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ELA Exam.docx

Part 1 - Vocabulary
Each question is worth 4 points.
Insert the correct word from the word bank missing in each of the following sentences. If
you do not know the answer, move on to the next question.
Not all words listed in the word bank will be needed to fill in the blanks. That is why there
are 30 words and 25 questions.
May Allah bless you with success!
Word Bank:
10. Muddle
11. Predispose
12. Spurious
13. Breech
14. Circumspect
15. Deadlock
16. Debris
17. Admonish
18. Effaced
19. Opinionated
20. Perennial
21. Relinquish
22. Unbridled
23. Salvage
24. Spasmodic
25. Comely
26. Erratic
27. Fortified
28. Mediocre
29. Alien
30. Subjugate
4 points each:
1. Ameera, the librarian, had to __________ the noisy students several times before they
settled down.
2. Under certain circumstances the U.S government has the right to _________ private
3. The bus was filled to capacity with holiday shoppers carrying large and ______ packages.
4. The scent of lilacs slowly _______through the open window.
5. Jerimiah’s speech was so long and ________ that most audience members were
thoroughly confused by it.
6. During the controversial crisis, Anisah found herself caught in a painful _______.
7. The ______ was principally caused by Shahid’s failure to carry out the general’s orders
8. Safiyyah’s genetic makeup seems to _______ her to colds and sore throats.
9. Sometimes, the ________ enthusiasm of the class can get a little out of hand.
10. Because of a serious _______of the rules, Kareem and Anand were disqualified from the
11. After fifteen minutes of drill elimination, the two drillers, Saalihah and Saarah, remained
at a frustrating ______.
12. After the storm, the beach was littered with driftwood and other _____.
13. Time had ______ almost all signs of the struggle that took place on that famous
14. Grant is so _________ that sometimes he will not listen to a reasonable proposal.
15. Pizza is a ________ favorite of young and old alike in the United States.
16. Severe illness forced me to _______ my role in the school play.
17. Fortunately, Essence was able to ________ a few things from the fire.
18. _________ flashes of lightning and booming thunderclaps struck Sumayyah’s location.
19. Movies about ______ from outer space are Heru’s favorite.
20. The proud parents and their _______ children posed for a family portrait.
21. Students who have an _______ attendance record may find themselves disciplined by
the principle.
22. To _______ at someone who fell is absolutely inexcusable.
23. Jasir’s homemade dish was ________ due to him adding too much salt.
24. The manuscript for Isa’s short story was returned to her with a brief and ________ letter
of rejection.
25. When I am on a diet, the treats in bakery windows seem to have been put there to
________ me.
Part 2 - The Writing Process
Each question is worth 5 points.
List 3 ways you can catch a reader’s attention in the introduction of an essay:
a) ________________________________________________________________________
b) ________________________________________________________________________
c) ________________________________________________________________________
What is prewriting?
Please provide an example of a Limited Topic AND a Broad Topic:
Broad Topic:
Limited Topic:
What is an outline?
List 3 components of an outline:
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
Explain the difference between written language and spoken language:
Written Language:
Spoken Language:
List 3 words you should AVOID using in your essays (as discussed in class):
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
List the 9 Revising Strategies:
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________________
An independent clause is a sentence that…(complete the sentence)
A dependent clause is a sentence that…(complete the sentence)
Which sentence is written correctly? A or B?
A) "Women, who have rarely been treated equally in the job market, still tend to be
relatively underpaid."
B) “Women who have rarely been treated equally in the job market still tend to be
relatively underpaid.”
Which TWO sentences below are correct?
(3 answers are incorrect)
A) “I have good grades in math, however, I think I can do better.”
B) “I have good grades in math. However, I think I can do better.”
C) “I have good grades in math. However. I think I can do better.”
D) I have good grades in math; however, I think I can do better.”
E) “I have good grades in math however I think I can do better.”
Which sentence is written correctly? A, B, or C?
A) “Maryam who started her own business, is an enterprising woman.”
B) "Maryam, who started her own business, is an enterprising woman."
C) “Maryam who started her own business is an enterprising woman.”
Which sentence is written correctly? A, B or C?
A) She said; “I intend to be there early.”
B) She said, “I intend to be there early.”
C) She said “I intend to be there early.”
Write a proper heading for an essay below:
Which sentence is written correctly? A, B, or C?
A) “Thx Jabril”
B) “Thank you, Jabril.”
C) “Thank you Jabril.”
A noun is ______________________________________________________________________
Use it in a sentence and underline it:
A pronoun is:
Use it in a sentence and underline it:
A verb is:
Use it in a sentence and underline it:
An adjective is:
Use it in a sentence and underline it:
An adverb is:
Use it in a sentence and underline it:
A conjunction is:
Use it in a sentence and underline it:
Provide an example of a run-on sentence, and then write it correctly:
Run on Sentence:
What is a semi-colon?
Use it in a sentence:
What is a thesis statement?
Provide an example:
Write the following quote by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in cursive writing:
(Use your notebook)
“The diameter of your knowledge prescribes the circumference
of your activity.”