combines corresponding
seventh and eighth grade GLE’s.
Properties of Water
The student demonstrates understanding of the structure and properties of matter by:
[7] SB1.1 using physical properties (i.e., density, boiling point, freezing point, conductivity) to
differentiate among and/or separate materials (i.e., elements, compounds, and mixtures).
[8] SB1.1 using physical and chemical properties (i.e., density, boiling point, freezing point,
conductivity, flammability) to differentiate among materials (i.e., elements, compounds, and mixtures).
The student demonstrates an understanding of how energy can be transformed, transferred, and
conserved by:
[7] SB3.1 recognizing that most substances can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas depending on the motion
of its particles.
[8] SB3.1 exploring changes of state with increase or decrease of particle speed associated with heat
transfer. (L)
Solar Energy Drives the Weather
The student demonstrates an understanding of cycles influenced by energy from the sun and by Earth’s
position and motion in our solar system by:
[7] SD3.1 describing the weather using accepted meteorological terms (e.g., pressure systems, fronts,
[7] SD3.2 recognizing the relationship between phase changes (i.e., sublimation, condensation,
evaporation) and energy transfer.
[8] SD3.1 recognizing the relationship between the seasons and Earth’s tilt relative to the sun and
describing the day/night cycle as caused by the rotation of the Earth every 24 hrs.
[8] SD3.2 recognizing types of energy transfer (convection, conduction, and radiation) and how they
affect weather.
The student demonstrates an understanding of the dynamic relationships among scientific, cultural,
social, and personal perspectives by:
[7] SF1.1-SF3.1 investigating the basis of local knowledge (e.g., describing and predicting weather)
and sharing that information. (L) Cross referenced with SA3.1
Figure 1: A list of the GLE’s addressed in Meteorology that illustrates the incorporation of multiple
strands from the State of Alaska Science Standards, and the grouping of harmonious seventh and eighth
grade GLE’s. See Appendix for a full decomposition of GLE’s.
After the GLE’s were divided into broad categories, they were further broken
down into concentrations of a single theme. Using Meteorology (Figure 1) as an
example, the semester of subject matter was broken down into two concentrations:
Properties of Water, and Solar Energy Drives the Weather.
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 27
Once the GLE’s had been divided into coherent units, the task was to create
place-based learning activities that would satisfy the GLE’s, and create unit plans to
further illustrate how the activities might be presented. The unit plans were also partly
intended for presentation to the Fairbanks Northstar School Board as part of the
approval process for the Tanana Valley Watershed School. Two unit plans under the
Forces of Nature category were created: The Geology of Fairbanks and A Scale Model
of the Solar System (see Appendix).
The curriculum was then presented to educators in the Fairbanks region for
feedback and input. The comments that were received during this critiquing process
included contact information for individuals and groups who could assist, and
suggestions for place-based learning activities that could be added to the curriculum.
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 28
Human Interactions with the Environment
The student demonstrates an understanding of the processes of science by:
[7] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying, making
generalizations, inferring and communicating. *
[7] SA1.2 collaborating to design and conduct simple repeatable investigations, in order to record, analyze
(i.e., range, mean, median, mode), interpret data, and present findings. (L)
The student demonstrates an understanding of how energy can be transformed, transferred, and conserved by:
[7] SB2.1 explaining that energy (i.e., heat, light, chemical, electrical, mechanical) can change form.
The student demonstrates an understanding of the forces that shape Earth by:
[7] SD2.1 identifying strategies (e.g., reforestation, dikes, wind breaks, off road activity guidelines) for
minimizing erosion.
The student demonstrates understanding of how to integrate scientific knowledge and technology to address problems
[7] SE1.1 describing how public policy affects the student’s life. (e.g., public waste disposal). (L)
The student demonstrates an understanding that solving problems involves different ways of thinking by:
[7] SE2.1 identifying, designing, testing, and revising solutions to a local problem. (L)
[7] SE2.2 comparing the student’s work to the work of peers in order to identify multiple paths that can be
used to investigate a question or problem. * (L)
The student demonstrates an understanding of how scientific discoveries and technological innovations affect our
lives and society by:
[7] SE3.1 recognizing the effects of a past scientific discovery, invention, or scientific breakthrough (e.g.,
DDT, internal combustion engine).
