COORDINATE COOKING OPERATIONS SITHKOP005 Student Assessment Tool NEW YORK COLLEGE This page is intentionally left blank Assessment Summary Sheet Unit SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 2 NEW YORK COLLEGE Pre-Requisite Units SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety Student Name Student I.D. Number Result S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory NA = Not Assessed Please attach assessment evidence to this form Final Assessment Result for this Unit Date of assessment: Date of assessment: Date of assessment: Unit Outcome Re-assessment Required Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Assignment S | NS | NA Practical Observation 1 + 2 Holistic/ 12 Service Instances S | NS | NA Competent Not Yet Competent Not Assessed Yes No This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a final record of student competency. All student submissions including any associated assessment cover sheets (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing on the students file. Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed and attached to this form. Assessor Feedback: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 3 NEW YORK COLLEGE Student Declaration: I declare that the evidence I have submitted for this unit of competency is my own work and that: I have been assessed in this unit. I have been provided with feedback. I have been advised of my result. I am aware of my appeal rights. Student name: ____________________ Assessor Declaration: Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment of this assignment in accordance to the Principles of Assessment and the Rules of Evidence as outlined in the Standards for RTOs 2015. I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks: Check for plagiarism Check for Copying/Collusion/Authenticity (learner’s own work) Cheating or use of model answers Signature: _____________________ Assessor name: ___________________ Date: Signature: ____________________________ Date: ____/_____/_____ ____/_____/_____ This page is intentionally left blank New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 4 NEW YORK COLLEGE Unit Summary The purpose of assessment for this unit is to gather evidence of the student’s competence against the elements, as well as skills and underpinning knowledge, required to coordinate cooking operations This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to coordinate the production of food in commercial kitchens. It requires the ability to plan the production of food, organise required food supplies for food production period, supervise food production processes and monitor the quality of kitchen outputs. Food production can be for any type of cuisine and food service style. It covers Asian cookery, patisserie products and bulk-cooked foods. The unit applies to hospitality and catering organisations, including hotels, restaurants, clubs, educational institutions, health establishments, defence forces, cafeterias, residential caterers, in flight and other transport caterers, event and function caterers. It applies to those people who operate independently or with limited guidance from others including senior chefs and catering managers. No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication. Elements of the unit 1. Plan food production requirements. 2. Organise availability of supplies for food production period. 3. Coordinate kitchen operations. 4. Monitor the quality of kitchen outputs New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 5 NEW YORK COLLEGE Overview of Assessments SITHCCC020 Work effectively as a cook There are three (3) assessment tasks in this unit, and you must complete all assessments satisfactorily in order to be marked competent in this unit. The assessment for SITHKOP005 consists of: Assessment 1 – an Assignment to assess the Knowledge requirements Assessment 2 – 2 Practical observation instances to observe 2 service instances where the student is coordinating cooking operations. For the purpose of these observations, the observations stipulate that the service instances must include and address 2 of the following food production processes to cover the performance evidence requirements: bulk cooking cook chill for extended life cook chill for five day shelf life cook freeze fresh cook It is recommended to organise and structure these observations in line with the scheduled service instances organised for: Assessment 3 - Holistic/ 12 Service Instances supervise food production processes and monitor and report on the quality of kitchen outputs for a minimum of twelve complete service periods (shifts) including: o development of: kitchen workflow schedules mise en place lists food preparation lists o calculating and ordering food supplies for at least four of the types of food service styles listed in the knowledge evidence coordinate cooking operations within commercial time constraints for food production processes, which must include at least two of the following categories: o bulk cooking o cook chill for extended life o cook chill for five day shelf life o cook freeze o fresh cook. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 6 NEW YORK COLLEGE Information for Students Please read all the information given to you when you receive this assessment guide. If you do not understand any part of this assessment guide, please inform your assessor/trainer. To achieve competency, you must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks within the date and time allotted by your assessor/trainer. This will demonstrate that you have all the required skills, knowledge for this unit. An overview of the skills and knowledge to be assessed in this unit is provided in this Assessment Guide. Students who present copied or plagiarised assessments are considered participants in the act of academic misconduct which would lead to disqualification of their submitted work. (Read the section on Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty below.) The assessments are intended to be equitable, fair and flexible. All the information, skills and knowledge being assessed by the assessments has been based on theory and skills delivered to you during classes and meet the requirements of the unit of competency. Submitting Assessment Tasks You must submit assessment tasks with the provided cover sheet. ALL tasks must be completed in legible English. It is preferable that tasks submitted for assessment are typed. Where this is not possible or where room is provided on a paper for short answers, you must write clearly. Unreadable assessment tasks will be returned unmarked. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 7 NEW YORK COLLEGE You must submit assessments on or before their due date. Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances according to NYC’s Policy and Procedures. To arrange an extension, you must speak to your assessor prior to the due date. Extensions due to illness will require a medical certificate. Extensions must be confirmed by trainers in writing. Assessment Outcomes There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory (requires more training and experience). You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when your assessor is satisfied that you have completed all assessments and have provided the appropriate evidence required to meet all criteria. If you fail to meet this requirement you will receive the result NYC = Not Yet Competent and will be eligible to be re-assessed in accordance with the NYC’s policies and procedures. Re-assessment Students will be allowed to sit for up to two further attempts at a practical assessment item or test question for which the outcome is Not Satisfactory within the timeframe of a course (unit of competency). Students judged as NS in an assessment will be allowed to resubmit if they have attended all practical classes for the related unit. Student Access to Records Students have the right to access current and accurate records of their participation and results at any time. You may request to see your results or attendance sheets from Administration on request. You will be required to show proof of identification. Support You may seek clarification about any assessments at any time from your assessor. Your assessor will only assist or intervene during an assessment if there is a risk of injury to yourself or one of your class members. Adjustments for students with special needs Students who have special needs may be allowed reasonable adjustment in line with the NYC’s Policies and Procedures. This means that there may be modifications to the way in which evidence of your competence is gathered. However, it will not change the standards or outcomes you must achieve. It could include alternate methods of assessment the assist the student. If you consider that you need any special considerations in relation to assessment of the unit, please contact the Course Coordinator. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 8 NEW YORK COLLEGE Appeals If you are not happy with your results: 1. Your assessment may be reassessed upon appeal 2. Your assessor/trainer may provide you with alternate options of assessment in order to gain competency depending on initial results 3. If you are still unhappy about your assessment results after following the steps mentioned above, you may submit a formal complaint in accordance with NYC’s Complaints and Appeals Policy. Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty The New York College (NYC) is committed to ensuring that all students behave with integrity when undertaking an assessment. Therefore, it is essential that you understand the principles underlying assessment integrity and behave in a manner according to these principles. Please read the following information and please ensure you have access to and have read the plagiarism and assessment dishonesty policy. This policy can be found on the NYC’s website and is also discussed in your induction prior to commencing the course. What is Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty? Plagiarism is copying, paraphrasing or summarising, without appropriate acknowledgement, the words, ideas, scholarship and intellectual property of another person. This remains plagiarism whether or not it is with the knowledge or consent of that other person. Plagiarism has also taken place when direct use of others' words is not indicated, for example by inverted commas or indentation, in addition to appropriate citation of the source. Each individual student is responsible for ensuring that they are fully informed about methods of acknowledgement appropriate to any piece of assessable work that they submit. Assessment dishonesty includes plagiarism, collusion, the fabrication or deliberate misrepresentation of data, and failure to adhere to the rules regarding examinations in such a way as to gain unfair assessment advantage. Collusion is the involvement of more than one individual in an instance of assessment dishonesty. All parties involved in such collusion are in breach of the principles of assessment honesty (unless there is good evidence of innocent involvement). "Collusion" needs to be distinguished from "collaboration", defined for the purposes of this document as work jointly undertaken and produced. Incidence of Plagiarism or Assessment Dishonesty If the New York College believes any act of plagiarism and assessment dishonesty has occurred, the student/s will be contacted and will be given an opportunity to explain their New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 9 NEW YORK COLLEGE case. Should this be repeated the student will be penalised. Penalties include re-submitting the assessment task or unit and for repeated offences, re-sitting the unit at student’s own cost or cancellation of enrolment. How information will be handled: All information regarding an incident of plagiarism or assessment dishonesty will be recorded as per NYC’s Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty Policy. Only relevant staff members will be given access to the information as required by state and federal privacy laws. I have read and understand the information provided above and also understand and accept that any act of plagiarism and academic dishonesty may have penalties including cancellation or suspension of my enrolment with New York College. I further declare that: All assessment work submitted for this unit competency is my own original work and plagiarism and collusion has not occurred. Assessment work is not copied nor has not been submitted for any other unit/course. I have taken proper care and effort to ensure my work has not been copied by another person. I understand the consequences of engaging in plagiarism as described in NYC’s Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty Policy and I have obtained and read the Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty Policy. Student Signature: ............................................................... Date: ....../....../....... New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 10 NEW YORK COLLEGE This page is intentionally left blank Assessment Cover Sheet ASSESSMENT 1: Assignment Student Name Student I.D. Number Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Trainer/Assessor Assessment Task Assignment Date of Assessment Assessment Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Assessed Comments /Feedback Statement of Authenticity New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 11 NEW YORK COLLEGE I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and I understand these processes I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost. Student Signature: Date: / /201 I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks. Assessor Signature: Date: / /201 =================================TEAR HERE ================================== RECEIPT OF LODGEMENT Student Name Unit: SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Trainer Name Received Signature: by: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 Student ID Assessment Assignment Date submited: Date received: V1.0 December 2018 12 NEW YORK COLLEGE This page is intentionally left blank New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 13 NEW YORK COLLEGE Assessment Guidelines Assessment Method The following assessment is written assignment to be completed in NYC’s classroom. The student must complete all 8 questions and tasks. Submission instructions The student is to submit the completed assessment with all answers to the trainer. Ensure that the student includes the assessment cover sheet and signs the declaration section. The assessment task is due on the date specified by the assessor. Assessment conditions This is an individual written assessment. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 14 NEW YORK COLLEGE This is a closed book assessment. The student must complete this task independently. This assessment will take approximately 1 hour to complete. The student must complete this task in the space provided in this assessment tool. If the student needs more space, please provide additional sheets and ask the student to attach those to this assessment tool. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 15 NEW YORK COLLEGE What will be assessed The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit: for at least three of the hospitality and catering organisations detailed in the unit’s application: o comprehensive details of food production processes for: receiving mise en place preparing or cooking post-cooking storage reconstitution re-thermalisation serving o critical control points in food production where food hazards must be controlled o menus and recipes for items produced in performance evidence o indicators of quality food products: appearance and visual appeal colour consistency moisture content mouth feel and eating properties plate presentation portion size shape taste texture types of food service styles: o à la carte o buffet o set menu o table d’hôte o bulk cooking operations o functions and events o festivals use of designated decorations, garnishes or sauces types of food production systems and their characteristics for different production methods specified in the performance evidence range of formats and content for: o kitchen workflow schedules o mise en place plans o food preparation lists. Resource Requirements Pen, paper or as provided. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 16 NEW YORK COLLEGE Assessment 1 Your task You are required to complete all questions and tasks listed below. 1. Describe the characteristics of each of the following food production processes, list examples where these production processes are commonly used, and provide examples for advantages and disadvantages for each process: Bulk cooking Description Bulk cooking, also known as assembly cooking, means using mass production principles to save time and money in the kitchen. Application/Use Fast-food chain restaurant; buffet; Canteens, Institutions (Hospitals, Prison, Aged Care, Childcare facilities), Functions, Events, Festival. Advantage Central kitchen, reduced need for infrastructure and staff Greater range of à la carte dishes can be offered Disadvantage Distribution and equipment required to ensure temperatures are maintained during delivery Increased food safety risks where distribution is required Quality factors, e.g. nutrition, presentation of items which require distribution Cook chill for extended life Description This process is used to produce fully cooked food that is then chilled rapidly and stored under controlled conditions until needed. The meals can be distributed to where they will be used, e.g. from a commissary kitchen to service outlets. They will then be re-thermalised and used for service Application/Use Canteens, Institutions (Hospitals, Prison, Aged Care, Childcare facilities), Functions, Events, À la carte – satellite operations Advantage Central kitchen, reduced need for infrastructure and staff Reduced time pressure during service: create more time and space to focus on the last-minute preparation and service tasks. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 17 NEW YORK COLLEGE Attractive presentation on large scale if regeneration is used Nutritional value Minimal waste Consistent quality: you can re-thermalised without losing much nutritional value Longer storage timeframes: that you can increase the rangeof menu items offered Initial investment can be an issue depending on size of operation Staff training to ensure optimal use of equipment features and processes Some limitations for particular cookery methods, e.g. steaks, some seafood preparations, etc. Disadvantage Requires refrigerated vehicle for transportation to outlets Cook chill for five day shelf life Description This process is very similar to a normal cook-chill process, but uses very strict HACCP processes. The key differences are that the food is normally cooked in specialized equipment, the chilling process is much more rapid and handling is minimized ate all stages.The chilled foods then follow the same process as for the shorter shelf-life. They must be stored immediately in appropriate conditions; the HACCP procedures must be followed during distribution, reheating and service. Application/Use When it comes to saving time, and ultimately money, estimates suggest operators taking on cook-chill operations are able to offer more comprehensive menus and find ways to move food from the back of house to the front much faster. Advantage Correctly following cook-chill steps gives refrigerated or frozen food a 30-day shelf life – without sacrificing consistency, freshness, flavor or time. Save labor. Produce more with less. Operators report saving 35 percent or more on labor after making the switch to cook-chill, according to the Chef Services Group. Start with a larger quantity; it New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 18 NEW YORK COLLEGE will only require a chef to produce it once before serving it throughout the rest of the week. Less-experienced kitchen staff members can reheat portions based on demand. Keep everything consistent. Chefs utilizing a cook-chill system in their operation can ensure that food will be consistent. This works great for central kitchens that cook for multiple locations, without sacrificing consistency and quality. Disadvantage Vitamins B and C are lost in the freezing process. Antioxidants, which protect you from cell damage, are also lower in frozen fruits than they are in fresh fruits. Vitamins A, E, carotenoids, fiber, minerals, and proteins, however, retain their values in frozen fruits and vegetables. Cook freeze Description Food preservation method in which it is prepared and portioned, cooked, and then frozen to -20°C in a central kitchen. Cook-freeze preserves food for up to eight weeks before it is reheated for eating. Application/Use Advantage Disadvantage Saving time, and ultimately money This type of preservation is relatively quick process. A hundred pounds of meat can be packaged into meal size packages within an hour. You can blanch a large amount of vegetables in just a few minutes. You can preserve food and keep it longer, and always having things available to cook with or eat. You can buy items in bulk when on sale and save money. Blanching prior to freezing stops enzyme activity and helps maintain nutritional value in the foods. Freezer burn can affect texture and flavor. Foods frozen in containers that are not designed for freezer us can be exposed to air. Because of this exposure to air, damaging ice crystals form on the food. The cells in the frozen food rupture, resulting in moisture, texture, and flavor loss. Freezer burn is the dried out, gray-brown edges or sections of meat, dried sections of baked goods, and the dulled coloring in vegetables and fruit. Eating freezer burned foods is safe, but it is unappetizing. Fresh cook Description This process is very similar to a normal cook-chill process but uses very strict HACCP process and the food is cooked in special Thusile equipment, the chilling process is much more rapid and handling is minimised at all stages Application/Use A la carte, table d hotel, set menu option and buffet. Advantage Ideal for canteens and institution where customers have menu New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 19 NEW YORK COLLEGE options. Optimum use of fresh produce. Require more staff. Time pressure during production and service. Depending on cookery method used for some dishes can be restrictive. Limited to an immediate outlet in terms of infrastructure other than small scale catering. Equipment required to ensure temperature are maintained during delivery.