Uploaded by Jalleah Martin

Fluid Mechanics Pipe Flow Problems

1. A pipe of diameter 0.2 m carries oil (specific gravity = 0.85) at the rate of 100 litres per second
and the pressure at a point P is 19.62 kN/m2 (gauge). If the point P is 3 m above the datum line,
then determine the total energy at point P in metres of oil. Ans 5.87 m of oil
2. The water is flowing through a tapering pipe having diameters 0.25 m and 0.125 m at sections 1
and 2, respectively. The discharge through the pipe is 40 litres per second. The section 1 is 5 m
above the datum and section 2 is 3 m above the datum. If the pressure at section 1 is 0.4 MPa,
then determine the intensity of pressure at section 2. Ans. 414.68 kPa
3. The water is flowing through a pipe having diameters 0.3 m and 0.5 m at the upper and bottom
ends, respectively. The intensity of pressures at the upper and bottom ends are 100 kPa and 300
kPa, respectively. If the rate of flow through the pipe is 50 litres per second, then determine the
difference in datum head. Ans. 20.3651 m
4. A 200 m long pipe has a slope of 1 in 100 and tapers from 1 m diameter at the high end to 0.5 m
diameter at the low end. If the quantity of water flowing through the pipe is 80 litres per second
and the pressure at the high end is 70 kPa, then determine the pressure at the low end. Assume
that datum passes through the lower end and neglect the losses. Ans. 89.542 kPa
5. The diameter of a pipe carrying oil (specific gravity = 0.85) changes from 0.5 m at section 1 to
0.25 m diameter at section 2 which is at 5 m lower level. The pressures at sections 1 and 2 are
60 kPa and 100 kPa, respectively. If the discharge through the pipe is 250 litres per second, then
determine the direction of flow and the loss of head. Ans. 1.036 m