The student demonstrates understanding of the structure and properties of matter by:
[7] SB1.1 using physical properties (i.e., density, boiling point, freezing point, conductivity) to differentiate
among and/or separate materials (i.e., elements, compounds, and mixtures).
The student demonstrates an understanding of how energy can be transformed, transferred, and conserved by:
[7] SB3.1 recognizing that most substances can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas depending on the motion of
its particles.
The student demonstrates an understanding of cycles influenced by energy from the sun and by Earth’s position and
motion in our solar system by:
[7] SD3.1 describing the weather using accepted meteorological terms (e.g., pressure systems, fronts,
[7] SD3.2 recognizing the relationship between phase changes (i.e., sublimation, condensation,
evaporation) and energy transfer.
The student demonstrates an understanding of the dynamic relationships among scientific, cultural, social, and
personal perspectives by:
[7] SF1.1-SF3.1 investigating the basis of local knowledge (e.g., describing and predicting weather) and
sharing that information. (L) Cross referenced with SA3.1
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 29
The student demonstrates an understanding that interactions with the environment provide an opportunity for
understanding scientific concepts by:
[7] SA3.1 designing and conducting a simple investigation about the local environment. (L)
The student demonstrates an understanding of how science explains changes in life forms over time, including
genetics, heredity, the process of natural selection and biological evolution by:
[7] SC1.1 comparing and contrasting sexual and asexual reproduction.
[7] SC1.2 describing possible outcomes of mutations (i.e., no effect, damage, benefit).
The student demonstrates an understanding of the structure, function, behavior, development, life cycles, and
diversity of living organisms by:
[7] SC2.1 describing the basic structure and function of plant and animal cells.
[7] SC2.2 identifying the seven levels of classification of organisms.
[7] SC2.3 identifying and describing the functions of human organs (i.e., heart, lungs, brain).
The student demonstrates an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments
through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy by:
[7] SC3.1 recognizing and explaining that organisms can cause physical and chemical changes (e.g.,
digestion, growth, respiration, photosynthesis) to matter and recognizing and explaining the importance of
energy transfer in these changes.
[7] SC3.2 classifying organisms within a food web as producers, consumers, or decomposers.
The student demonstrates an understanding of the bases of the advancement of scientific knowledge by:
[7] SG2.1 explaining differences in results of repeated experiments.
Forces of Nature
The student demonstrates an understanding of the attitudes and approaches to scientific inquiry by:
[7] SA2.1 identifying and evaluating the sources used to support scientific statements.
The student demonstrates an understanding of motions, forces, their characteristics, relationships, and effects by:
[7] SB4.1 illustrating that unbalanced forces will cause an object to accelerate.
[7] SB4.2 recognizing that electric currents and magnets can exert a force on each other.
[7] SB4.3 describing the characteristics of a wave
(i.e., amplitude, wavelength, and frequency).
The student demonstrates an understanding of geochemical cycles by:
[7] SD1.1 describing the rock cycle and its relationship to igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.
[7] SD1.2 explaining the water cycle’s connection to changes in the Earth’s surface.
The student demonstrates an understanding of the forces that shape Earth by:
[7] SD2.2 describing how the movement of the tectonic plates results in both slow changes (e.g., formation
of mountains, ocean floors, and basins) and short –term events (e.g., volcanic eruptions, seismic waves,
and earthquakes) on the surface.
The student demonstrates an understanding of the theories regarding the origin and evolution of the universe by:
[7] SD4.1 comparing and contrasting characteristics of planets and stars. (i.e., light reflecting, light emitting,
orbiting, orbited, composition.)
[7] SD4.2 using light-years to describe distances between objects in the universe.