• Disadvantage 2. List the essential factors you need to consider when planning a food production process for cooking operations: Available Time to Cook Seasonal Food Availability Variety of Foods Special Occasions Financial Resources Overall Philosophy of the Enterprise. Target market and customer expectations. Timeframes and deadlines 3. You are preparing for a cook-chill (Short shelf life - 5 day) operation. Which aspects must be considered for each of the following steps in a production flowchart for this food production process? 1. Selection of the raw commodities: - The raw commodities should be fresh, free on odour/smell, undamaged, delivered at the right temperature and should be received from delivered and stored immediately. 2. Storage of raw materials-Commodities must be stored in the appropriate are under the correct conditions, Frozen food must be stored in the frozen areas, perishable commodities into the cold storage and dry food to the dry store. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 20 NEW YORK COLLEGE 3. Preparation–During preparation and processing of food it essential that raw and cooked food are handled and stored separately to avoid cross-contamination. 4. Cooking . Applying the correct principles is important as its ensures that the final products reflects the desired standard. 5. Portioning. Have various capacities and should be used to make sure that the same amount of soup or sauce is served for a specific dish.cut meat into pre-determined portion sizes or order individual portion cuts from a butcher. 6. Blast Chilling –The blast chiller must chill the food below 5C within 2 to 4 hours of commencing the blast chill cycle as this ensure safety, appearance, texture and flavour and additional value to the food 7. Storage of chilled foods –Store in temperature below 5 C within 60 min. Monitor temperature and cooling time. Review equipment faults, capacity and process. 8. Distribution temperatures-Perishable products may have a maximum shelf life or use by date under storage at the temperature below 5C. 9. Reheating –Any reheating or re-thermalising must be done within 30min after the food has been removed from the storage. The suitable reheating equipment include convection ovens and special chill/reheat trolleys. 10. Service: service requires all dishes for a table to be served together. Wait staff should have system in place to remember who ordered what, such as associating with the position at table when taking the order. 4. You are receiving 25 frozen ducks which you will require for a cook fresh function in 2 days where they feature in the main course for Roasted Duck à l’orange. Indentify the Critical Control Points for each of the following processes and outline the key aspect which must be considered for each: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 21 NEW YORK COLLEGE Receiving:-Checking any sign of deteriorating in the frozen goods. o Ensure separation of cooked and raw foods to prevent cross-contamination. o Packaging needs to be in its original condition with each food items separate from each other o Thawing This process is whereby heat changes something from solid to liquid. Always make sure that the food is free from the danger zone. Storage: - Cold and frozen food must be stored in the appropriate storage facility at the correct temperature. Mis-en-place –During preparation the food processing of good is essential that raw and cooked foods are handled and stored separately to avoid cross-contamination. Preparing or cooking – o Wash all the equipment and tools used for raw food prior to using them for cooked food. o Do not leave food for danger zone for more than one hour. o Keep raw and cooked ingredient apart and do not use the same tool for cutting board for different tasks Post-cooking storage: Always ensure that food is properly stored goes a long way towards maintaining a high level of food safety and keeping and yourself. Always Labelling all food when packaging. o Always remember that it is better to be cautious when it comes to food safety when in doubt throw it away Reconstitution –Maintenance and inspection of food processing equipment. Re-thermalising –This must be done within 30min after the food has been removed from the storage suitable equipment include convention ovens and special chill. Oven may be used but it is important not to dry b out the food too much. Serving –Re-heated food should be consumed within 15 minutes of reheating. The temperature of the food should not be allowed to fall below 65C.Cooked and chilled food should be consumed cold, such as terrine, should be served within 30 min after the removal from the storage 5. List 5 processes you can implement to ensure food safety when preparing foods: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Choose foods processed for safety. Eat Cooked foods immediately. Avoid contact between raw foods and cooked foods. Wash hands repeatedly. Keep all kitchen surfaces meticulously clean. 6. List 5 processes you can implement to ensure food safety when processing, packaging and holding foods: Purchasing specifications for all raw products defining grade, size, quality and suitable alternatives. Standard recipes including preparation time, cooking requirements, food cost, portion size and desired presentation. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 22 NEW YORK COLLEGE Correct storage and stocktake procedures to ensure correct stock rotation and quality control. Control mechanisms which comply with HACCP principles, such as logs for temperature control, receipt of goods and temperature during cooking, holding and packaging process. Standards are required for temperature of food, e.g. hot food must be served on pre –warmed plates, stored under heat lamps if required and delivered to customer quickly. 7. List 5 processes you can implement to ensure food safety when transporting food to minimise any adverse effects on food: Use data loggers to track storage conditions of food items while in transit. Ensure delivery vehicles are in optimum condition and can store food at the appropriate temperatures. Organise deliveries to minimise the amount of travel necessary. Keep storage containers sealed to prevent any physical contamination prior to adding food Packaged processed food must be in sealed sterile packaging with appropriate labelling, such as –by date and nutritional information. 8. One of your menus includes Rack of Lamb with Mint Crust and Rosemary Jus. Provide the evaluation criteria in the table below to use as a guideline for your staff during service: Quality indicators Appearance appeal and Rack of lamb Mint crust eye Well defined eye Crips look muscle Rosemary jus No fat clear Colour consistency MR centre Golden Rich Brown Moisture content Juicy Not too dry Rich viscous Mouth feel and eating Tender properties Crips outside Rich Flavour with and here by herb Plate presentation Nicely Frenched Not too thick Not too thick Portion size Correct Correct Correct Shape Correct Correct Taste Correct Correct New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 Correct V1.0 December 2018 23 NEW YORK COLLEGE Texture Correct Correct Sauces Decorations garnishes Correct Correct and Rosemary spring – young. This page is intentionally left blank Assessment Cover Sheet ASSESSMENT 2: Practical Observation 1 + 2 Student Name Student I.D. Number Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Trainer/Assessor New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 24 NEW YORK COLLEGE Assessment Task Practical Observation 1 + 2 Date of Assessment Assessment Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Assessed Comments /Feedback Statement of Authenticity I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and I understand these processes I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost. Student Signature: Date: / /201 I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks. Assessor Signature: Date: / /201 =================================TEAR HERE ================================== RECEIPT OF LODGEMENT Student Name Unit: SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Trainer Name Received Signature: by: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 Student ID Assessment Practical Observation 1 +2 Date submited: Date received: V1.0 December 2018 25 NEW YORK COLLEGE This page is intentionally left blank New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 26 Assessment Guidelines Assessment Method 2 Practical observation instances to observe 2 service instances where the student is coordinating cooking operations. For the purpose of these observations, the observations stipulate that the service instances must include and address 2 of the following food production processes to cover the performance evidence requirements: bulk cooking cook chill for extended life cook chill for five day shelf life cook freeze fresh cook using any 2 of the following food service styles: à la carte buffet set menu table d’hôte bulk cooking operations functions and events festivals Submission instructions Ensure that the student completes the assessment cover sheet and signs the declaration section. The assessment task is due on the date specified by the assessor. Assessment conditions Skills must be demonstrated in an operational commercial kitchen. This can be: an industry workplace a simulated industry environment, such as a training kitchen servicing customers. Your trainer will negotiate with you a suitable timeframe to fit within the 12 service instances you must complete as part of this unit of competency, and supported by the service log provided for assessment 3. The support documentation outlines in the services log and the observation criteria provided for each observation provide a guideline for performance and knowledge required to successfully complete each service instance. NEW YORK COLLEGE What will be assessed The purpose of this assessment is to check your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and: 2 Practical observation instances to observe 2 service instances where the student is coordinating cooking operations. For the purpose of these observations, the observations stipulate that the service instances must include and address 2 of the following food production processes to cover the performance evidence requirements: bulk cooking cook chill for extended life cook chill for five day shelf life cook freeze fresh cook Resource Requirements Refer to the “Assessment Conditions” for this unit listed above. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 28 Assessment 2 Your task: Observation of 2 Service Instances You will be observed coordinating cooking operations using 2 different food production processes for 2 different food service styles as selected in the table below. Your trainer will negotiate with you a suitable timeframe to fit within the 12 service instances you must complete as part of this unit of competency, and supported by the service log provided for assessment 3. The support documentation outlines in the services log and the observation criteria provided for each observation provide a guideline for performance and knowledge required to successfully complete each service instance. Observation 1 Date of Observation: ________________________________________________________________ Place of Observation: _______________________________________________________________ Time frame (must include a full service period/shift): _____________________________________ Trainer Signature ___________________________________________ Date __________________ Student Signature ___________________________________________ Date __________________ Observation 2 Date of Observation: ________________________________________________________________ Place of Observation: _______________________________________________________________ Time frame (must include a full service period/shift): _____________________________________ Trainer Signature ___________________________________________ Date __________________ NEW YORK COLLEGE Student Signature ___________________________________________ Date __________________ New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 30 NEW YORK COLLEGE Food Production Process Food Service Style (1 different process must be selected for each instance) (1 different service style must be selected for each instance) bulk cooking cook chill for extended à la carte buffet set menu table d’hôte bulk cooking operations functions and events festivals Service Instance Instance 1: life cook chill for five day shelf life cook freeze fresh cook. Instance 2: bulk cooking cook chill for extended life cook chill for five day shelf life cook freeze fresh cook. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 à la carte buffet set menu table d’hôte bulk cooking operations functions and events festivals V1.0 December 2018 31 NEW YORK COLLEGE Service Instance 1 Assessment Criteria S NY S S NY S Comments 1. Plan food production requirements Determines food production requirements taking into consideration: o customer requirements o deadlines o meal quantities required o menu items o organisational standards o portion control o special customer requests o special dietary requirements o standard recipes o timeframe o type of food to be prepared Chooses food production processes to ensure nutritional value, quality and structure of foods: Details as relevant: determines appropriate cooking process o bulk cooking o cook-chill for extended life o cook-chill for five day shelf life o cook-freeze o fresh cook Selects the appropriate in-house food production system to meet food production requirements o refers to menu, functions schedule, special requests to determine appropriate production for required service o analyses food production requirements o develops operational plan to meet those needs o demonstrates technology skills through use of computers, calculators etc to determine best outcomes Selects and collates standard recipes o reads and interprets recipes New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 32 NEW YORK COLLEGE o adjusts recipes according to anticipated numbers o creates stock requirement list Prepares a work flow schedule and mise en place plan for food production according to menu and food volume requirements o writes comprehensive yet easily accessible work flow schedule/ run sheet o mise en place plans o food preparation lists Develops food preparation lists for use of food production personnel o sequences the stages of food preparation and production for the kitchen o delegates work within a team dependent on skills levels and ability to perform tasks o provides clear written and verbal instructions to food production personnel who may be – commis, apprentice, kitchen steward, assistant 2. Organise availability of supplies for food production period. Calculates required food supplies for the food production period o period could be daily, weekly, monthly o calculates required food supplies for the volume of food production o records quantities required and double checks o combines quantities together if two recipes have common ingredient e.g. onions in lasagne and lamb korma o creates a check list Checks stores for availability and quantity of required stocks: Details as relevant: S NY S S NY S o goes into storeroom, cold room or freezer and determines current required stock level o records quantities of stock required for shift that needs to be ordered New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 33 NEW YORK COLLEGE Orders or purchase additional stock Details as relevant: o checks with stores to see if the required stock is in main store o advises chef if orders need to be placed with suppliers o orders the items if within the scope of responsibility o goes out to buy supplies 3. Coordinate kitchen operations. S NY S S NY S Supervises food production processes to ensure food safety Ensures workplace standard operating procedures under HACCP principles are followed for: o Storage temperatures o Cooking temperatures o Personal hygiene o Kitchen and equipment hygiene o 2-4 hour principle o Recording requirements o Maintaining cleanliness of own work environment Ensures staff follow correct cleaning procedures for equipment Ensures staff follow correct cleaning procedures for kitchen areas Oversees and adjusts kitchen work flow to maximise teamwork and efficiency o Checks with individual team members to see if they are maintaining timeframes o Delegates work to other team members or self if required o Reassesses workflow and adjusts if necessary Controls the production sequence of food items to enable smooth work flow and minimise delays o identifies breakdowns in kitchen work flow and makes adjustments to maximise efficiency New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 34 NEW YORK COLLEGE o determines timings for the production sequence of various food items o advises team members accordingly whether they are on schedule 4. Monitor the quality of kitchen outputs. S NY S S NY S Monitors kitchen work processes at all stages of preparation and cooking to ensure the quality of food items o checks that recipes are being followed o checks cooking times o checks for consistency o checks storage o checks food safety (contamination, personal and equipment hygiene, temperatures of food) o checks cooking methods are correct Checks that items match recipes and menu descriptions Details: o feedback from kitchen staff o formal audits against organisational standards o taste tests of food being cooked o visual inspection of presentation o customer feedback Ensures that food items are of consistent quality and meet organisational standards o recognises deficiencies in the quality of food o makes adjustments to ensure a quality product – seasoning, quality of fresh product, incorrect storage checks against operational standards to ensure consistency of product Conducts final check on food items before they are served, stored or dispatched from the kitchen New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 35 NEW YORK COLLEGE o taste o visual appearance, decoration o presentation, accompaniments o storage procedure o temperatures Instructs kitchen staff to adjust food items to meet quality requirements and organisational standards o recipes o seasoning o ingredients o cooking methods o Presentation/Garnish Supervises the safe storage of food o covered o food items are clearly labelled and dated o cooled in the correct time o Where 2/4 hour rule applies, documentation is completed o stored in appropriate area – fridge, freezer, chiller, dry area o stock rotation (FIFO) New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 36 NEW YORK COLLEGE Service Instance 2 Assessment Criteria S NY S S NY S Comments 1. Plan food production requirements Determines food production requirements taking into consideration: o customer requirements o deadlines o meal quantities required o menu items o organisational standards o portion control o special customer requests o special dietary requirements o standard recipes o timeframe o type of food to be prepared Chooses food production processes to ensure nutritional value, quality and structure of foods: Details as relevant: determines appropriate cooking process o bulk cooking o cook-chill for extended life o cook-chill for five day shelf life o cook-freeze o fresh cook Selects the appropriate in-house food production system to meet food production requirements o refers to menu, functions schedule, special requests to determine appropriate production for required service