The student demonstrates an understanding that scientific knowledge is ongoing and subject to change by:
[7] SG3.1 revising a personal idea when presented with experimental/observational data inconsistent with
that personal idea (e.g., the rates of falling bodies of different masses). (L)
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 30
GLE’s related to the nature of science and/or science skills
To be addressed in multiple units/lessons
The student demonstrates an understanding of the processes of science by:
[7] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying, making
generalizations, inferring and communicating. *
[7] SA1.2 collaborating to design and conduct simple repeatable investigations, in order to record, analyze
(i.e., range, mean, median, mode), interpret data, and present findings. (L)
[8] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying, making
generalizations, inferring and communicating. *
[8] SA1.2 collaborating to design and conduct repeatable investigations, in order to record, analyze
(i.e., range, mean, median, mode), interpret data, and present findings. (L)
The student demonstrates an understanding of the attitudes and approaches to scientific inquiry by:
[7] SA2.1 identifying and evaluating the sources used to support scientific statements.
[8] SA2.1 recognizing and analyzing differing scientific explanations and models.
The student demonstrates an understanding that interactions with the environment provide an opportunity
for understanding scientific concepts by:
[7] SA3.1 designing and conducting a simple investigation about the local environment. (L)
[8] SA3.1 conducting research to learn how the local environment is used by a variety of competing
interests (e.g., competition for habitat/resources, tourism, oil and mining companies, hunting groups). (L)
The student demonstrates an understanding of the bases of the advancement of scientific knowledge by:
[7] SG2.1 explaining differences in results of repeated experiments.
[8] SG2.1 describing how repeating experiments improves the likelihood of accurate results.
The student demonstrates an understanding that scientific knowledge is ongoing and subject to change by:
[7] SG3.1 revising a personal idea when presented with experimental/observational data inconsistent with
that personal idea (e.g., the rates of falling bodies of different masses). (L)
[8] SG3.1 revising a personal idea when presented with experimental/observational data inconsistent with
that personal idea (e.g., the rates of falling bodies of different masses). * (L)
Human Interactions with the Environment
Year 1:Semester 1
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 31
GLE’s Addressed
Suggested Activities
Development and
The student demonstrates an understanding of the forces that
shape Earth by:
 Investigate how the Fairbanks
area has been changed by development.
 Compare the dynamics of the
Chena River pre and post flood control
 Explore issues involved in
forestry practices along riverbankserosion, fish habitat, bank loss.
 Find local examples of effective
and ineffective erosion control
(riverbank erosion, cut bank on
roadsides, etc…)
 Start a long-term project to
examine the effects of erosion of
multiple years. Example: measure the
extent of erosion of cut bank over
multiple years.
 Investigate what considerations
(disturbing permafrost, insulation,
cooling devices, etc…) should be taken
into account when building roads and
structures on permafrost.
 Experiment with models to
design, test, and evaluate different
models for building roads and
structures in Fairbanks.
 Visit the Cold Climate Housing
Research Center on UAF as part of an
investigation effective building
[7] SD2.1 identifying strategies (e.g., reforestation, dikes,
wind breaks, off road activity guidelines) for minimizing
The student demonstrates an understanding of geochemical
cycles by:
[7] SD1.2 explaining the water cycle’s connection to changes
in the Earth’s surface.
[8] SD1.2 applying knowledge of the water cycle to explain
changes in the Earth’s surface.
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 32
Energy Conservation
and Usage
GLE’s Addressed
The student demonstrates an understanding of how energy
can be transformed, transferred, and conserved by:
[7] SB2.1 explaining that energy (i.e., heat, light, chemical,
electrical, mechanical) can change form.
[8] SB2.1 identifying the initial source and resulting change
in forms of energy in common phenomena (e.g., sun to tree to
wood to stove to cabin heat).
The student demonstrates an understanding of how scientific
discoveries and technological innovations affect our lives and
society by:
[7] SE3.1 recognizing the effects of a past scientific discovery,
invention, or scientific breakthrough (e.g., DDT, internal
combustion engine).