o analyses food production requirements o develops operational plan to meet those needs o demonstrates technology skills through use of computers, calculators etc to determine best outcomes Selects and collates standard recipes o reads and interprets recipes New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 37 NEW YORK COLLEGE o adjusts recipes according to anticipated numbers o creates stock requirement list Prepares a work flow schedule and mise en place plan for food production according to menu and food volume requirements o writes comprehensive yet easily accessible work flow schedule/ run sheet o mise en place plans o food preparation lists Develops food preparation lists for use of food production personnel o sequences the stages of food preparation and production for the kitchen o delegates work within a team dependent on skills levels and ability to perform tasks o provides clear written and verbal instructions to food production personnel who may be – commis, apprentice, kitchen steward, assistant 2. Organise availability of supplies for food production period. Calculates required food supplies for the food production period o period could be daily, weekly, monthly o calculates required food supplies for the volume of food production o records quantities required and double checks o combines quantities together if two recipes have common ingredient e.g. onions in lasagne and lamb korma o creates a check list Checks stores for availability and quantity of required stocks: Details as relevant: S NY S S NY S o goes into storeroom, cold room or freezer and determines current required stock level o records quantities of stock required for shift that needs to be ordered New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 38 NEW YORK COLLEGE Orders or purchase additional stock Details as relevant: o checks with stores to see if the required stock is in main store o advises chef if orders need to be placed with suppliers o orders the items if within the scope of responsibility o goes out to buy supplies 3. Coordinate kitchen operations. S NY S S NY S Supervises food production processes to ensure food safety Ensures workplace standard operating procedures under HACCP principles are followed for: o Storage temperatures o Cooking temperatures o Personal hygiene o Kitchen and equipment hygiene o 2-4 hour principle o Recording requirements o Maintaining cleanliness of own work environment Ensures staff follow correct cleaning procedures for equipment Ensures staff follow correct cleaning procedures for kitchen areas Oversees and adjusts kitchen work flow to maximise teamwork and efficiency o Checks with individual team members to see if they are maintaining timeframes o Delegates work to other team members or self if required o Reassesses workflow and adjusts if necessary Controls the production sequence of food items to enable smooth work flow and minimise delays o identifies breakdowns in kitchen work flow and makes adjustments to maximise efficiency New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 39 NEW YORK COLLEGE o determines timings for the production sequence of various food items o advises team members accordingly whether they are on schedule 4. Monitor the quality of kitchen outputs. S NY S S NY S Monitors kitchen work processes at all stages of preparation and cooking to ensure the quality of food items o checks that recipes are being followed o checks cooking times o checks for consistency o checks storage o checks food safety (contamination, personal and equipment hygiene, temperatures of food) o checks cooking methods are correct Checks that items match recipes and menu descriptions Details: o feedback from kitchen staff o formal audits against organisational standards o taste tests of food being cooked o visual inspection of presentation o customer feedback Ensures that food items are of consistent quality and meet organisational standards o recognises deficiencies in the quality of food o makes adjustments to ensure a quality product – seasoning, quality of fresh product, incorrect storage checks against operational standards to ensure consistency of product Conducts final check on food items before they are served, stored or dispatched from the kitchen New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 40 NEW YORK COLLEGE o taste o visual appearance, decoration o presentation, accompaniments o storage procedure o temperatures Instructs kitchen staff to adjust food items to meet quality requirements and organisational standards o recipes o seasoning o ingredients o cooking methods o Presentation/Garnish Supervises the safe storage of food o covered o food items are clearly labelled and dated o cooled in the correct time o Where 2/4 hour rule applies, documentation is completed o stored in appropriate area – fridge, freezer, chiller, dry area o stock rotation (FIFO) Assessment Cover Sheet ASSESSMENT 3: Holistic/ 12 Service Instances New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 41 NEW YORK COLLEGE Student Name Student I.D. Number Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Trainer/Assessor Assessment Task Holistic/ 12 Service Instances Date of Assessment Assessment Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Assessed Comments /Feedback Statement of Authenticity I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and I understand these processes I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost. Student Signature: Date: / /201 I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks. Assessor Signature: Date: / /201 =================================TEAR HERE ================================== RECEIPT OF LODGEMENT Student Name Unit: SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Trainer New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 Student ID Assessment Holistic/ 12 Service Instances Date V1.0 December 2018 42 NEW YORK COLLEGE Name Received by: Signature : submitted: Date received: This page is intentionally left blank Assessment Method A. Assessment 3 consists of 12 practical service instances where you are required to New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 43 NEW YORK COLLEGE coordinate cooking operations, documented in a log. This log shall be used to document the coordination of cooking operations during full service periods. B. The 12 service instances must include at least 2 of the following food production processes: bulk cooking cook chill for extended life cook chill for five-day shelf life cook freeze fresh cook. C. Each instance is to be recorded in the log book attached, clearly numbered and dated on at least 12 occasions. D. Each service detail and task outlined in each of the log book instances must be completed. E. To calculate food requirements for recipes use the template “Standard Recipe Card”. F. To collate food orders you may use the electronic template “Banquet Analysis Sheet” (BAS) provided to you by your trainer. G. To record workflow planning and communication use the template “Workflow”. H. Recipe and workflow templates may be copied as required to suit your needs. I. For each service period you must provide: a workflow plan a mise en place list a preparation list For 4 of the 12 instances you must provide in addition to the above documentation: Calculations of food requirements and Food orders which must cover 4 of the following service styles: à la carte buffet set menu table d’hôte bulk cooking operations New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 44 NEW YORK COLLEGE functions and events festivals Submission instructions Ensure that you complete the assessment cover sheet and sign the declaration section. The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Assessment conditions Skills must be demonstrated in an operational commercial kitchen. This can be: an industry workplace a simulated industry environment, such as a training kitchen servicing customers What will be assessed The purpose of this assessment is to check your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and: supervise food production processes and monitor and report on the quality of kitchen outputs for a minimum of twelve complete service periods (shifts) including: o development of: kitchen workflow schedules mise en place lists food preparation lists o calculating and ordering food supplies for at least four of the types of food service styles listed in the knowledge evidence coordinate cooking operations within commercial time constraints for food production processes, which must include at least two of the following categories: o bulk cooking o cook chill for extended life o cook chill for five day shelf life o cook freeze o fresh cook. Resource Requirements Assessment must ensure access to: fixtures and large equipment: o commercial grade work benches (1.5 m/person) o commercial refrigeration facilities: cool room freezer fridge o designated storage areas for dry goods and perishables o recording systems, such as colour-coded food labels o storage facilities: containers for hot and cold food shelving trays small equipment: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 45 NEW YORK COLLEGE o thermometers o tongs and serving utensils a diverse and comprehensive range of perishable food supplies for commercial cookery or catering operations organisational specifications: o commercial cleaning schedules o current commercial stock control procedures and documentation for the ordering, monitoring and maintenance of stock o mise en place lists, menus and standard recipes and recipes for special dietary requirements o ordering and docketing paperwork o food safety plan o Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for cleaning agents and chemicals o work flow schedules industry-realistic ratios of food production staff to the individual who is coordinating them throughout food production periods; these can be: o staff and customers in an industry workplace during the assessment process; or o individuals who participate in role plays or simulated activities, set up for the purpose of assessment, in a simulated industry environment operated within a training organisation. Log Book Agreement or Arrangement for Student Placement to coordinate 12 Service Instances Template “Banquet Analysis Sheet (BAS)” New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 46 SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Service Period – Reference Checklist 1-12 NEW YORK COLLEGE Student Name Supervisor Service Instance No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Date The service instance B– B– B– B– B– B– covered: L– L– L– L– L– L– Breakfast(B), Lunch(L), D–F D–F D–F D–F D–F D–F Dinner(D), Function/Buffet(F) Workplace/Orga nisation 7 8 9 10 11 12 B– L– D–F B– B– L– L– D–F D–F B– L– D–F B– L– D–F B– L– D–F Food Production Process (2 must be covered in total) bulk cooking cook chill for extended life cook chill for five day shelf life cook freeze fresh cook. Service Style (4 must be covered in total) à la carte buffet set menu table d’hôte bulk cooking operations functions and events festivals Documentation Workflow Plan Mise en Place List Preparation List Food Requirement Calculation (4 required in total) Food Order (4 required in total) Practical Service Instances Log Book New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 43 NEW YORK COLLEGE SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Course: ____________________________________ Name of Student: ____________________________ Date Due: __________________________________ New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 44 NEW YORK COLLEGE SIGNATURE VERIFICATIONS FOR SUPERVISORS IN THE WORKPLACE (THIRD PARTY) To be completed by all supervisors/managers involved in observation of students Service Periods List Service Instance numbers completed New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 45 NEW YORK COLLEGE Establishment Employer & ABN Must be included Supervisor Name and Title Signature & Initials New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 Date Responsible for student V1.0 December 2018 46 NEW YORK COLLEGE From: To: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 47 NEW YORK COLLEGE From: To: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 48 NEW YORK COLLEGE From: To: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 49 NEW YORK COLLEGE From: To: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 50 NEW YORK COLLEGE From: To: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 51 NEW YORK COLLEGE From: To: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 52 NEW YORK COLLEGE From: To: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 53 NEW YORK COLLEGE From: To: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 54 NEW YORK COLLEGE From: To: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 55 NEW YORK COLLEGE From: To: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 56 NEW YORK COLLEGE From: To: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 57 NEW YORK COLLEGE From: To: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 58 NEW YORK COLLEGE From: To: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 59 NEW YORK COLLEGE From: To: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 60 NEW YORK COLLEGE Instructions A. This log shall be used to document the coordination of cooking operations during full service periods. B. The 12 service instances must include at least 2 of the following food production processes: □ bulk cooking □ cook chill for extended life □ cook chill for five day shelf life □ cook freeze □ fresh cook. C. Each instance is to be recorded in the log book atached, clearly numbered and dated on at least 12 occasions. D. Each service detail and task outlined in each of the log book instances must be completed. E. To calculate food requirements for recipes use the template “Standard Recipe Card”. F. To collate food orders you may use the electronic template “Banquet Analysis Sheet” (BAS) provided to you by your trainer. G. To record workflow planning and communication use the template “Workflow”. H. Recipe and workflow templates may be copied as required to suit your needs. I. For each service period you must provide: a workflow plan a mise en place list a preparation list For 4 of the 12 instances you must provide in addition to the above documentation: Calculation of food requirements and Food orders which must cover 4 of the following service styles: □ □ □ □ □ □ □ à la carte buffet set menu table d’hôte bulk cooking operations functions and events festivals New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 61 NEW YORK COLLEGE J. When transferring to another workplace or on completion of the total number of required service instances, the declaration(s) at the end of the log book need to be completed by the workplace supervisor and the student. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 62 NEW YORK COLLEGE Standard Recipe Card Name of dish: Reference source: Portion cost: Commodities Item Portion nos.: $ Specification Portion size: Sale Price at ( % Food Cost) Weight kg/l/unit Cost per kg/l/unit Actual Cost Total Cost $ Portion Cost $ Method: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 $ V1.0 December 2018 63 NEW YORK COLLEGE Work Flow Plan/ End of Service Procedures / De-Brief TIME Task (Description) and Priority Equipment & WHS Communication (Who, About what?) End of Service Procedures/ Equipment/Systems Communication (Who, About what?) Reporting Requirements Post Service De-Brief Equipment/Systems Communication (Who, About what?) New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 64 NEW YORK COLLEGE New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 65 NEW YORK COLLEGE To be completed on completion of all services by all parties indicated, in conjunction with the declarations on the last pages of the log book. Performance Evidence – Benchmarks Sign each benchmark achieved at the end of all services Student Self Assessment Workplace Supervisor Reading skills Interprets and follows a range of organisational procedures and work schedules. Reviews special request from customers and dietary requirements and interprets relevant changes required to food preparation lists and recipes. Self Management Plans and organises tasks from organisational information including bookings, standard procedures, guest lists and event schedules Develops and reviews work schedules Follow work schedules effectively Prepares work area and supplies according to procedures to meet service requirements. Maintains cleanliness and tidiness of work areas Integrates all technical skills within the whole service period, throughout preparation, service, and end of shift duties. Completes administration and reporting requirements relevant to the job role and typical tasks performed in that role Problem solving skills Identifies and anticipates operational problems and responds to these accordingly. Evaluates dishes and makes adjustments to ensure quality products Communication skills Liaises with other team members about service requirements Listens and responds colleague and customer comments and complaints, and questions Responds to feedback from colleagues and uses active questioning to clarify further information. Teamwork skills to: New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 66 Trainer/Assessor NEW YORK COLLEGE Works cooperatively as part of a team Provides advice and support to the team as required. Participates in debriefing and handover sessions with colleagues Proactively suggests improvements for food production and service provisions. Numeracy Skills (as relevant, based on job role) Completes calculations required for recipe requirements and conversions Measures and weighs ingredients required for food preparation. Measures chemicals required for cleaning according to labels and instructions Identifies required numbers of stock and supplies based on orders and instruction lists. Technology skills Sets up and checks equipment for daily work requirements Uses a variety of equipment for day-to-day work activities. Cleans and maintains equipment to industry standards and manufacturer’s instructions. New York College Pty Ltd trading as New York College ACN 610 034 985 ABN 70 610 034 985 TOID 41532 CRICOS 03502J Website: Phone: + 61 07 3848 4354 1009 Ipswich Road, Moorooka, QLD 4105 V1.0 December 2018 67 International Institute of Management Pty Ltd T/A American College / International Institute of Management RTO Code: 31897 CRICOS Code: 03149K SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Name of Establishment / Outlet: __________________ ____ Instance 1 of 12 Date of service: Service Style/Period: _______________ Food production process: ___bulk cooking_______________________________ No. of kitchen staff: ______4____ No. of Covers/Portions prepared: ___20_________ List the food production requirements you have identified for this service period: Storage of cooked food Standard recipes Quantity to be produced Provide an overview of actions you have used to organise availability of all supplies for the food production period: Recipe build up Collection of ingredients List the food production processes you have monitored during the service period: Mise en place Preparing Serving storage Cooking List the adjustments you have made to food production processes during the service period: Not applicable List the steps you have taken to monitor the quality of kitchen outputs and the adjustments you directed: Steps to monitor quality Directions for adjustment Storage of goods N/A Stock control N/A Food preparation N/A Food cooking N/A Detail end of service procedures you supervised including provisions for waste minimisation, recycling and storage requirements of commodities, materials and equipment as applicable: Storage of cooked food items Workflow plan prepared and attached Food Order attached Prep. List attached Mise en place list attached Food Requirement Calculation attached Supervisor’s Name __________________________________ Signature ________________________Date _____________________ SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Instance 2 of 12 International Institute of Management Pty Ltd T/A American College / International Institute of Management RTO Code: 31897 CRICOS Code: 03149K Name of Establishment / Outlet: __________________ ____ Date of service: Service Style/Period: _______________ Food production process: ____Fresh cook_______________________________ No. of kitchen staff: ____5______ No. of Covers/Portions prepared: __10__________ List the food production requirements you have identified for this service period: Recipes Customer requirements Provide an overview of actions you have used to organise availability of all supplies for the food production period: Contact with supplies List the food production processes you have monitored during the service period: Preparation Cooking Service List the adjustments you have made to food production processes during the service period: N/A List the steps you have taken to monitor the quality of kitchen outputs and the adjustments you directed: Steps to monitor quality Directions for adjustment Purchasing