[8] SE3.1 predicting the possible effects of a recent scientific
discovery, invention, or scientific breakthrough. (L)
Suggested Activities
 Examine how common
technologies use energy to perform a
specific function, and how much energy
is lost to unintended uses. Examples: oil
heaters, cars, electrical appliances.
 Examine sources of energy that
humans use to perform work, heat
structures, produce electricity, etc…
 Investigate pros and cons of
using fossil fuels and alternative energy
 Examine the role of petroleum
companies in the history, economics,
and politics of Fairbanks.
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 33
GLE’s Addressed
Addressing Local
The student demonstrates understanding of how to integrate
scientific knowledge and technology to address problems by
[7] SE1.1 describing how public policy affects the student’s
life. (e.g., public waste disposal). (L)
[8] SE1.1 describing how public policy affects their lives and
participating diplomatically in evidence-based discussions
relating to their community. (L)
The student demonstrates an understanding that solving
problems involves different ways of thinking by:
[7] SE2.1 identifying, designing, testing, and revising
solutions to a local problem. (L)
[7] SE2.2 comparing the student’s work to the work of peers
in order to identify multiple paths that can be used to
investigate a question or problem. * (L)
[8] SE2.1 identifying, designing, testing, and revising
solutions to a local problem. * (L)
[8] SE2.2 comparing the student’s work to the work of peers
in order to identify multiple paths that can be used to
investigate and evaluate potential solutions to a question or
problem. (L)
Suggested Activities
 Choose a current local topic,
debate, or concern and
brainstorm solutions for
presentation to local bodies of
government. Possible topics:
winter air quality, recycling,
preserving riparian zones,
community planning issues (park
retention), ground water
pollution, parking lot runoff,
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 34
Year 1: Semester 2
GLE’s Addressed
Suggested Activities
Properties of Water
The student demonstrates understanding of the structure and
properties of matter by:
 Examine the physical and
chemical properties of water (boiling
point, melting point, specific heat, phase
changes, etc…) and relate to
meteorological occurrences.
[7] SB1.1 using physical properties (i.e., density, boiling
point, freezing point, conductivity) to differentiate among
and/or separate materials (i.e., elements, compounds, and
[8] SB1.1 using physical and chemical properties (i.e.,
density, boiling point, freezing point, conductivity,
flammability) to differentiate among materials (i.e., elements,
compounds, and mixtures).
The student demonstrates an understanding of how energy
can be transformed, transferred, and conserved by:
[7] SB3.1 recognizing that most substances can exist as a
solid, liquid, or gas depending on the motion of its particles.
[8] SB3.1 exploring changes of state with increase or decrease
of particle speed associated with heat transfer. (L)
 Investigate the causes of ice fog in
 Examine the prospects of fuel
cells as an alternative energy source in
 Investigate the occurrence of
sublimation, condensation, and
evaporation that occur inside and
outside of dwellings during the winter.
 Examine oil spill containment
techniques by studying the properties of
oil and water (miscibility, density, and
surface tension).
 Examine the natural “antifreeze”
that certain species of animals use to
survive over the winter.
 Examine the mechanism behind
tissue damage caused by frostbite.
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 35
Solar Energy Drives
GLE’s Addressed
The student demonstrates an understanding of cycles
influenced by energy from the sun and by Earth’s position
and motion in our solar system by:
[7] SD3.1 describing the weather using accepted
meteorological terms (e.g., pressure systems, fronts,
[7] SD3.2 recognizing the relationship between phase changes
(i.e., sublimation, condensation, evaporation) and energy
[8] SD3.1 recognizing the relationship between the seasons
and Earth’s tilt relative to the sun and describing the
day/night cycle as caused by the rotation of the Earth every
24 hrs.
[8] SD3.2 recognizing types of energy transfer (convection,
conduction, and radiation) and how they affect weather.
The student demonstrates an understanding of the dynamic
relationships among scientific, cultural, social, and personal
perspectives by:
[7] SF1.1-SF3.1 investigating the basis of local knowledge
(e.g., describing and predicting weather) and sharing that
information. (L) Cross referenced with SA3.1
Suggested Activities
 Make a weather log that can be
used to draw connections between
length of day, changes in temperature,
and the occurrence of precipitation.
 Investigate Alaska Native and
other traditional methods of predicting
 Experiment with different
materials to determine which are best
suited for constructing winter shelters.
 Participate in the Alaska Lake
Ice and Snow Observatory Network
(ALISON) coordinated through UAF.
 Investigate what repercussions
global warming will have on the Arctic
and what research is being done in
Alaska on the subject.
 Take a tour of the International
Arctic Research Center (IARC) on the
UAF campus.
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 36
Forces of Nature
Year 2: Semester 1
Principles of
GLE’s Addressed
The student demonstrates an understanding of geochemical
cycles by:
[7] SD1.1 describing the rock cycle and its relationship to
igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.
[8] SD1.1 making connections between components of the
locally observable geologic environment and the rock cycle.
The student demonstrates an understanding of the interactions
between matter and energy and the effects of these interactions
on systems by:
[8] SB3.2 exploring through a variety of models (e.g.,
gumdrops and toothpicks) how atoms may bond together
into well defined molecules or bond together in large arrays.
The student demonstrates an understanding of the forces that
shape Earth by:
[7] SD2.2 describing how the movement of the tectonic plates
results in both slow changes (e.g., formation of mountains,
ocean floors, and basins) and short–term events (e.g.,
volcanic eruptions, seismic waves, and earthquakes) on the
[8] SD2.1 interpreting topographical maps to identify
features (i.e., rivers, lakes, mountains, valleys, islands, and
[8] SD2.2 using models to show the relationship between
convection currents within the mantle and the large-scale
Suggested Activities
 Investigate the occurrence of the
three major rock types in Fairbanks
and the surrounding area.
 Create a rock collection of
various types of igneous, metamorphic,
and sedimentary rocks from Interior
 Examine and identify major rock
forming minerals in local rocks (quartz,
feldspar, micas, etc…)based on
diagnostic characteristics (hardness,
cleavage, crystal structure, etc…).
 Create gumdrop and toothpick
models of the molecular structure of
common rock forming minerals.
 Examine the tectonics that
formed major geological features of
Fairbanks and other parts of Alaska.
 Take a field trip to the Fort Knox
Gold Mine outside of Fairbanks, or the
Usibelli Coal Mine in Healy.
 Search for fossils in Livengood,
Healy, or other areas.
movement of the surface. (L)
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 37
GLE’s Addressed
The student demonstrates an understanding of the theories
regarding the origin and evolution of the universe by:
[7] SD4.1 comparing and contrasting characteristics of
planets and stars. (i.e., light reflecting, light emitting,
orbiting, orbited, composition.)
[7] SD4.2 using light-years to describe distances between
objects in the universe.
[8] SD4.1 creating models of the solar system illustrating size,
location/position, composition, moons/rings, and conditions.
[8] SD4.2 comparing the brightness of a star to its distance
and size.
The student demonstrates an understanding of motions, forces,
their characteristics, relationships, and effects by:
[8] SB4.1 demonstrating (L) and explaining circular motion.
Suggested Activities
 Students choose a star or galaxy
and determine its distance in light years.
Class collaborates to create a scale
model that contains all the stars and
galaxies researched.
 Create a scale model of the solar
system by placing models of the planets
in various locations around town or on
school grounds. Make a guide to the
planets that includes a map of the
 Coordinate a sky-viewing
sleepover to study the constellations,
stars, and planets.
 Take a trip on a local merry-goround to model the forces involved in
circular motion.
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 38
Principles of Physics
GLE’s Addressed
The student demonstrates an understanding of motions,
forces, their characteristics, relationships, and effects by:
[7] SB4.1 illustrating that unbalanced forces will cause an
object to accelerate.
[7] SB4.2 recognizing that electric currents and magnets can
exert a force on each other.
Suggested Activities
Investigate unbalanced forces
by playing tug-a-war and dropping
objects from various heights.