Stock control Food preparation Food cooking Detail end of service procedures you supervised including provisions for waste minimisation, recycling and storage requirements of commodities, materials and equipment as applicable: Waste minimisation Workflow plan prepared and attached Prep. List attached Food Order attached Mise en place list attached Food Requirement Calculation attached Supervisor’s Name __________________________________ Signature ________________________Date _____________________ SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Instance 3 of 12 Page 49 of 88 International Institute of Management Pty Ltd T/A American College / International Institute of Management RTO Code: 31897 CRICOS Code: 03149K Name of Establishment / Outlet: __________________ ____ Date of service: Service Style/Period: _____dinner__________ Food production process: _______cook freeze____________________________ No. of kitchen staff: ___4_______ No. of Covers/Portions prepared: ___12_________ List the food production requirements you have identified for this service period: Dishes to be cooked Required ingredients Staff requirement Required nutritional level Portions to be prepared Provide an overview of actions you have used to organise availability of all supplies for the food production period: Check stores Plan food orders Check usage list List the food production processes you have monitored during the service period: Preparation Cooking Storage Re-heat Post cooking cooling process List the adjustments you have made to food production processes during the service period: N/A List the steps you have taken to monitor the quality of kitchen outputs and the adjustments you directed: Steps to monitor quality Directions for adjustment Food cooking Plating of food Service of food Storage of goods Detail end of service procedures you supervised including provisions for waste minimisation, recycling and storage requirements of commodities, materials and equipment as applicable: Materials and equipment maintainence Workflow plan prepared and attached Prep. List attached Food Order attached Mise en place list attached Food Requirement Calculation attached Supervisor’s Name __________________________________ Signature ________________________Date _____________________ SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Instance 4 of 12 Page 50 of 88 International Institute of Management Pty Ltd T/A American College / International Institute of Management RTO Code: 31897 CRICOS Code: 03149K Name of Establishment / Outlet: __________________ ____ Date of service: Service Style/Period: _______________ Food production process: ____Fresh cook_______________________________ No. of kitchen staff: ____5______ No. of Covers/Portions prepared: __10__________ List the food production requirements you have identified for this service period: Recipes Customer requirements Provide an overview of actions you have used to organise availability of all supplies for the food production period: Contact with supplies List the food production processes you have monitored during the service period: Preparation Cooking Service List the adjustments you have made to food production processes during the service period: N/A List the steps you have taken to monitor the quality of kitchen outputs and the adjustments you directed: Steps to monitor quality Directions for adjustment Purchasing Stock control Food preparation Food cooking Detail end of service procedures you supervised including provisions for waste minimisation, recycling and storage requirements of commodities, materials and equipment as applicable: Waste minimisation Workflow plan prepared and attached Prep. List attached Food Order attached Mise en place list attached Food Requirement Calculation attached Supervisor’s Name __________________________________ Signature ________________________Date _____________________ SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Instance 5 of 12 Page 51 of 88 International Institute of Management Pty Ltd T/A American College / International Institute of Management RTO Code: 31897 CRICOS Code: 03149K Name of Establishment / Outlet: __________________ ____ Date of service: Service Style/Period: _____dinner__________ Food production process: _______cook freeze____________________________ No. of kitchen staff: ___4_______ No. of Covers/Portions prepared: ___12_________ List the food production requirements you have identified for this service period: Dishes to be cooked Required ingredients Staff requirement Required nutritional level Portions to be prepared Provide an overview of actions you have used to organise availability of all supplies for the food production period: Check stores Plan food orders Check usage list List the food production processes you have monitored during the service period: Preparation Cooking Post Storage Re-heat cooking cooling process List the adjustments you have made to food production processes during the service period: N/A List the steps you have taken to monitor the quality of kitchen outputs and the adjustments you directed: Steps to monitor quality Directions for adjustment Food cooking Plating of food Service of food Storage of goods Detail end of service procedures you supervised including provisions for waste minimisation, recycling and storage requirements of commodities, materials and equipment as applicable: Materials and equipment maintenance Workflow plan prepared and attached Prep. List attached Food Order attached Mise en place list attached Food Requirement Calculation attached Supervisor’s Name __________________________________ Signature ________________________Date _____________________ SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Instance 6 of 12 Page 52 of 88 International Institute of Management Pty Ltd T/A American College / International Institute of Management RTO Code: 31897 CRICOS Code: 03149K Name of Establishment / Outlet: __________________ ____ Date of service: Service Style/Period: _____dinner__________ Food production process: _______cook freeze____________________________ No. of kitchen staff: ___4_______ No. of Covers/Portions prepared: ___12_________ List the food production requirements you have identified for this service period: Dishes to be cooked Required ingredients Staff requirement Required nutritional level Portions to be prepared Provide an overview of actions you have used to organise availability of all supplies for the food production period: Check stores Plan food orders Check usage list List the food production processes you have monitored during the service period: Preparation Cooking Storage Re-heat Post cooking cooling process List the adjustments you have made to food production processes during the service period: N/A List the steps you have taken to monitor the quality of kitchen outputs and the adjustments you directed: Steps to monitor quality Directions for adjustment Food cooking Plating of food Service of food Storage of goods Detail end of service procedures you supervised including provisions for waste minimisation, recycling and storage requirements of commodities, materials and equipment as applicable: Materials and equipment maintainence Workflow plan prepared and attached Prep. List attached Food Order attached Mise en place list attached Food Requirement Calculation attached Supervisor’s Name __________________________________ Signature ________________________Date _____________________ SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Instance 4 of 12 Page 53 of 88 International Institute of Management Pty Ltd T/A American College / International Institute of Management RTO Code: 31897 CRICOS Code: 03149K Name of Establishment / Outlet: __________________ ____ Date of service: Service Style/Period: _______________ Food production process: ____Fresh cook_______________________________ No. of kitchen staff: ____5______ No. of Covers/Portions prepared: __10__________ List the food production requirements you have identified for this service period: Recipes Customer requirements Provide an overview of actions you have used to organise availability of all supplies for the food production period: Contact with supplies List the food production processes you have monitored during the service period: Preparation Cooking Service List the adjustments you have made to food production processes during the service period: N/A List the steps you have taken to monitor the quality of kitchen outputs and the adjustments you directed: Steps to monitor quality Directions for adjustment Purchasing Stock control Food preparation Food cooking Detail end of service procedures you supervised including provisions for waste minimisation, recycling and storage requirements of commodities, materials and equipment as applicable: Waste minimisation Workflow plan prepared and attached Prep. List attached Food Order attached Mise en place list attached Food Requirement Calculation attached Supervisor’s Name __________________________________ Signature ________________________Date _____________________ SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Instance 7 of 12 Page 54 of 88 International Institute of Management Pty Ltd T/A American College / International Institute of Management RTO Code: 31897 CRICOS Code: 03149K Name of Establishment / Outlet: __________________ ____ Date of service: Service Style/Period: _______________ Food production process: ___bulk cooking_______________________________ No. of kitchen staff: ______4____ No. of Covers/Portions prepared: ___20_________ List the food production requirements you have identified for this service period: Storage of cooked food Standard recipes Quantity to be produced Provide an overview of actions you have used to organise availability of all supplies for the food production period: Recipe build up Collection of ingredients List the food production processes you have monitored during the service period: Mise en place Preparing Serving storage Cooking List the adjustments you have made to food production processes during the service period: Not applicable List the steps you have taken to monitor the quality of kitchen outputs and the adjustments you directed: Steps to monitor quality Directions for adjustment Storage of goods N/A Stock control N/A Food preparation N/A Food cooking N/A Detail end of service procedures you supervised including provisions for waste minimisation, recycling and storage requirements of commodities, materials and equipment as applicable: Storage of cooked food items Workflow plan prepared and attached Food Order attached