Relate various winter
phenomenon and activities to
unbalanced forces (skiing, avalanches,
[7] SB4.3 describing the characteristics of a wave
(i.e., amplitude, wavelength, and frequency).
Investigate the role of
electromagnetic waves in producing the
aurora borealis.
The student demonstrates an understanding of motions, forces,
their characteristics, relationships, and effects by:
Take a field trip to Poker Flats
to extend the aurora borealis
[8] SB4.2 describing the interactions between charges.
Experiment with
electromagnets and magnetos and
examine their applications.
Examine the properties of
various types of waves (seismic, light,
sound, etc…) and relate to the local
environment (earthquakes, mirages and
sound barriers produced by inversion
layers, seismic exploration, etc…).
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 39
Year 2: Semester 2
GLE’s Addressed
Suggested Activities
Principles of
The student demonstrates an understanding of the structure,
function, behavior, development, life cycles, and diversity of
living organisms by:
 Identify and classify local
vertebrates based on characteristics.
[7] SC2.2 identifying the seven levels of classification of
 Examine basic plant and animal
physiology of local species (major parts,
organs, reproductive structures).
[8] SC2.1 placing vertebrates into correct classes of taxonomy
 Observe and discuss the
based on external, observable features.
behaviors of local species.
[8] SC2.2 explaining that most organisms utilize inherited
and learned behaviors to meet the basic requirements of life.
The student demonstrates an understanding that all
organisms are linked to each other and their physical
environments through the transfer and transformation of
matter and energy by:
[7] SC3.1 recognizing and explaining that organisms can
cause physical and chemical changes (e.g., digestion, growth,
respiration, photosynthesis) to matter and recognizing and
explaining the importance of energy transfer in these
[7] SC3.2 classifying organisms within a food web as
producers, consumers, or decomposers.
[8] SC3.1 stating that energy flows and that matter cycles but
is conserved within an ecosystem.
[8] SC3.2 organizing a food web that shows the cycling of
 Create a food web diagram that
describes the flow of energy in local
ecosystems and identifies the major
producers, consumers, and
 Study local species of migratory
birds, insects, and mammals.
 Investigate the process of
succession in a boreal forest after a fire.
 Examine and discuss game
management techniques in Alaska.
 Take a field trip to the UAF
Museum to study the various types of
vertebrates that are present in Alaska as
well as extinct vertebrates.
 Create a cladistics diagram of
local species based on physical
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 40
GLE’s Addressed
Suggested Activities
Cells, Heredity and
The student demonstrates an understanding of the structure,
function, behavior, development, life cycles, and diversity of
living organisms by:
 Collect samples from local water
bodies and identify the different types of
microorganisms that are present.
[7] SC2.1 describing the basic structure and function of plant
and animal cells.
 Identify organisms in the local
environment that reproduce asexually
and sexually.
The student demonstrates an understanding of how science
explains changes in life forms over time, including genetics,
heredity, the process of natural selection and biological
evolution by:
 Examine the processes of
photosynthesis and cellular respiration
on a cellular level.
[7] SC1.1 comparing and contrasting sexual and asexual
 Compare and contrast the life
cycles of various local species.
[7] SC1.2 describing possible outcomes of mutations (i.e., no
effect, damage, benefit).
 Examine the role of DNA and
chromosomes in heredity and evolution.
[8] SC1.1 describing the role of genes in sexual reproduction
(i.e., traits of the offspring).
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 41
GLE’s Addressed
Suggested Activities
Human Anatomy
The student demonstrates an understanding of the structure,
function, behavior, development, life cycles, and diversity of
living organisms by:
 Identify and describe the
functions of human organs and body
[7] SC2.3 identifying and describing the functions of human
organs (i.e., heart, lungs, brain).
 Compare and contrast the
human physiology to other local
[8] SC2.3 describing the functions and interdependence of
human body systems (i.e., circulatory, respiratory, nervous).
 Examine what adaptations local
animal species have that allow them to
survive in the extreme Alaskan
environment (hibernation, body size,
proportions of extremities).
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 43
Unit Summary:
The purpose of this unit is for students to examine and gain an
understanding of the landscape of Fairbanks. Homework assignments
will call for students to observe and hypothesize about the Fairbanks
environment, and class time will be devoted to discussions about their
Field trips will also be taken during class time to places of
geological interest. Brown’s Quarry is an excellent location to look at
basalt and petrified wood. A learning experience at the quarry could
relate to plate tectonics, volcanism, fossilization, and climate change. A
trip to the Chena and Tanana rivers could be used as a collection outing
for rocks and mineral identification, as well as a basis for discussion of
braided and meandering rivers, the forces that determine the river type,
erosion and deposition, and flooding. Standing on the banks of the
Tanana might also be a good location to discuss the effects of glacial
erosion in the Alaska Range on the landforms and surface geology of the
Fairbanks region.
Lesson activities include:
-observing, taking notes, and making illustrations of a natural area the
student visits frequently;
-field trips to local destinations of geological import;
-collection of rocks for an exhibit;
-the creation of a geologic map of Fairbanks;
-the culminating activity of a student hosted Geology Night for friends
and family.
Unit Objectives:
After participating in the learning activities for this unit, students should
be able to:
-Compare and contrast the characteristics of meandering and braided
-Explain why silt is so common and widespread in the Fairbanks
-Recognize that many of the geological processes that have shaped
the local landscape are still enacting change;
-Recognize that many of the geological processes occurring locally
are not limited to the Fairbanks area, but are occur in many other
parts of the world.
-Describe the occurrence of the three major rock types in Fairbanks
and the surrounding area.
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 44
Relevant Alaska Grade Level Expectations (Grades 7 and 8):
The student demonstrates an understanding of the processes of science by:
[7] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying,
making generalizations, inferring and communicating. *
[7] SA1.2 collaborating to design and conduct simple repeatable investigations, in order
to record, analyze (i.e., range, mean, median, mode), interpret data, and present
findings. (L)
[8] SA1.1 asking questions, predicting, observing, describing, measuring, classifying,
making generalizations, inferring and communicating. *
[8] SA1.2 collaborating to design and conduct repeatable investigations, in order to
record, analyze (i.e., range, mean, median, mode), interpret data, and present findings.
The student demonstrates an understanding of geochemical cycles by:
[7] SD1.1 describing the rock cycle and its relationship to igneous, metamorphic, and
sedimentary rocks.
[7] SD1.2 explaining the water cycle’s connection to changes in the Earth’s surface.
[8] SD1.1 making connections between components of the locally observable geologic
environment and the rock cycle. (L)
The student demonstrates an understanding of the forces that shape Earth by:
[7] SD2.2 describing how the movement of the tectonic plates results in both slow
changes (e.g., formation of mountains, ocean floors, and basins) and short–term events
(e.g., volcanic eruptions, seismic waves, and earthquakes) on the surface.
[8] SD2.1 interpreting topographical maps to identify features (i.e., rivers, lakes,
mountains, valleys, islands, and tundra).
[8] SD2.2 using models to show the relationship between convection currents within the
mantle and the large-scale movement of the surface. (L)
Lesson 1: Thinking about the local landscape
This lesson will consist of:
-an introduction to the forces affecting the landscape of
-an independent exercise of observation and illustration,
-a class discussion on student observations.
Choose an outdoor location that you have some attachment to,
such as your home, a local hangout, etc… Go to this place and make
observations about the setting.
1. Make a sketch of the location you will be observing. Choose
some artifacts to bring to class (leaves, rocks, dirt, water, etc…).
2. Look up, look down, look all around, and write down what you
see. What type of vegetation is present? What type of dirt is present? Is
the ground sloped or flat? Are there lakes, sloughs or ponds nearby?
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 45
What is the largest thing you see? What is the most distant thing you
see? What is the smallest thing you see?
3. After you’ve noted your surroundings, ask yourself, “Why is it
like this? How long has it been this way?” If you don’t know, that’s OK.
Take a guess.
4. Bring your sketch, observations, and other notes to class so that
you can present your findings.