Prep. List attached Mise en place list attached Food Requirement Calculation attached Supervisor’s Name __________________________________ Signature ________________________Date _____________________ SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Instance 8 of 12 Page 55 of 88 International Institute of Management Pty Ltd T/A American College / International Institute of Management RTO Code: 31897 CRICOS Code: 03149K Name of Establishment / Outlet: __________________ ____ Date of service: Service Style/Period: _______________ Food production process: ____Fresh cook_______________________________ No. of kitchen staff: ____5______ No. of Covers/Portions prepared: __10__________ List the food production requirements you have identified for this service period: Recipes Customer requirements Provide an overview of actions you have used to organise availability of all supplies for the food production period: Contact with supplies List the food production processes you have monitored during the service period: Preparation Cooking Service List the adjustments you have made to food production processes during the service period: N/A List the steps you have taken to monitor the quality of kitchen outputs and the adjustments you directed: Steps to monitor quality Directions for adjustment Purchasing Stock control Food preparation Food cooking Detail end of service procedures you supervised including provisions for waste minimisation, recycling and storage requirements of commodities, materials and equipment as applicable: Waste minimisation Workflow plan prepared and attached Prep. List attached Food Order attached Mise en place list attached Food Requirement Calculation atached Supervisor’s Name __________________________________ Signature ________________________Date _____________________ SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Instance 9 of 12 Page 56 of 88 International Institute of Management Pty Ltd T/A American College / International Institute of Management RTO Code: 31897 CRICOS Code: 03149K Name of Establishment / Outlet: __________________ ____ Date of service: Service Style/Period: _______________ Food production process: ___bulk cooking_______________________________ No. of kitchen staff: ______4____ No. of Covers/Portions prepared: ___20_________ List the food production requirements you have identified for this service period: Storage of cooked food Standard recipes Quantity to be produced Provide an overview of actions you have used to organise availability of all supplies for the food production period: Recipe build up Collection of ingredients List the food production processes you have monitored during the service period: Mise en place Preparing Serving storage Cooking List the adjustments you have made to food production processes during the service period: Not applicable List the steps you have taken to monitor the quality of kitchen outputs and the adjustments you directed: Steps to monitor quality Directions for adjustment Storage of goods N/A Stock control N/A Food preparation N/A Food cooking N/A Detail end of service procedures you supervised including provisions for waste minimisation, recycling and storage requirements of commodities, materials and equipment as applicable: Storage of cooked food items Workflow plan prepared and attached Prep. List attached Food Order attached Mise en place list attached Food Requirement Calculation attached Supervisor’s Name __________________________________ Signature ________________________Date _____________________ SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Instance 10 of 12 Page 57 of 88 International Institute of Management Pty Ltd T/A American College / International Institute of Management RTO Code: 31897 CRICOS Code: 03149K Name of Establishment / Outlet: __________________ ____ Date of service: Service Style/Period: _____dinner__________ Food production process: _______cook freeze____________________________ No. of kitchen staff: ___4_______ No. of Covers/Portions prepared: ___12_________ List the food production requirements you have identified for this service period: Dishes to be cooked Required ingredients Staff requirement Required nutritional level Portions to be prepared Provide an overview of actions you have used to organise availability of all supplies for the food production period: Check stores Plan food orders Check usage list List the food production processes you have monitored during the service period: Preparation Cooking Storage Re-heat Post cooking cooling process List the adjustments you have made to food production processes during the service period: N/A List the steps you have taken to monitor the quality of kitchen outputs and the adjustments you directed: Steps to monitor quality Directions for adjustment Food cooking Plating of food Service of food Storage of goods Detail end of service procedures you supervised including provisions for waste minimisation, recycling and storage requirements of commodities, materials and equipment as applicable: Materials and equipment maintainence Workflow plan prepared and attached Prep. List attached Food Order attached Mise en place list attached Food Requirement Calculation attached Supervisor’s Name __________________________________ Signature ________________________Date _____________________ SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Instance 11 of 12 Page 58 of 88 International Institute of Management Pty Ltd T/A American College / International Institute of Management RTO Code: 31897 CRICOS Code: 03149K Name of Establishment / Outlet: __________________ ____ Date of service: Service Style/Period: _______________ Food production process: ___bulk cooking_______________________________ No. of kitchen staff: ______4____ No. of Covers/Portions prepared: ___20_________ List the food production requirements you have identified for this service period: Storage of cooked food Standard recipes Quantity to be produced Provide an overview of actions you have used to organise availability of all supplies for the food production period: Recipe build up Collection of ingredients List the food production processes you have monitored during the service period: Mise en place Preparing Serving storage Cooking List the adjustments you have made to food production processes during the service period: Not applicable List the steps you have taken to monitor the quality of kitchen outputs and the adjustments you directed: Steps to monitor quality Directions for adjustment Storage of goods N/A Stock control N/A Food preparation N/A Food cooking N/A Detail end of service procedures you supervised including provisions for waste minimisation, recycling and storage requirements of commodities, materials and equipment as applicable: Storage of cooked food items Workflow plan prepared and attached Food Order attached Prep. List attached Mise en place list attached Food Requirement Calculation attached Supervisor’s Name __________________________________ Signature ________________________Date _____________________ SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations Instance 12 of 12 Page 59 of 88 International Institute of Management Pty Ltd T/A American College / International Institute of Management RTO Code: 31897 CRICOS Code: 03149K Name of Establishment / Outlet: __________________ ____ Date of service: Service Style/Period: _______________ Food production process: ____Fresh cook_______________________________ No. of kitchen staff: ____5______ No. of Covers/Portions prepared: __10__________ List the food production requirements you have identified for this service period: Recipe Customer requirements Provide an overview of actions you have used to organise availability of all supplies for the food production period: Contact with supplies List the food production processes you have monitored during the service period: Preparation Cooking Service List the adjustments you have made to food production processes during the service period: N/A List the steps you have taken to monitor the quality of kitchen outputs and the adjustments you directed: Steps to monitor quality Directions for adjustment Purchasing Stock control Food preparation Food cooking Detail end of service procedures you supervised including provisions for waste minimisation, recycling and storage requirements of commodities, materials and equipment as applicable: Waste minimisation Workflow plan prepared and attached Prep. List attached Food Order attached Mise en place list attached Food Requirement Calculation attached Supervisor’s Name __________________________________ Signature ________________________Date _____________________ To be completed on Completion of all services Where the services were completed in multiple work places, each workplace is to complete the details below, based on the details provided on the second page of this log book. Page 60 of 88 International Institute of Management Pty Ltd T/A American College / International Institute of Management RTO Code: 31897 CRICOS Code: 03149K Workplace 1: __________________________________________________________List details as per index Employer / Workplace Supervisor Declaration: The Student has coordinated ___________ service periods of the 12 service periods at _________________________ The information provided relevant to the service instances is true to the best of my knowledge. Comments (include reasonable adjustments): Employer / Workplace Supervisor Name: Employer / Workplace Supervisor Signature: Date: Workplace 2: __________________________________________________________List details as per index Page 61 of 88 International Institute of Management Pty Ltd T/A American College / International Institute of Management RTO Code: 31897 CRICOS Code: 03149K Employer / Workplace Supervisor Declaration: The Student has coordinated ___________ service periods of the 12 service periods at _________________________ The information provided relevant to the service instances is true to the best of my knowledge. Comments (include reasonable adjustments): Employer / Workplace Supervisor Name: Employer / Workplace Supervisor Signature: Date: Student Declaration: I have completed all activities/tasks as required and detailed in this document including the 12 service periods All supporting workflow plans, reconciliations and other supporting documentation are prepared by myself relevant to the service instances these are attached to. The information in this logbook is to the best of my knowledge a true and accurate record Comments: Student Name: Student Signature: Date: Page 62 of 88