AssessmentStudents will be assessed on their notes, sketches, and participation in
the class discussion.
Lesson 2- Field Trip
This lesson will consist of:
-a field trip to Browns Hill Quarry, and the Chena and
Tanana Rivers; and
-a series of guided questions.
BROWN’S HILL QUARRYWe’re going to visit a local rock quarry to look at basalt, a type of
volcanic rock. This is the same type of rock that the Hawaiian Islands are
made of. There aren’t any beaches, but there is quite a lot of petrified
wood. As we walk around the quarry think about where the lava that
formed this rock came from. Is there a volcano in Fairbanks that you
didn’t know about? Also, notice the size of the petrified trees. Do these
look like trees that grow in Fairbanks today?
1. What shape are the basalt columns? Are they circular? Are they
2. The petrified wood is made of what type of trees? Do you know
of a place that these trees grow?
3. How can lava petrify trees? Wouldn’t the trees just burn up?
What does this indicate about the environment where this eruption took
4. Draw a picture of a fault. Can you tell which way the rocks have
moved? Draw arrows to indicate the direction of movement.
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 46
5. What is the rock at the quarry used for? Have you seen basalt
used for driveways or decorative rock? Where?
6. Can you see layers in the basalt cliffs? Why do you think it looks
this way?
Did you know that there are two rivers within a few miles of this
classroom? In fact this school is built on the floodplain of at least one of
those rivers. The Chena and Tanana rivers have had a major influence on
the Fairbanks landscape.
Water is the great leveler. As a river flows downhill to the ocean, it
erodes the land that it flows through, and carries the little bits of rock and
dirt, called sediment, with it as it flows. If the water slows to a pace at
which the sediment can no longer be carried, then the sediment is
deposited. The rivers that we are going to visit today have very different
characteristics. Think about what factors have caused these rivers to
look and act the way that they do.
CHENA RIVER QUESTIONS1. Draw a bird’s eye view of the Chena River.
2. Would you describe this as a meandering or braided path?
3. What color is the water? Get a sample of the water in your cup.
Is there any sediment in the water?
4. Look at the water as it flows around a bend. Does all the water
move at the same speed? Throw a stick in to test it out, then draw and
label a picture that shows which side of the river is moving faster.
5. Which side is deeper, the fast or slow side? Why is this?
6. Which side has gravel bars, the fast or the slow side? Why is
7. Do you think you could throw a rock across the river? Give it a
try, but be careful not to hit anybody in the head—it hurts, bad.
TANANA RIVER QUESTIONS1. Draw a bird’s eye view of the Tanana River.
2. Would you describe this as a meandering or braided path?
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 47
3. What color is the water? Get a sample of the water in your cup.
Is there any sediment in the water?
4. Do notice a pattern in the speed or depth of water like you did at
the Chena River?
5. Look back at your answers to the first three questions for each
river. What could be causing the difference between the way the two
rivers appear and behave?
6. Could you throw a rock across this river? Give it a try. While
you’re at it, pocket some of the rocks for identification.
7. Why do you think the Tanana is so wide, with so many channels?
8. Find some mud. The scientific term for this substance is silt. Silt
is the finest particle of rock that geologists bother to identify. In order to
get silt, a rock has to be broken down into extremely small pieces. A good
analogy would be making flour out of grain. In fact, silt is sometimes
referred to as “rock flour” by geeks such as myself. Imagine how much
silt is contained in the river’s water right now. Where do you think it is all
coming from?
The guided questions will be turned in as evidence of student effort.
Culminating Project:
This lesson will consist of
-the creation of a geologic map of Fairbanks,
-the culminating activity of a student hosted Geology Night for friends
and family.
Using rock specimens gathered from various locations in the Fairbanks
area, students will create a general geologic map that shows where the
rock specimens were gathered. The map can be added to in subsequent
years. Students will exhibit their map at a Geology Night hosted by the
AssessmentFeedback from guests, and self-assessment by students will be used to
assess the student understanding.
A Grade 7-8 Place-based Science Curriculum-- 48